
Valkyrie Reviews

Excellent rating
96 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 96 ) 5.0

Cool gym🤗
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.06.21
Ne ti si cool Tomaz 🤗
Lucija Marusic
Lucija Marusic
Suppose you are a student or someone who is always busy and cannot go to a conventional gym because of their “banker hours.” Are you looking for an independent 24/7-hour gym? Well, Valkyrie is the place! I was visiting Ljubljana for the last week looking for a gym. I reached out to Valkyrie via Google chat, looking to get a weekly pass. Dejan (owner of Valkyrie) graciously responded within a few hours and invited me to try the gym. His staff gave me a tour of the facility. The GYM is small, but what it lacks in size, it makes up in how organized and well-equipped it is - free weights, squat racks, and machines. It has what you need to get a swell-on. On a side note, Dejan does his best to ensure you feel comfortable and makes the gym unique. I highly recommend and will go again next time I visit Ljubljana.
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.05.31
Andres thank you for reaching out and I really appreciate your feedback 🙏🏻 you’re welcome to drop by anytime 💯💪🏻
Riccardo Giunchi
Riccardo Giunchi
Great place Where working out without being surrounded by 100 persons. The owner is really a kind one.
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.05.26
Thank you Riccardo appreciate you 🙏🏻
Lorenzo Chiodini
2024.05.15 2024.05.15 | Italy
The best
Dejan Fortuna
Dejan Fortuna
Odličen fitnes z izredno prijaznim osebjem 🥳
Suzana Grujcic
Suzana Grujcic
Super energija, pozitivno naravnan in strokoven pristop trenerjev. Pika na i pa je unikaten videz prostora 😍
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.05.04
Hvala pridite se kdaj 🤗
Katarína Kasová
Katarína Kasová
Must visit gym in Ljubljana! Great atmosphere, new equipment and spacious area. Suitable for weight training, calisthenics or any type of workout. Many thanks to welcoming and helpful staff 😊
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.05.03
Thank you Katarina for your visit and I'm glad you like it 🙂
Jovana Cvijic
Jovana Cvijic
Teretana je super, nema guzve. Prezadovoljna sam. 😊
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.04.21
Hvala Jovana drago nam je, da ti odgovara 😊
Jonah Rennicks
Jonah Rennicks
Came here for a day pass while visiting from Ireland. Dejan the owner is super nice and let me train in the gym for no cost and gave me a keycard for the rest of my stay. The gym is great and has everything you need. It's a real old school weight-lifters gym. Really good atmosphere and friendly people. Definitely the number one spot to workout if you're looking for a place in ljubljana. Will be back again in the future.
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.03.26
Jonah thanks for visiting us 💪🏻 you’re welcome to drop by anytime mate 💯
Definitvno najboljsi gym v katerem sem bil z najboljšim community-om, v gymu je vse kar je potrebno za dober trening pa se Deki je res kralj
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.02.06
Queralt Badia
Queralt Badia
Em vaig apuntar al gimnàs Valkyrie perquè em quedava a prop de casa i estic encantada! En Dejan (propietari del gimnàs) s’ha preocupat de crear-me un pla d’entrenament que ha estat clau per ser constant i venir fins a 4 dies a la setmana al gimnàs. Ell i els seus companys son molt atents i sempre m’han ajudat, em corregien i m’animaven a provar exercicis nous. Hi ha molt bon ambient, gairebé mai t’has d’esperar per utilitzar una màquina i està obert 24/7!!!
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.02.06
Gracias Queralt for the kind words 🙏🏻💯 you will be missed 🥲🤗
Tomaž Mlinarič
Tomaž Mlinarič
Best gym in Ljubljana. It's very well-equipped and offers everything needed for a great workout. Coach Dejan is incredibly approachable and pleasant, adding value to the overall experience. The atmosphere is relaxed, and there's a strong sense of community among the members, which creates a welcoming environment. I highly recommend this gym to anyone looking for a friendly and supportive place to work out.
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.02.01
Mr T 💪🏻 hvala lepa 🤗❤️
Tadej Tesic
Tadej Tesic
Valkyrie Gym sem začel obiskovati v sodelovanju z Maticem, osebnim trenerjem, ki mi je v zadnjem letu pomagal do boljše fizične pripravljenosti. Poleg tega, da gre za trenerja z ogromnim bazenom znanja o fitnesu, je tudi dobra družba na treningih. Priporočam ga vsakomur, ki si želi hitrega napredka v fizični pripravljenosti in dobrem počutju 💪. Valkyrie Gym lahko res samo (pre)hvalim. Vedno dober ambient, svetel in zračen prostor brez gužve in čakanja pred napravami, predvsem pa odličen fitnes za dober trening 👌. Fitnes je odprt praktično vsak dan, ves dan, tako da lahko prideš in treniraš kadarkoli želiš. Lastnik in vodja fitnesa - Dejan, vedno poskrbi, da se v fitnesu počutiš domače in del skupnosti. 10/10 🚀.
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.01.29
Tesko ❤️🤗 don’t gooo 🥲
Miha Krotko
Miha Krotko
Fitness Valkyrie obiskujem mesec dni in sem navdušen. Všeč mi je osebni pristop in profesionalnost trenerjev, zlasti Dejana, ki s svojim pristopom naredi izkušnjo popolno. Fitnes je manjši, a ima vse, kar potrebujem za popoln trening. Dodatna prednost je 24/7 odprtost, ki mi omogoča, da prilagodim vadbo svojemu urniku. Super izkušnja in priporočam vsem, ki iščejo kakovosten fitnes!
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.01.20
Najlepsa hvala Miha 🙏🏻 cenim 💯
Alan Musić
Alan Musić
Super okolje za top trening....vredno obiska
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.01.18
Hvala Alan dobrodosel kadarkoli 💪🏻
Drina Kondic
Drina Kondic
Super sproscen gym, dobre naprave. najboljse je k nardis dober trening hitro in gres.
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.01.17
Hvala za mnenje 🙏🏻🤗
Saša Ljubenović
Saša Ljubenović
Odlična podpora trenerjev. Dodana vrednost parkirišče in delovni čas.
Reply from Valkyrie 2024.01.16
Hvala Ljubisa ❤️
Jos Hoogerbrugge
Jos Hoogerbrugge
Went here just one time. Good experience. Not that much equipement, but you can still have a decent workout. Materials are neat and clean.
Reply from Valkyrie 2023.12.31
Thank you Jos for the visit and your feedback 🙏🏻
Sofia Dell'orco
Sofia Dell'orco
Sono molto soddisfatta della palestra. Il proprietario e il personale sono molto gentili, sempre pronti ad aiutare e rispondere ad ogni domanda. L’atmosfera è molto tranquilla. La considero un’ottima scelta anche grazie al fatto che è aperta 24 ore su 24 tutti i giorni.
Reply from Valkyrie 2023.12.07
Thank you Sofy for your feedback 🙏🏻