iSauna Design Kft. - iSauna manufaktúra

iSauna Design Kft. - iSauna manufaktúra Értékelések

Kiváló értékelés
11 vélemény Hitelesített
iSauna Design Kft. - iSauna manufaktúra


Értékelések ( 11 ) 5.0

Szabolcs Máj
Szabolcs Máj
Zoltán Tóth
Zoltán Tóth
Ervin Lázár
Ervin Lázár
Zoltán Csiszár
Zoltán Csiszár
Győri Kamionos Fesztivál
Győri Kamionos Fesztivál
Katalin Horváth
Katalin Horváth
Bernadette V'arhelyi
Bernadette V'arhelyi
Unfortunately, I’m so sad as after 2 years I chose Isauna Design Kft. The owner promised, offered everything in the highest quality in order to make this deal. So I was ‘the nicest customer’ till I paid for my sauna then in a week more than 10 very poor quality issues were coming up included the door holder issue where the door latch remained in my hand once when I wanted to open the sauna door. So I could not use sauna after 4 weeks while they were willing to come and tried to solve some of poor quality issues ( some rough wood elements inside, more places broken woods with screw, mixed door glass where outside was put inside???, not operated screen, clacking from floor heating, damaged door holder, the door could not closed properly etc...). It was ONE full day job while the worker tried to solve all poor quality issues somehow. The owner was very aggressive and shouted with me by his very rude tone of the voice via call. I was shocked . It’s unbelievable and unacceptable this behavior from a company, from the man to woman as well. I never had any experience like this. Even we are talking about a luxury item for more than 11000€! A month later another warranty issues came up like I got stuck in the sauna after 40 minutes in 65C for additional , unplanned 20 minutes more as the door stacked completely and I could not leave the sauna and my blood pressure went up for 200 while I was able to leave the sauna with help. I was lucky to get out on time with help. I called the company but they did not pick up the phone to get help. In additionally, the application is not working anymore, the panorama glass with full of circles etc... So the sauna is not functional and The company disappeared, no any response and solution since 4th of April 2019 ( more than 1 month). I still can’t use the sauna because the door is not opening and closing safely but the company disappeared and do not response and do not pick up the phone. So never again. Just check your mailbox since 05th of April 2019. Today is 14th of May, 2019. Sometimes is also worth to call back the customer and response, after the payment as well. All pics are available about the poor quality of issues. So never again. No any response and call since 05.04.2019 to repair my infra sauna in order to use it! It’s unbelievable!
Müller Ulrich
Müller Ulrich
Ich habe iSauna im Internet gefunden, die Bilder und Referenzen waren überzeugend, trotz Entfernung habe ich eine Anfrage per E-Mail gesendet. .. Nach mehrmaligen Beratungsgesprächen und Email-Wechseln konnte ich meine Entscheidung treffen. Seit 4 Monaten habe ich meine Außensauna mit Dusche - nach meinen Vorstellungen, auf höchster Niveau. Ich freue mich, daß wir die Entfernung einfach überbrückt haben, und alle meine Frage fachmännisch Beantwortet wurden. Gute Wahl, hochwertige Beratung und Ausführung.
Lucia Pavlíková
Lucia Pavlíková
Pred dvomi rokmi sme práve hladami vhodnú saunu do našej zázhady, keď jeden môj známy ich odporúčal, že vraj sú absolútna špička v regióne, čo sa týka sáun. A mal vo všetkom pravdu! Boli sme u nich osobne, majú super kanceláriu, a milých odborníkov. Kancelária je vedľa výrobne, tak sme sa tam tiež popozerali, ako sa sauny vyrábajú. Kompletné plány a cenovú ponuku sme dostali do jedného týždňa, našu saunu vyrobili do dvoch mesiacov. Odvtedy skoro každý deň saunu používame, funguje perfektne, a je prekrásna! Sme maximálne spokojní s nimi, aj s ich klientskou podporou. Sme radi, že sme vybrali práve túto firmu.
Boros Veronika
Boros Veronika
Laura Csordás
Laura Csordás
Sehr zurverlässige Firma. Unsere Sauna funkzioniert prima, es ist ganz toll und wunderschön. Schnelle und präzise Arbeitenden, freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Service. Montage war genau und zuverlässig. Ich kann es sehr empfehlen für alle!!