Surgery Now

Surgery Now Reviews

Excellent rating
32 reviews Verified
Surgery Now


Reviews ( 31 ) 5.0

Elita Hair Salon
Elita Hair Salon
Hi Folks, I DO RECOMMEND SURGERYNOW ENDLESS! Here is my story, my name is Svetlana, I'm 55 years old, and I am resident in Ireland for 19.5 years. Over the years, as everyone else, having health issues and making the best, for getting better is norm. I am self employed ,hard working hair salon ownand stylist,naturally very active and fit. In the last almost 4 years I had issues with hip pain, lower back stiffness, discomfort, reduced mobility flexibility, which I was hoping HSE public care will be able to help and solve. On the waiting list.....Going privet specific recommendations for surgery as best outcome, medicine, 💊 pills, struggle, pain, sleepless nights/days/ opioid painkillers...thinking Cross border Directive, but being told repeatedly I do not qualify as I don't have planned surgery, calls to Cross border office for assurance that i am eligible for that Directive, back to surgery and again...untill I accidentally called the Surgerynow number, instead of HSE one. Then my UPLIFTING BEGAN! ELAIN on the phone took over all my information. concerns and leads me through all the details Surgerynow work. And I've got the Surgeon consulting remotely, making clear I need surgery ASAP. And I did go ahead, Elaine have prepared all.the medical, personal, travel, exc. details and I booked my flight to Benidorm, IMED hospital. Got the surgery, amazing Surgeons and hospital staff, all the way amazing staff Surgerynow: Leanne, Charlotte, Martina, David, Scott, took and extraordinary care for me, after the surgery, during my first tough days, same care for the rest of patients, I could also see, it is their warm professional attitude. All that is great history today for me. 15th November, 4 weeks since I had full hip replacement surgery, new hip inserted finally, I can sleep painless full night sleep for the last 4 years. I can walk, I have to say almost fully recovered. slowly, but surely! For everyone who don't get enough of medical care locally, I greatly recommend Call Surgerynow, they will assist you, they will find the way to help you! Wishing you all the best 👍 👌 😍
Alan Mc Donald
Alan Mc Donald
Are you, a friend or family member on a HSE waiting list for medical treatment? ⬇️ If you are, you need to read this: I got diagnosed with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome a while back by my GP and was placed on a waiting list for surgery, but was told I could be waiting years for the procedure. Through my research, I found out about the Cross Border Directive scheme, which allows Irish patients who are on a waiting list to travel abroad to get the treatment they need, and then get reimbursed by the HSE. I was very interested in availing of this, but the thoughts of contacting a foreign hospital myself to arrange treatment, booking multiple appointments, organising a translator, filling in all the paperwork, etc kind of turned me off. Then..... I came across Surgerynow essentially acts as a middleman between you and the foreign hospital and arranges absolutely EVERYTHING at ZERO cost to you. You read that right. The service is completely FREE. The only things you need to organise are your flights and hotel. Surgerynow has even negotiated special hotel discounts for people who use their service, or you are free to organise your own hotel. I'm quite a sceptical person but I arranged a call with the owner Noel anyway, and we had a 30 minute chat. Noel is a really nice guy and what I liked about when I was chatting to him, was that there was no pressure to use his service, he just gave me all the facts, so in the end I decided to go ahead and had the team at Surgerynow arrange my treatment. Within 4 weeks, I was on my way to Benidorm to have my surgery. I was collected at the airport in Benidorm by Scott Michael, who is the patient co-ordinator at Surgerynow, and he brought me to my hotel. Scott is a really nice guy who has lived in Spain for 36 years and speaks fluent Spanish, so he was a great resource for me for recommendations on places to eat and local knowledge. I was in Benidorm for a few days and had multiple hospital appointments on different days, and Scott was there, bang on time every time to drop me to and from my appointments. The next member of the team I met at the hospital was Leanne Mulligan, who is the patient manager, and an absolute legend. After chatting to Leanne for 15 minutes, I felt like I’d known her for years. I consider myself to be an excellent judge of character, and from chatting with Leanne, I could just tell she’s a wonderful person. She arranged all my appointments in the hospital and done all my paperwork so I can get my refund from the HSE processed. Nothing was too much trouble for Leanne. She was happy to give me any help I needed, or answer any of my questions, day or night. I Couldn’t think of anyone more suitable for the role of patient manager as she’s just got such a great personality and seems to genuinely love her job. The hospital in Benidorm was absolutely First Class. There certainly were no people lying in trolleys in the corridor or anything like that, and the facility is spotless clean and very modern. I had my own private room with a flat-screen TV, my own shower and toilet, a sofa, a balcony, and they even have room service. It was huge. The hospital room was actually bigger and than the hotel room I booked. When I arrived at the hospital, the team at Surgerynow had arranged an interpreter for me called Martina. Martina came into all of my appointments with me and translated the conversation between myself and the doctor. Martina is a lovely girl who always seemed to be happy and smiling. I’m not sure what kind of arrangement Surgerynow has with the hospital in Benidorm, but I skipped all queues. Even when I went to a consultant’s room who had people queuing outside, I skipped everyone and was seen straight away. The surgeon done an excellent job and the incision he made to my hand and my stitches were really neat. Overall, I am beyond satisfied with the service of the