United Airlines


United Airlines Reviews

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63695 reviews Verified
United Airlines


Reviews ( 12569 ) 3.0

Tom L
Tom L
a nightmare The worst service I have ever had. Workers of the United Airlines were shouting at passengers who wanted to ask about the flight which is completely unacceptable. They were rude and unpleasant and they didn't want to help. Finally, I did not reach the destination and I did not get my baggage which was lost by them. The workers are not taught how to deal with passengers. The journey with them was a nightmare. I do not recommend these airlines to anyone.
carole j
carole j
Mauvaise expérience Pire service client jamais rencontré. Aucune possibilité de commander nos bagages en soute en ligne car nous avions acheté chez lufthansa qui a affrété United. Aucune aide à l’aéroport, on nous envoi vers des machines ou on nous demande de scanner de QR code pour faire nous même. Pas de changement de sièges possibles sauf en payant (souvent cher). Beaucoup de voyageurs énervés car sièges changés au dernier moment. Une fois à bord j’interroge l’hôtesse qui « accueille » sur un point et la conversation se termine par sa remarque « impossible qu’il vous a été dit ça mais bon.. » son attitude n’était pas pro du tout. Les stewarts ne font pas de démonstration car c’est une vidéo, il n’y en a un seul qui est souriant! Lorsqu’il passe pour les repas ma fille dort donc il ne me demande pas son choix. Je lui demande un sandwich pour elle aussi (en guise de leur petit déjeuner continental) il se montre très étonné et a l’air agacé mais je précise que je le souhaite pour quand elle se réveille. Et vu que nous sommes au fond j’entends un peu leurs remarques. L’un d’eux a répété à plusieurs reprises « sauvages » quand les voyageurs quittaient l’avion. Je pense qu’il ciblait des enfants qui avaient peut-être laissé des paquets de chips vides mais ce genre de remarque ne devrait pas se faire ! Nous ne voyagerons plus jamais avec United !
Mike L
Mike L
Travel nightmare - horrible customer service Recently used United Airlines for a trip to Ireland. Flights were delayed both flying to Ireland and home from Ireland. We were delayed out of Omaha. Sat on runway. No reason why given but it was a good 15 to 20 minutes. Get to Chicago and have to rush through 3 terminals to get to our plane only to have it be delayed. Delay on flight too Ireland was due to plane issues, had to find new plane. Were delayed about 5 hours. Our gate was changed. My mom required wheelchair assistance. no one came to move her so a member of our party went to try and find someone to help. We were told someone would be there about 30 minutes before departure. Why would you leave someone sitting in the wrong gate that long? We took care of it ourselves and moved her to the right gate. Bigger problem was the trip home. Was scheduled to fly home from Ireland on July 19, 2024 when a few airlines experienced software issue causing major delays and cancellations. The way United handled their customers was disgusting. Was delayed in Ireland for several hours very little communication. Periodically were told delayed again and they would update when had more information. At one point we were told we should go back to the shopping area at the front of the terminal. I don't think anyone listened to that. Finally got to start boarding. I was travelling with my 80 year old mother who had wheelchair assistance get half way down the jet bridge and a flight attendant comes out yelling at another United Airlines employee asking what we were doing coming down. Said plane not ready. They were still waiting for catering. Was told he needed to get us off jet bridge because it was not safe for us to wait there. We were made to back-up to the very edge of the jet bridge crowded together and got to stand there for about 15 minutes watching the employees fight about whether we could stand there or be sent back to the gate area. Finally let us board. We were so late we were going to miss our flight out of Chicago but I was hoping things would be backed-up there. These flight times are set-up by United and they give you about one hour to run from one gate to next which with international flights is about 3 terminals away. The person who provided wheel chair assistance told us it was at least a 20 minute walk - and that is walking at a very fast pace. So if you are on time, could probably make it. Late at all and it was going to be tough. We land with about 25 minutes and take off basically running. We get to gate in time to watch the door shut on us and the jet bridge pull away. 5 minutes before the time shown for the scheduled flight. We are now stranded in Chicago. We go to a machine and get ourselves rebooked on a flight for that night. Several hours later (more delays) we are notified our flight was cancelled. You could now line up and have an extremely rude attendant try and rebook you or you could do it on your own and scan a QR code to find our how to get vouchers for food and hotel. One of first people through the line calls the 4 hotels that they are offering vouchers for, they are all booked and are not accepting vouchers. He announces this and tells everyone standing in line that this is what we are facing. By time we get up there, we are offered a flight for Tuesday morning (it was Friday night) and we were offered one hotel voucher. It was booked and they were not accepting vouchers. Even though your flight is scheduled for 4 days later, you are given a voucher for one day and are told you will have to go through a process each day to get new vouchers. We are now stranded in the airport. It is late, cannot find a hotel, cannot find a car