

Reviews ( 25 ) 4.5

Santiago Flores
Santiago Flores
An interesting and insightful reading "The Performing Heart: How to Escape the Trap of Relentless Performing and Enter the Security of God's Rest" by Susan Bowman is a transformative guide that addresses the exhausting pursuit of acceptance and approval. As an inner healing and deliverance minister, author Bowman leads readers on a profound exploration of their hearts, unraveling the root causes of performance-based behaviors and people-pleasing tendencies.Through prayerful and step-by-step instructions, the book gently guides individuals towards the liberating embrace of God's promised rest. Endorsed by experts and counselors, the book's well-organized bullet-point prayers offer practical tools for emotional healing and forgiveness."The Performing Heart" promises a powerful and potentially emotional journey towards freedom in Christ, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking emotional healing and personal growth. With its insightful and practical approach, this book is a comprehensive roadmap to finding genuine rest and liberation from the shackles of relentless performing.
A great read! Embark on a soul-stirring journey to freedom and tranquility with "The Performing Heart" by Susan Bowman. As a minister of inner healing and deliverance, Bowman expertly uncovers the allure of seeking approval, unveiling the hidden treasures within our hearts. This book transcends the ordinary, serving not only those seeking emotional healing but also ministers seeking to enhance their healing arsenal. The chapter on forgiveness hits home, leaving a profound impact on even the most hesitant hearts. With its empowering bullet-point prayers, the book becomes a beacon guiding readers towards freedom in Christ. Joel Gorveatte's prediction of transformative power, perhaps evoking tears, rings true for many. Rev. Lori Maxey passionately advocates keeping this life-changing book close, allowing God to usher readers into His divine rest. Niamh Jackson rightly hails it as a practical and insightful roadmap to liberation. "The Performing Heart" is an exceptional tapestry of wisdom, tender yet resolute, offering a unique path to emotional healing and spiritual freedom. Traverse this transformative road, and let your heart find the liberation it craves.
Saya Jacaranda
Saya Jacaranda
I can really recommend “The Performing Heart” by Susan Bowman is a mesmerizing book if you believe in emotions and internal feelings. Sometimes, we tend to want to please everyone else and do what we are supposed to do, be a good person, help others. And this is great. We should all strive toward a better society where we help one another. But we tend to forget ourselves in the process. And this is where this book comes into the game. It’s great at teaching you how to value yourself more and give yourself the deserved breaks you need from all the expectations and needs from the outside.I can really recommend this book if you want to treat yourself a little better.
Carlos stanley
Carlos stanley
Nourish your soul "The Performing Heart" is a soul-nourishing guide that compassionately addresses the struggle of relentless performance-driven living. Through personal anecdotes and biblical wisdom, it offers a transformative path to finding rest and security in God's grace. The book emphasizes self-reflection, communal support, and the liberating power of grace, providing readers with a deeper understanding of their motivations and a healthier approach to ambition. Though occasionally reliant on religious jargon, the overall message is inclusive and relatable. "The Performing Heart" is a must-read for those seeking peace and fulfillment amidst the pressures of modern life, leading them towards a place of rest and serenity.
Margarita garcia
Margarita garcia
Inspirational book. ''The Performing Heart: How to escape the trap of relentless performing and enter the security of God's rest'', written by Susan Bowman, is an interesting book that you should read if you are looking for inner healing. This book is for the person who feels trapped in an unreal world and wants to look for their true personality. The author helps us on how to change with God's help and shows us the way to do it. This book has beautiful lessons that are easy to follow and will help you to find the light. In this book, you will find the help you need. I would really recommend it.
Marina Lujan
Marina Lujan
This book is a must-have Susan Bowman, a talented author and minister of inner healing, wrote this profoundly revealing and transformational book. Bowman delves into the complex dynamics of the need for approval and the addiction to please others that affect so many people in today's society in this magisterial work. From the start, the author establishes an emotional connection with the reader, which makes it hard not to relate to the struggle she brings up. Throughout its pages, she invites readers to join a journey of self-discovery and liberation, where they will face the secrets hidden in the depths of their hearts.Throughout the book, Susan Bowman guides the reader through practical instructions on prayer, which become a valuable tool in achieving the rest and liberation that God promises. These guidelines offer a clear and reassuring route to emotional freedom and self-discovery, allowing the reader to break free from the chains of performance and find long-awaited rest.The author's prose is warm, empathetic, and approachable, making reading an enjoyable and meaningful experience. In short, it is a must-read for anyone seeking to free themselves from the oppression of other people's approval and find peace and rest in their lives. If you want to explore your inner self, understand your motivations, and experience deep transformation, this book is a must-have.
