

Tawkify Reviews

Excellent rating
7275 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 3521 ) 4.5

Scheduling Assistant
Scheduling Assistant
Working at Tawkify Pros:Working at Tawkify has been an incredibly rewarding experience in terms of compensation, benefits, and professional growth opportunities. From day one, I was impressed by the company's commitment to providing competitive compensation packages that truly value employee contributions plus work life balance. This made me feel respected and motivated to perform at my best. Cons:My time at Tawkify was unfortunately marked by serious issues stemming from the leadership of our last team lead Zergio. The layoffs overseen lacked fairness and transparency. Despite being one of the top performers, I and many others were let go without clear reasons. This left us feeling unfairly treated and confused. Adding to this, he even retained his relative, despite their poor performance, while letting go of most top performers. This raised concerns about fairness and decision-making. Under his leadership, there was a lack of training and support for professional growth, which hindered our development and caused frustration. He also unexpectedly reassigned my tasks to his relative without notice, disrupting my work and communication within the team. Furthermore, he took over handling messages meant for the team, affecting our workload and performance metrics negatively. On my last day, he abruptly cut my access to tools and trackers, claiming I missed a meeting scheduled without notice. Overall, my experience at Tawkify under Zergio was disappointing and concerning due to his lack of transparency, favoritism, and unprofessional conduct.
Jennifer D
Jennifer D
As a survivor of sexual assault, I was nervous about re-entering the dating scene. Tawkify demonstrates an unparalleled commitment to safety and well-being.Tawkify was sensitive and considerate of my personal history. Unlike other matchmaking services I researched, they have extensive safety protocols in place, including rigorous background checks and a comprehensive response protocol for handling sensitive issues like assault accusations. They have a zero tolerance policy for harassment. This level of diligence reassured me immensely and allowed me to focus on connecting with potential matches without fear.I was impressed by the extra steps they took to reassure me and protect my safety and privacy. ***** and ******* went above and beyond to create a safe environment for me, providing clear, quick, responsive communication and support throughout the process. Most matchmaking services do not do background checks or validate the claims the matches make. Tawkify's proactive approach and genuine concern for my safety set them apart in an industry where such considerations are often overlooked.I would recommend Tawkify to anyone who has had an experience like mine. For anyone with similar concerns, I urge you to inquire whether your dating service or app has these crucial safety features. Read your contract/agreement carefully and inquire about how they will respond to the worst case scenario. Tawkify has also shown me that with the right support, it's possible to navigate this aspect of life with security.
Michelle G
Michelle G
Ladies, please read this review before signing up for Tawkify matchmaking services! I am a successful 40 yr old woman who signed up because I was promised a higher caliber of dates compared to the dating apps. Tawkify told me they had a database of 1.5 million people, had a strong presence in the midwest and that I would go in front of their review board to ensure I was a good fit as a client. I was approved within 24 hours and signed up for their three match experience for $4,500. After signing up, I met with my personal matchmaker where I shared intimate details about what I was looking for in a partner, including my life goals and income. This is where I learned the dates were blind which was never disclosed in the intro call. In addition, after my first date I learned he had signed for their $99.00 database package. Why would Tawkify not tell me I could be matched with men only paying $99 compared to my $4.5k investment? My dates consisted of men not having real jobs, just divorced living in an apartment with their kids, and being blind sided finding out real time on a date that he was hearing impaired or another time finding out he was a recovering alcoholic. Their matchmaking process is all about quantity not quality. I complained to their customer service team after every date and each time they never took accountability. I asked them to release my phone records but they declined. I even pursued the lawyer route but decided to cut my losses because I didnt want to pay any more money towards this scam of a process. Im hoping this review will help other women like me not pay thousands of dollars for a company that has zero accountability for their short falls.
Engineering Manager
Engineering Manager
Great company despite tough changes Pros:As a manager at Tawkify, I’ve witnessed significant changes in the past few months. While the recent team changes were undoubtedly difficult and impacted many valued colleagues, I believe it’s important to share another perspective from the other reviews on the current state of the company. The terminations were a challenging and emotional process for everyone involved. Many of us lost friends and talented team members. It’s crucial to acknowledge their contributions and the difficulty of these decisions. No one takes such actions lightly, and the leadership had to make tough choices based on team dynamics and the company’s long-term health. Despite these hardships, the current environment at Tawkify has seen notable improvements. Projects are moving forward more swiftly, and decision-making processes have become more streamlined. The focus and clarity on our objectives have increased, reducing the prolonged debates that often slowed progress in the past. Even after all these changes, this remains the best place I’ve worked at in terms of culture. Everyone is so supportive, talented, engaged to fulfill our mission, within smaller teams, and across departments. I understand that my experience might differ from others, and I respect the feelings and experiences of those who were let go, often without much notice. It’s a complex situation with no easy answers. Cons:After a couple years at the company, I regret that we are not able to offer more affordable products. In my opinion, the mission makes sense if the products are more accessible. This is not a critique as I participate in the work myself, but a realization that we do not manage to implement the vision that we set for ourselves, and it affects how much belief I have in the day to day work.
Matchmaker in Los Angeles, CA
Matchmaker in Los Angeles, CA
Well Pros:Remote, Flexible schedule, nice coworkers Cons:Confusion, confusion, chaos, chaos and more confusion Advice to Management:N/A
Sad State Pros:At one time, it was a nice place to work, but the culture declined significantly over the past year. Cons:The original culture and vision of the Matchmaking product has been completely obliterated under new management. The wrong people are in charge, showing no respect for their most vital resources—their matchmakers who are pushed to an abusive level of overwork and undervaluation. Management's lack of leadership is evident in their constant gaslighting of employees. The product has been so drastically altered that it no longer resembles a Matchmaking service worth using over other apps. They use the few remaining matchmakers as a front to deceive clients into believing they still offer a unique service, which couldn't be further from the truth. Instead, they overload client rosters and outsource their original responsibilities. The future direction of this company is murky at best, but their current actions are driving it straight into the ground. Advice to Management:They don’t seem to care about any advice.
Anonymous Employee
Anonymous Employee
A job is what you make it Pros:The company has recently undergone significant changes and organizational transitions. This involved removing poor management and internally hiring new employees, who are now entitled to employee benefits. These benefits include holidays, sick and vacation paid time off, as well as health benefits. The role comes with a base salary plus a performance-based bonus. The position offers flexibility - it is what you make of it. I'm delighted to have a job that allows me to work from home and provides an opportunity to increase my income beyond the base salary. Cons:The department has a lot of negativity, which makes it uncomfortable for those of us who love our jobs to express that. Currently, there is no 401k match, but I haven't seen that in other startup companies. Time off is accrued, and we only get 2 weeks of vacation, but we do get an additional 2 weeks for sick time, and it is carried over if unused. Computer isn't the best device but at least we get internet paid for.
Do not work here Pros:Choosing your own schedule and working remotely. Cons:- Low pay. Boiled down to $17/hour. The average client package is $8,000. - The bonuses we used to get are almost eliminated, unless you hit a certain threshold and then it’s a meager teeny tiny amount. - The worst management I’ve ever experienced. - They constantly say “we hear you” when you voice concerns, even collectively, and NEVER do anything about it! Not exaggerating. They have never taken action based on employee concerns. - Constantly making internal changes, forcing employees to learn new systems on average every 2 weeks. - Poor benefits Advice to Management:Actually listen to your employees
Customer Service Representative in San Francisco, CA
Customer Service Representative in San Francisco, CA
Not Worth It Pros:Flexible work shifts and working from home Cons:I felt like I was part of a scam. This company has zero morals.
Customer Success
Customer Success
Massive price increases give clients the wrong expectations Pros:Pay is alright, working from home is great, Customer Success Managers are great at managing their department Cons:New corporate leads seem to make impulsive decisions that are not healthy for long-term customer relations. massive price increases are not due to inflation and are not sustainable in the long term Advice to Management:stop increasing prices, set realistic expectations for clients. stop making impulsive policy/price decisions without speaking to people who work with clients directly about what is healthy for long-term client relations. short term profits will not matter if the clientele all leave with poor word of mouth
Wonderful community of people Pros:There are so many wonderful people in this organization. Supportive community. The founder is a person with so much heart. Opportunity to grow if you take initiative. Cons:The company has gone through a lot of growing pains through the years. It's difficult to know the direction that it's going in aside from further automation which is great for efficiency. It would be great to have more transparency from Leadership. In a remote business, this can get lost between departments. Advice to Management:Share the bigger vision so that we can all understand what we are working towards. Keep creating opportunities for growth for your loyal employees. Show more recognition for your ground floor employees. They genuinely care and need to be shown that they are also cared for.