to rent, we are literally just stranded. There is not a single United employee around. I had two helping me with getting the appropriate vouchers and they left me in the middle and told me they had to go. Told me to scan QR code and figure it out. We were a group of four just desperately trying to figure out something we could do so that my 80 year old mother did not have to sleep in an airport terminal but we could not find anything. We finally booked bus tickets for 6:45am. The airport was freezing and everything was closed. My mom was literally shaking she was so cold. Earlier I had asked if I could at least get a blanket for her and the attended laughed at me and gave me a very snotty "No." They give them to you on the flights so I know they have them. Spent the night in the freezing airport terminal and take a cab to the bus station the next morning. 14.5 hour bus ride home - at least we were home before Tuesday. Then comes the call to cancel the flights scheduled for Tues. and get a refund. An hour and 20 min hold time get an extremely rude person. Tells me I will probably just get a credit because I took part of my flight. Told her I did not want credits. I wanted and was entitled to a refund. She told me she knew what I wanted and she would put that in but she is telling me what I would probably get - extremely rude! Now I need to find my luggage because their tracking system says it doesn't know where it is. She is going to transfer me. I am disconnected in the process so now the hold time begins again. Again, over an hour and am told my luggage is at the Omaha airport. Head there to find it. Two people working the lost luggage area. They are helping a couple other people so I wait patiently for a long time. One person finishes and ignores me but begins moving luggage around. Wait for other person to finish. He was probably the nicest United Employee I dealt with but that was because he barely spoke with me at all. Get my luggage. Brand new suitcase first time used, wheel completely gone. He takes all this information from me to hand me a piece of paper with a reference number so that I could go file my own claim. During the time I am standing around. I witness a bunch of customers (10-15) who are going to miss their flight because the lines were so long. They were waiting to check their bags. They were told by a United employee that they had two choices. They could dump their baggage and rely on United to figure it out and get it to them eventually or they could miss their flight and could be rebooked. Several bags were left in the baggage claim area but their was no communication about this with the staff in the baggage claim area. A customer comes over a few minutes later telling the staff that he was sent over here and told to leave his bags. He asked where he was supposed to leave them. They lady working the area tells him she doesn't know and he should go ask the person in the check-in area. He tells her that person told him to come over or he is going to miss his flight. She tells him she doesn't know and she is busy so he needs to go ask some one else. I then hear use a use a curse word at him. I was absolutely floored. I tell him what I previously heard and he thanks me and goes on his way. I found it absolutely amazing that these employees did not even communicate with each other. One of them had a bunch of customers dump their baggage in another workers area and that worker had no idea why all those bags were sitting there. I ended up with a notice that I will be issued an $86.10 refund per ticket, although I haven't received it yet. This refund does not even cover the cost of the bus tickets I had to purchase. It will take desperation before I ever fly United Airlines again. I get problems happen but I will never understand the way I saw their employees treating people. I did not even provide every example of what I witnessed. I am sure they were stressed but I did not witness one customer (although I am sure there were some) treat an employee with the kind of behavior that I witnessed and experienced from the United Airline employees. There definitely needs to be some training on how to work in a stressful environment and general customer service training.
David D
David D
Worst service ever / Spirits twin United airlines is full of s@@@. The worst service and smart a@@ mouth workers. How are you upset with me after a canceled flight booked 14 hours later . Had to uber and pay for a room . Then get to the airport the next morning to be met with a cluster f@@@ at the airport. Then get on the plane just to have our seats taken and told to sit wherever we can . When we complained about the seats they said they were overbooked like it was out fault. Then told you can just sit down or catch another flight. No apologies just nasty a@@ attitudes because of their f@@@ up. Trust me "NEVER AGAIN"
Thank you UNITED Despite the 3.0 rating, I would like to say a big thank you to all UNITED ground staff at Terminal 7 LAX including Check-in desk and Baggage Claim desk over last weekend due to Global IT outage. I just landed home in NZ, 2 days later safely with my checked luggage from SEA (via LAX). We will fly with United again.
Thoa N
Thoa N
Five stars for Robert R. Lead Customer Service of United Airlines Five stars for Robert R. (Lead Customer Service) work at gate B19 (UA 2095) in Denver, Co on July 20, 2024. On July 20, 2024, my flight (UA 1565) from Denver, Co to Dallas, TX was delayed by 3 hours. But he and his colleague working at gate B19 helped me change to an earlier flight (UA 2095) at his gate. He did a great job with his kindness. I am truly grateful to Robert R. (Lead Customer Service)
Rebecca And Chak R.
Rebecca And Chak R.
