

Reviews ( 134 ) 4.7

Matteo Sartoni
Matteo Sartoni
Ho fatto il percorso "Sogni d'oriente" insieme alla mia compagna. Locale suggestivo, personale molto accogliente e veramente una ottima esperienza. Assolutamente consigliato!
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.07.17
Grazie Matteo. Vi aspettiamo sempre.
Antoinette Russell
Antoinette Russell
Best deep tissue massage. Great way to recharge in Rome. Very zen environment. Grazie mille Zeki!
Enea C
Enea C
Pessima Premesso che era un regalo per la mia compagna. Ci siamo regalati un massaggio rilassante di coppia. Massaggio eseguito molto bene ma l'operatore che ha fatto massaggio alla mia compagna è mancato di professionalità. Con il pene duro si è strusciato più volte sulle mani della mia compagna. Inaccettabile......totale mancanza di professionalità.
María Jódar
María Jódar
Tras unos días intensos pateando las calles de Roma, le pusimos el broche ideal a la estancia con esta experiencia en pareja. Nos sorprendió gratamente, el spa privado fue estupendo y el masaje insuperable. Todo el equipo fue muy profesional y amable. Repetiría sin duda, muy recomendado!
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.05.27
Muchas gracias por estos lindos comentarios. Si podemos hacerte feliz, somos felices.
Célia S
Célia S
Sorprendente Abbiamo trascorso momenti meravigliosi con una persona molto brava. Ottimo umore e tutto è stato incredibile! Grazie mille, è stato perfetto
Debbie Guadalupe
Debbie Guadalupe
What a beautiful experience😊. Thank you Mr. Zeki. We’re coming back soon 🙂.
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.04.07
Grazie a voi. Vi aspettiamo sempre
alpha javier
alpha javier
Grazie mille Mr. Zeki. Abbiamo avuto una bellissima serata e abbiamo rilassato tanto. Sicuramente ritorniamo presto. 😊 Thank u also for being so good and hospitable.
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.04.05
Vi ringrazio io per aver scelto Zeki Benessere spa. Mi avete fatto ascoltare le vostre bellissime canzoni. Siete un gruppo eccellente. Sarò il vostra più grande fan. Viva Single Ladies ;) I'm always waiting for you
natalia bego
natalia bego
A Magical Reatreat in the Heart of Rome, Prati From the moment you enter, you're enveloped in an ethereal atmosphere, with soft lights and soothing scents guiding you into relaxation. The therapist Zeki, true master of healing, possesses hands that seem to possess an otherworldly touch. With a deep understanding of various techniques, he crafts a personalized experience that addresses your every need, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices seamlessly. But the magic doesn't stop there. The hammam experience is like a journey to the tales of Orient nights, transporting you to a world of serenity and bliss. As you surrender to the tranquility, you realize you've encountered something truly exceptional-an oasis of enchantment in the heart of Rome. I highly recommend this place.
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.03.27
Thank You Natalia. It's always rewarding to know that our clients are satisfied. We look forward to having you back for another wellness experience.
Natalia B
Natalia B
"Unveiling Tranquility: Rome's Hammam and the Therapist's Touch of Magic" Upon entering, I was immediately captivated by the ethereal ambiance, where soothing aromas enveloped me like a gentle embrace. But it was the promise of the mystical Hammam experience that beckoned me first, luring me into a realm reminiscent of the tales of Orient Stepping into the steam-filled room felt like crossing the threshold into another dimension, where time ceased to exist, and the worries of the world melted away like dew under the morning sun. I surrendered to the ancient rituals of purification and renewal. With each gentle scrub and soothing massage, layers of tension and fatigue were gently sloughed away, leaving behind a sense of purity and clarity that I had long thought lost. Emerging from the Hammam, I felt reborn, as though I had shed not just the physical impurities but the emotional and spiritual burdens weighing upon my soul. And then came the pièce de résistance – the one and only therapist Zeki, possessing the gift of "magic hands." From the moment his fingertips made contact with my skin, I was transported to a realm of pure bliss. With an intuitive understanding of the body's intricacies, he seamlessly melded various healing techniques, each stroke a symphony of relaxation and release. It was as though he possessed an ancient knowledge passed down through generations, his touch invoking a sense of profound peace and restoration. Through he expert ministrations, he not only healed my body but nurtured my spirit, leaving me feeling lighter, freer, and infinitely more alive. And as I bid farewell to the oasis of healing that had bestowed upon me such profound transformation, I knew that I carried with me not just memories but a renewed sense of vitality and purpose. In the heart of Rome lies a spa oasis where dreams are born, and souls are reborn. And in the hands of a truly remarkable therapist, one discovers not just the art of healing but the magic of existence itself. Til soon…
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.03.27
Thank you so much Natalia for your kind words. It was a pleasure for us having you, and we were beyond happy to see your satisfaction and relaxed state. We hope to see you again sometime in the future if you'll be back in Rome!
