New Feature: Image Widget

Trustindex brings you it’s newest feature: the image widget!

What is that?

With the help of the image widget, you can now turn your reviews into images – you can completely personalize the chosen review by adding a background, highlighting, altering the color and alignment as well.

Why is this useful?

You’re able to share the review across all your platforms so current and potential customers can see your most glowing reviews as an attention-grabbing image.

How can I set it?

  1. On the left side go to the ‘Widget configurator‘ menu, then select ‘Create image widget‘.

2. You can create the image by clicking on ‘Choose‘.

3. During the editing process you’re able to change the name and layout (landscape or square).

4. While choosing the perfect background, you can browse through hundreds of images or search for a keyword that’s relevant to your review.

5. At the Content section you can pick the review you’d like to display on the image.

6. In the Text menu you may modify the text’s aligment, color and the language of the titles.

7. At the last section you can choose to hide or display the footer text.

8. After a quick save you’re now done with your Image Widget!

How do they look like?

Here are some examples of the finished image widget: