The Jungle Guide

The Jungle Guide Reviews

Excellent rating
150 reviews Verified
The Jungle Guide


Reviews ( 147 ) 5.0

Laura S
Laura S
jungle trekking the tour is highly recommended! it was such an adventure to hike trough the jungle. especially with our guide imam, who knows everything about the jungle and has a lot of experience! thank you very much!
D win Pane
D win Pane
Sam Cargin
Sam Cargin
Our experience on the 4 day treck was amazing. Our guides Olky, ijal and our cook ewino were the best we could have asked for and when we come back we will definitely be requesting them again. Could not have asked for a better group to guide us through the jungle! These guys are the BEST.
Reply from The Jungle Guide 2024.06.26
Dear Sam, thanks a lot for this wonderful feedback about our team😃 We're all looking forward to welcome you back one day 🌿 All the best, Your Jungle Guide Team
Dörthe L
Dörthe L
Eine unvergessliches Erlebnis! Von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme mit Senta, über die gesamte Organisation bis hin zur Dschungeltour selbst - einfach perfekt! Senta unterstützte uns von Beginn an sehr kompetent und stets herzlich bei der Planung dieser Tour und gab uns auch darüber hinaus wertvolle Tipps für die Anreise nach Sumatra. Zu unserer Tour haben wir den Transfer vom Flughafen Medan nach Bukit Lawang gleich dazu gebucht, was die gesamte Anreise sehr entspannte. Unser Guide Wajou hatte auf der zweitägigen Tour ein wirklich gutes Auge nicht nur für die großen Tiere, sondern auch für die vielen kleineren Bewohner des Urwaldes, wie z.B. Chamäleons. Neben Orang Utans konnten wir noch zwei Gibbonarten und Thomas Limuren beobachten - unvergesslich! Die Übernachtung ist sehr einfach, die Versorgung aber top! Insgesamt absolut empfehlenswert!!
Andrius Rymko
Andrius Rymko
Our 3 days jungle trip with The Jungle Guide was an unforgettable adventure! The arrangements were top-notch, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience from start to finish. Special thanks to our guide, Wahyu, who took great care of us throughout the journey. His professionalism and deep knowledge of the jungle made us feel safe and well-informed at all times. Wahyu’s enthusiasm and passion for the jungle were truly contagious. We also want to give a shout-out to Erwin, our chef, who prepared delicious meals for us and the entire staff around the camping area. His culinary skills added a wonderful touch to our trip, making every meal a delightful experience. Overall, The Jungle Guide team exceeded our expectations, and we highly recommend their services for anyone looking to explore the jungle. Thank you for an amazing adventure!
Hendrik Loggen
Hendrik Loggen
Amazing! I have been in contact with Senta for 18 months to plan my perfect trip. 14 days in the most amazing jungle with the most amazing people. I had a team of 5, Ian (the guide), Abang Jup(the captain), Abang Surya(the cook), Abang Olok(specialist kodok) and last but the most gangster, Andak Ling(specialist of everything)! Amazing scenery, the best camp spots, amazing food and, the most important, a lot of fun! 14 days in the jungle isn’t easy, but they made it easier. The last day i was sad that it was about to end, i wanted another week longer. I will be back, promise 🤞
Reply from The Jungle Guide 2024.05.29
Dear Hendrik, Thank you soo much for this amazing review 🙏🏻 It was a pleasure to stay in contact with you to plan everything and it was even more wonderful to meet you in person! Your jungle crew is missing you a lot - they had the most funny 14 days with you in the jungle :D They will be waiting for their jungle brother to come back for another crazy adventure 🌿 Big hug from all of us and all the best to you 🤗 Your Jungle Guide Team
Great jungle experience! We booked a 5D/4N trip with Senta and her team in may 2024. The guides and kitchen crew are out of this world! Absolutely dedicated and caring about their jungle as well as us. They went above and beyond to get us safely and well feed through the jungle. The energy within in the team was Lovely. We had a great time with Olky and his team throughout the whole time! They try to minimize the impact on the jungle and are in my Opinion a great pick for a eco tourist approach as they don’t oversell what you might see and they do refrain from feeding wildlife to please tourists. Can recommend!
Magi M
Magi M
Unique Jungle Adventure & Awesome Experience From the initial contact with Senta to the heartfelt farewell from my guide Wahyu, my experience with The Jungle Guide was simply incredible. Upon arrival at Medan Airport, I got picked up and taken directly to the accommodation in Bukit Lawang. My guide Wahyu was very kind and friendly and told me a lot of interesting things about the jungle. The tour offered a perfect blend of excitement, nature exploration, and adventure. We encountered numerous animals, including orangutans, gibbons, and much more. The overnight stay by the river was pleasant and in the evening we played a lot of fun games. The food was also very very good!! I highly recommend everyone to take this tour and choose The Jungle Guide. Thank you for this experience, especially to my fantastic guide Wahyu!
Edgar B
Edgar B
Abenteuer Sumatra Wir sind soeben von einer dreiwöchigen Reise durch Nord-Sumatra zurückgekommen, welche Senta von The Jungle Guide nach unseren Wünschen organisiert hat und es war wirklich eine einzigartige Erfahrung. Unter anderem standen ein dreitägiges Dschungeltrekking, die Besteigung des Vulkans Sibayak, Samosir im Lake Toba sowie abschließend einige Tage auf der Insel Palambak auf dem Programm. Es war eine ausgewogene Mischung aus Natur, Kultur und Erholung - man kann gar nicht aufzählen, was wir alles gesehen und erlebt haben: Eine vielfältige Tier- und Pflanzenwelt im Dschungel, netter und unkomplizierter Kontakt zur Bevölkerung, Einblicke in die Kultur der Karo und Batak, vulkanische Aktivitäten, grüne Meeresschildkröten bei der Eiablage, eine paradiesische Insel, und, und, und… Alles war perfekt organisiert, sämtliche Fahrer und Guides sehr zuverlässig und wir hatten immer eine Menge Spaß mit ihnen. Senta war sowohl im Vorfeld als auch während der Reise immer erreichbar und stand stets für einen persönlichen Kontakt zur Verfügung. Fazit: Wer eine Reise abseits des Mainstreams mit einer kräftigen Prise Abenteuer aber dennoch perfekt organisiert sucht, ist hier absolut richtig! Vielen herzlichen Dank nochmals für dieses wunderschöne Erlebnis!
Fabiana M
Fabiana M
Tour orangutanes from a girls perspective I felt very welcomed since the beginning. Olky and sandy picked me up from the tour van and took me to my place. They explained every detail for the trekking. Next morning we saw a variety of monkeys!! My group was really friendly and OLKY was our guide (he is the best) very funny and well prepared. He always checks on you to see if you are doing all right. As a woman I always felt safe with them, they are very respectful. The hike is a bit tough but they are very careful! We had several stops to rest. The food was good. Really it was a beautiful experience just be prepared for the most basic sleep place. There is a shared toiled at the end of the campground which I had to look for. One of them is not well taken care of (but this is not only this tours responsibility but everyone’s). I would totally recommend. The raft inning was very fun! Also Next day they managed to book an eco printing workshop for me and even took me to a swimming place. They are always very attentive. Thank you Olky and Sandy 🫶🏽
Constanze Maier
Constanze Maier
Wir haben The Jungle Guide noch vor unserer Abreise aus Deutschland entdeckt und via WhatsApp kontaktiert. Senta ist super zuvorkommend und top organisiert. Wir wurden am Flughafen Medan von einem Fahrer abgeholt und fuhren direkt nach Bukit Lawang (4 Stunden Fahrt). Auf dem Weg hat der Fahrer noch bei einem Shop gehalten, wo wir Sim Karten kaufen konnten. Alles hat super geklappt und die Verständigung in Englisch war Tip Top. In Bukit Lawang angekommen, begrüßte uns an der Unterkunft (Eco Lodge) jemand von The Jungle Guide und erklärte uns was wir für unsere zwei Tages Tour einpacken sollen. Um 9 Uhr ging's dann direkt am Hotel los. Jonny holte uns an und führte uns in den Dschungel. Wir konnten insgesamt sieben Orang Utans sehen, einen Pfau, unzählige Schmetterlinge, Thomas Longtail Monkeys, Makaken und sogar Gibbons. Es war unglaublich! Das Camp für die Nacht war an einem kleinen Flusslauf. Nach einem Bad gab es Tee und ein super leckeres Abendessen, gekocht von Erwin, der uns grandios versorgte. Für die Nacht im Camp war alles da. Schlafsack, eine dünne Matratze, ein Kissen. Nach dem Frühstück ging es weiter. Der Weg ist anspruchsvoll und die Luftfeuchtigkeit hoch. Aber es lohnt sich absolut! Weitere Orang Utans, Gibbons und co. Jonny erklärte auch viel zu den Pflanzen des Dschungels. Auf der Wanderung (Tag 1: 7 Stunden, Tag 2: 4 Stunden) versorgte uns Jonny mit Essen (Früchte, Nasi Goreng). Am Ende fuhren wir mit Reifen auf dem Fluss zurück nach Bukit Lawang und Jonny setzte uns wieder an der Eco Lodge ab. Wir haben den kompletten Aufenthalt mit An- und Abreise über Senta (The Jungle Guide) gebucht und konnten alles online mit der Wise App bezahlen. Bar wäre zwar auch möglich, aber die Online Möglichkeit klappt super unkompliziert und schnell. Wir würden alles wieder genauso machen. Es war perfekt! Vielen lieben Dank an die tolle Gruppe von The Jungle Guide!
Reply from The Jungle Guide 2024.04.18
Liebe Constanze, Vielen herzlichen Dank für diese tolle und detailreiche Bewertung! Wir sind super glücklich zu hören, dass euch der gesamte Aufenthalt in Bukit Lawang so gut gefallen hat und ihr auf eurem Treck solches Glück mit den Tierbeobachtungen hattet :D Unser gesamtes Team hatte große Freude, eure Begeisterung für den Dschungel zu erleben und zu teilen! Alles Gute für euch beide! Herzliche Grüße von eurem Jungle Guide Team 🌿🐒🌸
Constanze M
Constanze M
Jungle Trek Bukit Lawang Wir haben The Jungle Guide noch vor unserer Abreise aus Deutschland entdeckt und via WhatsApp kontaktiert. Senta ist super zuvorkommend und top organisiert. Wir wurden am Flughafen Medan von einem Fahrer abgeholt und fuhren direkt nach Bukit Lawang (4 Stunden Fahrt). Auf dem Weg hat der Fahrer noch bei einem Shop gehalten, wo wir Sim Karten kaufen konnten. Alles hat super geklappt und die Verständigung in Englisch war Tip Top. In Bukit Lawang angekommen, begrüßte uns an der Unterkunft (Eco Lodge) jemand von The Jungle Guide und erklärte uns was wir für unsere zwei Tages Tour einpacken sollen. Um 9 Uhr ging's dann direkt am Hotel los. Jonny holte uns an und führte uns in den Dschungel. Wir konnten insgesamt sieben Orang Utans sehen, einen Pfau, unzählige Schmetterlinge, Thomas Longtail Monkeys, Makaken und sogar Gibbons. Es war unglaublich! Das Camp für die Nacht war an einem kleinen Flusslauf. Nach einem Bad gab es Tee und ein super leckeres Abendessen, gekocht von Erwin, der uns grandios versorgte. Für die Nacht im Camp war alles da. Schlafsack, eine dünne Matratze, ein Kissen. Nach dem Frühstück ging es weiter. Der Weg ist anspruchsvoll und die Luftfeuchtigkeit hoch. Aber es lohnt sich absolut! Weitere Orang Utans, Gibbons und co. Jonny erklärte auch viel zu den Pflanzen des Dschungels. Auf der Wanderung (Tag 1: 7 Stunden, Tag 2: 4 Stunden) versorgte uns Jonny mit Essen (Früchte, Nasi Goreng). Am Ende fuhren wir mit Reifen auf dem Fluss zurück nach Bukit Lawang und Jonny setzte uns wieder an der Eco Lodge ab. Wir haben den kompletten Aufenthalt mit An- und Abreise über Senta (The Jungle Guide) gebucht und konnten alles online mit der Wise App bezahlen. Bar wäre zwar auch möglich, aber die Online Möglichkeit klappt super unkompliziert und schnell. Wir würden alles wieder genauso machen. Es war perfekt! Vielen lieben Dank an die tolle Gruppe von The Jungle Guide!