DO NOT CHOOSE UNITED! We paid extra for upgraded seats for our family of five at 169.00 a person. My sons are tall and need the extra room. 24 hours before leaving Dublin we were made aware that our seats were changed, separating us because they changed planes. Fine, but we contacted their customer service to ensure they still had the upgraded seats. No less than four United employees guaranteed they were the same level of seats. ABSOLUTELY NOT THE CASE which we could only discover once we got on the plane and of course being told there is nothing they can do because of a change in the plane. We paid about 1,500 total to choose United over other airlines due to their once reputable representation and another 2,000 in upgraded seats for what??? So they could bump my family! This was after the heinous treatment we received after our flight was missed from Orlando to Newark due to weather and the United employees were no help at all, telling the over 20 passengers on our flight to figure it out on their own by scanning a QR code. I paid over 6,500.00 to fly my family of five just to have the air travel be one of the worst experiences ever. Do better United. You force people to pay for seats and then give them up when it suits your agenda.
Debbie L.
Debbie L.
I never really fly United Airlines. I will do my very best to not fly this airlines again. II have noticed in recent years that air travel today in the U.S. is just not what it used to be - not sure why - is it the crowds, or incompetence or failure at a much higher level. Today we were traveling from NY to South Bend, In. A connection flight was necessary to fly into South Bend. Our connection was through Chicago O'Hare at 5 pm. I was traveling with my 85 year old mother, who has diabetes and needs a wheel chair for assistance. My mom had just lost her husband of 63 years (my father) a few weeks ago. This trip was to have her visit with her granddaughters. Here are the issues: * When we got to O'Hare, we were delayed due to weather. * There were no WORKING outlets (ZERO - Although numerous were at every seat) in the entire waiting area to charge phones. * Boarded the flight and sat for an hour and half, without moving. * Were told to un-board the plane, due to weather. * Asked if we could get our carry-on luggage back as we were thinking of driving the next leg of the trip and that my mother has medicine needed for diabetes in the carry-on. The workers at the desk said no we could get the luggage from South Bend when the plane arrived there. (My mother's medicines were in her carry-on that were taken before our first boarding). * After an hour wait we re-boarded on the plane. We were told by the pilot that, the taxing to the runway would be a while as there were 40 planes ahead of us, although he would try his best. * After an hour on the plane, the pilot announced that we were 23rd in line. (7 planes in an hour) - we wondered if the pilots would be tired, as it was closing in on 10 pm Chicago time (11 pm ESD). * Another hour past and we were told that the plane is heading back to the gate, as the crew had "time out" and it was Federal regulations. * It took another 30 minutes for the plane to get "hooked up" at the gate. * Went to the counter at the gate. I was third on line. The crowd gather for information and assistance. * We started to get concerned over my mother's blood sugar. But all of the testing equipment was on her carry-on which they took from her. * No food places were open in the airport, at that time of day. * Only two United airline staff members were there to assist the entire plane. * There was no crew to take over the flight and the flight was canceled. * The staff said the computer has not indicated that it was canceled - so they had to wait for the computer to catch up with the cancellation - this took about 40 minutes. * The staff, after 40 minutes started helping people. The one staff member had no understanding of what to do, and could not help or move his customer. The other staff member was trying but took 40 minutes with each customer. * A crying baby was in the crowd and the staff member took this family, out of order. The baby was then soothed by her nursing mother. This person took 40 minutes to be helped. * Around 1:30 am - we were finally given assistance by the United staff (I was third in line - 4th as the baby's family was taken before others). * We were told the earliest flight to reschedule was leaving the next day at 9 pm. (We had to be somewhere by 5:30 pm that day). Flight was not an option. (Nor do I trust that the flight would actually take off). * We were given a voucher for Lift and a hotel 30 minutes away. * We attempted to use Lift - No car in the area - as United gave hundreds of people "lift Vouchers". * The taxi was a 45 minute wait. * My phone was dead, as there was no outlets and my mother did not have uber app on her phone. * It cost 80 dollars to get to the hotel. * At 3 pm - were arrived at our hotel room. THE ONLY NICE PART OF THIS ARI TRAVEL - WAS THE MANY EMPLOYEES WHO HELPED PUSH THE WHEEL CHAIR THROUGH THE MANY OFF AND ON NONSENSE. THEY WERE WONDERFUL - BUT I BELIEVE THEY ARE A INDEPENDENT COMPANY HIRED BY THE AIRPORT. What has happened to air travel today. - do not fly United.
Matthew K
Matthew K
Horrible service just a bunch of liars They lost my bags, 3 separate calls they said they would deliver each time they just lied. My bags were never picked up and they keep telling me they will deliver. I’m in the military you can imagine what’s in my bag. I will make sure to complain to the DOD and get United banned from military personnel flying. It is the worst airline and customer service is a bunch of liars
Dan P.
