Tønder Bilcentrum ApS


Tønder Bilcentrum ApS Reviews

Excellent rating
119 reviews Verified
Tønder Bilcentrum ApS


Reviews ( 119 ) 4.8

Piotr Fankidejski
Piotr Fankidejski
In Tonder Bilcentrum ApS we bought the first car for our daughter, who started her studies in Denmark. I can highly recommend the seller. We were well served from the very beginning and the car was perfectly prepared for driving. We received a two-year technical review. The seller helped us choose insurance and register the car for us. After a month of driving, the car still works well. We had the support of the seller throughout the entire purchase process.
Carsten Krøjgaard
Carsten Krøjgaard
Rigtig god oplevelse, god service, god til at følge op med processen af køb af bilen :)
Merouan Mekouar
Merouan Mekouar
Where do I even begin? The team at Tonder Bil Centrum is simply outstanding in every way. From the moment we first called the dealership, we were treated with the utmost courtesy, respect, and professionalism. The sales consultant who assisted us, Sia, was an absolute gem. His knowledge about the vehicles was incredibly impressive, and he listened attentively to our needs and preferences. Rather than trying to make a quick sale, he took the time to go over every little detail to make sure that we made the right choice. What truly set Tonder Bil Centrum apart, however, was their unwavering commitment to customer service. When we encountered an unexpected situation and needed a courtesy car, they went above and beyond to accommodate us. Sia and his brother Omar worked tirelessly to resolve the issue promptly and ensure our convenience throughout the process.Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for the exceptional care and attention we received. Every staff member we interacted with displayed a level of kindness and helpfulness that is truly rare in today's world. If you're in the market for a car, do yourself a favor and come here. Their integrity, expertise, and genuine concern for their customers' satisfaction are unmatched. I cannot recommend them highly enough – they have earned our loyalty for life.
Fantastisk oplevelse. Personalet var venligt og hjælpsomt, og processen med at købe min Passat var både glidende og gennemsigtig. Jeg følte mig velinformeret og tryg igennem hele købet. Service efter salg har også været imponerende. Kan klart anbefale!
Zuhair Khalaf
Zuhair Khalaf
Vi har nu haft fornøjelsen af at handle hos Tønder Bilcentrum ApS for tredje gang, og hver gang har været en fantastisk oplevelse! Deres imponerende udvalg af biler og enestående kundeservice har gjort os til loyale kunder. Vi vælger bevidst at vende tilbage til dem, da de formår at kombinere kvalitet og service på en måde, der virkelig sætter dem i en klasse for sig. Fra første dag har Tønder Bilcentrum ApS formået at sætte os i centrum, og vi har følt os værdsatte som kunder. Den opmærksomhed og dedikation, de lægger for dagen, har gjort hele købsprocessen både behagelig og problemfri. Det er tydeligt, at de går langt for at sikre, at kunderne føler sig godt tilpas og velinformerede. Ud over det imponerende produktudvalg og den fremragende service er det bemærkelsesværdigt, hvordan Tønder Bilcentrum ApS behandler alle kunder med respekt og professionalisme. Deres tilgang skaber en atmosfære af tillid, hvilket er afgørende, når man træffer beslutninger om køb af en bil. Alt i alt kan vi ikke anbefale Tønder Bilcentrum ApS nok. Deres dedikation til kvalitet, service og kundeoplevelse har gjort os til glade og tilfredse kunder. Vi ser frem til fortsat at handle hos dem i fremtiden og opleve den samme høje standard, som de konsekvent leverer. Vh Martina F
Márcio Pereira
Márcio Pereira
I want to leave my feedback regarding this company. I'm in Portugal and I saw a Mercedes E-Class for sale on this stand, I was very interested, because it had a fair price and the car's appearance and description were in line with what I wanted. I contacted the seller and he was very friendly, professional and answered my questions. I said that I would not give any more information, as there was another person who was going to see the car before me and therefore, only after knowing whether or not I would conclude the deal with that person, could he give me all the details of the car. . Unfortunately the car was sold to someone else and I did not have the privilege of doing business with this company. Still, I had a great experience and I recommend them, because from what I noticed they are honest and professional people.
Bernadette Nagy
Bernadette Nagy
Just to make this really clearly I have never met a car diler like this brothers. I bought few car the last 10 years but never met a diler who is that kind and helpful like this guy's. And of course it's not about the price believe me. Its about the humanity. From now if anyone asks me where they can buy a car I just know one place "Tønder Bilecentrum". Thank you guy's that was one of my best choices this year that I chose your place to buy a car.
dj club remix
dj club remix
Uwe Schneider
Uwe Schneider
Super Kompetent. Wir waren sehr zufrieden und können Tønder Bilcentrum nur empfehlen
Tanja Petersen
Tanja Petersen
Utrolig behagelig personale
Stefan gusu
Stefan gusu
Jesper Vejle Krog
Jesper Vejle Krog
Venlig betjening, men bilen var ikke lige os
Gute Autos faire Preise nettes Ambiente
Станислав Савченко
Станислав Савченко
Hi I have been a customer of One car dealer, Tønder Bilcenter . Very nice and positive place with good caring of all you wishes. Very responsible people with perfect knowledge of work. I got my car done very fast with perfect quality . They also recommend some very important discounts to save your money. Always nice to meet some kind people like this and get work with. My recommendation is this company!! They also can serve a cold drinks for you after a long trip)))
John Knudsen
John Knudsen
Michael Lundt
Michael Lundt
Super flinke og imødekommende sælgere
JC Nordic Viking
JC Nordic Viking
Connie Mejborn
Connie Mejborn
Søde og dygtige ejer. Troværdigheden var i top. Kommer gerne igen når næste bil skal købes.
Claus Andersen Mejborn
Claus Andersen Mejborn
Fantastisk sted. Rigtig god service med en fantastisk betjening. Troværdigheden og kvaliteten er helt i top. Kan kun på det varmeste anbefale Tønder Bilcentrum, hvor du skal købe din næste bil. Mvh Claus Andersen Mejborn