The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes

The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes Reviews

Excellent rating
51 reviews Verified
The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes


Reviews ( 51 ) 5.0

Lizzie Zeyfert
Lizzie Zeyfert
To anyone who is pregnant, I really do recommend attending the Wise Hippo Hypnobirthing course. We attended the course online as it was during the pandemic but Joanna made us feel very welcome and relaxed. The techniques we learnt helped keep me calm and level headed throughout my birthing experience. Although our birth didn't go the way we would have preferred we still had a very positive experience and that was thanks to the course as well as the staff. The course also involve my partner more in both the pregnancy and birth. The couples we met on this course have been an amazing support team and will be friends for life.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2022.02.14
Thank you Lizzie for your kind review. It has been lovely to be part of yours and Jamie ‘s Journey into parenthood . I look forward to meeting Artie at the next Wise Hippo Sussex gathering, with the rest of the group ?Nurture yourselves . Warmest Wishes Jo xx
Ruth Toward
Ruth Toward
We thoroughly recommend the wise hippo hypnobirthing course with Jo. Following a traumatic first birth, I was very anxious about this second birth experience but by doing this course and with the continual support from Jo, I feel so much more confident and relaxed going into this birth. I’ve been so relaxed during this pregnancy and this is 100% down to doing hypnobirthing with Jo. We did the course via zoom which worked out so well as we could relax in the comfort of our home and this was especially convenient since we already have a toddler so we didn’t need to worry about finding childcare. Thank you so much Jo!
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2022.02.08
Thank you so much Ruth for your lovely review. It had been so lovely to be part of your journey and help support you warmest Wishes Jo xx
Imogen Wade
Imogen Wade
I attended Joanna's course in August-September 2021 which was held all online via Zoom. While doing it online lacked the interactivity and collegiality of in-person, I found it much more practical and much easier to attend as the course took place in the evenings when I had to look after my older child and put her to bed. Joanna was a great instructor and I learnt a lot of new information and techniques, which I was able to use and helped to give me a positive, natural birth experience at the end of November.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2022.02.07
Thank you Imogen for your lovely review. I look forward to seeing you all at my next gathering. Warmest Wishes Joanna x
alexandra sabu
alexandra sabu
Joanna is the most kind and empathic midwife and trainer. It was a wonderful journey doing the hypnobirth course with her where I learned so much about my body, the birth itself and of course relaxation techniques for the big day. The course helped me a lot in the preparation for birth to stay relaxed and pacient in waiting for my baby, but also during labour by focusing on my breath and listening to the MP3s. Even though it didn't have the birth I "expected", I managed to go with the flow and make the best decisions for me and my baby. I highly recommend the hypnobirth course and especially Joanna as a trainer.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2022.01.31
Thank you Alexandra for your kind words. It was has been such a privilege to be part of your Journey into parenthood. I am a very lucky person to have this opportunity. I will let you know of when my Spring Wise Hippo Sussex gathering Is so we can have lots of cakes and cuddles xx
Kenny Cooling
Kenny Cooling
We really can not recommend Jo highly enough!! We were feeling overwhelmed by the whole process however Jo's warm and calm manner really helped us relax. We have learnt some excellent techniques to help us stay positive and by the end of each session we felt like a weight had been lifted! We completed our sessions over zoom which actually worked brilliantly as we felt even more comfortable in our own home. I particularly loved the fact that as Jo comes from a midwifery background she has a huge wealth of experience and knowledge. Jo we are so grateful for all your help and will be recommending you to all our pregnant friends!
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2022.01.09
Thank you Kenny for your lovely review. It has been my absolute pleasure to support and guide you both in your journey. I look forward to meeting your little one when she is born . Warmest Wishes Jo x
Natasha Bright
Natasha Bright
We completed the 4 week, private hypnotherapy course with Joanna via Zoom. Through her extensive experience and knowledge, Joanna offered us a fantastic level of practical information and support, tailoring the package to our individual needs. By the end of the course we felt totally different about our up and coming labour; our previous anxieties and concerns being completely reframed in our minds. The tools and strategies have given me confidence and reassurance and the ongoing practice continues to build on this as my due date draws nearer. Joanna has an extremely caring and compassionate approach which made us feel at ease straight away. Doing the course via Zoom was brilliant for us as it meant we didn't need to travel, could be comfortable at home and any Covid risks were eliminated. We didn't feel that we missed out on anything by using this medium instead of face to face- it was far more preferable for us. Joanna is a fountain of knowledge about hypnobirthing, labour in general and complimentary therapies and supports that are of interest for the like minded Mum to be! I would highly recommend this course to anyone!
