

Reviews ( 13 ) 4.9

C. Walsh
C. Walsh
Heal your heart Very insightful! Has opened another dimension of healing for me.
Michelle Hummer
Michelle Hummer
Fantastic This book will help you get the freedom your looking for, Susan has written this book in such a way that it so easy to understand and follow.Buy more than one copy, because you will want to give them away to friends and family.
A heart healing journey This book brought healing to myself & marraige & children. We also went through it with my adult children to break generations of toxic beliefs, break vows & bondage. I will be forever grateful to Susan for writing this book.
Getting Ready
Getting Ready
Critical knowledge for inner healing Once this teaching really sinks in you will realize just how true it is! The best thing is it's all right there in scripture, I just didn't necessarily pay attention. Very helpful to understand ourselves!
Sandra Jenkins
Sandra Jenkins
Excellent book! This book is an amazing look deep into the heart. It brings light, truth and healing to the reader who engages with what is written. I highly recommend adding this book to your arsenal for healing and deliverance. Susan Bowman is a wonderful minister!
Robin L. Hamar
Robin L. Hamar
This may start your healing process but you will need to find your own healing process for yourself I had to deal with my own healing process but this book does have good information to ponder over.
Easy to understand with a vital message This is an excellent book. The framework is simple and easy to understand. The heart is the subconscious so if it doesn’t change then no matter how much cleansing and renewing of your mind you do, things won’t change. There is good deal of scripture on guarding your heart and out of an abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. This helps you understand the “why” and the “how” and how to recognize heart speech! It is incredibly vital to your journey with Jesus. I highly recommend it.
The Quiet Heart by Susan Bowman - very good book I highly recommend this book for any counselor or person receiving counseling. So much of inner healing revolves around renewing the mind, which is important, but the heart beliefs are the driving factor. The teaching on silent inner vows of the heart is foundational for anyone desiring true healing. This book clarifies issues regarding body, soul, and spirit.
A Blessing This well written book is not only a blessing to my heart but an inspiration to find wholeness from years of carrying wounds that needed healing by the blood of Jesus. The Quiet Heart really explains how we take inner vows early in our lives that lead us astray, how to sit & listen, break those vows, and claim healing.
loves books
loves books
Inner healing does create a quiet heart. When you read “A quiet Heart”, read with the expectation of receiving a healed heart. So much of life drains us of ourselves, we lose our ability to adjust to daily demands.
Luv books
Luv books
A must for every prayer minister to know. I’ve been a Christian counselor and inner healer facilitator (prayer minister) for a long time. The information in this book is absolutely essential for anyone in ministry to know and to apply when working with clients. It helps understand why inner healing doesn’t always stick. It’s simple yet profound. This is a must for everyone who is in prayer ministry.
James W. Barry
James W. Barry
How to be a whole person. This book has given me the knowledge and tools I need to help me be free from self criticism. It also pointed out that the reason for wrong in the world is because of the fall not because of me.
Changed My Life This book is wonderful. Because becoming a Christian doesn’t mean your life will automatically become perfect. We struggle—with circumstances, with God, and with ourselves. With our perceptions and thoughts. With cycles of behavior we don’t like, but can’t seem to shake. This book explains why and outlines steps you can take to break free from the cycle. And most importantly, it explains the ways that God communicates with you, so you can hear what He has for you when you ask the questions that weigh on your heart.