

Wildnote Reviews

Good rating
67 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 68 ) 4.4

Maddie M.
Maddie M.
Super convenient Overall: Super nice to be able to get reports done in field. Pros: On the go and in the field you can get a nice looking report with a good amount of detail. Easily add photos and mark locations. Cons: Only downside is to export you cannot do so within the application itself, you have to use the web browser
Klarissa L.
Klarissa L.
Good, but could use some tweaking Overall: Easier to keep track of multiple crew data. Exporting to PDF is sooooo much easier. Pros: Easy to use, saves time overall with a simple conversion to PDF datasheets. Having plant names spelled out and wetland rated is time saver. Cons: Both the veg and the soils section are too spread out (top to bottom) when entering-- too much scrolling. With veg, can make a little more compact by having veg "+" on same horizontal line as absolute cover (like a data sheet--duh). With soils, this can be somewhat alleviated in the Profile descriptions--> Redox Features type to have a check box rather than having to hit the + (which only has 4 options, so will not take up a lot of room). Also, (similar to veg), put the matrix color "+" and matrix % on the same horizontal line (and redox color "+" and redox % on the same horizontal line). It would be nice if there was an export option (and perhaps it exists but I missed it) to export the datasheets each with their own photo, as opposed to having a separate photo log.
Trevor H.
Trevor H.
Making overly complicated field forms easier Overall: I really enjoy it! I just wish I could convince more of the team to use it. Some people get stuck in the old way of doing things and waste time doing so. Pros: The wetland forms are the bread and butter, and the refinements over the last couple years have made it excellent. I like to be able to make other custom forms as well, it's a real pain to bring paper forms for just about any fieldwork operation, so having it on phones generally is preferred by all. Cons: Not being able to make a custom pdf export to be able to take information and directly apply it to a blank form (like the wetland form). I know there is a way to take an excel export and have it fill a pdf, but I definitely lack that level of dedication
Michaela R.
Michaela R.
Workshop Overall: Very user friendly. Great tech support. Pros: We have integrated Wildnote into many of our workshops with great success. Cons: We did not have any issues with the software.
Nick C.
Nick C.
Good product Overall: Good customer service Pros: Easy to look up plants for the veg portion of the form. Nice to have pictures attached to the form. Cons: Some plant species names were not current. I wish the soil indicators were automatically checked once you enter your soil data
Rebecca F.
Rebecca F.
Great idea, easy to use Overall: I liked it a lot, I've also used Survey123, and liked Wildnote better. Pros: Easy to use, from the very first time. Anyone with a smartphone can figure it out! Has all the relevant sections for reporting on surveys and compliance. Cons: Some of the auto-fill sections were not user friendly, if I couldn't find the plant or bird I was looking for, I couldn't just write it in, and it took much longer to look through everything, for instance if I wanted to note a Northern Mockingbird, but only thinking Mockingbird, I had to look for it, or google it! I personally would rather all plants and animal names be write in, that way it sticks in your brain better, If someone where to ask you later what you saw and you had just checked boxes, you are not likely to remember unless it stood out in your mind. There were a few things that I would have liked to give feedback, but at the time didn't know who to contact. Please be aware that I only used this software for about 6 weeks, and may not have figured everything out yet.
Grace R.
Grace R.
wetland delineations Pros: simple interface for wetland delineations Cons: cannot attach pictures with captions/labels in wetland forms
John H.
John H.
Erosion control Overall: Solving the problem of inspection report writing from the field Pros: The ability to access the software from my phone and to load pictures into the report form Cons: The difficulty in editing the survey forms
Stephen C.
Stephen C.
Use of Wildnote for surface water monitoring Overall: We've enjoyed the timesaving that Wildnote has provided us by moving from paperwork in the field to an app-based data recording process. Pros: The Wildnote app was easy to apply and easy for our field teams to learn. Cons: We've experienced periodic data reporting challenges, but these were addressed with the Wildnote team/
Sarah W.
Sarah W.
Easy!! Overall: Fast, easy and simple to use. Great tool for the field. Pros: Super user friendly, intuitive, and affordable. Cons: Sometime I have issues with the program crashing but so far my data is always saved.
Stephanie K.
Stephanie K.
