R & R Partners Bucharest


R & R Partners Bucharest Reviews

Excellent rating
156 reviews Verified
R & R Partners Bucharest


Reviews ( 156 ) 4.8

Madjid B
Madjid B
I cannot speak highly enough of R&R Partners Bucharest for their outstanding service and expertise. From start to finish, their team including Remus, Robert and Dragos displayed unparalleled professionalism, dedication, and proficiency. Throughout the process, they provided clear guidance, promptly addressed any inquiries, and ensured that all necessary steps were taken seamlessly. Their attention to detail and commitment to delivering results exceeded my expectations. I am immensely grateful for their invaluable assistance, which has enabled me to achieve my goals efficiently and effectively. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone seeking reliable and proficient assistance in business establishment and legal matters. Thank you once again for your exceptional service and support!
Janneke Klop
Janneke Klop
Remus helped us out really efficiently and was really kind too. We had some questions about emigrating to Romania, getting a residency permit, establishing a business in Romania and getting healthcare. He held all the answers and put us on the right path!
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.03.08
Thank you so much!
Santhosh John
Santhosh John
No response No one to answer the question
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.03.04
Hello John! Where did you write to us and did not receive an answer? We answer to all emails sent to office@rrpb.ro, as long as the request is reasonable, of course
Olha Peltek
Olha Peltek
I highly recommend R&R Partners for immigrants and expats. We consulted with Remus on residency in Romania, local taxes and real estate legislation for non-citizens. Remus provided clear guidance, demonstrated a deep understanding of the matter, and offered reasonable approaches tailored to our situation
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.03.01
Thank you so much!
profound love
profound love
Business come first, service last!
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.02.25
Hello, we are sorry you had a bad experience with our law office! Could you give us some more precise feedback?
sharear jhesun
sharear jhesun
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.02.21
Thank you!
Chris Abel Smith
Chris Abel Smith
I have been engaging with Remus and Andreea for over a year now, and I have been consistently impressed by their patience , communication levels and overall understanding of Romanian Legislation. Remus also possesses that skill of being able to think "outside the box" which is very valid in the Romanian legislative environment.
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.03.04
Thank you, Chris!
Helmi Sabatin
Helmi Sabatin
When I searched on Google for the best law firms in Romania to open a new company, I saw (R&R partners ) and from here I spoke to the lawyers in this firm. At first, I had some fear because the work was done via the Internet due to my presence in Palestine. We started corresponding by mail and after that... We started with the necessary procedures, including signing contracts, paying fees, and so on. Then they told me that in a specific period, the company would be ready with all the official papers, and actually when the date arrived, everything was ready. I very thankful for R&R partners Thanks Helmi sabatin
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.02.09
Thank you, Helmi!
Ella Giurgea
Ella Giurgea
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.01.30
Alex Pana
Alex Pana
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.01.13
Alex Alex
Alex Alex
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2023.12.19
Va multumim!
Cristina Andrei
Cristina Andrei
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2023.12.08
Multumim frumos!
Jonathan Aho
Jonathan Aho
Remus is very knowledgeable & great to talk to. He is currently in the process of helping me migrate from the US to Bucharest & I would highly recommend this process to anyone interested in it!
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2024.03.04
Thank you, Jonathan!
Andreea BIRLA
Andreea BIRLA
Apelati cu toata increderea, fac o treaba grozava !
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2023.11.28
Multumim frumos!
Aaron Maas
Aaron Maas
A very experienced partner who possesses a wealth of knowledge where you can help. Very clear communication and friendly, definitely recommended!
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2023.11.22
Thank you, Aaron!
Alexander Polyanskiy
Alexander Polyanskiy
Highly recommend R&R Partners Bucharest for expats and foreigners searching for professional legal support/consulting in Romania. I have been able to book the appointment via R&R Partners web site, got confirmation. Employees agreed to reschedule in order to fit my schedule. We met in time, with no delays. And I have received all required information within my appointment. All my questions answered in full plus R&R Partners provided additional valuable advices and recommendations. Great service and definitely good value for money. Thanks indeed to Remus Popovici for professional consultation. Really appreciate it.
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2023.11.08
Thank you so much, Alexander!
Bharat in Germany!
Bharat in Germany!
Remus and Ruxandra have been supporting me and my wife for over 2 years now. In 2021, we opened my first company with their help and till now they have helped us in multiple legal scenarios with competence and honesty. Their services included - reviewing documents for apartment purchases, legal notices, help in opening bank accounts, residence permit and litigation. Doing things professionally and with honesty is something is very hard to come by, specially in Bucharest according to my personal experience - that’s the reason we are very grateful to have them as our lawyers. Now after 2 years later - we have 3 companies registered via them and everything has been running smoothly. Can definitely recommend them 💪
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2023.10.27