Constant Incongruences Down the Ladder, High Anxiety Environment Pros:Remote Work Supportive Community Cohorts Female-Lead Teams Cons:I have watched Tawkify change and shift tremendously since starting with the company. I have watched the vision of the company shift countless times and become muddied by the bureaucracy at the top of the management chain. I have watched department heads get let go unexpectedly, and employees down the chain have become easily disposable, which affects company culture and cohesion significantly. This work in the dating and relationship space has the potential to be incredibly meaningful, but Tawkify has shifted to feel like a low-touch Matchmaking factory. It is my belief that team leads and supervisors have the best intentions, but the best intentions only go so far when the number-crunchers at the top are pulling strings for the worse. Advice to Management:Transparent Communication and Authenticity Down the Management Chain, More Supportive Pay Structure for Matchmakers and Recruiters
Disconnected Leadership and Constant Instability Make for a Toxic Work Environment Pros:Remote Work Outside of leadership, supportive community/team Cons:I have had a highly disappointing experience with this company. There is a glaring lack of regard for ground floor employees, with no shared vision or cohesive direction. The CEO is disconnected and uninvolved, seemingly with her head in the clouds. It's frustrating to see rules imposed on the company that don’t apply to her, highlighting a lack of care for employees. Leadership is notorious for making uninformed decisions and then hiding from accountability. The company undergoes constant, ineffective changes without a proper understanding of the product, creating an unstable and demoralizing work environment. I would not recommend this place to anyone seeking a supportive and coherent workplace. Advice to Management:Engage with Ground Floor Employees: Foster an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued. Regularly solicit feedback from all levels and involve employees in decision-making processes to ensure their voices are heard. Develop a Shared Vision: Clearly communicate the company’s vision and goals. Ensure that every employee understands and aligns with this vision to create a unified direction. Increase CEO Involvement: The CEO should be more actively engaged with the daily operations and accessible to employees. This involvement will help bridge the gap between leadership and staff. Lead by Example: Ensure that rules and policies apply to everyone, including the CEO and top management. Demonstrating fairness and accountability is crucial for building trust and respect within the organization. Prioritize Employee Well-being: Show genuine care for employees by investing in their professional development, providing necessary resources, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Make Informed Decisions: Gather comprehensive insights before implementing changes. Engage with employees who have direct experience with the product to make better-informed decisions. Transparent Communication: Maintain open lines of communication and be transparent about decisions and changes. Address concerns promptly and provide clear, consistent updates to avoid confusion and build trust. Stabilize Change Processes: Before initiating changes, thoroughly understand the product and its impact. Implement changes gradually and evaluate their effectiveness, ensuring they contribute positively to the company's objectives.
Anonymous Employee
Anonymous Employee
Opportunity for Growth and Advancement Pros:This is a twelve year old start up that has had to adapt, shift and change to keep up with the industry. Cons:Confidential dating is sometimes an issue and not appealing to clients. Advice to Management:Continue on the path of growth and streamlining efficiency. It's inspirational and motivating!
Professional Matchmaker in San Francisco, CA
Professional Matchmaker in San Francisco, CA
Never Boring Pros:Community is supportive Personal and professional growth No two days are the same Fun Challenging Stands out on a resume Opportunities are created Opinions and feedback well received Great place to make friends and build connections Meaningful work Cons:Unclear expectations for performance Job security Technology and systems create limitations Resources provided make it challenging to hit metrics Income and company restructures frequently Challenging / stressful clients at times Mission is unclear Advice to Management:Better to be a master of one than a master of none. Client and worker happiness will support financial growth naturally if you believe in it.
Shaun S
Shaun S
After much consideration, I decided to sign my mother up for Tawkify, hoping it would be a gateway to new connections and possibly romance. The idea of a personalized matchmaking service seemed promising, and with the anticipation of curated dates, we were optimistic.Unfortunately, our experience has been underwhelming and disheartening. Despite being in the dating pool for nearly a full year, my mother has not received a single call or email from Tawkifynot even a welcome message to acknowledge her membership. This lack of interaction and updates has been deeply disappointing.Upon further investigation, I discovered numerous negative reviews on the Better Business Bureau (BBB), which echo our sentiments of dissatisfaction. It appears that while some users have had positive encounters with Tawkify, others have experienced similar issues with the service1.In retrospect, I regret not researching more thoroughly before making any payments. Its a ****** learned, and I hope that by sharing our story, others will be more informed in their decision-making process when considering Tawkifys services.
Sajra I
Sajra I
If I could give this company negative stars I would. They absolutely do not listen to what you want. They try to sell you on an experience that is amazing and their dating pool is unlike any other. Once you get into it, you realize they recruit people from something that is essentially like a "career fair" They want you to drop THOUSANDS and I mean THOUSANDS of dollars for mediocre matches. I even switched matchmakers to see if it would be better, but it turned out even worse. If you try to talk to them and work out a way to get your money back, they DO NOT CARE. Honestly, there are so many negative things I can keep saying but I will just tell you right now.. DO NOT DO IT. Go on a vacation for the money, and do better for yourself.
Matchmaker in San Francisco, CA
Matchmaker in San Francisco, CA
Can be great Pros:Flexibility, dream job, community, direct managers Cons:A lot of changes often.
Stay away Pros:None- there is nothing good about this company Cons:Horrible c suite leadership. Completely disorganized. Sales hates marketing. Culture is completely toxic. The worst company I’ve ever worked for. I started looking for a new job 3 months after I started. Advice to Management:Stop pretending you’re management. You have no managerial skills
Sales Representative in Delaware, OH
Sales Representative in Delaware, OH
overall experience Pros:work from home and flexible schedule Cons:Worse management there could be, be ready to have things be changed every day as you go. Accept the fact that if you don't say things to clients they will keep your commissions. Will let you go even if you're a great top producer.