
Backspace Reviews

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Reviews ( 118 ) 4.4

Video Editor
Video Editor
Beware: Toxic Work Environment Ahead Pros:No pros for this toxic place Cons:I worked at Backspace for a period that I wish I could erase from my memory. The culture of fear and micromanagement was suffocating. Questioning management was met with gaslighting and deflection, making it clear that they had no interest in addressing the real issues at hand. Worst of all are the lasting effects of working at Backspace. For fresh graduates and young employees, it's a traumatizing experience that shakes their faith in the industry as a whole.And let's not forget the unqualified supervisors and team leads, whose lack of professionalism only added to the chaos. it may seem like a dream job by seeing their social media – promising competitive salaries, a supportive work-life balance, and growth opportunities. However, the reality couldn't be further from the truth. Even though you can see those positive reviews on this platform, those reviews are also fake and forcefully created by the current employee by the order of the most toxic person saiful rahman the CEO. Advice to Management:Be mature be respectful to others also don't traumatize young folks
Jr Content Writer in Dhaka
Jr Content Writer in Dhaka
Not For Experienced One Pros:Good for fresher Friendly Environment Cons:Salary Range is too Low Career Growth too slow Always look for a way to cut Salary Advice to Management:Be more concerned about employees and you should work on the rules and promises that the company made to their employees.
Creative Supervisor in Dhaka
Creative Supervisor in Dhaka
Employee Friendly Pros:“My experience at the company has been overwhelmingly positive. They provide excellent benefits, and everyone is incredibly helpful. The company values respect, trust, and belief in its employees. Additionally, the flexible work hours allow for a great work-life balance.” Cons:There is no Limited Growth Opportunity
Senior Executive in Jatrabari, Dhaka
Senior Executive in Jatrabari, Dhaka
A delusional company with a very weird management system. Pros:In my one year of Backspace I have met nice, friendly and talented people. People who knows the value of others. 99% of such people are junior to mid senior level executives who are young and have just entered the world of career building. I would say, such people are the assets of Backspace International; One of the pros are, that you'd feel really good about yourself when you'll find out that you know better than your supervisors about the job in question. Cons:In a summary, of all the 4 companies I have worked for, Backspace gave me the most traumatising experience ever. I am describing them in points 1. In social media they pretend to be an utopia where people are happy, growing and they provide the best work - life balance in the industry. In reality, They hire the fresh graduates and talented youth promising a competitive salary, (trust me, the salary is not even in the question of competition). I was promised a specific amount which I have never received or seen in my bank account coming from Backspace. 2. The HR is trained to be the puppet of the CEO, MD Saiful Islam, who says just what he is trained to do. Upon confronting the salary issue he just gives false hopes that it'd be solved in future, never an HR problem was solved. people failing to adjust with the toxic management left job suddenly with only a resignation letter on the desk. the management failed to resolve the issue. 3. The office starts at 8 AM. if you are late a minute, no matter the reason, your salary would be deducted. each month about 5/6 thousand taka was vanished from salary due to close call late entries. The latency restrictions could be overlooked if the location was not almost out of town, in an area where no corporate or agency would logically set an office. 4. Every three month, there is a quarterly meeting, where the employees show off the work they did under massive pressure and bad management in colourful slides. Then some employees are given the "Best Performer Award", mostly to those who are overworked, exploited, and showing tendencies of leaving the job. the award is just a manipulative motivational tactic to keep them employed for few more months, Trust me, I received one also after the month I shared my problem of not getting the promised salary with the management. 5. The supervisors and the team leads, including the CEO, I sometimes wonder how would they survive in any actual company with proper work environment, because they have created an unique ecosystem for themselves where they are leading teams with no academic and professional qualifications. most of them are dropouts or with minimal degree with no skill of managing a healthy work environment. Usage of slangs, going berserk with words and scolding the employees is an everyday scene. The CEO goes crazy while bashing the ex employees and degrading their names. 6. If you question about their management issues, they would gaslight you saying you are incompetent to adjust in the work environment and that they are providing the best facilities (While boasting about the minimal effort) 7. They organise training programs which are utterly waste of time because they are planned with vogue motivational speeches and lessons which you can literally learn from a random Indian guy (with respect) on Youtube. 8. They make you fake your work life and lie about the office culture in social media deliberately. 9. For freshers and young employees, Backspace is so unhealthy, that it makes it tough for them to think positive about the industry and they are left traumatised for life. 10. The CEO literally got accusations for abusing female employees. Advice to Management:Please finish your graduation and get basic office management training. Don't traumatise the kids.