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.08.23
Thank you Natasha for your lovely review. It has been an absolute pleasure supporting you and Rob and being part of your journey.
Angelica & Craig
Angelica & Craig
We took the wise hippo classes because I had heard very positive things about hypnobirthing and wanted to feel like I understood the process of giving birth as that would help calm my nerves around it. I was drawn to Joanna's classes as she was a practising midwife, which made me feel like she'd have a complete picture of birthing experiences. The classes were all on zoom but informative and thorough with plenty of time to ask questions. I practised with my MP3s daily and repeated my positive birth affirmations and went into Labour feeling like I was doing something totally natural and I was completely capable of having the birth i'd planned. To cut a long story short - my labour was short, manageable and drug free and I ended up having our baby boy in the birthing pool within 90 minutes of arriving at hospital with my hypnobirthing tracks on repeat! I felt extremely proud of my body and delighted I got the birth I always wanted. Thank you Jo!
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.05.25
Thank you both for taking the time to do a review , you all did brilliantly and it was a pleasure to be part of your journey. I hope to meet your little boy ( has he got a name yet ) at one of my Wise Hippo Sussex HypnoBirthing gatherings, where you can enjoy lots of tea and cakes. Warmest Wishes Jo x
Richard Cooling
Richard Cooling
Deciding to do this Wise Hippo course with Jo was by far the best thing we could have done to prepare for our baby to arrive. After a not so positive birth experience with our first son, it has really made us both not only feel completely confident and relaxed about this birth but also help us to understand and come to terms with our experience last time. The techniques that Jo has taught us have been so beneficial throughout the pregnancy and will no doubt be imperative during labour as well as being simple to master. Jo is so approachable and makes it known that she is always happy to answer any questions or give extra support if we need it! We did the sessions online and we could not fault them. We met some lovely people, learnt so much and came away feeling more prepared and relaxed about the birth after each session. We would recommend this course to anyone as a must! Thank you so much Jo!
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.03.22
Thank you so much for your lovely review. It has been so lovely to be part of your journey as to see you both grow in confidence and feel positive about your birth with this bundle of joy. Warmest Wishes Jo
Andy & Laura Madden
Andy & Laura Madden
I went to Joanna for two services, the Wise Hippo hypnobirthing course and the 3 step rewind therapy to recover and address from PND and PTSD. Both services were outstanding and I would recommend Joanna in a heartbeat. Some further info... Hypnobirthing - we had to do via zoom thanks to lockdown. I was dubious about doing it online, especially after a day of virtual work meetings. However, it was so informative, relaxed and calming, it felt like Joanna was with us in person. The information was invaluable and when mixed with Joannas midwifery expertise, her time and guidance is priceless. We've kept in touch with our fellow "hypnobirthers" which offers great support for like minded parents to be. 3 Step Rewind - again, sadly this was done over zoom but this method did not impact the therapy. I had been holding onto a past event with my first born for 4 years so I wasnt optimistic about 3 sessions changing my mind and addressing the issues. I couldn't be more wrong though! This truly works and is so powerful. Changing how your subconscious thinks really makes a difference. That dark feeling and thought that occupied my mind has done a 180 turn and I'm open minded and put the issue to rest. Joanna has such a kind nature, letting me take my time to explore the issue, offering support and a listening ear and then working her magic and skills to encourage me to think differently. I'd encourage anyone to give it a go. Joanna, you are a true angel, offering out of course advice and being a friendly person to turn to when in need. You have a heart of gold and I'm so glad you've steered me onto a positive pregnancy journey (with hopefully a positive birth, which I feel like I'm going to conquer). Thank you.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.03.14
Thank you Laura for your lovely, kind words . It has been my absolute pleasure to guide and support you both . My work ( which doesn’t feel like work ) is so rewarding as I meet courageous women and partners that are strong and want to make positive changes in their lives , just like you and Andy . Thank you x
Katie Jardine
Katie Jardine
My husband and I took part in Joanna's course before our daughter was born a couple of months ago. I had previously had a traumatic birth and was very worried about the birth this time round. The techniques we learnt set us up to have a relaxed and really positive experience and I was amazed at how much of a positive effect the sessions had. I thoroughly recommend this course to anyone giving birth - it helped so much!