whole Surgerynow team, including Noel, Leanne, Audrey, Scott and Elaine. (Sorry if I left anyone out) Absolutely OUTSTANDING service from start to finish, which let me remind you again, is completely FREE. They sort absolutely everything out: paperwork, appointments, transport, airport collection, translation, etc Amazing team, Amazing service and I cannot recommend it enough. A+++ in every respect. Thank you to all the team. I really appreciate what you all done for me. So if you’re on a HSE waiting list, shoot their Facebook page a message or shoot them an email, and get the treatment you need in weeks rather than years. Or maybe you have a friend or family member who is on a HSE waiting list? If you do, point them toward so that they can get their treatment much sooner. Personally, I'll be telling everybody I know about this service as it blew me away. Talk about over delivering. But don't take my word for it, just read all of their glowing reviews If anyone doubts the authenticity of this review due to me having a blank profile photo with no post history, It’s just blank because I really value my privacy and only have an FB account so I can use the messenger app. Anyone who reads this, feel free to shoot me a message if you want to know more about my experience with Surgerynow. Noel, feel free to give my phone number to anybody who would like anymore info from me. Thanks again team Surgerynow 🙂
Eilis O Malley
Eilis O Malley
I would highly recommend Surgery Now, the service they provide is amazing. Noel arranged everything for me and was very reassuring when I had doubts / worried. Leanne and Scott were also amazing, they went above and beyond to make my experience a good one. Leanne works endlessly to ensure all their patients get the very best care etc and Scott was always available to bring me to appointments. Martina helped with translation and anything else I needed. There are no words to describe how they helped me . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Orla Enright
Orla Enright
I just returned from Benidorm with Surgery Now! The experience was amazing! Initially I was in contact with Noel and he explained everything in detail and was available anytime for any questions I had. Scott picked us up from the airport and escorted me to my hotel, to and from my appointments to the pharmacy etc. I wasn’t left on my own to find my own way they organised everything. I was made to feel so comfortable had a laugh got to know the team and they are genuinely the nicest and most accommodating people I have met in a long time! Leanne and Martina organised all my appointments and paperwork and were so easy to deal with too! My surgeon was also very nice explained everything in detail and I was confident going in that everything would go smoothly! Also I was in and out of all my appointments in record time no long wait times everything was well organised and prompt. I would recommend this service to everyone and anyone as it exceeded all my expectations!
Dillon Lyons
Dillon Lyons
I honestly couldnt recommend "Surgery Now" enough to anybody !! 🙏😁 I recently Travelled over with my Mam too have cataracts in her eyes done . Audrey was brillant from day one from helping us choose hotels and helping us travel on dates that was suited us rather then them. She was always available too contact and helped out whith whatever we needed. We had the pleasure of Meeting Noel , leanne , and the Team . Noel the owner of the company went out of his way and beyond too help us out and make sure we had everything we needed at all times . It always felt we were dealing with friends rather then a company . They sorted all paperwork out , including the hotels ect and made our life's so easy . Surgery Now is nothing short of 5 star treatment and both me and my mam will be forever greatfull for everything they done for us . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Jessica Stensrud
Jessica Stensrud
I at first decried all the paperwork connected only to my personal circumstances not to do with SurgeryNow. BUT I persisted, feeling SurgeryNow had to be extraordinarily worthwhile. I was not wrong!! When I was finally taken to my hotel location right near the Hospital, I thought I had died and gone to heaven already. I am almost 73, female, needed cancer-related surgery and saw my prospects for survival dwindle as I learned more about how The Pandemic has almost totally undermined the Healthcare system of the country I was then in. Yes, each patient must do many things for themselves for accuracy sake, but the SurgeryNow staff ARE tremendously supportive, empathetic and very helpful. They take you everywhere you need to be. But it is also true that doing things to help YOURSELF is mightily empowering. I truly cannot recommend SurgeryNow enough❤🙏🏼
Nicky Griffin
Nicky Griffin
I just wanna thank absolutely everyone who works at Surgery Now.. from the first contact with Noel he had the ball rolling in no time.. he kept me informed with every single thing.. they make it such a stress free process, literally the only thing you do is book your flights other than that they help every step of the way.. I had surgery on knee and they go above and beyond to make you feel at ease and make it a less of a scary feeling.. the hospital is absolutely stunning and the standard of care is absolutely unbelieving.. the attention they give is next to none.. you are brought to and from every and any appointments.. the staff of surgery now I honestly can’t thank you all enough between Noel, Leanne and scott (they are all the most amazing bunch ever) they will literally do anything to make life that bit better after surgery and Leanne the rockstar even done a shop run for me as I’m on my own and unable to get around.. please do not be afraid to travel on your own, they make you feel so at home and at ease the minute your collected from the airport :) honestly I could write a book with how amazing this service is and i highly highly suggest those in pain and on a waiting list to get in touch with them.. you will not get better care or attention.. thanks so much again guys, it’s being an absolute pleasure..