Lia Beg
Lia Beg
"Unveiling Tranquility: Rome's Hammam and the Therapist's Touch of Magic" Upon entering, I was immediately captivated by the ethereal ambiance, where soothing aromas enveloped me like a gentle embrace. But it was the promise of the mystical Hammam experience that beckoned me first, luring me into a realm reminiscent of the tales of Orient Stepping into the steam-filled room felt like crossing the threshold into another dimension, where time ceased to exist, and the worries of the world melted away like dew under the morning sun. I surrendered to the ancient rituals of purification and renewal. With each gentle scrub and soothing massage, layers of tension and fatigue were gently sloughed away, leaving behind a sense of purity and clarity that I had long thought lost. Emerging from the Hammam, I felt reborn, as though I had shed not just the physical impurities but the emotional and spiritual burdens weighing upon my soul. And then came the pièce de résistance – the one and only therapist Zeki, possessing the gift of "magic hands." From the moment his fingertips made contact with my skin, I was transported to a realm of pure bliss. With an intuitive understanding of the body's intricacies, he seamlessly melded various healing techniques, each stroke a symphony of relaxation and release. It was as though he possessed an ancient knowledge passed down through generations, his touch invoking a sense of profound peace and restoration. Through he expert ministrations, he not only healed my body but nurtured my spirit, leaving me feeling lighter, freer, and infinitely more alive. And as I bid farewell to the oasis of healing that had bestowed upon me such profound transformation, I knew that I carried with me not just memories but a renewed sense of vitality and purpose. In the heart of Rome lies a spa oasis where dreams are born, and souls are reborn. And in the hands of a truly remarkable therapist, one discovers not just the art of healing but the magic of existence itself. Till soon...
Marianna Blasio
Marianna Blasio
Semplicemente fantastico!! Ti rimette al mondo!
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.03.15
Grazie infinite Marianna. Spero venga presto a trovarci di nuovo
Mario Caputo
Mario Caputo
Luogo accogliente gentilezza e professionalità sauna stupenda con vasca idromassaggio più angolo aperitivo molto grazioso.Massaggio impeccabile da provare 👍
Frederic Parmentier
Frederic Parmentier
Nous avons passé un moment magnifique dans ce spa, très bel accueil et personnel très attentionné... Nous avons passé l'après-midi avec le jacuzzi à disposition, et de belles attentions (proseco, aperitif, et sucreries), ensuite hammam, gommage, et massage de 2 heures fantastique... Encore un grand merci à vous
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.03.02
Merci beaucoup pour ces beaux mots. C'est un grand plaisir pour nous d'entendre cela de votre part. J'espère que nous aurons la chance de vous revoir.
Oana Botezatu
Oana Botezatu
Siamo stati proprio oggi io e mio marito. Veramente un posto da sogno, ambiente super pulito, personale molto carino .. ci hanno fatto sentire subito a nostro agio. La spa veramente bella e rilassante. Il massaggio che dire, veramente ottimo. Sembra di entrare in un'altra dimensione. Super approvato e speriamo di tornarci molto presto !!
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.02.10
Siamo davvero contenti di leggere queste parole Oana, grazie mille davvero da tutto lo staff di Zekibenessere Spa. Vi aspettiamo presto.
Sandra Bourgeois
Sandra Bourgeois
Very nice place with very nice People and à lot of technique to remove muscles tensions and lymphatic issues
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.01.30
Dear Sandra, thank you for sharing your experience with this wonderful review. We will be happy to see you again as soon as possible in our Spa.
Katarzyna Strzyż
Katarzyna Strzyż
Lovely massage in Rome.
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.01.30
Dear Katarzyna, thank you. We will be happy to see you again in our Spa.
Laurence Marcangeli
Laurence Marcangeli
Super accueil, bienveillance, professionnalisme, un moment exceptionnel, je recommande sans hésiter.
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.01.30
Cher Laurence, merci d'avoir partagé votre expérience avec cette merveilleuse critique. Nous serons heureux de vous revoir au plus vite dans notre Spa.
diana collepiccolo
diana collepiccolo
Mi hanno regalato un massaggio in questo centro a Prati... Fantastico! Beneficio assoluto!!! Si entra in un'altra dimensione.. E lo stress sparisce! Un ambiente accogliente, pulito e molto curato... Zeki è di una gentilezza e professionalità non comuni! Ho visitato la spa che ti porta direttamente in Turchia! e non vedo l'ora di provare uno dei percorsi hammam... In una parola... Consigliatissimo!!!
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.01.09
Grazie mille per le tue parole gentili, Diana! Apprezzo molto il tempo che ti sei presa per condividere la sua esperienza con noi. Speriamo di rivederti presto!
Diana C
Diana C
Che bel regalo! Mi hannobregalato un massaggio in questo centro.. Meraviglioso! "Professionalità, pulizia e benessere assoluto! Tornerò.. E proverò uno dei riti hammam proposti nella spa.. Zeki è bravissimo!... E per far girare il benessere... Regalerò anche io un massaggio ad un'amica!
benedetta marino
benedetta marino
Su consiglio di un amico ho deciso di provare oggi questa Spa per un hammam classico con cui inaugurare al meglio l’anno. Che dire? Siamo andati oltre le migliori aspettative. Posto pulito, elegante, rilassante. Rilassante come Zeki, perfetto da tutti i punti di vista. Mi sono goduta un hammam stupendo (soprattutto perché è quello vero) e un massaggio olio meraviglioso. Grande tecnica, grande equilibrio e grande potenza energetica. Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. Non vedo l’ora di tornare per scoprire anche gli altri massaggi, soprattutto quello ayurvedico di cui, a quanto pare, avrei un bel po’ bisogno. Esperienza assolutamente indimenticabile che mi ha conquistata a tal punto da non poter fare altro che trasformarla in una sana, felice e necessaria abitudine. Mai più senza😃
Reply from Zeki Wellness Spa 2024.01.03
Grazie Benedetta. Che bel racconto e che belle parole! Grazie di cuore. Ti aspetto presto per nuovi momenti benessere, un caro saluto.