Personalised Nutritional Therapy

Personalised Nutritional Therapy Reviews

Excellent rating
11 reviews Verified
Personalised Nutritional Therapy


Reviews ( 11 ) 5.0

Emie Kitson
Emie Kitson
Fabulous information, motivation and she’s got your back when things don’t go to plan, offers great strategies and support. I feel lively, happy and healthy now thanks Sonia xxx
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2023.05.09
Thank you Emie for the kind words. You really have worked hard and made such a difference to your life. It's been a pleasure to see your journey and help you along the way. Keep up the good work please :)
Rachael Walding
Rachael Walding
Sonia has been a wealth of information and support over the past 12 weeks. I was really struggling with migraines, low energy and weight that wouldn't shift. The information and advice that Sonia has shared with me has had a huge impact on my health and quality of life. Although the migraines haven't completely gone they have much improved and as a result I have been able to focus on my other health goals. I now understand how what I eat and when effects my energy levels and weight. Thank you Sonia, I have learnt so much and now have the tools to continue to work towards my goals.
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2023.01.15
Rachael, thank you for your kind feedback and I am glad we were able to help you. You have trusted the recommendations and worked hard to implement them. Well done and keep up the good work please. All the best Sonia
Shona Salter
Shona Salter
I knew Sonia from our gym days so was delighted when I googled nutritionist and her name popped up first. I was at the end if my tehter as Ive just kept gaining and gaining weight for no apparent reason. I eat healthy and trained 3 to 4 times a week. Before my first consultation with Sonia I had blood tests and when I first saw her I told her my symptoms and she immediately said to go gluten free and take my temperature every morning for 2 weeks. This showed Sonia what she wanted to see and soon after I had my Dr's diagnosis. I also suffer with acid reflux. Dr said take gaviscon for 2 weeks, if it helps ill prescribe you something... I stopped eating nightshade foods, Google it... Who knew?! I've not had gaviscon since. Once we knew the root of the problem Sonia immediately got to work on mounds and mounds, of research, dietary needs and habit breaking suggestions. I'd have a snack at 10 and 3 and breakfast, lunch ant tea... I didn't need it, it was a habit. Managed to break that in a week... I had 2 12 week cycles with Sonia and I feel a lot better and less sluggish. I'm on the right road and I know this is not an overnight fix but with Sonia guidance and knowledge I'll get there. As yet, I've not lost any weight but it will come. If I'd not reconnected with Sonia, I don't know what I'd be doing now... Sorry for the long post... I could go on and on... Thank you Sonia x
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.11.18
Shona, thank you so much for the kind review. Please take pride in all the work you did, and the changes you made through this process. You were open to my suggestions and fully understood that there was a process as we worked through different stages. Well done and keep up the fantastic work :)
russ stevenson
russ stevenson
I’m just at the end of my 12 week support with Sonia. It has been life changing for me! I knew I couldn’t maintain my lifestyle, as I at my heaviest l had ever been, feeling unhealthy! Sonia took the time to listen to me, and guide me through, a achievable plan, taking one step at a time with small changes. Then lunch and dinner ideas. A guide on different types of food , healthy sugars/fats. I’m definitely enjoying my new diet. Loosing weight, and definitely feel healthier happy, more energy. Definitely worth giving it a go, to help you change your lifestyle and feel good. I’m signing up again for another 12 weeks. looking forward to hearing what Sonia has planned for me.
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.11.06
Thank you for your kind words. You have really worked hard over these initial 12 weeks and took on board my recommendations. Please take pride in that. I look forward to helping you through this next stage. Well done :)
Rodney Binley
Rodney Binley
Very caring understating and knowledgeable helped my wife through a difficult time
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.10.17
Thank you Rodney for your kind words. I am glad we could help. Best wishes Sonia
jayne england
jayne england
It was my husband who saw I was despairing about my weight, bloatedness, puffiness and who knew I was unhappy within myself… he knows Sonia and after much persuasion from him I decided to book my half hour session thinking it’ll be a waste of time … maybe I’ll try slimming world again (for the umpteenth time!). Well .. that half an hour with Sonia turned on a switch .. she listened to what my ailments were, how unhappy I was with myself and because of certain different medical reasons how I felt down about the way I was… she listened and said I can help you and I believed she could .. that half an hour gave me hope! 12 weeks down the line I’m at the end of the tunnel .. it’s bright.. I feel fantastic.. weight is coming off, I’m eating delicious food and discovering me again, I feel healthier , no more sluggish feeling in the afternoons, I don’t want to have a nap! It isn’t a quick fix, it’s slow , steady and understanding the different food types and how they help and it’s patience. I can’t praise Sonia enough, I no longer feel guilty about what I eat as it’s just delicious, I have loved cooking new recipes and have a few favourites. Sonia … a big THANK YOU!