Linus Schrinner
Linus Schrinner
We had the best experience with Olky and our jungle Crew. We did a 7 day Trek through the wild area had really challenging but fun Treks every day! We saw many different monkeys, apes and birds but the best was the jungle Crew! We grew together as a family and has the most fun time ever! Id recommend to everyone!
Sean N
Sean N
A wonderful experience The most amazing experience. Senta at the jungle guide was incredibly helpful, and my guide Pipit was phenomenal. I can't recommend it enough.
Hannah Murphy
Hannah Murphy
We had an incredible experience with the Jungle Guide doing the 3 day jungle trek in Bukit Lawang. Senta had been a huge help from the very beginning; the communication with her via email for the months leading up to our jungle trek was informative and time efficient. She arranged rides to and from the airport and our accommodations while we were staying in Bukit Lawang. Once we arrived, Sandi informed us about how the trek would go and got all of the gear we needed. Olky and Acceng were our guides both of whom had expansive knowledge about the jungle and the animals. They were able to answer our questions about the wildlife while also singing different songs throughout the trek! Each night, Ari prepared fresh and delicious food along with tea and breakfast in the morning. We loved the river rafting on our last day back to Bukit Lawang which was a fun way to experience the river. We highly recommend doing your jungle trek in Bukit Lawang with the Jungle Guide!
Hannah M
Hannah M
3 Day Jungle Trek with the Jungle Guide We had an incredible experience with the Jungle Guide doing the 3 day jungle trek in Bukit Lawang. Senta had been a huge help from the very beginning; the communication with her via email for the months leading up to our jungle trek was informative and time efficient. She arranged rides to and from the airport and our accommodations while we were staying in Bukit Lawang. Once we arrived, Sandi informed us about how the trek would go and got all of the gear we needed. Olky and Acceng were our guides both of whom had expansive knowledge about the jungle and the animals. They were able to answer our questions about the wildlife while also singing different songs throughout the trek! Each night, Ari prepared fresh and delicious food along with tea and breakfast in the morning. We loved the river rafting on our last day back to Bukit Lawang which was a fun way to experience the river. We highly recommend doing your jungle trek in Bukit Lawang with the Jungle Guide!
Andreas D
Andreas D
Unique and so formative for his life. Pure nature, kind and courteous people, that's all you need to be happy. We have never had such intense and truly lasting impressions on our holidays. And there was quite a lot. Anto, Senta and their extremely courteous and caring team guided us through the jungle around Bukit Lawang for several days. They showed us lots of animals, orangutans, other monkey species, butterflies, monitor lizards, snakes, insects and some plants and explained what is edible or can be used as medicinal plants. You can tell that the team loves their jungle and is committed to keeping everything as it is. No matter what aches and pains or problems you had while hiking or in the overnight camps, they had a solution for everything. We felt totally comfortable and looked after. Everything was so personal. You just felt like part of the team. The evenings we spent together were always fun and entertaining and you could get to know each other better over games and delicious food. We can recommend Anto, Senta and their entire team without reservation and would love to return to the jungle straight away. Thank you very much for these great days!!!