Deputy Manager in Dhaka
Deputy Manager in Dhaka
Best Place for Young Professionals to Learn and Become a Global Resource from Bangladesh Pros:Working at Backspace International has been a rewarding experience filled with opportunities for growth and collaboration. The company's emphasis on fostering innovation and support creates an environment where employees feel empowered to explore new ideas and contribute creatively. There are ample opportunities for professional growth, with the company investing in various training and development programs. One of the standout aspects of working at Backspace is the strong team culture, which promotes collaboration and camaraderie among colleagues. Additionally, the company demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being through flexible work arrangements and wellness initiatives. Pros: ✅ Fosters innovation and support. ✅ Encourages a culture of creativity. ✅ Abundant opportunities for professional growth. ✅ Strong team culture promoting collaboration. ✅ Demonstrates commitment to employee well-being. Cons:While Backspace International offers many positives, some challenges come with the fast-paced nature of the work environment. Tight deadlines and improved communication channels would help employees feel more informed and supported in their roles. ❌ Fast-paced environment may lead to tight deadlines and stress. ❌ Communication could be clearer on policies and workload expectations. ❌ Office location presents commuting challenges. Advice to Management:To address these challenges and further enhance the employee experience, management can take several steps. Firstly, focusing on improving communication channels will help provide clearer guidance on policies and workload expectations, reducing confusion and increasing transparency. 💎 Improve communication channels for clarity. 💎 Provide additional support for new hires.
Senior Executive in Jatrabari, Dhaka
Senior Executive in Jatrabari, Dhaka
Backspace International Limited: A Sinking Ship of Mismanagement Pros:Regrettably, there are no discernible pros to working at Backspace International Limited. Cons:Toxic Work Environment: Backspace fosters a toxic work culture marred by nepotism, favoritism, and a blatant disregard for employee well-being. The pervasive sense of hostility and disrespect towards staff members is deeply concerning. Incompetent Leadership: The company is rudderless, led by a cadre of individuals lacking the necessary qualifications, experience, and professionalism to effectively steer the organization. Supervisors are particularly egregious offenders, chosen more for their personal connections than their ability to lead. Absence of Growth Opportunities: Employees seeking to develop professionally will find themselves sorely disappointed. Backspace offers little in the way of career advancement or skill enhancement, resulting in stagnation and frustration among its workforce. Poor HR Practices: The HR department, if it can even be called that, is complicit in perpetuating the company's toxic culture. Salary cuts, lack of recognition, and arbitrary disciplinary actions further erode employee morale and loyalty. Lack of Innovation: Backspace demonstrates a shocking aversion to innovation, opting instead to mimic competitors rather than charting its own course. This stifling of creativity not only hampers organizational progress but also demoralizes employees who crave meaningful work. Unprofessional Conduct: From arbitrary salary deductions to public humiliation during townhall meetings, Backspace consistently demonstrates a disregard for professionalism and basic human decency. Such behavior not only damages morale but also tarnishes the company's reputation. Convenience Over Employee Welfare: The company's location and timing policies prioritize the convenience of management over the well-being of its employees. This disregard for employee comfort and convenience reflects a fundamental lack of empathy and respect. Advice to Management:Prioritize Professionalism: Cultivate a culture of respect, professionalism, and integrity within the organization. Hold leadership accountable for their actions and lead by example. Invest in Employee Development: Provide meaningful opportunities for employee growth and advancement. Foster a supportive environment that encourages learning and skill development. Revamp HR Practices: Overhaul HR processes to prioritize employee well-being and satisfaction. Implement fair and transparent policies that foster trust and loyalty among employees. Promote Innovation: Encourage a culture of innovation and creativity within the organization. Empower employees to think outside the box and pursue novel solutions to challenges. Address Nepotism and Favoritism: Strive for fairness and meritocracy in all aspects of the organization. Promote based on merit rather than personal connections, and ensure that all employees are treated equitably.