Amy Leanne Kavanagh
Amy Leanne Kavanagh
Cannot recommend surgery now highly enough, from start to finish the service has been absolutely brilliant. From my first contact with chris I was shocked there was a service like this. Until I boarded the plane to Benidorm, Audrey was in constant contact, to make sure I had everything I needed before I landed. The team in Benidorm, Leanne, Scott, Chris and john always looking out for me and keeping us updated and the IMED team of admins, nurses and surgeon’s who made me feel comfortable and at home while recovering.. and the team of patients I meet on my travels who made the experience feel like I was with friends ❤️ Recovery is well underway and looking forward to run around with my little girls again in a few more months.. Thank you all ❤️❤️
Christy Corroon
Christy Corroon
have to say world class service from Chris and his team. could not have got better service and my knee in great Shape after one week. don't hesitate to contact them brilliant team. thanks from christy Corroon
Andy Timmins
Andy Timmins
I had an amazing experience with surgery now, from the lads john and Scott in the mini vans to the girls leanne Audrey and Elaine and then the main man Chris, such a brilliant team everything look after so well. I had a brain operation so very risky stuff but the doctors in imed hospital were second to none, I would highly recommend surgery now, if anyone would like to contact me feel free to chat about my experience no problem. till next time god bless, keep up the good work, Andy
Sean Holmes
Sean Holmes
First class service, from departure, arrival, and every hospital appointment. Chris and Leanne arrange everything, Scott and John, collect and deliver you wherever you need to be, and Martina is present for translation at every appointment. I had my left hip replaced in November, and because of Osteo-arthritis, I already know I must have right hip replaced. I am happy that I will be returning to Spain with Surgery Now, because the quality of treatment, follow up treatment and physio, and care and attention is second to none. I cannot recommend them enough, and if anybody wants personal testimony, please feel free to contact me. If you know anybody living in pain, on a waiting list for surgery, tell them about Surgery Now, a genuine professional company who provide a fully serviced solution to NOT living in pain.
Caroline Mckinney
Caroline Mckinney
well where do I start to emphasise just how amazing this team is , Chris I could barely speak to you I was in that much pain with my back on our first phone call, u were a wealth of knowledge u put my mind at ease from the word go 😊 . you helped me make the hardest and best decision ever which wasn't easy by any means to travel abroad for surgery. Eileen😇 from meeting you at airport you were like an angel to me making sure I had everything I needed when arriving in Spain I'm forever greatful. Noel u got me through the dreaded post op tests and kept me sane wasn't easy as this was my first ever surgery . Mr navarro my surgeon, amazing man. All the nurses who cared for me but especially Melanie in IMeD elche, and Emelia for my wound care in IMeD in benedorm, Leanne and Audrey 😇thanks so much for keeping all my paperwork and appointment s scheduled to perfection from the word go until going home 😎💗. John thank you for looking after my prescription s so well from pharmacy 💊💉and just being so kind. Scott 😎 there's no words you were so good to me ☺️ diet coke , pastries to hospital appointment scheduled to perfection wound dressing s on time everyday 😇😷😷🤕🤕🤠 il never be able to repay you all enough . I'm home pain free for Christmas 🌲 thanks to each and everyone one of you ☺️ anyone even considering surgery or in pain get in touch with the team ASAp 🙏 if iv forgotten anyone I apologise iv got the holiday blues 😎😇😷
Frank Barry
Frank Barry
Frank Barry back home after 2 weeks in Spain just can't believe it .initially on talking to Chris taught this is just to good to be true. They were just fantastic from the start Chris and his wife Eileen Audrey who was brilliant with all the forms and patient also and on arrival Scott and John who Brough u to your appointment s and really were very helpful and Leanne who was fantastic and really understanding Martina who was the link with hospital and interpitpiter when talking surgeon Overall they r agreat team who just have a gift of being their when u needed them most I am going back to get 2nd hip done early next year and it is great to know that Chris and his brilliant team will be looking after me again thanks for everything frank and mary
Robert Holland
Robert Holland
I'm just back from a knee operation in Spain with Surgery Now, I can't express how well the team looked after me before with all the preparation and booking appointments, during, from collection at the airport to seeing me every day in the hospital during all my appointments and the operation itself and afterwards with my prescriptions and helping me back to the airport and filing in all the forms needed for the HSE. I can't recommend them enough and would encourage anyone on a waiting list to seek their advice, it definitely will be worth it.
