
Thumbtack Reviews

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9289 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 5478 ) 3.2

Ron T
Ron T
I recently had an incredibly disappointing experience with Thumbtack, a company I can only describe as a scam. They stole $700 from me and never provided any services.I hired a professional through Thumbtack for a home improvement project. I paid $700 upfront as required, trusting that Thumbtack's platform would ensure quality and accountability. Unfortunately, I was gravely mistaken., and attempts to contact them were futile. I reached out to Thumbtack's customer service multiple times, hoping they would intervene and resolve the issue. Each time, I was met with unhelpful responses and empty promises. Thumbtack took no responsibility for the situation and offered no compensation or refund.This experience has not only cost me a significant amount of money but also wasted my time and caused immense frustration. I strongly advise against using Thumbtack. Their lack of accountability and poor customer service make them unreliable and untrustworthy.Save your money and peace of mind by avoiding Thumbtack. This company is a scam, and I regret ever using their services.Describe customer service Mention refund attempts
Kristeena B
Kristeena B
Violate their own policies and steal your money. Had a customer instant book at 10 PM. I was asleep. I dont approve of instant book and I dont like it and I dont want it. But I get charged if an idiot the signs to instant book during sleeping hours. Their policy says if the customer cancels within an hour during response hours, which are 8 AM to 8 PM, then you can get a refund. She canceled at 7 AM via phone call and since theres no text approve it and she didnt cancel it in the app, I am still obligated to pay, even though I reported it almost immediately. I have the phone records. Now I have to harass the client just to get her to confirm that she did indeed cancel before 8 AM. They force you to do instant book so they can review of money. I just set my hours to 12 AM to 4 AM so no one in the right mind is going to schedule that. They offer no assistance whatsoever. No customer service.
mike r
mike r
They turned on one of our services as a direct lead and I ended up paying $150 in charges. When I called to dispute these charges, they said there was nothing that could be done as I was the one that turned them on.... I know I didn't turn it on because it happened sometime after my initial startup date. There is also only 1 department to call with issue, so good luck getting in touch with a manager or escalation department! This company is fishy as all heck so hopefully you are reading this before signing up with them.... DON'T DO IT!!!!!
Felicia R
Felicia R
Someone has to look into this fraudulent business model. They do not give legitimate leads. They do not listen to you when you call. Your refund request will 100% be denied. I have spent hundreds, getting leads from **** when I live in *******. Or getting leads that seem like they are not real, being they do not respond at all. I have gotten 2-3 leads from this. Ive paid for 20+ leads. Some at $20 all the up to $55. Not listening to your customer who is the reason your platform is wild.
Andrean N
Andrean N
They are the work company ever. Don't care about pro customers who are paying a lot of money. When you are trying to speak with customer service, i have impression that there are working some kinds from basement.
Stephanie A
Stephanie A
Stay far away !! Let this be a warning. They will take your money for leads then deactivate your account won't give refunds. Use a different online service or social media I'm out 700 dollars . Bbb won't do nothing either. If your in same situation dispute charges with your bank...and with their star rating and previous reviews they are doing this to almost everyone. Theft by disception
This company is a scam! They charged me $55 for a lead which was not real. I think they are creating fake accounts to make bookings on your calendar only to charge you for the lead and those numbers are someone else’s number who don’t even know that they have an account on Thumbtack Pro.
Susan H
Susan H
No refunds on illegitimate leads. A qualified lead is someone looking to hire our services, but we get people looking for employment. If we seek a refund, they want us to prove it. I offered to put the person on the phone with us on a 3 way call but they couldn't use a call as proof.
sandra Almaguer
2024.07.04 2024.07.04 | United States
Daylight Robbery by Thumbtack Thumbtack is not professional. They have a policy that robs PROs in daylight, I am actually considering taking the Company to court over one of their policy. When a customer picks me as one of the Pros/shows interest and does not establish contact with the Pro, I do not believe they should be charged especially if the Pro responded promptly. I have lost a lot of money to Thumbtack due to clients showing interest but not establishing contact. As a small business every penny counts and it hurts when a Pro loses money this way. I would rather get an opportunity to meet with potential client and lose the business because hey, that what happens with transaction BUT in this case I do not even get a fighting chance and I am charged for client who said absolutely nothing to me, does not respond nomatter how much you try to reach out. This policy is not good for business.......
Alex M
Alex M
I was a real Pro at this service with more than 180 5-star reviews. First, it works. But now they charge for nothing. I think many as I will leave this platform.