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.02.23
Thank you Katie for your lovely review. It has been so lovely to get to know you and support you all. I look forward to having cuddles with Lucy when we are allowed and holding a Wise Hippo Sussex gathering with lots of tea and cakes. Warmest Wishes Joanna x
Cain Weibel
Cain Weibel
Joanna has helped us transform our nerves and anxiety into calm and controlled excitement and we are now both looking forward to meeting our baby. The Hypnobirthing course is great for any expectant parents no matter what past experience they have had. Thank you so much
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.02.04
Thank you so much for the lovely review I’m so glad you both have transformed your mindset so you can both enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to birthing your baby . Warmest Wishes Jo
Mrs S Kirkman
Mrs S Kirkman
I did the Three Step Rewind technique with Jo over 3 sessions via Zoom and I must say that I thoroughly recommend it. Jo has a very calming, kind manner which makes it very easy to relax and go through the visualisation process with her. I would definitely say that the technique has made a positive difference to how I feel.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.01.11
Thank you Sandra for your kind words it’s been lovely guiding you through the three step rewind and helping you Warmest wishes Jo
Emily Smith
Emily Smith
I highly recommend Jo's classes to any newly expectant parents. We attended in early 2020 a few months ahead of my due date. At this time we didn't know what was coming with COVID and the techniques and hypnosis we learned during Jo's classes were invaluable to me. With the situation changing all the time and birth partners unable to attend until established labour everything I learned helped me to stay at home for as long as possible as well as stay calm and focused when I was in hospital alone. I felt empowered and so did my birth partner. Due to the pandemic some of my birth plan had to change but I always felt in full control of my decisions and that I had made the best choices for myself and my baby. I would totally recommend a face to face introduction to hypnobirthing and the fact that Jo is a practicing midwife at the local trust meant that we felt well informed ahead of my labour. Thank you Jo
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.01.02
Thank you Emily for your lovely words. I hope you Darren and Henry are all well and happy . Wishing you all a happy, healthy 2021 with much joy . Warmest Wishes Jo
Lucy Duncalfe
Lucy Duncalfe
I am so grateful to Joanna for the expert support and guidance she gave me during my second pregnancy. I gave birth to my baby in May- during lockdown. I had previously practised hypnobirthing with my first child 3 and a half years prior and knew that I wanted a refresher but I had put it off because I wasn’t sure I wanted support via Zoom or that it would be useful. I decided to contact Joanna and as soon as I heard her friendly voice over the phone I cried! I realised just how stressed and anxious I was about having my baby during the pandemic and the uncertainty that surrounded it all. Joanna couldn’t have been more understanding, empathetic and knowledgeable. We later had a Zoom video call and she made me feel so comfortable to discuss my concerns. It wasn’t at all awkward online. She listened carefully and then talked through all options open to me to ensure I felt in control of the decisions I was making but also to accept that plans can change and whatever was to happen I would be ok. Her professional experience as a midwife and her current knowledge of the hospital meant she could give me a really clear and up to date insight into everything. My partner was unable to be at the birth due to shielding and this was causing me the most upset. I also had a last minute panic that I wouldn’t remember how to use hypnobirthing to remain calm when the time came. Joanna worked with my previous hypnobirthing experience and was immediately able to remind me that I was capable of being calm and in control during labour. Alongside breathing techniques and positive affirmations, we practised visualisations which was something I hadn’t used properly before. During labour the visualisations were absolute magic! I didn’t require any pain relief and remained completely calm throughout. I was at my favourite place by the sea in my head the whole time! I am so grateful for Joanna’s guidance and support and can’t recommend her highly enough.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.01.02
Thank you so much Lucy for your lovely review I hope you and Edith Mae and the rest of your family are all well . Take care warmest Wishes Jo
Katie Marcham
Katie Marcham
My husband and I attended The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing course with Joanna earlier this year and we have nothing but high praise for our experience! The course helped me to feel calm, relaxed and positive in late pregnancy and then supported me in birthing my beautiful baby boy. My husband (birth partner) was provided with tools to support me and said he witnessed how much the hypnobirthing was helping me. Despite it being in the middle of a pandemic, when I look back at the experience of giving birth I feel so positive. I know the hypnobirthing course was a huge part of that and I am still using the tools I learnt today in motherhood. We are so grateful to Joanna and would highly recommend!
