
Bert and Norah: The Nickel Dime Murders Book 1 Reviews

Excellent rating
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Reviews ( 18 ) 4.6

Fun Read Bert and Norah: The Nickel Dime Murders (Bert and Norah Mysteries Book 1) by Bernard H. Burgess is the first book in a new series by the author, inspired by his life experiences. There's a great detective team to get to know here and sets the tone well. The writing is detailed and pulls you in right from the start with a sense of suspense and creepiness. The characters are well rendered, and the scenes are described in depth as the plot develops. Love the fast pace and the twists and turns along the way. The ending is unexpected and shows the ample skills of the author. Highly recommend.
Danny Grant
Danny Grant
Great read Wonderful character development and story with a curve ball ending, I really enjoyed this read. It is well written with rich detail and descriptions so that the mind pictures are easy. I've downloaded books 2 and 3 and am anxious to get to them.
Dee L.
Dee L.
Wow just wow the twist Thank you Author Bernard H Burgess, it has been a very long time since I couldn't put a book down! I even read while walking my dogs! The towns mentioned and the roads the lead characters drive are familiar to me from trips to family reunions. Part of the mystery to me was which way will they go next, where/when will they find the bad guys!!! AND that twist at the end BAM!!! no way Dude!!! Loved it, ordering the next books in the series now!!!!
Cozy Mystery Book Reviews
Cozy Mystery Book Reviews
Shocking !!! At the end of the summary of The Nickel Dime Murders by Bernard Burgess on Goodreads it states ... Don't be surprised if you say, "Wow, I did not see that coming." When readers get to the last page that is EXACTLY what they are going to say !!! I am still in shock !!I have to be very careful with what I share about this book in my review because I really do not want to indicate anything that will potentially ruin the explosive ending .....The Nickel Dime Murders is the first book in the Bert and Norah Mystery series and I was hooked when I opened the book to start reading it and the first chapter is titled "Missy".... seeing as that is my first name I was excited....yeah, I know what a dork !!! Anyway Bert and his wife Norah have started a private investigative company with 2 unique qualities. First is Missy... Missy is a coywolf that Bert rescued when she was a newborn and he took her home and raised and trained her and now she helps track missing people by using her great sense of smell. The second unique quality is that Norah is a psychic and gets visions that help solve cases.The Nickel Dime Murders starts a multipy states manhunt for 1 or 2 killers, it is unclear the number involved in the killings. Bert and Norah are hired to find a woman's parents who have been missing for a couple of weeks and the police aren't taking the case seriously. There is no evidence of foul play, it just looks like the couple got in their vehicle and drove away but the daughter knows that they would not do that for that long of a time. Bert and Norah take the case and with Norah's visions and Missy's tracking skills, they locate the couple but unfortunately they are too late and it is obvious that they were murdered. Bert searches the house and the only thing that he finds odd is that there two dimes and a nickel lined up on a dresser and Norah is having visions of the coins. When the next case they are hired for is very similar to that case, this leads them down a very strange path.......and with Norah's vision and the use of Missy's tracking skills, it is very difficult to involve the local police.I strongly encourage, and cannot stress it enough, to readers to go grab your copy of The Nickel Dime Murders by Bernard Burgess. This book will blow your mind in so many ways !!! I cannot wait until I open up the second book in this series to see where the road leads Bert, Norah and Missy....wherever it goes, I plan to be along for the ride.
Very Suspenseful and Entertaining I don't normally read murder/mystery books, but I know this author's family so decided to give it a try. I live in the middle of the setting for this book, so most of the places were quite familiar to me which added to my enjoyment. This is a fast paced, riveting book which held my interest till the final surprising ending which had me going back and rereading the beginning again. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Wonderful first effort and the author has now written several other books in this series which I am looking forward to reading as well.
A MUST READ Bert and Norah: The Nickel Dime Murders by Bernard H. Burgess is a wonderful book. I hope everyone reads it as it's not like so many others. I enjoyed the fact that the characters are not all young, as I am 58. The people truly come alive, and it's really hard not to read "one more chapter". The story gently reaches around you then holds on. I did not want it to end. There are a lot of wonderful descriptions as they drive from place to place, enough to really give you a feel for where they are. I can't wait to read the next one, and I hope he writes many more.
Excellent! Had me on the edge of my seat throughout whole book. Got me with the last paragraph of the book!! Loved it!
lindamomAmazon Customer
lindamomAmazon Customer
Very suspenseful The book was very interesting...was hard to put down. It had a twist I didn't expect...was suspenseful....Held my interest.. Can't wait to read the next one.
A great read and murder mystery. It’s sometimes ‘dark’ but,enlightening. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and all the work that went into it. The characters and their development were well depicted. The scenery was as if you were really there. The story/plot was well written. The timing/plot-lines were well thought-out.
Jackie D
Jackie D
Great book Very enjoyable book. Fun.
Good reading Bought the book "Bert and Nora: The nickle Dime Murders" by Bernard H. Burgess. I am not a murder mystery fan but this was written by a distant cousin's husband and decided read it. If mystery stories were written as well as this one I might become a fan.Received this book about 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, and could not put it down. This book is written very well and keeps you wondering what will happen next. The author really knows how to write and keeps you glued to the story, Excellent reading
Very enjoyable. I really enjoyed the book. I love mysteries and this book certainly filled that bill. There were twists and turns and just when I thought I had it figured out - I didn't. l Iive in a small town near one of the areas the author mentioned and it was fun recognizing familiar places. In addition to finding the story enjoyable, the author has encouraged me to take a trip to see some of the landmarks he mentioned. You'll enjoy it.
JF Schnell
JF Schnell
Wonderful book. My mom received her copy of this book directly from the author. It was a wonderful read, i couldn’t put it down. Especially enjoyed the local references of Western Nebraska. I highly recommend this book.
Intriguing and unsettling This fictional murder mystery gave me the willies! I live in a small town and now I am on guard. I can't seem to get this book off my mind. The author builds the suspense beginning on page one, taking you to a frightening conclusion. You sit closer to the edge of your seat as you turn each page. The ending is a blockbuster! Burgess has done a remarkable job making his readers not want to put his book down!!
Amazon Customer
Amazon Customer
This is a really good mystery. Keeps your attention to the end. It is easy to read and understand. The descriptions of the places and events are very thorough and interesting. Bert and Norah are on the road to becoming a good mystery series, I hope.
Good read!! Very good book. I did not want to put it down. I hope the author writes a sequel to this!!
Patricia R Pianalto
Patricia R Pianalto
Awesome book. A must read I really enjoyed this book. It was hard to put it down in my lunch break to go back to work. I loved the suspense and mystery of how the cases became tied together. The ending really through me. Bert and Norah should be a series. I hope this writer has another book in the works.
Amazon Customer
Amazon Customer
Having grown up in this area I especially liked the references to local sites that were used in ... This is a fast-paced novel set in Midwest. There are several interesting twist in the mystery. Having grown up in this area I especially liked the references to local sites that were used in the novel. The author is adept at keeping the action moving but yet building the suspense. There is enough action to satisfy the discerning reader. I couldn't put the book down, reading it all in one setting.