Beautifully written A profound and soul-stirring book that offers readers a pathway to liberation from the pressures of relentless performance and the discovery of true inner peace, The Performing Heart by Susan Bowman is a beautifully crafted book. Bowman delves into the struggles of our performance-driven society and skillfully guides readers towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationship with God. It is amazing to see the author's strength to share her own vulnerabilities and experiences, creating an authentic and relatable connection with readers.This is a transformative and uplifting book that offers a liberating escape from the trap of constant performing. Susan Bowman's compassionate guidance and spiritual wisdom create a safe haven for readers to explore their hearts, heal their souls, and rediscover the security of God's rest with its transformative power and heartfelt prose.
Inspirational and practical It’s quite usual to try to do anything if you don’t feel comfortable in a place or with someone. This sense of “not belonging” is an unspoken feeling for many people. If you feel like that, then you should read “The Performing Heart” by Susan Bowman.Along these pages , she includes help and some important verses from the bible to understand God’s parables and to learn to forgive people and yourself. It’s a read that teaches the way you should talk to your heart.It's well-written and the author’s ideas and teachings are simple to follow. What I liked is the variety of parables together with the explanations and also the questions at the end of some chapters. They are thought-provoking and invite you to analyze the way you act. In fact, I did it and I found it worth doing it. It's a must.
A Wonderful Self-Help Book with a Christian Perspective I found the book unique because not only it provided insights on many types of harming behavior, it also used Christianity and the belief in God to overcome those damaging behavior and walk a more productive path.
A M Game
A M Game
Exceptional book on performance-driven society challenges. "The Performing Heart: How to escape the trap of relentless performing and enter the security of God's rest" by Susan Bowman is an exceptional book that addresses the challenges of a performance-driven society. With spiritual guidance and personal anecdotes, Bowman offers a refreshing perspective on escaping the trap of relentless performing and discovering peace in God's embrace.Her writing style seamlessly blends biblical references and practical wisdom, making the content relatable and engaging for readers from all walks of life. Whether a professional, student, or homemaker, this book provides solace and guidance to navigate the pressures of society's expectations.
GM Reads
GM Reads
Really really helpful! The Performing Heart; How To Escape The Trap Of Relentless Performing And Enter The Security Of God’s Rest, by Susan Bowman, is an insightful and comprehensive guide to learning how to break free from the entrapment of needing to please others and instead learn self-care.By delving deep into our hearts and discovering the root causes of our behavior-based performance, readers will be able to untangle the knots of their own expectations and finally find respite in God’s promised peace.Bowman's book has a step-by-step structure that makes it easy for readers to understand and follow as well as provide them with relevant questions, tools, and exercises that help address issues in need of healing. With this clear guidance, readers can become accountable for their own needs while also having the support they need in order to move away from relentless performing.The book is an invaluable resource that everyone should have access to. With its compassionate writing style and thoughtfully crafted teachings, this book is sure to be a life-changing experience for those who are seeking freedom from inner turmoil.
Pearl A.
Pearl A.
A book that inspires and make you reflect things We all have struggles in life and it has a lot of things to do with our own emotions. Sometimes we can be our best friend but we can be our worst enemies, too. In The Performing Heart by Susan Bowman, I learned the importance of self-reflection and emotional healing. I love how it was written to target majority of people because we are all dealing with different emotional issues. Aside from the inspiring and spiritual content, this book also boasts such a lovely cover. I love the chains separated from the heart: it speaks well to what the content is about, getting yourself free from daily stress and struggles by reconnecting yourself to the Lord. This has been a very reflective story and I love reading the Bible phrases too.