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2020.12.22
Thank you so much for your lovely comments I feel so lucky to have been part of your positive journey . Wishing you and Andrew a wonderful 1 st Christmas with Alfie
Lucy Jones
Lucy Jones
Fully informative and relaxing. The remote format during Covid period worked really well.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2020.10.14
Thank you Lucy and James it has been lovely to get you know you both and support you in your pregnancy and prepare you both for the birth . Take care and please do get in touch anytime. I am here for you .Warmest wishes Jo
Thomas Adami
Thomas Adami
We thoroughly enjoyed our hypnobirthing class and were very grateful Jo was able to provide the class virtually even in Covid Lockdown when most other classes and courses were not running! Both Tom and I learnt a lot and were pleased to meet a lovely group of fellow expect first time parents. would definitely recommend to others. Thanks again Jo - Francesca, Tom & Baby George Adami xx
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2021.01.11
Thank you Tom for your kind words I hope Francesca and George are all well , I’m sorry I haven’t met George yet hopefully we can soon?
Maria Grompou
Maria Grompou
I cannot recommend Jo enough! She is very communicative and knowledgeable. Her lovely calming voice, the breathing techniques and relaxation scripts help me and my partner enjoy my pregnancy and actually look forward to the day our baby arrives. The classes are also very useful for my birth partner because he feels he is a part of the whole experience. Jo and her classes help us feel comfortable and make informative decisions about pregnancy, labour and birth.
Reply from The Wise Hippo Sussex Hypnobirthing Classes 2019.10.14
Thank you Maria for your review, I feel really privileged to work as a midwife and clinical hypnotherapist and teach all these invaluable tools and techniques to couples. It was lovely to get to know you an Adam and I look forward to meeting your bundle of Joy. Take care Warmest Wishes Jo x
Matt McDonald
Matt McDonald
Jo was absolutely outstanding. Katie has really benefited from many of the practises she has taught. The programme has really helped us to prepare for the arrival of our daughter. Can't recommend enough
Alex Bevan
Alex Bevan
When Sarah signed us up for Hypnobirthing classes, my first reaction was “Hypnobirthing, is that even a thing”. Spoiler alert, I loved it and would recommend it to everyone, mothers to be and birth partners alike. I joined the first session with an open mind but was cautiously sceptical as to what the course involved and what the benefits really were. Sarah fully embraced the course, really enjoyed the relaxing exercises and started to feel the benefits from the first session. For me, it took a little longer, however there was a turning point when my scepticism was replaced with proof, and the more we practiced the more benefits came to light. During one of the exercises, focusing on deep relaxation, the science behind it suggests the body will relax so much your baby will have more space to move and will become more active, he did, he really did, lots. Then I was sold! I really enjoyed practicing as a couple the different elements of the toolkit we learnt. At first you will have a giggle but when it becomes routine its definitely a bonding journey for you as a couple. Furthermore, the course promotes you both as a couple to talk and share what you’d like not just as a birth experience but also how you’d like to grow as parents and as a family. Engaging with these discussions really helps you prepare as a parenting unit which to me was an invaluable and unexpected part of the course. For anyone who is looking to grow knowledge and confidence in having your baby, this is a great course for you. And for a birth partner learning about your role and how to be the best support for the mum to be, this course is equally valuable for you!