Telegraph Reviews

Good rating
4618 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 1842 ) 4.3

martisha 666
martisha 666
Хорошо но не без НО Подобное приложение уже было для андроида и наконец-то появилось что-то для айфонов. За это спасибо и респект. Вот только по сути функции очень ограничены: Нельзя авторизоваться. Нет возможности видеть количество читателей. Нет возможности загружать более 1 изображения за раз. Точнее галочки то поставить можно хоть на всех фото в галерее, но загрузится только одна. Хз ошибка ли это или нет… Не видно в библиотеке статей обложек этих самых статей. Это конечно мелочь, но удобства добавляет. Но в любом случае спасибо. Надеюсь будет развитие приложения. 🤩
Anonymous Employee in London, England
Anonymous Employee in London, England
Some good and bad aspects Pros:Great team to work within, some really inspiring and hard-working colleagues. Investment in technology. Some pretty good benefits like maternity leave, flexible working, annual leave. Cons:Subject matter expertise is often overridden by senior leadership, particularly in editorial. You have to learn to accept that you will have to disregard best-practice customer experience in favour of business pressure. Presenteeism favoured - must be in the office most of the time.
I’m waiting the next version!! is excellent, I love it!! But please we need to have the Opcion to delete or edit content, and it is giving problems sometimes after publishing presents an error code and does not allow access again to modify or upload content. This is the errors that presents the app when we try to edit or fix something: Error The operation couldn't be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -999.) Retry
Project Manager in London, England
Project Manager in London, England
Project Manager Pros:Great team and interesting work. Cons:Nothing I can think of
Journalist/Reporter in London, England
Journalist/Reporter in London, England
A mixed bag Pros:Great colleagues: clever and decent. You're writing for an intelligent audience. Cons:Shocking communication, ever-changing departmental structures, little loyalty. More senior employees (especially women) are not valued and are underpaid. Definitely a push to hire younger, more digitally-savvy staff: but the whole of the world of journalism has changed.
Anonymous Employee
Anonymous Employee
Decent salary & benefits offset by revolving door & excessive bureaucracy Pros:Good location & office, diverse teams and progressive people policies, good team culture (department specific) & career opportunities if ;your face fits; or you're fortunate enough to have a manager that genuinely supports your development & progression. Cons:Disjointed senior leadership often at odds in terms of strategy and priorities. Revolving door with 'department re-orgs' & redundancies frequently disrupting progress. Too much red-tape preventing agility and new ideas. Advice to Management:Share and cascade company goals and objectives. Agree on a business plan and structure required to deliver it and stick to it!
10 Verified
Next to Lau Pa Sat!! Street side turns into a BBQ lane in the evening, Posh Interior
Newspaper in London, England
Newspaper in London, England
Not what it was Pros:Salary is quite competitive. Central offices near the tube. Cons:No job security at present, which makes everyone jumpy and overly competitive in order to appear indispensable. Advice to Management:Sort out the ownership issue, to help people feel more valued and less under threat.
9.6 Verified
Wonderful Stay The room and location was fantastic! So convenient when it comes to food and amenities and transport. Highly recommended if you would like a quiet get away 🥰
Senior HR Administrator
Senior HR Administrator
Friendly, Supportive, Inclusive Org Culture Pros:Excellent HR function/team Friendly cross-team collaboration Good on-site benefits Supportive approach to wellbeing and inclusion Great office location Cons:No cons to note here.
Candy W.
Candy W.
Subscription trap Should've read the reviews here first - so annoyed that I had to call them to cancel my subscription. However, they answered my call almost immediately and were polite about the cancellation.
10 Verified
Exceptional Room is clean and nice.
Product Designer in London, England
Product Designer in London, England
Decent place Pros:- Great team - Exciting projects - Well known media company Cons:- 3 days minimum in office - Boring culture - Not-so-good pay
Project Manager in London, England
Project Manager in London, England
Would give zero stars Pros:I wouldn’t want to lie… Cons:There’s a new senior leader, highest of the high who is paying special attention to women who look like her. These women get all the meetings with her, get her pet projects, and are therefore on a fast track to promotion. Extremely disappointing. Nasty nasty attitudes from those she has contact with. She has a women’s group which completely overlooks anyone who doesn’t fit the mold. Pay rises are laughable. Men are prioritised for pay rises - sad to say that benefits me but having spoken to female colleagues in my role and the same with experience level as me, it’s actually quite terrible. We all lie in the staff engagement surveys. Nobody trusts the anonymity. This is the real deal when it comes to feedback. Would only recommend this place to someone I absolutely despise and want to suffer. Bulletproof glass ceiling in my team. No promotions on the past 2 years at least. Women are seldom promoted but nobody notices because there are so many of them working here so I guess someone somewhere thinks it balances out? I also imagine that if this is the state of things for women it must be worse for anyone who is disabled, not white, or a woman. And worse still if one is all three in this ‘working’ environment. Makes me think I shouldn’t complain but I have to think even my grievances are valid. Just my opinion. Advice to Management:Do the opposite of what’s said above.
Anonymous Employee
Anonymous Employee
Absolutely diabolical Pros:Very little - does free fruit count? Cons:If you have a beating heart, I highly recommend you do not work for The Telegraph. This place is truly insidious. Open bullying in the office is normal (the office is fully open plan too, so public humiliation is the norm as well). People do not tend to leave before 8 pm, so if you have kids, forget about ever seeing them. Meetings are regularly held at 6 or 7 pm, where key decisions are made on big projects. There is simply no work life balance at all - and a very boozy culture - because everyone is trying to cope with work stress. Zero flexibility on their 'hybrid' work culture, which actually means 4 days in the office per week - except most come in 5 anyway. This is because the Telegraph views are weirdly obsessed with the notion that hybrid working is woke nonesense. Very troubling misyogynistic practices - if you are a woman, you will be told not to be 'so sensitive' about your ideas and not to challenge people on theirs. I have never experienced misogyny like this before. Direction changing and shifting from one minute to the next with no explanation, which would mean countless late nights working tirelessly on projects were completely wasted. Everyone is too scared to ask why things have changed last minute as one top director in particular has a terrifying reputation for bullying (which I witnessed). There is no communication, no actual collaboration, just a constant blame culture where everyone openly admits how unhappy they are. I was also told not to bother escalating any issues from my manager, as this place 'won't change just because you're saying these things'. Deadlines are insane - everything is expected to be done yesterday. A huge argument erupting in front of everyone where the parties did not speak to each other for several weeks and talked through other colleagues. If you want your mental health and self-esteem to die, this is the way to do it. I witness so much unhappiness and anxiety in this place and left as quickly as I joined. People deserve a lot better. Advice to Management:A huge purge of your senior team and practices
Accounts Payable Executive in Victoria, England
Accounts Payable Executive in Victoria, England
Good name Pros:Good name to have on cv Cons:Not much promotion from within
News Reporter in London, England
News Reporter in London, England
Soul-destroying Pros:- Reputable name - Access to high-profile sources - Central location Cons:- Toxic work culture; extraordinarily high turnover - Lack of organisation, bit of a free-for-all (no collaborative spirit) - Ridiculous hours - Unclear instructions (a lot of chopping and changing) Advice to Management:God only knows.
9.2 Verified
Great Hotel Very nice rooms, staff were wonderful. Would definitely stay again!
Scammers As everyone has said its a scam. They charge you long after you cancel. Dont sign up.
Poor management Pros:Working alongside talented reporters and correspondents Cons:This newsroom has a spectacular talent for spawning talentless males who build an inflated sense of self because they are working on the periphery of the industry. AVOID