S. J. Main
S. J. Main
I recommend this read as I found it helpful. 'The Performing Heart' is a non fiction self help book written for those who always put others first and feel left out. It is a much-needed read since many people pleasers suffer from falling behind and being taken advantage of. I recommend this read as I found it helpful.
Useful guidance. The Performing Heart is a book destined to help people to stop pleasing others and start doing what they really want. Since we are little, we are subject to acceptance, relying on the opinions of others in order to be liked and accepted. But life is just one, and it's way too short to be spent doing what others planned for you.Susan Bowman guides the reader throughout self-discovery, helping the reader understand their past and giving advice on how to make significant changes in life, to live peacefully and meaningfully.A great read, in my opinion. It gave me a lot to think about and eased my mind quite a bit.
J Armstrong
J Armstrong
Sorely needed If you're tired of constantly people-pleasing, constantly putting others before yourself, constantly bending over backwards with no thanks and no reward and even no reciprocation, then this is the book for you. This book, while full of gospel and Psalms, is still a great addition to my library. I love the fact that the author took time explaining things to me and made me feel that there was nothing wrong with me for feeling and acting the way I do. Well I don't do the things I do for gratitude, constantly putting myself behind others has been detrimental to my own health and the author gives us the tools how to fix this. The greatest thing is that I believe that I can find some balance now. And that is priceless to me.
A Breath of Crisp Air The Performing Heart; How To Escape The Trap Of Relentless Performing And Enter The Security Of God’s Rest, by Susan Bowman, is a breath of crisp air. This is a must-have for everyone! This book is the solution for people pleasers who perform for approval and ignore their needs to carry everyone else’s obligations. bowman, an apostle of inner healing and redemption, guides the reader on discovering mysteries within their own hearts, and learning ‘why’ behavior-based performance had its grasp on them. Through her step-by-step prayerful teachings, readers will be led into God’s pledged repose.Through The Performing Heart; How To Escape The Trap Of Relentless Performing And Enter The Security Of God’s Rest, by Susan Bowman, readers will discover issues that need to be addressed ad settle them. Bowman writes in an easy to comprehend style and gives simple instructions. I loved this book! An easy five-star book highly recommended to all.
Heal and Live Peacefully The Performing Heart by Susan Bowman can help people to break free from the trap of relentless performing. With her warmth and wisdom, Susan leads readers to uncover the root causes of their performance-based behaviors and gain a newfound security in God's rest.This book explores Susan’s personal journey as she comes to terms with her own struggle with performance-based living and how she ultimately found freedom in Christ. This is a captivating read as you follow her story and discover the depths of her own pain and how she found hope and healing.Susan dives deep into her research on performance-based behavior and provides a thoroughly researched and comprehensive overview of the underlying causes and effects of it. She explores perfectionism, comparison, and approval-seeking that often drive us to perform in ways that are harmful to our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
A great book This book was a great find! I can tell that the author, Susan Bowman, is a gifted person that speaks directly from her heart and her faith in God.I was tired of constantly seeking approval and trying to please everyone around me, this is literally exhausting. That is why reading "The Performing Heart" completely changed my life for the better."The Performing Heart" is not only valuable for those seeking emotional healing, but it's also an essential resource for ministers who want to enhance their toolbox. The final chapter, in particular, offers profound and accessible teachings on forgiveness for those who struggle with it.I think this is life-changing book and I truly recommend reading it!
Celeste L
Celeste L
Religious - escape the stress The Performing Heart: How to escape the trap of relentless performing and enter the security of God’s rest by Susan Bowman is classified as a stress management and religion and spirituality type of book. If you are finding yourself in a state of exhaustion and stress, and you are a religious person, then this may likely be a great book for you. It gives great advice and teachings to help you get through an emotional heartbreak of sinkhole. It is definitely religious, so if you are not, then you may not find this book particularly useful for you.
Sometimes indirect, but otherwise it's good This book not only helps the reader have freedom from their burdens and tiredness, but it also pinpoints heart issues that prevent us from doing what we need to. Though I think the title is overly complex and some of the content is somewhat indirect, I am not a fan of writing that skirts around before getting to the point, but this only happens sometimes in the book. But I do think this will be helpful for some people to transform their hearts, inner thoughts, and mindset.