

Tenerife.fun Reviews

Excellent rating
181 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 116 ) 4.5

Alessia Martis
Alessia Martis
Bellissima esperienza, con un prezzo onesto siamo riusciti ad avvistare balene, delfini e anche una tartaruga, tutti a distanza molto ravvicinata! Marco è stato un ottimo capitano, ci ha fornito un sacco di informazioni su questi bellissimi animali. Da rifare assolutamente!
Not.impressed It's not unlimited.dri ks.and they advertised to.include cava....it was a cheap white wine put in plastic glasses when inside the cabinet they had nice white proper.wine glasses they could have given us. We asked.for no ham or cheese and they gave us exactly that in our sandwiches...not impressed.to be honest but we did see some whales..wouldn't go again. Disappointed
Beware, we had a very bad, just terrible experience. It's a 2nd time in one year that we used their services.First time was ok,so we decided to book much more activities with them a 2nd time.The issue - our kid became very sick the night, just before the fishing trip, booked throught them and fully paid in advance.It is considered a force majeure and normally in EU in such cases you can have a reimbursement. However, when offered to agree on a mutually beneficial terms,the lithuanian speaking women working here called us, and started the most unproffesional behaviour that we had experienced ever from a tour operator representative- she started the conversation by raising her voice, almost shouting at us, called us liars, blaming us for all the work they had to do for us,"without being able to work their job"(we paid for their services 315 euros! and just had several querries through whatsupp on the waviness of the ocean before our trip),when we asked to lower the tone she threatened us to hang the phone and to block our number.She continued the monologue,without letting us speak,without listening to us, was extremely rude and offensive.At some point we even felt "responsible of doing something wrong" when paying for the trip by a bank card and not cash as "the taxes are very big here".Therefore be very carefull when booking your trips throught them, especially if you have small kids as you could just loose your money without even using the service for which you have paid.They behave nicely when trying to sell you, but as soon as you experience an issue, they could become very rude and even agressive.If you still decide to book through them, our suggestion - pay only with a bank card, to have a payment proof later.If you experience an issue, imho - avoid at all means speaking with Aurika. As for us - we will never have any business with them, not because we were not reimbursed, but for the rude and aggressive behaviour of their employee, at least till they are represented by such employee(s) which we think would be the first responsible for a bad company image and for company loosing money.We gave 2 stars, instead of 1 just for their captain and their dauphin trip, which was nice and for which they were more "flexible" as they own the ship
Saulius K
Saulius K
Could be very rude and aggressive Beware, we had a very bad, just terrible experience. It's a 2nd time in one year that we used their services.First time was ok,so we decided to book much more activities with them a 2nd time.The issue - our kid became very sick the night, just before the fishing trip, booked throught them and fully paid in advance.It is considered a force majeure and normally in EU in such cases you can have a reimbursement. However, when offered to agree on a mutually beneficial terms,the lithuanian speaking women working here called us, and started the most unproffesional behaviour that we had experienced ever from a tour operator representative- she started the conversation by raising her voice, almost shouting at us, called us liars, blaming us for all the work they had to do for us,"without being able to work their job"(we paid for their services 315 euros! and just had several querries through whatsupp on the waviness of the ocean before our trip),when we asked to lower the tone she threatened us to hang the phone and to block our number.She continued the monologue,without letting us speak,without listening to us, was extremely rude and offensive.At some point we even felt "responsible of doing something wrong" when paying for the trip by a bank card and not cash as "the taxes are very big here".Therefore be very carefull when booking your trips throught them, especially if you have small kids as you could just loose your money without even using the service for which you have paid.They behave nicely when trying to sell you, but as soon as you experience an issue, they could become very rude and even agressive.If you still decide to book through them, our suggestion - pay only with a bank card, to have a payment proof later.If you experience an issue, imho - avoid at all means speaking with Aurika. As for us - we will never have any business with them, not because we were not reimbursed, but for the rude and aggressive behaviour of their employee, at least till they are represented by such employee(s) which we think would be the first responsible for a bad company image and for company loosing money.We gave 2 stars, instead of 1 just for their captain and their dauphin trip, which was nice and for which they were more "flexible" as they own the ship
Brilliant boat trip The folks who took your booking, the captain of the boat and the other travellers were all lovely. The boat was very comfortable, and the trip was fantastic. We saw some pilot whales and sea turtles. I recommend this company for an informed and chilled-out trip.
Mary M
Mary M
