
Airbnb Reviews

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Reviews ( 8493 ) 1.3

Kristin B
Kristin B
We stayed in an Airbnb in ****** and when we plugged something in using a UK converter it blew a fuse because the host had a faulty electrical system (who acknowledged it on her site). After I provided a bad review, the host then tried to charge me for an exhorbitant amount of damages. After MULTIPLE emails back and forth with Airbnb, we were told we were not liable for the charges yet I received an email today indicating the host provided documetation and they were siding with her. The documentation was for a new TV and fan (that had nothing to do with the issue/we never used). They told me they were automatically charging my card if I don't appeal and wanted me to provide another statement and documentation (that I had already provided multiple times). This company does not care about its customers. I will never use ********************** again.
Chris O
Chris O
Had an intoxicated host show up to our rental and kick us out after I sent him a message stating issues I had found with property. Host admitted to kicking us out but Airbnb will not refund as host stated he doesnt want to refund. Unable to get customer service manager on the phone for over a week. When a call from supervisor /manager they state there is system issues not allowing call back lets use chat. Worst Customer experience Ive ever had.
Airbnb is not helpful to customers. I rented A place in downtown Manchester, New Hampshire. The place had 2 bedrooms, one of them is a loft. The access to the loft was steep and hazardous. Nor I or my elderly mother could not use. I cancelled the reservation the day we got there and saw it. The management company and Airbnb both were not helpful in any way. I tried to explain how hazardous and a lawsuit waiting to happen it is with the ladder to the loft, Airbnb did not care. I will never use them again.
- not even a mattress pad on the bed...yuk. Please stay away from this one. This unit was reported to the Town of Frisco Short Term Rental site. They told me that this unit has other complaints filed, but that the Town has no authority over 'condition'. In speaking with AirBnB as soon as we checked in, they told me that 'they are just a platform where owners can list their property'....'that they have no say in the condition of the property'...yikes!. AirBnB gets paid, the property owner gets paid, Vacasa gets paid, but the customer gets taken. Please stay away from this unit
I booked an apartment in Budapest Hungary with Airbnb, the host turned out to be the biggest most arrogant cheap I have ever encountered, The amenities stated in the description included. Toiletries, we had the place booked for 6 day, But the host supplied enough toiletries for about a day and a half. After we ran out of toilet paper the host recommended we go buy our own for a 6-day stay. We wrote a truthful review about the place which his photos do not accurately depict the reality of how the place was + we also noted what a terrible host He was, he would water down his soap containers, and when you ran out from using it, he would tell you to go buy your own. Needless to say, Airbnb refused to allow the review, stating it violated their review policy. Which was a lie. They use that excuse to make one of their apartments look good. Airbnb does not protect people like us. They are only it for the money and they will side with a host as long as they can keep making money off of them. Stay away from this company, their rating system is totally false, factual reviews telling the truth are not allowed to be posted, which should be posted, and they deliberately keep them from being posted so they can continue lining their pockets from innocent victims who book places like this because of the false reviews.
Thomas S
Thomas S
Business does not care about the paying customer or solving problems caused by their very poor web site design. If you make a mistake, they don't let you get your money back. I do not want credit for a trip I may never take. I'm older and single. So I very rarely travel. I just want what was owed to me from canceling one reservation for another. Now they have both payments in their hands and only one is good reservations.
By review is based on my experience with Airbnb support. The host was great and very supportive. However, Airbnb charged me double & then some. The host phoned airbnb support for me and had me talk to someone. I explained that when I had originaly booked with them that I cancelled right away because my confirmation email said I booked in dublin ireland. At the time I was nowhere near that country so I canceled but they billed anyway. Then the host said I had booked in the correct town. So I rebooked. Once I rebooked they charged me about $150 more for the same booking. In the end I ended up with 2 charges one cheaper and on $150 more. I ask for refunded of the higher amount. They refused. They refunded me for a lower amount and the amount didn't even match the originally billing amount. I tried to explain to 4 different agents what the problem was and asked them to fix it. They didn't and kept putting the blame to someone else. So I called my VISA company and they sorted it out in less than 24hrs. Airbnb didn't do a thing. Therefore I do not recommend booking with this company. They are fraudulent. Book with the host if you can.