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.10.11
Jayne, that is such a lovely review, thank you. I am so so pleased we have managed to help you. You are such a brilliant client to work with. You listened, you adapted, you worked hard, and you believed in the process. Such a winning combination. Well done Jayne - keep up this great work please. Take care Sonia
Jay Stewart
Jay Stewart
Working with Sonia, my Personalised Nutritional Therapist, taught me so much about my health and diet. Having Rheumatoid Arthritis and not knowing what the triggers were, I was eating food that I enjoyed but was not good for the condition. Sonia got to work by checking my family history, working with my doctor and checking my Blood test for any contra indications, looking at my daily food intake and recomending Food and fruits that was good for me and additionl food supplements that contributes to the maintenance of the whole body. I'm on a gluten free diet, my overall health has improved and I am happy that I found Sonia, and I would recommend her to anyone looking to improve their health.
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.03.23
Thank you so much for your kind words. You took on board what I recommended and it was an absolute pleasure working with you and seeing the positive changes in your health come through. Well done and please keep up the good work 👍 Regards Sonia
With Sonia's help i lost 14 kg and never felt better like now. i am completely different person my mood improved and i am full of energy. besides that i learned about nutritional needs and how much important it is for a healty lifestyle and much more. i definitely recommend Sonya she is the best.
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.03.16
Ovi thank you so much for the positive review. You worked hard over these 12 weeks. You took my advice, listened and came back with questions if you weren't sure in our sessions. It was a total pleasure working with you. Please keep up the hard work and focus. Well done! Sonia
Danielle Bonham
Danielle Bonham
I came to Sonia with a few health concerns. She has helped me find supplements to support this and most of the symptoms have gone! I have learnt so much with how my body reacts to certain foods,so I can now move forward and avoid these for the future.
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.03.15
Thank you for your kind review and I am pleased we were able to support you back to health. It's great you have learnt so much on the way. You worked hard for this. Well done. Keep up the good work please. Best wishes Sonia
Kat’s Jolly Holidays
Kat’s Jolly Holidays
Sonia is a wealth of information for all your nutritional needs. Approachable & genuinely wants to help. Her passion for what she does is very evident. I followed her 14 day detox programme. This plan was so easy to follow with clear & delicious recipes as well as explanations on what incorporates a balanced diet. Sonia regularly checked in and I felt totally supported. My diet had become shocking living off fast carbs and not caring what I was fuelling my body with. I was always tired. After 14 days I lost 7lb & 5 inches but the most remarkable change was how I felt in myself. Stronger, fitter & healthier. Sleep improved & my mood. My energy levels have rocketed. I have made eating a balanced diet part of my everyday norm and haven’t looked back. I’m seeing results both in my training and general everyday life. What you fuel your body with really makes a dramatic difference. I 100% recommend Sonia. She is exactly what you need to meet all your nutritional needs.
Reply from Personalised Nutritional Therapy 2022.02.10
Thank you Kat for your very kind words. You worked really hard on improving your diet and I am glad I could support you in this. It's great now that you can feel the difference inside and out and now you are aware of the foods to eat, and more importantly you can recognise how certain foods make you feel. This will stand you in good stead moving forward. Be VERY proud of the work you put in, both physically and mentally and keep up the good focus. Well done x
Kat Dawson
Kat Dawson
Sonia is a wealth of information for all your nutritional needs. Approachable & genuinely wants to help. Her passion for what she does is very evident. I followed her 14 day detox programme. This plan was so easy to follow with clear & delicious recipes as well as explanations on what incorporates a balanced diet. Sonia regularly checked in and I felt totally supported. My diet had become shocking, living off fast carbs and not caring what I was fuelling my body with. I was always tired. After 14 days I lost 7lb & 5 inches but the most remarkable change was how I felt in myself. Stronger, fitter & healthier. Sleep improved & my mood. My energy levels have rocketed. I have made eating a balanced diet part of my everyday norm and haven’t looked back. I’m seeing results both in my training and general everyday life. What you fuel your body with really makes a dramatic difference. I 100% recommend Sonia. She is exactly what you need to meet all your nutritional needs.