Star Tours Algarve Reviews

Excellent rating
299 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 233 ) 4.5

Laura D
Laura D
LAMENTABLE ESTAFA Hicimos una reserva de 2 kayak con monitor (éramos 4 personas) para el pase de las 13:30h. Para nuestra sorpresa, a las 13:20h el grupo que nos habían asignado ya había salido, por lo que nos tocó esperar más de una hora en la playa para realizar la salida con el siguiente grupo. Tras esta espera y observando una gran desorganización por parte de monitores (no tenían chalecos para todos, falta de kayaks…) nos comunican que por el estado del mar no pueden seguir con las excursiones; sin embargo, el resto de empresas continuaban con normalidad. Por lo que les escuchamos hablar, la razón por la que nos dejaron tirados tras la espera fue que habían perdido por el camino a algunos miembros del grupo organizado. Al menos nos devolvieron el dinero en el acto. LAMENTABLE.
Highly recommended company Excellent experience. Booked just the day before for 10am to 12pm. Those guys are very smart, very easy with customers. Our kayaks were waiting for us directly on the beach. Benagil cave was so crowded but with 2 hours you can go further to more quiet and beautiful places. Thanks for the experience!
Experiência incrível Praias incríveis e experiência autêntica! Vimos 4 cavernas diferentes e nadamos na Praia da Marinha. Ao todo, demorou cerca de 2 horas, o que é perfeito.
Amazing experience Amazing beaches and authentic experience! We saw 4 different caves and swam at the Marinha Beach. All in all, it took around 2 hours, which is perfect.
haoda z
haoda z
很不错的体验 体验非常非常好,教练全程陪同讲解,专业程度高,上下岸都给予我们很大帮助,在每个洞穴都给了充足的时间进行自由活动,是一次令人愉悦的旅行
Ótimo passeio! Nosso guia era extremamente experiente e amigável. Nosso grupo se divertiu muito e pôde experimentar completamente as cavernas.
Great tour! Our guide was immensely knowledgeable and friendly. Our group had a great time and were able to fully experience the caves.
Chlozza C D
Chlozza C D
Experiência absolutamente perfeita Reservamos o 9 . 30 passeio de caiaque com Jake e nos divertimos muito. Jake era divertido, experiente e garantiu que estivéssemos seguros e sabíamos o que estávamos fazendo - ele também tirou ótimas fotos!O passeio matinal foi brilhante, pois era muito mais silencioso, então definitivamente recomendamos ir de manhã cedo.Nós pensamos que este era um valor brilhante para o dinheiro e nós definitivamente voltaremos! ! Obrigado por cuidar de nós, Jake!
Chlozza C D
Chlozza C D
Absolutely perfect experience We booked the 9.30 kayak tour with Jake and we had the best time. Jake was fun, knowledgeable and made sure we were safe and knew what we were doing - he also took some great photos!The morning tour was brilliant as it was much quieter so we definitely recommend going early in the morning. We thought this was brilliant value for money and we will definitely be back!! Thank you for looking after us Jake!
Nikki S
Nikki S
Incrível experiência de caiaque com Jay! Jay foi ótimo! Ele nos levou a muitas cavernas e tivemos tempo de sair na praia e tirar fotos!
Nikki S
Nikki S
Amazing kayak experience with Jay! Jay was great! He took us to lots of caves and we had time to hang out on the beach and take photos!
Tour cancelado quando chegamos Reservamos e pagamos no dia anterior e chegamos às 9h para as 9h. 30h passeio de caiaque. Por volta das 9. Às 15h, um cara veio correndo até nós dizendo que havia apenas nós reservados no passeio e, como resultado, não poderia ir em frente (entendo totalmente isso, mas algum aviso prévio teria sido bom para que pudéssemos reservar outro passeio). A nossa única opção então era alugar um kayak deles por 30€ e ir sozinho. O cara nos disse que era direto e nos indicou a direção da caverna de Benagil. Lá fomos nós - estava tudo bem, mas percebemos que realmente não sabíamos como voltar para a água depois que chegamos às cavernas (dia de vento, então o mar estava agitado!) E queríamos voltar. Todos os outros tinham seus guias para ajudá-los, mas era difícil voltar sem ter alguém para ajudá-lo.muitos passeios completos estavam lá tão inseguros por que os passeios em estrela só tínhamos reservado para nós?Quando voltamos para a praia, caminhamos até o estacionamento e recebemos o dinheiro do passeio de volta e pagamos o aluguel do caiaque em dinheiro.Enfim - apesar de tudo, nos divertimos muito no caiaque e foi muito fácil encontrar a caverna de Benagil. Mas no futuro - por favor, avise as pessoas se o passeio não puder prosseguir para que possam fazer planos alternativos!