Mike S
Mike S
I reserved a spot for my wife and I for her bday. I did it before asking her because I wanted it to be a secret. Well i could not contain my self and had to show her. I showed her with in ten minutes of reserving it. She didnt like it so i quickly cancel it so i can find a different one. Well they took all $540 and wouldnt refund anything. I got none of my money back. They are crooks!! ****** stole my money. I get no replies now back from them. Arbnb stay clear of them!
brittany l
brittany l
We stayed in an Airbnb. When it was time to leave a review for the host and rental we were honest and included things we wanted other potential renters to know before making a decision to stay there. The host called Airbnb and had the review removed. I was given no explanation other than it violated their terms. This is shady business practice and now I realize I can not trust Airbnb reviews going forward when selecting a rental property. I will no longer use Airbnb.
ABNB is a scam. Don’t stay in people's homes. Take this seriously and always stay in a place where you can easily get your money back if you’re unsatisfied and leave. Their rules and policies cater towards the hosts and not guests. Guests are not their priority and are being taken advantage of. I think it is unacceptable that they require hosts to be paid in FULL before a trip without guests having the benefit of seeing a property and its condition. I rented a property in Baltimore, MD a month before a trip and did not see the entire property or the condition of the neighborhood. The property was in mediocre condition and the hosts were not cleaning properly and the home was in a very bad neighborhood. The grass was not mowed. The home was located in a neighborhood with boarded up houses, torn down buildings, trash left on the sidewalk, there was a lot of graffiti on buildings, and there are some homes with the windows blown out. The neighborhood was run down. This property should never have been permitted to be on ABNB. While there, I was harassed by the owner. So, I left the property and notified ABNB that I wanted a refund for the unused portion of my stay. The hosts refused to give me my money back for the remaining two weeks unless she/they could find someone else to rent. ABNB’s are NOT LEASED PROPERTIES and should not be treated as such. It is a mistake to require PAYMENT IN FULL before a guest sees the property. Hosts are able to get away with taking people’s money, treating people poorly, and not maintaining their property. In addition, ABNB charges a fee when you use their service. I don’t like their business model and think that they should require a deposit to rent the home and then payment in full is issued once a guest ends their stay. Don’t use ABNB. Bite the bullet and pay extra to stay in a hotel where you’ll have peace of mind.
Harold R
Harold R
As a host I got a nasty false review an investigation was supposedly done but nobody contacted me whatsoever!!!!
Kimberly R
Kimberly R
I had a terrible, unclean, and unsafe stay at an ******* location in *************. I provided multiple photos, documented all the issues and asked for help. They claim that that host is not willing to provide a refund and therefore even though I did all the things required for a refund they cannot offer that as a resolve. I asked for a supervisor and they claimed a supervisor would not be able to provide me any type of resolution either. It is terrible how they treat people and do not take care of the customers that trust them. What a horrible place and the *** ***** hosts well shame on you for taking advantage of people. DON"T STAY AT THIS PLACE: ********************************************************
Karen E
Karen E
I've been trying to get back a refund on a cancelled reservation. They gave me a hassle but I proved that I was owed a refund. After waiting a month, they're now telling me I'm still not allowed one. I will NEVER, EVER book with them, again. They're playing games and I'm very unimpressed. I'm not sure who's holding the money, the company or the host but I've lost my paitence with this company. It's horrible.On a different note, we were booked an over night in one by friends - thankfully, they paid for it. It was clean but that's about it. Nothing fine about it. Not a bottle of water, a granola bar, nothing! Do people not realize that BNB means Bed aNd Breakfast???? They've become a joke. My family would rather book a hotel and pay the same price and get a free breakfast. Quite over this company!
Mark G
Mark G
We had a guest cause $15,000 in damages which is supposed to be covered by Airbnb's aircover. I've been waiting 3 weeks and they've completely ghosted me.