Charlene Banks
Charlene Banks
My mam recently travelled to Spain with Surgery Now for a hip replacement. We cannot recommend this company enough, from the first call with Chris we knew she would be in good hands. Within 3 or 4 weeks from the first call she was on a flight to Spain, there are not enough words for the care she received before and after surgery. Our only regret is not doing this sooner, after years of pain she is now on the road to a normal quality of life. Big big thank you to leanne also, who was only a phone call away if my mam or dad needed anything at all, leanne and chris are a credit to the company. Thank you.
Christy Butler
Christy Butler
if anyone is thinking about using this sevice i would highly recommend. after suffering a knee injury and getting nowhere after 6 weeks i made contact with chris and within 2 hours he got things moving, when i got told it could be 6 months to 2 years here waiting i had to get things done for my own peace of mind, and to get back on my feet, and the team at surgery now made it an ease to get things sorted, after having a knee reconstruction overseas i can finally be on the path to recovery not waiting on a letter to come through the door. so thanks to all at surgery now, chris, eileen , leanne, ekatrina, scott and john it was a pleasure meeting you all, thanks for everything.
Geraldine Kelly
Geraldine Kelly
Surgery now is Ireland best kept secret! Within 4 weeks of making initial contact with Chris I was on that plane to Benidorm for a full knee replacement. All the pre departure medical paperwork was streamlined and taken care of ensuring it was a hassle free process from start to finish. Any requests were actioned promptly and as I was travelling alone(and extremely anxious) from the onset I was made to feel part of the surgery now family. Thank you to Chris, Eileen, Ekaterina, John, Scott and all the team at the IMED levante hospital. Saving the best to last.. A massive thank you to leanne the patient coordinator for all her hospital visits and breakfast assistance. Leanne's smiling face would lift anyone's spirits. Everything leanne undertakes is done in a professional, efficient and timely manner and she is always willing to lend a helping hand. I felt in the most capable of hands and appreciated the personal touch more than words can say. I'm 6 weeks post surgery now and recovering very well with an incision that is already fading. All that is left to say is keep up the amazing work you all do and thank you for everything. Geraldine Kelly
Stephanie Rossiter
Stephanie Rossiter
Would highly recommend Surgery Now to anyone, the care & service I received was Excellent & Exceptional. I was nervous arriving into Spain but from the time I was met at the airport by Scott & on arrival to Accommodation by Patient coordinater Leanne my nerves disappeared. I cannot thank the amazing surgery now team enough for there care kept in the loop every single step of the way. Chris Leanne Martina Ekaterine thank you so much for everything throughout my stay. Scott & John thanks for bringing me to and from appointments and airport collection & drop. You are all legends ❤ Best Regards &Go raibh mile maith agat Steph x
Tina Hughes Phelan
Tina Hughes Phelan
I can’t recommend surgery now enough, I recently had a hysterectomy in Spain and every single member of the team were so friendly, helpful and professional it was unbelievable, thanks to the Imed hospital and to Chris, Leanne, Catherine, Martina Scott and John who made my recovery so much easier
Ian Grayson
Ian Grayson
The surgery now team were excellent.I went over for a knee replacement. Their driver met me at the airport on time.Every single appointment I was texted the time and collected at the exact time ,never late.Doth drivers john and scott were excellent. I was also returned to the airport and the driver made sure I was put in the wheelchair and didnt leave me until everything was sorted. The girl that was looking after me was Leanne.What can I say. An absolute diamond.Everything simplified for me.All my needs accounted for.All my paperwork scanned and put in a folder in the correct order and given to me. If I needed anything at all I, I just txt her and was given what I needed. I cannot give high enough praise to this girl. Outstanding at her job and looks after you as if you were one of her own. I would highly recommend surgery now. ian