Tour cancelled when we arrived We booked and paid the day before and arrived at 9am for the 9.30am kayak tour. At about 9.15am a guy came running over to us telling us there were only us booked on the tour and as a result it could not go ahead (totally understand this but some advanced notice would have been nice so we could book onto another tour). Our only option then was to rent a kayak from them for €30 and go it alone. The guy told us it was straightforward and pointed us in the direction of the Benagil cave. Off we went - was fine but realised we didn’t really know how to get back into the water after we had arrived at the caves (windy day so sea was choppy!) and wanted to set back off. Everyone else had their guides to help them, but it was hard to get back in without having someone to help you. lots of full tours were there so unsure why star tours had only us booked on? When we got back to the beach, we walked upto the car park and we’re refunded the money for the tour, and paid cash for the kayak rental. Anyway- all in all we had a nice time in the kayak and it was very easy to find Benagil cave. But in future- please forewarn people if the tour can’t go ahead so they can make alternative plans!
O melhor grupo para um passeio relaxante e intimista O lugar para andar de caiaque!Por ser uma empresa menor, pudemos ter uma experiência de passeio mais personalizada com Jay, nosso guia. Isso tornou a experiência muito mais agradável, pois pudemos andar de caiaque em nosso próprio ritmo e aprender mais sobre as cavernas em comparação com outros grupos que tinham mais de 10 pessoas e pareciam um pouco caóticos.Eu recomendo usar este seu grupo para uma experiência adorável, divertida e relaxante!
The best group for a relaxing and intimate tour The place to kayak! By being a smaller company we were able to have a more personalized tour experience with Jay our guide. This made the experience so much more enjoyable as we could kayak at our own pace and learn more about the caves compared to other groups that were 10+ people and seemed a bit chaotic. I highly recommend using this your group for a lovely, fun, and relaxing experience!
Ótima experiência Ótima experiência. Esteja preparado para visitar cavernas, deslizar pelas rochas, ouvir o som do oceano dentro de todos os tipos de cavernas.Relaxe na fantástica Praia da Marinha e por fim mergulhe na Gruta de Benagil.Altamente recomendado, o passeio de 2 horas foi apenas com outro casal e Jay, nosso guia. Absolutamente profissional, ele nos ajudou durante toda a viagem.Experiência fantástica.Obrigado Jay!
Great experience Great experience. Be prepared to visit caves, slide down rocks, hear the full sound of the ocean inside all type of caves.Relax on the fantastic Marinha Beach and finally get your feet into Benagil Cave.Highly recommended, the 2 hours tour was only with another couple and Jay, our guide. Absolutely professional, he assisted us during all the journey.Fantastic experience.Thanks Jay!
João Pedro S
João Pedro S
Greate experience Really amazing experience,The tour guide is very friendly and patient, he took us to a lot of different places and gave us enough time to enjoy.
João Pedro S
João Pedro S
Ótima experiência Experiência realmente incrível,O guia turístico é muito simpático e paciente, ele nos levou a muitos lugares diferentes e nos deu tempo suficiente para aproveitar.
Joanna v
Joanna v
Highly Recommended! Meeting point at a large parking lot, where several other tour operators are gathering and rent out kayaks. Had to ask another operator for the meeting point of Star Tours Algarve as the truck was not there yet. Turned out we were the only couple that signed up for that morning's tour. Initially we were told the tour would not operate with only 2 people and that we could decide to either rent kayaks and explore the caves by ourselves or be refunded. However, after discussing it for a few minutes they changed their mind and decided to have Jay escort un on a private tour instead. Jay was fantastic and gave good advice as to how to control the kayak, as this was the first time for my partner. We sailed by several caves along the coast, and Jay even took us inside a few of them, truly hidden gems. We made a stop at Marinha beach to take a refreshing dip in the water and ended the tour at Benagil caves. Overall the tour took just under 2 hours and was very doable. The advantage of visiting the caves by kayak instead of a boat is that you get the opportunity to go out and see the caves and beaches from up-close, and have ample time to take pictures. Overall we would highly recommend taking this tour if you want to see some of the Algarve's most beautiful caves, coastline and beaches.