

Reviews ( 6 ) 5.0

Dustin E Royer
Dustin E Royer
I highly recommend this book especially for parents with younger children. This was a good book. I liked the way the author interweaved his practical teaching with personal testimonies and scripture. Job well done. It has my mind thinking have I been the best father I could be for my children and challenges me to put thoughts into my actions know that no matter what age our kids are always watching us. I highly recommend this book especially for parents with younger children. If you read this early enough in their development I know it will have a positive impact on who they become.
Christian Parents Guide! Great book for helping parents instruct and guide their family based on biblical truths. Also include pages for writing notes to the end of the chapter questions.
Amazing handbook This book was so inspiring and just truly a breath of fresh air. It is filled with bible references so you don’t have to know the Bible inside out to be able to understand it all. I absolutely loved the personal references and examples that author has used. It helps you to understand that a perfect parent is not the one who says yes to your kids all the time and what does truly matter to being that perfect parent that we aspire to be! The book is not about do what I say but do what God says and then how to do it which was so needed for me.
Jeremy S. Bailey
Jeremy S. Bailey
Awesome book! I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but this book honestly helped save my marriage. As a blended family, we were struggling to find a common ground on parenting, and this book really helped it to “click” for us. My husband and I really related to the authors real life experiences because we could actually feel the authenticity in which they were written. We started with one copy and ended up purchasing a second because we kept wanting to reread parts and got tired of trying to figure out where the other one had it. 10/10 would recommend this for parents.
This should be handed out as the manual at birth What an amazing book. My children are 22 and soon to be 24. Let me tell you it's never to late to implement these Positive F words. I bought this book for my current ministry with children and I am using the tools I've have read....best part they work. I can't tell you anymore you have to read it for yourself 😁💜
Amazon Customer
Amazon Customer
Faith-based Parenting Good read! The book is well-organized and supported by well selected Bible verses.Whether you consider yourself a good parent or are struggling to become one, you will find helpful concepts based on biblical wisdom. I know I could have used some myself...