Excellent field tool Overall: Overall my experience has been good. The customer service aspect is great, as are the one on one sessions. Pros: The easy work flow of the sheets I've used so far has been nice. It's fairly intuitive, and simple to use. The ability to add photos of plants directly into wetland sheets is also nice. Cons: The need to hit "+" in order to add text to a field instead of just typing directly into a field has been annoying, but isn't a huge inconvenience. This has been the only issue I've run into so far. We've also run into a couple issues when trying to edit forms online (versus mobile).
Jesse S.
Jesse S.
It is relatively easy to use platform Overall: So-so. I use a lot of different organizations software and it is on scale with others. Not the worse, not the. Est Pros: It is at least simple to access. The form is able to quickly cover the bases needed. Cons: Not nearly as customizable as a lot of other platforms I use for recording.
WIlliam L.
WIlliam L.
The Wildnote team is great at adjusting the app to fit your needs. Overall: Accurate data collection and distillation. Pros: I can collect data in the field and have it in a usable format when I return. Cons: It takes a lot of effort to adjust the app to fit your needs.
Tim N.
Tim N.
Solid wetland form for the field, plus more Overall: Using Wildnote has been a good experience so far. Younger staff embraced it. Older staff have preferred to stick to their old ways, but do like the clean forms Wildnote prints out. We find that having Wildnote helps new wetland scientists learn the delineation procedure without forgetting the steps, and ensures that our delineation forms are complete. It also saves us time back in the office, not having to transcribe our field notes to digital forms. Pros: Wildnote is fairly easy to set up, and is incredibly helpful in the field when doing wetland delineations, especially for people new to wetland work. Having a full list of plant names is invaluable as well. We save so much time on form finalization, simply because most of the form is already done! It also helps us with consistency amongst the staff....we all do the same form the same way now. Cons: There's been some issues with the plant lists not being entirely correct (old taxonomy, incorrect wetland indicator statuses for the region, etc), or missing some plants we thought should be there. We've been able to ask for those updates to the plant lists, and Wildnote has been very responsive. Similarly, we have a super hard time finding and selecting Gley soil colors.
Ryan S.
Ryan S.
LaBella - Richmond, Virginia Overall: My overall experience with Wildnote has been positive. [SENSITIVE CONTENT] was super helpful in working though little details and helping in understanding the layout and how to use all of the features Wildnote offers. It has been an equally positive experience for the members of the field team that use Wildnote on a daily basis collecting data. Pros: This product is user friendly and took no time at all to get the appropriate forms developed and implemented for the various projects. One nice feature of Wildnote is that the forms can very easily be customized based on specific project needs. Once we had purchased Wildnote, we were able to complete the field data and upload the survey forms and eliminate the extra time needed to transcribe the field data. Cons: The only con, which is more like a wish than a con, is that it would be nice to be able to customize the final output a little more.
Hayden K.
Hayden K.
Hayden Wildnote Review Overall: The training and customer service is phenomenal and incredibly helpful. Using it in the field is also very easy and intuitive. Pros: I like how easy it is to create and customize a survey. The template forms are also easy to add and fill out. Cons: Being able to connect the application to other applications for mapping or analytics would be beneficial and make it a more rounded product.
Rebecca S.
Rebecca S.
Herrera Review Overall: Our overall experience has been positive. Wildnote covers all our needs, and although we have run into small bugs or problems, your customer service is always extremely helpful. Pros: It's customizable to many different needs and is very easy to use in the field. Cons: Some of the UI is confusing or not entirely user-friendly, but Wildnote is always available to help so it's never been a big issue.
Christiana C.
Christiana C.
Wildnote review Overall: Makes data collection in the field much easier and paper/clipboard free. Pros: The existing forms and species lists that can be customized for each project. Cons: A little tricky to learn how to make forms but great support to help
Katie G.
Katie G.
Good Overall: Good Pros: It uploads to the cloud and exports my data into well constructed reports Cons: It takes forever to upload photos. It doesn't support panorama photos.
Annaell M.
Annaell M.
Awesome software Overall: Amazing ! Pros: The ability to have everything in one place. The ease of adding photos and description to the form. The fact that it syncs directly across all platforms eliminating the need for a third platform to upload the forms. Cons: Nothing, I love it ! The issues we have had with the software do not come from the software but rather from implementing it with people that are used to their way of doing things.