Refuses to honor their own trust and safety 'property damage guarantee' and won't even honor the slimy forced arbitration they embed in the terms and conditions. A shady company, just stay far away if you value your property or money.
I absolutely hate this platform! It’s EVIDENT that they only care about the money they make off us pros. Instead of making the leads confirm that they are hiring you for the job and THEN charging you for the lead, they rather charge you REGARDLESS if the lead chooses you for the job. Even when a lead messaged me and told that she had made a mistake and contacted me before realizing what state I was in, I was STILL denied a refund by Thumbtack! I can’t wait for the downfall of ALL GREEDY COMPANIES!
Dalton V
Dalton V
Thumbtack is the worst company I have ever seen. I dont even write reviews like that. But this one has me heated! I didnt know I was being charged for leads. Wasnt charged for weeks. Then all of a sudden, Im charged $113 for 2 leads where people already hired someone. They refused a refund, I didnt even talk to the customers. I will never use this scam of a company again and hope you do the same! #BoycottThumbTack
I am extremely disappointed with my experience with Thumbtack. The customer service is simply awful. There is no adequate support when you need help, and communication is practically nonexistent. They take forever to respond, and when they finally do, the answers are vague and unhelpful. One of the biggest frustrations is the charge for leads. They charge a significant amount for leads that you often don't even get a chance to speak with the client. Many of these "leads" never return messages, and you end up paying for something that generates no return. It's like throwing money away! Additionally, Thumbtack's lead system seems to be manipulated. I received several irrelevant leads that were clearly not interested in the services I offer. It feels like they are more interested in making money from the charges than providing quality leads. The dispute resolution process is another joke. When you try to contest an unfair charge, it's like talking to a wall. There is no flexibility or understanding from their side. They simply refuse to listen and resolve the issues of the professionals using the platform. In summary, my experience with Thumbtack was terrible. Poor customer service, unfair charges, and a faulty lead system. I do not recommend this company to anyone. It's a waste of time and money.
Luis P
Luis P
Thumbtack referred me to a potential client, charge my credit card $150.00 immediately. The cost of this lead was $180.00 but thanks of the "kindness" of Thumbtack I got a discount lowering the cost of the lead. 4 other contractor who received the same lead got charged $180.00 unless they also got some kind of discount. A day later, this potential client decides to cancel the job before any estimate is issued. So, in a second, the 5 lucky contractors have are out whatever amount they get charged. I contacted Thumbtack for a credit but they refused even though it's clear that the potential client canceled the job on the Thumbtack request form. How easy is for companies like Thumbtack to create ghost potential clients in order to fleece the "lucky" contactors who trusted the service??
Ralph C
Ralph C
I don't know where to start with this company. They send the same lead to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis, which is unfair. They charged me $240 for website design, but the customer's budget was only $500. Where can you find a designer to create a website for $250 nowadays? Even in *****, it costs more than that. Most customers using this platform are extremely cheap, wanting premium services at bargain prices. They never offer refunds, even if you dont get the lead. There's no customer service contacteverything is done via email, which takes forever. Fellow web designers, avoid this platform. It's a scam and you won't make any money using it.
eric s
eric s
TRASH! Professional beware! The leads are not qualified leads...Charges for no services provided! RUN
Lis C
Lis C
Horrible horrible horrible worst than yelp or about same. They send leads to you and 4 other ppl Then it says when requesting a refund to say the reason and one of the reason is customer didnt answer. So I chose that and they said no we cant issue a refund dont waste your money here
Daniel P.
Daniel P.
Legit but Speckled with Fake Leads As a photographer, I have profited off Thumbtack and they have allowed me to make great relationships with ongoing clients I, but there have been several times that I have reached out immediately to a potential client who has selected me, but the experience gave me concerns with the legitimacy of the client & their request. The experience ranges from a non-response despite being the first to contact them and even weeks later my messages were never read, to giving illogical reasons to not accept the job (they didn't realize the set price was up to their discretion not mine), to being an automated sales prompt when I called the provided number, most of which Thumbtack refused to understand and refund me on. That said I'm not spiteful towards the company, I simply want newcomers to be fully aware of what you are getting with Thumbtack. The biggest problem with Thumbtack is that they do not make it evident to those hiring, how it costs workers $20-$200 for just selecting them as a possible choice. This allows window shoppers to unknowingly set workers back an entire days worth of work. I have been fortunate from thumbtack but that is not worth their seemingly bankrupt ethics in how they do business.
Haldane M
Haldane M
The customer that is searching for the pro is not told or aware that is as the pro will be charged for the inquiry. Therefore, anyone that is not serious and its just casually looking, doesnt know and we get charged.