Liz D
Liz D
Airbnb/host changed the nightly rate when I changed my reservation from 7 nights to 5 nights due to a change in my family's itinerary plan. I was not informed of the nightly rate change and was not provided a price breakdown for my 5 night stay, despite repeated requests for one. I estimate I paid an additional $222/night for the 5 night stay.This is my first negative experience with Airbnb, and I'm hesitant to use them again. If nothing else, I will be much more careful in reading the host's cancellation policy.
Oliya H
Oliya H
This is with regards to a Airbnb property booked from July 1 to July 5, 2024. Upon arrival, it became immediately evident that the property did not match the description in the advertisement. Specifically, the property was advertised to include a hot tub and pool, both of which were not present during our stay. We promptly notified Airbnb of these discrepancies on the day of our return, July 5, 2024. Despite our timely notification, Airbnb dismissed our claim. These responses are inadequate and fail to address the core issue: the property did not meet the advertised standards. Having a pool was particularly important to us, because of our very small children, who are afraid of swimming in large and murky bodies of water. The lake is quite deep at the dock, and even with life vests, our children were too scared to swim. There wasn't a beach, as was also advertised. Many lakeside properties do have them, and this was a further disappointment to us. Moreover, Airbnb asked us to provide photographs of the non-existent hot tub and pool, which is impossible. We did, however, produce screenshots of the advertisement showing the listed amenities. Arbnb ignored our request for any disciplinary action for the property owner's misconduct, or indeed any compensation. This indicates that Airbnb is facilitating and enabling consumer fraud, making them complicit in this behavior.
Hammad N
Hammad N
My experience was terrible. I booked reservation for a beach stay. While I was driving to the location, they cancelled my reservation. I didnt realize till I arrived at the house. They wouldnt tell the host why they cancelled. When I called Airbnb support, they stated the host cancelled because of maintenance issues. I checked with the host and that was untrue. Because the host had a guest last night. I told support this and he stated he would contact his upper management. After speaking to his management, they dated my account was still under review. First of all I dont understand why my account after week and half still under review. Secondly if that was the case why couldnt they contact day before or that morning to inform me. At least I could have made other arrangements. But they decided to contact/email me while I was in the middle of driving to the location. One hour to 2 before I arrived. That is unacceptable, not only they wasted my family day at the beach but they costed the host money.
Nathan R
Nathan R
**************** does not communicate or back the guests at all, I've been ignored for over a month and I keep being told a specialist will contact me
Ana S
Ana S
This company rented us a house with the wrong address. Fake advertisement: House with lake view, false. You can rent a boat, false. You can use the park for a run or walk, false. Everything in the advertisement was false plus the dishwasher and the refrigerator was broken. They refuse to brake the contract. It is my first time using this company, it is a big disappointment.
Carol H
Carol H
I rented an Airbnb for two months while waiting for my new home to close escrow. I was required to pay a $2,000.00 security deposit which was supposed to be refundable. I was unaware of this charge until after I paid the rental fee. When I arrived I took a picture of the stairs because it had pet spots on it and I didn't want to be blamed. I also Brought this to the attention of the host, however they never responded to my request to send them pictures. I didn't receive my refund until more than two weeks after I left the place and I had to ask for it. That's when the trouble started. The host claimed I damaged the space and extra fees were charged as a result. I requested copies of all receipts, one was just a printout of the shopping cart of the item he claimed I damaged but nothing more, in other words the sale was never completed, I printed the same thing to use as evidence when I file in small claims court. The other two receipts were for carpet cleaning which should have been done prior to my arrival and the last one was for the housekeeping. The host claimed it had to have additional cleaning but he only provided a receipt for the cleaning fee I was initially charged for. The host has an awful online reputation in fact it's so bad he has had to pay a service to list fake reviews in order to bury mine. Trying to get anywhere with Airbnb is a waste of time, it's like trying to talk to a paper bag. There's a reason they only have a one start review.