Collect reviews with

NFC Cards

Collect reviews with one quick tap and build consumer trust effortlessly across 128 review platforms with Trustindex NFC cards.

Benefits | How to collect reviews with NFC cards | How to get your own card

How NFC cards works

Trustindex review cards work with NFC technology. After the purchase, you can direct your customers with a single tap to the platform you set up, so they can easily leave a review on their phone. No more lost or forgotten reviews with the help of Trustindex.

The cards are compatible with all smartphones, no special application required.

Benefits of using NFC cards

  • Quick and easy way for in-store review collection
  • Compatibility with all smartphones
  • Sophisticated, sleek design
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Worldwide Shipping

How to collect reviews with NFC cards

After your customers makes a successful purchase or is satistfied after using your service, ask them if they would leave a review about their experience with your business.

Next, all you have to do is tap the card to the customer’s phone in your store, and the review page for the platform you have set up will appear.

Success and positive reviews are guaranteed this way as you make this process a 100 times easier for your customers.

You can set any of your platforms up to work with the card. Currently you can choose from 128 different review platforms.

Want to change the platform for your card? Modifications can be made at any time, so no need to worry about ordering a brand new card if you want to change the page it redirects to.

How to get your own card

  1. Purchase your card online in your Trustindex account.
  2. Provide a link to the platform where you want to collect reviews.
  3. Your card will be shipped within 3 business days and you can start collecting reviews.