Tenerife 06/292023. I was very sad, because I didn't make the reservation in time I couldn't find anything, my cousin and my husband decided to go to the port and we were very lucky to find this trip. Iker treated us wonderfully, he speaks excellent English and Spanish. We could only see the pilot whales and a turtle, but not them. However, the experience was good and relaxing, we were able to swim and they also gave us a snack… back at the port we slept a little and it was great. What I do recommend is paying a little attention to the bathroom. For the rest, I brought Tenerife in my heart…I will return!
Cyan Fhine
Cyan Fhine
Absolutely terrible service. We booked a 3hr trip. To push us into booking it, the salesman guaranteed us that we would see whales and dolphins. We ended up chasing whales and dolphins around, not seeing more than fins from 1km distance. The worst thing comes now: The skipper deliberately sailed really really slowly, so that the waves made several people sick. There was no way to enjoy the trip while trying not to throw up. We were also told there would be drinks and tapas. We got water and selfmade sandwiches that stank. Terrible, if you go watch whales then go with a big group on a big ship. They go faster and can actually catch up with wales. The trip on this ship was also more expensive.
Niklas Alberts
Niklas Alberts
Sehr schöne Tour gehabt, haben vor Ort am selben Tag gebucht und die Dame hat alles in die Wege geleitet das wir 3 Stunden später auf dem Wasser sein konnten obwohl eigentlich alles schon voll war. Sehr netter Kapitän der uns die Delfine und sogar noch Schildkröten gezeigt hat. Zwischendurch gab es noch Getränke nach Wahl und Sandwiches. Sehr schönen Tag gehabt
Alexander D
Alexander D
3H Boat Trip We did a private 3 Hours whale and dolphin trip with our guide Vicente. It was so much fun and vicente did a great job to show us the best positions for the whales and dolphins.
Oinatz A
Oinatz A
Avistamiento cetaceos GRACIAS al capitan Vicente(el vasco) por hacernos pasar una mañana increíble!! Trato excelente tanto a nosotros y a la niña . Un 10
Muy buen viaje. Fuimos la semana pasada y vimos delfines y ballenas y disfrutamos mucho.
Lisa B
Lisa B
Cancelled trip when sat on the yarch waiting to depart Really looking forward to this trip to see whales and dolphins , booked the day before our departure , turned up at the gate 15 minutes early as instructed , no one to greet us , someone turns up 2 minutes before our departure time and takes are payment and disappears again saying we are waitingfor 4 more people to join , having been stood around now for 30 minutes not knowing what was going on the captain lets us sit on the yatch , at 15 minutes after our departure we were asked to leave as the trip had been cancelled as the other guests hadn’t arrived , and they wouldn’t sail out with just 2 people . The rep wanted to give us back the balance of the trip and asked us to sort out the return of our deposit from the booking agent , we refused and he reluctantly sorted the full refund. The overall lack of customer service was shocking , then had the cheek to ask if we wanted to rebook for a different day or time , what’s the point …. No guarantee that that trip would go ahead …. Very disappointed
ТТ Гамбург
ТТ Гамбург
Wir haben uns bei dieser Firma über das Schnorcheln und über die Temperatur des Wassers informieren lassen. Uns wurde versprochen, dass wir die Möglichkeit bekommen zu schnorcheln und dass das Wasser in der Bucht angenehm warm ist. Uns wurde keinerlei Ausrüstung angeboten und das Wasser war sehr kalt, weil wir nicht direkt in der Bucht den Stopp gemacht haben, sondern weit weg im Ozean. Nach einer Stunde von der Fahrt sind mehr als die Hälfte von Passagieren seekrank geworden. Nur 4 von 12 Menschen konnten die restliche Fahrt genießen. Meine Bitte, bisschen schneller zu fahren, wurde vom Kapitän sehr grob abgelehnt, mit der Begründung, dass andere Passagiere für drei Stunden und nicht für 2:45 bezahlt haben und wurde von ihm lautstark angeschrien! Ich fragte die anderen Passagiere, ob es in Ordnung wäre die Fahrt vorzeitig zu beenden und alle waren einverstanden, den restlichen Weg schneller zu machen, weil wir schon nah von der Endstation waren. Ich sollte mit dem Veranstalter telefonieren, aber auch hier wurde meine Bitte einfach ignoriert. Höchstwahrscheinlich steht für diese Firma Geld kassieren an erster Stelle. Ich glaube nicht, dass es ein Einzelfall war, dass die Leute Seekrank bei der Tour geworden sind. Wir wurden auch nicht vorgewarnt, dass die starken Welle im Ozean diese Krankheit verursachen können. Auch haben wir die falsche Informationen über das schnorcheln bekommen. Enttäuschung!
Irina U
Irina U
Супер!!! Получили масу удовольствия! Капитан просто супер, все время шутил, показал и китов, и дельфинов. Рассказывал о всех достопримечательностях, которые были видны с океана. Угощал вкусными бутербродами, пить и выпить на любой вкус! Отвёз плавать в место, в котором было полно рыб. Вобщем 5 звёзд! Рекомендую!!
Przemek Karpinski
Przemek Karpinski
5/5 - Great trip, well recommending -comfortable boat, not crowded at all, experience captain went over and beyond to make sure we find a whales- mission accomplished, snacks/drinks-all aboard- Big thanks.
safia berkania
safia berkania
Super tour en bateau. On a été accueilli par silvio qui parle français espagnol portugais anglais et allemand. Une gentillesse incroyable et des bons plan pour pouvoir profiter. Balade en bateau pour voir les dauphins c'était super
Amazing experience Awesome 3 hour trip. Saw lots of dolphins and pilot whales. Incredible experience and we were well looked after during our trip. Would definitely recommend doing this if you visit the island.
helen duddin
helen duddin
Acantilados de vértigo! Expectacular!!! La excursión la cogimos por nuestra cuenta por internet, (una especie de Zodiac grande con asientos) Fenomenal, lo volvería a repetir con esa misma lancha. La sensación es indescriptible. Los "gigantes" acantilados enormes de una altura de más de 300m. Se ven delfines y tortugas. Una parada para darnos un chapuzón Totalmente recomendable. No hace falta coger la excursión en hoteles,o agencias de viaje, por nuestra cuenta fue fantástico.
Johanna Sturzrehm
Johanna Sturzrehm