Blu Mint

Blu Mint Reviews

Excellent rating
17 reviews Verified
Blu Mint


Reviews ( 16 ) 5.0

Vladimir Belopolskii
Vladimir Belopolskii
They are excellent at google ads and seo, the full SEM package. Would highly recommend!
David Bailey
David Bailey
This is our office- so it’s always good 😉
Gre Te
Gre Te
Oleme Blu Minti meeskonnaga tĂ€naseks koostööd teinud 8 kuud ja selle lĂŒhikese aja jooksul saavutanud vĂ€ga olulisi eesmĂ€rke. Nende professionaalne suhtumine meie projekti ja teadmised digiturundusest ning SEOst on jĂ€tnud mulle suurepĂ€rase mulje. Kui otsite digiturunduse spetsialiste, kes teevad lubatud töö Ă€ra Ă”igeaegselt, siis pole kaugemale vaadata vaja! Meeskond on alati kĂ€ttesaadav ning aitab ka mul turundusjuhina kasvada 😊
Grete Jeltsov
Grete Jeltsov
Oleme tĂ€naseks Blu Mint Digitaliga koostööd teinud ligi 8 kuud ja selle ajaga saavutanud suurepĂ€raseid tulemusi. Otsisime pikalt ettevĂ”tet, kes aitaks meid kodulehe optimeerimisel ning parima turundusstrateegia vĂ€ljatöötamisel GSMtasks brĂ€ndile. Nende professionaalne suhtumine meie projekti ning teadmised digiturundusest on aidanud meil lĂŒhikese aja jooksul jĂ”uda otsingumootorite esilehtedele ja sotsiaalmeedia jĂ€lgijaskonda mĂ€rgatavalt kasvatada. SEO vĂ”tab aega, kuid juba praegu nĂ€eme, et meie koostöö kannab vilja ning klientuur kasvab iga pĂ€evaga. Kui soovite leida SEO spetsialiste, kes pĂŒhenduvad oma tööle tĂ€ie hingega ja on vajadusel alati kĂ€ttesaadavad, soovitan kindlasti Blu Minti poole pöörduda.
John Ozbay
John Ozbay
An excellent team and fantastic agency with the right work attitude! They have great SEM & content writing specialists and they deliver results!
Reply from Blu Mint 2019.05.02
Wow thanks for the amazing review John - we’re thrilled your happy with our results!
Evert Lund
Evert Lund
Blu Mint Digital meeskond aitas meie kodulehe otsingumootoritele optimeerida. Oli probleeme soovitud mĂ€rksĂ”nadega vĂ€ljatulemisel ning Blu Mint Digital andis vĂ€ga konkreetse ĂŒlevaate, mida tuleks kindlasti parendada. Sai parendatud domeeni vÀÀrtust kui ka veebilehte ennast. VĂ€ga pĂ€dev ettevĂ”te internetiturunduse valdkonnas. Tulemused on mÔÔdetavad ja mĂ€rgatavad, kindlasti soovitan!
Reply from Blu Mint 2017.08.08
Thank you Evert for your kind words!
Daniel Coll (Dan)
Daniel Coll (Dan)
Friendly, supportive and very professional.
Reply from Blu Mint 2017.08.07
Thanks Daniel!
Adriano D'Ambrosio
Adriano D'Ambrosio
David & Andrew were excellent in providing SEO, social media and content writing services for my clients. Always delivering on time and to a high standard, I'll be using them again. Highly recommended!
Marit Milk
Marit Milk
VÀga professionaalne ja asjalik meeskond. Alati peetakse tÀhtaegadest tÀpselt kinni ja kui miskit lubatakse, siis tehakse see 100% kvaliteediga ka Àra.
Reply from Blu Mint 2016.11.09
Thank you Marit, glad we lived up to your expectations!
Marit Milk
Marit Milk
VÀga professionaalne ja asjalik meeskond. Alati peetakse tÀhtaegadest tÀpselt kinni ja kui miskit lubatakse, siis tehakse see 100% kvaliteediga ka Àra.
Drew Arnold
Drew Arnold
David acted as our CMO and managed our SEO, Social Media, PPC, content and email marketing channels t us to launch our startup. His organizational skills were invaluable to getting us noticed.
Reply from Blu Mint 2016.10.31
Thanks Drew, it was great being part of your startup!
Drew Arnold
Drew Arnold
David acted as our CMO and managed our SEO, Social Media, PPC, content and email marketing channels t us to launch our startup. His organisational skills were invaluable to getting us noticed.
Evelina Gaizutyte
Evelina Gaizutyte
The team helped me with SEO and Social Media for my village website in Lithuania. Thanks for everything!
Adam Rang
Adam Rang
David and the team are great to work with and very knowledgable about a wide range of digital marketing techniques. They've done great work for the statup community in Estonia, but I believe they also offer a competitive service to clients around the world. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them to others.
Reply from Blu Mint 2016.10.20
Thank you Adam - we appreciate your feedback and glad you liked working with us!
Adam Rang
Adam Rang
I'm very impressed by the work of Blu Mint Digital across a wide range of digital marketing services. David and the team are very knowledgable, but also easy to work with and ensure the job gets done right first time. Plus, if you go to visit them then they also have the world's cutest cat running around!
Ottomar Tamm
Ottomar Tamm