Deputy Manager in Dhaka
Deputy Manager in Dhaka
Backspace = Shitspace Pros:▶ The top management lacks experience and maturity, so they can easily be fooled. ▶ If you want, you can just keep state with the top management and butter them up to easily get promotions. ▶ Many who hold top positions often drop out, so their knowledge is limited. When they speak, their logical fallacies will provide you with material for stand-up comedy. ▶ Dedication, effort, and loyalty to the company are not considered priorities. Instead, the focus appears to be on catering to the needs and preferences of supervisors and top management. ▶ The supervisors here primarily engage in flattery, lacking expertise themselves. They don't work themselves so they can be fooled and reduced to work. Additionally, it's common to observe that when they have no assigned tasks, upon seeing the CEO approaching, supervisors instruct others to perform superficial actions, such as opening old projects and moving the mouse. ▶ Every three months, they host a stand-up comedy event called the Quarter Meeting, where most attendees end up dozing off. Despite their efforts to manipulate data to portray higher achievements, those who attend a few of these meetings can easily discern the manipulation tactics employed. ▶ Ascending to the roles of CEO or COO seems straightforward. They run a venture called BIBD. There are only three members, one CEO, one COO, and one in general role. And if you want to see the most uncultured and unprofessional person you can see the CEO of BIBD who has no qualifications to be a normal junior script writer. Cons:▶ Their team management is a mess, they don't even know how to run a project themselves. They think everything will be smooth if they spend 32 thousand taka on coffee. ▶ You won't learn anything new here because even your supervisor will be a noob compared to you. And the biggest noob would be their Creative Director, who lacks any creative ideas. ▶ Their promotion criteria revolve around buttering up; the more you flatter, the quicker you'll get promoted. ▶ Those who put in more effort or stay loyal here face more pressure. Out-of-the-box thinkers are given more disadvantages here. ▶ When an employee leaves, they spread rumors about them. They do such petty things to cover up their mismanagement, their mistakes. ▶ They give out 'Best Performer' awards every three months, with no specific criteria; they give it to whoever they like, even if their performance is the lowest. ▶ They remember all the urgent tasks at the last hour of office hours and pressurize you to do it. Your personal time, family time does not matter to them. After office hours, they pressurize you to work till 10-11 pm. If you want overtime, then they will start complaining and they will go around for months with this.
Farha Amir
Farha Amir
Friendly people and a perfect enviornment that creates meaningful impact to your life.
Content Writer
Content Writer
Friendly people and constant learning Pros:Friendly people and constant learning. You can easily diversify and learn whatever skills you want to. Cons:the location is not the most accessible one especially due to the Dhaka mawa highway.
Tanmoy Debnath
Tanmoy Debnath
Backspace has been a fantastic workplace. The company fosters a positive and collaborative environment, offers opportunities for growth, and is a leader in MediaTech.
Client Service Executive in Dhaka
Client Service Executive in Dhaka
A MediaTech Marvel - Backspace Pros:1. On-time Salary 2. Great Office Environment 3, Plenty of Extracurricular Activities 4. Diverse Work 5. Flexible Timing 6. Friendly and Helpful People 7. Good position on the local market 8. Open culture Cons:1. Lunch not subsidized 2. Lower than market average salary 3. Not a good commute route 4. Need own building
Executive Client Service in Jatrabari, Dhaka
Executive Client Service in Jatrabari, Dhaka
Companies Culture Pros:Great culture, Employer friendly workspace, Co operating enviroment, Offers Good Salary benefits, Maintains Office hours Cons:Situated in most traffic area which is Jatrabari. Office schedule isnt suitable for late risers. Advice to Management:Every person within the management body isnt good communicator. There is a window for improvement.
