Upward Path Institute


Upward Path Institute Reviews

Excellent rating
133 reviews Verified
Upward Path Institute


Reviews ( 91 ) 4.9

Arguably the best service for college admissions related counseling. My counselor, Ms. Stephanie Sachs, was an excellent counselor. She helped me with my college essays, and advised me in my college selections, among countless other things. As a first generation immigrant, and a first generation college student, this service, and Ms. Stephanie, both were instrumental in me being able to confidently navigate through, and complete the college admissions process. I simply wasn't even aware of many things required to complete the college applications process until Ms. Stephanie informed me about them. Ms. Stephanie also kept me constantly up to date on recent events relating to college, which helped me make several very important choices. I am really not sure if I even would've been able to complete the college applications process without this service. Would absolutely recommend 100% for any first generation students and immigrants like me, and also for anyone else who doesn't know much about the college application process, or are just not comfortable doing it alone and need a counselor to help guide through the college process.
Shubhankar Dhakras
Shubhankar Dhakras
I had a great experience with my counselor Kellee. With her help I was able to plan out all of my college application work. It was also a great help to have someone guiding me through which colleges are a good fit for me.
The service was great. I ha my essays prepared already, but my counselor, Jose Ireta, helped me restructure them in ways I never thought of. What came out was far superior than anything I had written prior. He helped me a lot in managing word count and also shortening long sentences into neat little phrases that made the essay cleaner than before.
Naimisha Adira
Naimisha Adira
Very useful service!
Jennifer Chang
Jennifer Chang
Varun Wadhwa
Varun Wadhwa
UCEazy was very helpful in my college admissions process. My conselour Melissa was always able to give me timely feedback on my essays and was able to quickly respond to questions concerning my application.
Jade Phay
Jade Phay
An incredible college counseling service! I spent a little less than 2 years with UCEazy and they were very helpful. I worked with 3 different advisors over my time with UCEazy and they were all flexible and supportive. My primary counselor, Mrs. Melissa Royal, was fantastic. She helped me with interviews, reminder about deadlines, scholarships, developing my list of schools, editing all the different essays, and more. Mrs. Royal and UCEazy helped me navigate a confusing Junior and Senior year (due to the pandemic). Overall, I had a wonderful time and definitely recommend them!
Orange Tangy
Orange Tangy
Kushal Kodnad
Kushal Kodnad
The counselors at UC Eazy helped me work on my writing skills to compose detailed personal statement drafts. It has given me confidence that I'll be able to write college essays when the time comes.
This is a wonderful service. My counselor, Deanna Goldberg, is a really good essay reader and gives many wonderful tips. This comes to no surprise though, because she and the other counselors have a lot of experience. UCEazy also helps with time management and finding a "match" college. They take the admissions / college finding process from 2 months to 1 week. I would recommend this to anyone.
Akash Alamuthu
Akash Alamuthu
The UCEazy service helped me so much in terms of the college application process. Before talking to my counselor, Josè, I was not aware of many of the actions needed to complete a solid college application. These include writing the several essays, declaring majors, and using the different application services such as the Common App. Additionally, I was able to receive helpful assistance in financial aid and finding a college that was the right fit for me. I appreciate all that this service has been able to do for me!
Kiran Kavoori
Kiran Kavoori
The counselors at UCEazy were able to assess and help navigate the blind spots for the parents as well as the student. This went a long way in focusing the efforts and making the college admissions process smooth and productive.
Paolo Sacchetto
Paolo Sacchetto
UCEazy has been very informative and helpful. My wife and I are from Italy and studied over there. We needed help to navigate through American college application systems. We started UCEazy with my son in 10th grade and months after with my daughter in 8th grade. Now, 2 years later, we have already seen many advantages by having our children and us, the parents, being guided by UCEazy professional counselors. We especially recommend engaging UCEazy early as we did with our daughter in 8th grade, not wait until the application process in 12th grade, as years are needed to create a strong and interesting student profile. We also enrolled our daughter in the UCEazy writing program in 8th grade and we’ve already seen better writing results in high school. Thank you UCEazy!
Payal Bindlish
Payal Bindlish
Our daughter just graduated from high school and is heading to her top choice for college. As parents, we have not been through the US college system, and I will say that the last four years have been a learning experience about the college admissions process for us, as much as it has been for our daughter. We were always debating if we should get a private counsellor to help our daughter through the process when I attended a UCEazy seminar more than 3 years ago. Vinnie and David helped me understand the details and the complexity involved and convinced us to sign up with them. We had an introductory session with a couple of counsellors that Vinnie proposed, and decided to sign up with David. He is based in the bay area, and even though the counselling sessions were planned to be video conferences it gave us an option for face to face sessions if needed. We never used that option and given how the world has changed over the last 3 months, it becomes a moot point for anyone signing up new. I must say that video conference sessions were highly effective and our daughter never felt the need for an in-person consultation - UCEazy is better prepared for the post COVID world than most others. David was a great help in guiding our daughter from her sophomore to senior years in making course selections, extracurriculars, summer activities, college list, essays, applications, choices between SATs / ACTs, etc. The list is long. However, the big reason we will go with UCEazy again for our 2nd daughter is the fact that David was exceptional in bringing out the best in our daughter in terms of planning her high school towards her personal life and career goals, and presenting herself in the best possible way to the colleges she was interested in. He was an advisor that we, as parents could lean on and could always rely on guiding our daughter.
Namit Srivastava
Namit Srivastava
UCEazy was a great resource for me. Coming from an immigrant family, my counselor, Deanna Goldberg, was able to tell me the best practices on how to tackle the admission processes. I could tell her any of my concerns and she would guide me through any problems I had. She was also an amazing person to get my essays checked, and to help me edit them so they could be at their best!
Anjani Pangal
Anjani Pangal
I attended a lot of the free UC Eazy seminars at the Livermore Temple, and they were extremely insightful regarding the overall college admissions and application process. I really appreciate their expertise and I learned a lot of valuable information from them! It's great to see how many families and students they are helping!
Nainika Narayanan
Nainika Narayanan
UCEazy was extremely helpful during the college admissions process. It can be really intimidating but my counselor, Stephanie Sachs, was able to make it seem a little more manageable. UCEazy takes initiative in helping students crystalize their goals and, from then on, provides consistent support and resources to navigate the admissions process (essays, choosing colleges, letters of rec, etc). Coming from an immigrant family, in the beginning, I questioned whether I needed a professional for college admissions guidance, however, as I met with Stephanie each time, it became abundantly clear how helpful it was to have someone with experience to support me every step of the way. I highly recommend UCEazy and encourage students to start early in high school!!
Tanav Ohal
Tanav Ohal
UCEazy was a great way for me to understand the different aspects of College Application. My counselor (Kellee) was very helpful and stepped me through the entire process. She was also readily available for communication and responded promptly and completely. Although I was not told "Do This, Do That", I felt that UCEazy provided me with enough knowledge and prepared me well to make my own decisions regarding my College Path.
Serena L
Serena L
I really appreciate how UCEazy really takes the time to genuinely know and understand each students' needs. I found the college application process to be relatively stress-free and believe that the counselors here really help simplify the cumbersome application process
UCEazy was beyond helpful in my college admissions process. My counselor, Julia Tushaus helped me with my essays and allowed me to express myself in a more appealing way to colleges without straying from myself. I was stressed in the beginning, but along the way with the help of my counselor, the process was much easier and Ms. Tushaus is a wonderful person to work with. I'm glad to have chosen UCEazy because of their professionalism and I felt that I received quality tips and guidance.