Natalie J
Natalie J
We had a fantastic time on the jungle trek with Olky and Aseng as our guides, and Alberto as our chef. We had airport pick up and drop off as part of the package and were welcomed on either side with a helping hand to carry our luggage up a large hill to the accommodation we chose - this was very kind of the team. On the jungle trek we were lucky enough to see Orangutans before we even left our accommodation! We saw others throughout the day, as well as the Thomas Leaf Monkey, white handed gibbon, short tail and long tail macaque. Also, many lizards, beautiful butterflies and moths, and a tortoise. The trek up and down through the jungle in the high temperatures and humidity was challenging, but Olky and Aseng looked after us well and we had plenty of opportunities to rest if we wanted, as well as time to enjoy the jungle. They taught us about different plants and animals in the jungle en route, too. The snacks, lunch and dinner provided were all excellent and they cooked the most delicious Indonesian dishes without chilli for me to cater for my allergy. The whole team made us feel very welcome and safe in the jungle and we would thoroughly recommend a jungle trek with The Jungle Guide.
Reply from The Jungle Guide 2024.04.05
Dear Natalie, Thank you so very much for this wonderful review 😃 We are very happy that you enjoyed the time in the jungle with our team and felt comfortable and taken care of. That's very important to us. And it's great how many animals you spotted during your 2 day trek! Huge thanks for sharing all these details here! We wish you all the best and would love to welcome you back one day 🤗 Your Jungle Guide Team 🌿🐒🌸
Fantastic jungle adventure We had a fantastic time on the jungle trek with Olky and Aseng as our guides, and Alberto as our chef. We had airport pick up and drop off as part of the package and were welcomed on either side with a helping hand to carry our luggage up a large hill to the accommodation we chose - this was very kind of the team. On the jungle trek we were lucky enough to see Orangutans before we even left our accommodation! We saw others throughout the day, as well as the Thomas Leaf Monkey, white handed gibbon, short tail and long tail macaque. Also, many lizards, beautiful butterflies and moths, and a tortoise. The trek up and down through the jungle in the high temperatures and humidity was challenging, but Olky and Aseng looked after us well and we had plenty of opportunities to rest if we wanted, as well as time to enjoy the jungle. They taught us about different plants and animals in the jungle en route, too. The snacks, lunch and dinner provided were all excellent and they cooked the most delicious Indonesian dishes without chilli for me to cater for my allergy. The whole team made us feel very welcome and safe in the jungle and we would thoroughly recommend a jungle trek with The Jungle Guide.
Andreas Döhle
Andreas Döhle
So intensive und wirklich nachhaltige Eindrücke hatten wir noch nie in unseren Urlauben. Und da war schon einiges dabei. Von Anto, Senta und ihrem total zuvorkommendem und führsorglichem Team wurden wir mehrere Tage durch den Jungle rund um Bukit Lawang geführt. Sie haben uns viele Tiere, Orang Utans, andere Affenarten, Schmetterlinge, Varane, Schlangen, Insekten und einige Pflanzen gezeigt und erklärt was essbar oder als Heilpflanze einsetzbar ist. Man merkt, dass das Team ihren Jungle liebt und sich dafür einsetzt, dass alles so erhalten bleibt. Egal welche Wehwechen oder Probleme man beim Wandern oder in den Übernachtungscamps hatte, für alles hatten sie eine Lösung. Wir haben uns total wohl und behütet gefühlt. Alles war so persönlich. Man gehörte einfach mit zum Team. Die gemeinsamen Abende waren immer lustig und unterhaltsam und man konnte sich bei Spielen und leckerem Essen weiter kennenlernen. Wir können Anto, Senta und ihr gesamtes Team uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen und würden am liebsten gleich wieder in den Jungle zurückkehren. Vielen Dank für diese tollen Tage!!!