Executive-Web Developer in Dhaka
Executive-Web Developer in Dhaka
Building Success, Together Pros:1. Strong focus on professional growth 2. inclusive culture that values every voice 3. Transparent and approachable leadership 4. competitive benefits package prioritizing employee well-being Cons:1. intense workload at times 2. Communication challenges may arise 3. Limited flexibility in some roles
Business Development Executive in Dhaka
Business Development Executive in Dhaka
Great Review for Backspace International Ltd. Pros:Friendly and Supportive Team: The company culture here is fantastic. Everyone I've worked with has been friendly and helpful. Fast-Paced and Innovative: Backspace is at the forefront of MediaTech, which means I get to work with cutting-edge technologies and be part of a constantly evolving industry. Learning and Growth Opportunities: Backspace seems to invest in its employees' growth. There have been opportunities for me to learn new skills and develop professionally, which I appreciate. Cons:While the fast-paced nature can be exciting, it can also lead to busy periods with tight deadlines.
Anonymous Employee
Anonymous Employee
Beware: Zero Growth, Unprofessional Environment at Backspace Pros:They are flexible regarding leave and late. Cons:I feel compelled to share my experience to prevent others from falling into the trap of their deceptive marketing tactics. Despite their polished facade, the reality of working at Backspace is far from what they claim. 1. The company lacks individuals with academic qualifications or significant experience in their respective fields. All the teams or depts are lead by drop outs, unexperienced and utterly unprofessional people that abuse, misbehave and even raise hand sometimes taking advantage of the friendliness. Pick any on from their company that is in deputy manager or in any sort of managerial position, they don't have any credibility whether it comes to acedemic or professional area. 2. At Backspace, don't expect to learn anything substantial or grow professionally. And no one, i repeat no one have a mentality to teach newcomers or work for their development. 3. Their employee retaintion rate is so poor, as they hire the worst people and even if they manage to get good talented employees they lose them due to their lack of opportunity, micromanagment and very very poor salary structure. You will learn nothing, I repeat nothing. Don't get attracted to their "fake corporate videos", because they are nothing like this. 4. Most employees in backspace are lazy and inambitious people that are just don't care about growth or any contribution they make and happy with their so called salary. They take months to do a job that can be done in hours and they take pride in it. When you'll sit across these low quality people everyday, your own vision and hunger for ambition will be lost anyway. 5. And you will not find a single female that is in an important role or striving in their career. Even if a female do good their salary structure is so low beyond anyone's imagination. The females in backspace are never involved in any of the important decision or client meeting if we consider they even have any clients. I would highly discourage not to apply specially in Business Inspection venture as it's led by the the worst of the worst. No matter which team you join, no one has any interest in teaching you anything. So this backspace is a big scam. Advice to Management:1. Have clear vision and goal regarding all your ventures. 2. Hire experts and experienced people and give them the managerial position to lead them the team. So they can train the newcomers and help them become a good leader. And that's not going to be cheap. 3. Stop giving big positions to friend. 4. Give zero tolerance to unprofessional behavior.
sonar bangla
sonar bangla
Muhammad Rafiul Huq
Muhammad Rafiul Huq
raisul Islam
raisul Islam
Parsha Sadi
Parsha Sadi
Backspace is a media tech company. Awesome office. Great place.
Abdullah Al Asif
Abdullah Al Asif
Working at Backspace is a thrilling experience! The office environment is conducive to career growth in media-tech innovation. I firmly believe this company is poised to become a major industry player. Joining Backspace means being part of something big!