Thank you so much, Bharat!
Alejandra Rodriguez
Alejandra Rodriguez
I hired Remus Popovici services to process the request of Permis de Sedere Permanent in Romania. My experience was 100% positive, both Remus and his team guided me through the whole process, they are trully experts on the requirements (even the ones requested and not listed by the public authorities). I completed the process smoothly thanks to their support and I obtained my permis de sedere permanent :) I also submited my request for Romanian citizenship, with their help and it is currently under review***. I fully recomend their services! and in general, to do this process with the help of experienced pros greatly helped my mental health, so I advise you to reach out and get the guidance you need. Also! what I liked the most about R&R is that they focus on SOLUTIONS! and despite my challenging case they were able to smoothly manage the process, even after other lawyers told me it was not possible. ***UPDATE: My citizenship request was approved, R&R did a flawless job with my dosar and also shared with me the book they have published with all the material to prepare for the test. Afterwards I engaged their services again to process the naturalization documents and to register an SRL. Continuously having an excellent experience!
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2021.08.24
Thank you for the feedback, Alejandra, very much appreciated!
Alexandru Pripiș
Alexandru Pripiș
Apeleaza la R&R Partners daca vrei sa fii mintit in repetate randuri cu nesimtire, sa ii vezi cum fac greseli elementare pe care nu si le asuma, sa auzi niste scenarii conspirationale conform carora toti ceilalti sunt de vina si ei nu, sa iti vorbeasca de sus si tafnos de parca ar trebui sa te consideri onorat ca ai ocazia sa lucrezi cu asemenea avocati si sa iti intarzie saptamani pentru rezolvarea unui lucru in aparenta simplu. Nimeni nu s-ar astepta sa treaca prin asta, dar eu aici sunt dupa o colaborare esuata cu “profesionistii” de la acest birou de avocatura. Concret am apelat la acesti specialisti pentru o banala infiintare a unei firme. Insa ma intreb... daca acest lucru nu stiu sa il faca cum trebuie, oare cum rezolva probleme mai importante?... A fost un serviciu de tip barter intre ei si o mai veche prietena (fost client al lor, deci cunostinta comuna) care s-a oferit sa ma ajute, si care din nefericire a fost prinsa intre ciocan si nicovala. Prietena mea si-a facut partea, corect si profesionist, inca de la inceput. Ei nu au fost in stare sa termine ce au inceput. Evident ca acum acesti indivizi se fac ca ploua, s-au vazut cu sacii in caruta, ce ii mai intereseaza. Au ajuns intr-acolo incat au motivat ca problema ultimei respingeri ale dosarului este de fapt la cei de la Registrul Comertului, ca au ei ceva cu mine, ca asa este la Buzau ca sunt diferiti functionarii de acolo, ca sunt ei lenesi si nu vor sa treaca in calculator codurile CAEN ca ar fi prea multe. Eu mi-am asumat intarzierile cauzate de mine. Pe ale lor cine sa si le asume, ca ei nu au facut-o. Intr-o luna cat s-au chinuit ei fara rezultat as fi deschis probabil 3-4 firme. Am fost la Registrul Comertului iar cu ajutorul celor de la biroul lor juridic am rezolvat tot dosarul intr-o ora si jumatate. Niste oameni de exceptie care si-au dat interesul de parca era vorba despre firma lor, nici vorba sa se apropie de descrierea necinstita pe care le-au facut-o cei doi avocati. Si la un pret de aproape 3 ori mai mic. Mai mult, avocata Ruxandra Visoiu care a facut toata aceasta experienta de neuitat, a si alunecat in a face remarci de ordin personal despre mine cu acea cunostinta comuna. Cam atat de jos poate cobori aceasta individa. A doua zi partenerul ei, Remus Popovici m-a sunat intr-o incercare diplomata de a face damage control cu jumatate de masura, sa continuam lucrul de unde a ramas. A ales sa se prefaca ca nu stie exact despre ce este vorba si ca “a inteles” doar ca am avut o discutie in contradictoriu cu avocata Ruxandra, dar ca pe el nu il priveste iar acest aspect este chipurile intre mine si ea, si ca ar prefera sa facem abstractie. Ei bine, ar fi trebuit sa il intereseze pentru ca avocata Ruxandra ii este asociata, iar imaginea pe care o creeaza ea si pe care el o accepta se rasfrange asupra biroului pe care il reprezinta in comun. Singura mea cerinta pentru a continua impreuna a fost ca aceasta individa sa isi ceara scuze atat fata de mine, insa mai ales fata de cunostinta comuna. Evident, lipsa de bun simt o opreste sa faca lucruri de acest nivel. Probabil ca si mine, daca apelezi la niste avocati te gandesti ca stii ce fac, ca dai un ban dar nu ai nicio bataie de cap. Totusi singurele experiente pe care au reusit sa le ofere au fost dezinteresul, comoditatea si nesimtirea.
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2018.07.12
Stimate Dle. Pripis, va multumim pentru review-ul oferit. Experienta fiecarui client poate fi diferita si apreciem acest lucru. Cu toate acestea, consideram ca problemele indicate ar fi fost evitate daca se urmau de la inceput sfaturile noastre juridice, care se bazeaza atat pe Legea Societatilor, cat si pe experienta noastra profesionala. Din pacate, nu putem garanta succesul in proiectele clientilor daca indicatiile noastre nu sunt respectate intocmai si nu se urmareste o comunicare eficienta si mai ales respectuoasa intre parti. Ne bucuram ca ati reusit finalmente sa rezolvati situatia creata si va dorim mult succes in continuare!
Abdelmadjid BOUR
Abdelmadjid BOUR
I recently sought guidance from Remus regarding the intricacies of establishing a company in Romania. Throughout our exchanges, he proved invaluable, addressing each of my questions with precision and a depth of knowledge that is truly commendable. His ability to demystify complex processes and provide clear, actionable insights set him apart as a consultant. I am immensely grateful for his assistance and would strongly recommend him to anyone navigating the challenges of company formation in Romania. A genuine five-star experience.
Reply from R & R Partners Bucharest 2023.09.13
Thank you so much, glad to help!