Lyon City Tour

Lyon City Tour Reviews

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1074 reviews Verified
Lyon City Tour


Reviews ( 1070 ) 4.0

Jp Lyant
2023.04.14 2023.04.14 | France
Gerard T
Gerard T
Good sample of the most interesting highlights of the city The tour stops at many interesting locations and is a good way to decide what to view later. Many are close by and easier to walk instead of waiting for the next bus. The comments (I selected English) were ok and sometimes amusing, only the audio often started distorted so the first seconds of many announcements could not be heard, something for the company to look into.
SH 2019
SH 2019
BAD One hour late (obviously they cancelled our scheduled bus).That is bad enough making people wait on the street in a cold and windy day.BUT the real issue is that they did NOT inform us about the cancellation or change.They had our e-mail and cell-phone contact info.UNFORGIVABLE and will not take it in the future.
Bruno Marin
Bruno Marin
Un peu court le circuit vert. Surtout quand les 2 autres circuits sont fermés et non signalés dommage. Bonne méthode pour avoir une vue globale.
Cim D
Cim D
Ho hum bus tour We were supposed to be on the 5:00 bus. We went early because of how many reviews indicate they are timing challenged. Good thing we did, because the driver said the 4:00 was the last one for the day. Our tickets clearly said 5. The tour gave us an overview of Lyon but very limited information. We have enjoyed many hop on hop off bus experiences in many different countries. This was by far the worst. Little information shared on the prerecorded trip. Disappointing.
Paolo Tomasi
Paolo Tomasi
Misleading website and ride suppressed without notice. The website is useless. It gives you a timetable without telling you anywhere that some tour times are only for weekends. So you end up waiting at one of their stops forever. Also there is no staff at the main starting point. And in my case, they just suppressed the last ride, without any information at the main starting point, and did I mention no staff? Obviously I cannot tell if the ride is interesting or pleasant, but their service is terrible.
Alison B
Alison B
Good tour, not so good commentary. Saw a lot but couldn’t always hear the commentary very well - she spoke a little too quickly and sometimes dropped her voice at the end of the sentence. Otherwise it was a good tour.
Very nice way to discover Lyon It was really useful, to book this trip (green line). We discovered the city to its best. Nice and useful explanation. It was just a bit difficult to hear the comments ont he headset as the sound is very low. (we pushed the + button to the maximum). We had fun anway.
Kia Ben
Kia Ben
Circuit complet
Useful orientation tour of the city As an orientation tour of the city it was useful. Can’t imagine it working that well on a HOHO basis, as you’re restricted to 1hr or 2 hour visit times per stop. And it could be quite a long journey from any particular stop to your finishing point when you’re done for the day.
Interesting and informative tour Easy to pick up the bus in different places. Good length. Interesting and informative. Enjoyed by our teens too.
Sparkle Twilight
Sparkle Twilight
First, I am very sorry not to know your name. Because of your kindness, we could look at Lyon comfortably. Have a safe drive every day!
Romain THERY
Romain THERY
Excellent moyen de visiter Lyon. A faire
Jean marc Monternier
Jean marc Monternier
Trop bien cette ballade dans lyon en bus cabriolet a étage , cela permet d avoir une vue générale de la ville de Lyon en 1h 30 , magnifique , il y a les écouteurs gratuits pour la visite commentée en plusieurs langues étrangères .
Laurence Fonteneau
Laurence Fonteneau
Cher pour ce que c est
Anne-Marie Daniel
Anne-Marie Daniel
Bonne organisation, après avoir payé et démarré,vous descendez et remontez à l'arrêt de votre choix. Tour très complet, avec un audio-guide (des écouteurs en plastique qui font mal aux oreilles). Malheureusement, je n'en ai pas beaucoup profité car un orage violent a éclaté... Mais, au moins, j'étais à l'abri 😊
James B
James B
Très intéressant Le circuit était très intéressant ! C’est la première chose que nous avons faite à Lyon et cela nous a permis de savoir comment organiser nos visites .Les commentaires étaient très intéressants et très instructifs sur la ville.Le bus étaient plein et nous pouvions descendre, visiter et reprendre le bus avec le même ticket ; ce qui nous a permis de visiter différents endroits de Lyon et continuer notre tour avec le bus.L’accueil à bord est chaleureux et le chauffeur était très à l’écoute, enfin les différents chauffeurs de ce jour … nous avions même droit au Brumisateur en ce temps de chaleur, cela ne pouvait que faire du bien!Nous conseillons de le prendre dès le premier jour à Lyon. Cela sera un bon driver pour la suite du séjour!
Nicola A
Nicola A
Great tour, interesting places Great tour. Good value for money. Ticket lasts the day. We did the whole trip first then got on again after lunch and stopped off at a few places we wanted to visit.Would be good to have a few more stops so you can get off near to more of the places of interest for those visitors, who can’t walk very far.
Jean marc Monternier
Jean marc Monternier
Trop bien cette ballade dans lyon en bus cabriolet a étage , cela permet d avoir une vue générale de la ville de Lyon en 1h 30 , magnifique , il y a les écouteurs gratuits pour la visite commentée en plusieurs langues étrangères .
Valerie Creteur
Valerie Creteur