Rouge Therapy

Rouge Therapy Reviews

Excellent rating
10 reviews Verified
Rouge Therapy


Reviews ( 10 ) 5.0

Alison Over
Alison Over
Patrick helped me to completely get rid of a problem that has affected me for decades. This has allowed me to move forward with my life. Patrick is a warm, friendly person who made me feel comfortable and safe. I found it easy to work with him. I loved his gentle, reassuring manner. One thing that I found special about him was that he clearly explained what was going to happen, so that I could move forward confidently through the process. Patrick is one of those rare individuals who genuinely care about the people who seek his help.
Gill Burrows
Gill Burrows
Pat has supported me in making some changes. I found his explanations of why I was doing some of the same things over and over helpful and his calm, patient way of working made me feel safe. I can feel the benefits of the Tapping and the insights it gave me helpful.
Shanti Club
Shanti Club
I have so far done 2 sessions with Pat and both have been an intense internal journey. He guided me through the process with expertise and humility allowing me to reconnect to unvisited spaces of my unconscious safely. Shedding light on these areas of my being, have allowed me to release subtil traumas and gaining clarity in some areas of my life which were not in peace. I came out of the sessions relieved and highly energized to continue my healing journey with more awareness. I can only recommend him, feeling blessed he crossed my path !
Alifya Sowden
Alifya Sowden
I had my first of many sessions with Patrick and he came across as very gentle, compassionate and not afraid to go into deep places; he encouraged it. The techniques and tools he helped me with have put my past into perspective for me.
Annie bradbery
Annie bradbery
Pat is a really amazing practitioner, he works intuitively with several healing modalities to create a very safe, nurturing environment. I have been working with him over the last year and his understanding of energies and ability to hold the space, has allowed me to experience deep healing, profound awakenings and realisations in my healing journey. I feel very fortunate to have found him.
Gigi Jessiman
Gigi Jessiman
I had an EFT session with Patrick and can honestly say it was incredible, I had sought out therapy as I had been struggling with choices I had to make and could not keep a clear thought in my head. After one session I woke with a clarity of mind that had been missing and was able to make the decisions necessary to move my life forward.
Kathryn Sampson
Kathryn Sampson
I have had several sessions of EFT and hypnotherapy with Pat and I have benefited enormously. I feel the work we have done has improved my emotional resilience, increased my self awareness and helped me navigate my way through situations that I used to find challenging. I feel very blessed to have found Pat. He is a kind and intuitive professional and I highly recommend working with him.
Fleur Nash
Fleur Nash
Working with Pat has been a very special experience. He has enabled me to understand and experience myself in new ways, that have all been quite life transforming. He has a wonderful gift in making you feel very seen and heard in such a safe space, where I felt like he really knew and understood me even though we had only just met. His calming and caring energy is infectious, putting you right at ease and his gentle approach makes you feel very held. I am truly grateful for working with Pat, for the changes that have taken place in my life as well as for meeting such a beautiful soul.
Brindusa Dragan
Brindusa Dragan
I had already few sessions with Patrick, most of them on EFT & Matrix reimprinting and it went from good to amazing. My last session was an absolutely breakthrough and I couldn’t have done it without Patrick. He is a very patient and gentle practitioner, letting you follow your path, but at the same time taking charge when is necessary. I would fully recommend Patrick for anything related to being stuck or going in the wrong direction. BD-HR Manager
Klara Z
Klara Z
Pat combines his background in hypnotherapy to eft and matrix reimprinting for a unique approach to his sessions. His patience and understanding makes working together pleasant. Thanks 🙏