Easy review management tool

Manage all of your reviews in 1 place

You can manage your reviews with our easy-to-use interface. With the help of our system you can collect real customer feedback and manage information about your services and products.

Manage your online reputation from one simple dashboard

You can manage 100+ review platforms easily

At Trustindex, we have the tools you need to manage your reviews and interact with your customers in a single, streamlined interface.

Review platforms
Categorize feedback

Tag reviews easily

Create convenient and personalized review tags manually or automatically, to help you sort through your feedback in order to create specific review widgets.

Only real reviews will be shown on your profile

Flag inappropriate reviews

With Trustindex’s Review Management, inappropriate and fake reviews are easy to deal with. Flag and report false reviews swiftly – we will investigate it and will delete it if the reviewer can’t prove their claims are factual.