Dan P.
worst service and technology in travel. horrible do not use this airline - walk instead
Rebecca B
Rebecca B
Paying for upgraded guaranteed seats DOES NOT guarantee your seat! DO NOT CHOOSE UNITED! We paid extra for upgraded seats for our family of five at 169.00 a person. My sons are tall and need the extra room. 24 hours before leaving Dublin we were made aware that our seats were changed, separating us because they changed planes. Fine, but we contacted their customer service to ensure they still had the upgraded seats. No less than four United employees guaranteed they were the same level of seats. ABSOLUTELY NOT THE CASE which we could only discover once we got on the plane and of course being told there is nothing they can do because of a change in the plane. We paid about 1,500 total to choose United over other airlines due to their once reputable representation and another 2,000 in upgraded seats for what??? So they could bump my family! This was after the heinous treatment we received after our flight was missed from Orlando to Newark due to weather and the United employees were no help at all, telling the over 20 passengers on our flight to figure it out on their own by scanning a QR code. I paid over 6,500.00 to fly my family of five just to have the air travel be one of the worst experiences ever. Do better United. You force people to pay for seats and then give them up when it suits your agenda.
Pamla R
Pamla R
Poor airline service They cancel your flight and just hope you go away. You have no one to speak to and have to search flights yourself. That in itself would not be bad if their website didn't go down all the time. Left my whole family stranded with no assistance.
Customer care is a way to brush you off and ignore you (Airport was tqo not cun.) was not available in drop down. United customer cares is their way of dissing you. The captain, stewardess, reservations agents, frequent flyer agents, gate angents, and other departments just tell you to go to the sight and customer cares department will help you. You get an automated email that they will get back to you and resolve in 8 weeks. When a human does email you. They send a small credit, ignore all your complaints and ignore any follow up email you may send. When you call in and ask for a supervisor. There is no supervisor available over the phone because no one will put you in contact with the customer care department. That whole department is just a waste to create circular processes without truly solving anything. Frustrating the customer into giving up. At American I get to talk to a person and they have the power to solve issues. At United they tell you they are sorry. Email us and then ignore you. Worst airline ever. This happened to six people.
Valentiy S
Valentiy S
A company of crooks. Brazen swindlers. My bag fit easily into the carry-on size box. I bought a ticket with hand luggage. But they refused to put me on the plane until I paid for my hand luggage as baggage. Why did they create the measuring box? If it doesn't make sense. I showed a screenshot from their corporate website, where the dimensions of hand luggage were indicated. But the company employees didn’t care about the site.
jermin g
jermin g
Never booking with this airline ever Worst airline I’ve ever traveled with. They bumped me off of my flight and deleted all previous reservations to make it seem like I never had one. Not only extended my stay but also put my job at Risk. Called them to talk to a representative and was on hold for over 2 hrs.
Avoid if you have connections Not the greatest of experiences - paid upgrades not honored and check in consultants were not particularly helpful and/or were very inexperienced. Furthermore, the customer service was lacking and will result in refunds only being processed (or at least I've been told) within 21 days of travel. As a result, I have decided not to book with United Airlines in the future.
Fai T
Fai T
Worst airline The worst airline you can ever go with, communication is 0 , accommodation 0 They delay and cancel withought communication . Customer service never answer the phone, and the agents are so rude and not helpful. I will never make this mistake and book with them again, the wost 24 hours ever, and I am still stuck not knowing what is gonna happen
margie v
margie v
United Comes Through! We were caught in the worldwide computer fiasco July 19, 2024. Gate agents were being accosted and abused. But we found a sweet one who kept her cool. At the last moment, she opened the door and allowed us to run onto a plane. We had paid for Economy Plus, but of course, they weren’t available for our situation. We were just happy to get on a flight. To our amazement, we received notice the very next day United had credited our bank account for the unused economy plus seats. Go United!!
Paul D
Paul D
Polaris seating Hey guys, hope this helps. Flew first class from san francisco to honolulu on polaris seating. First time on first and here is why, when i did the math in economy the difference to first was about 250 bucks once you paid for bags, seat selection etc in economy. 250 might seem like a lot but 70 percent of the people were like you and me did the same thing. the polaris seat is perfect, space , privacy , i actually slept anf 3 windows where my unit was. the service and flight was great, and now the negative. We were served breakfast as part of the deal, and the food was HORRIBLE. It was that bad. 20 years ago I could microwave a meal and it was better than this. I just don't get it..its not that hard. Anyway still worth it and would say do it..
Ricahrd B
Ricahrd B
Poor service Flying from Heathrow to San Francisco where I normally fly virgin who i would recommend, United Airlines gave me Terrible service, no screen for whole flight and no compensation , checking in was a million questions, staff weren’t at all sorry would never use again,😡😡😡