Royal Wellness

Royal Wellness Reviews

Excellent rating
1332 reviews Verified
Royal Wellness


Reviews ( 1051 ) 4.5

Wonderful Grand Hotel, immaculately kept, excellent throughout, brilliantly managed with superb restaurants/F and B. San Remo is a very special city It has a remarkable history and not just because Russian Emporar Nicolas 2nd holidayed here… and not just because Alfred Nobel made Sanremo his main home…but the San Remo conference was held here after the 1stWW. San Remo has hosted its’ famous annual music festival since 1951 (being the actual inspiration for the Eurovision Song Contest which started five years later) where the Royal Hotel was always the place to see and be seen by participants, not only since 1951 but since this grand hotel first opened to guests over 150 years ago. The Royal Hotel was and still is, without doubt the very best hotel in San Remo. The Royal is on a par with the top grand hotels further along the cost in the South of France. The quality throughout is so high that guests are assured of receiving exceptional value for money. Whenever we first visit a new city we try and stay at their top hotel after consulting Tripadvisor and we are so pleased we chose the Royal. We also always book a table for dinner on our first night at hotels if they appear to have a great restaurant. We did this at the Royal expecting to dine elsewhere on our second night. However everything about the Royal’s restaurant was so wonderful, we chose to dine there again for our second (last) night at the hotel. The menu was superb, the cuisine was terrific, the service was exceptional, everything and everyone was immaculate. No matter what department, all the staff we encountered were absolutely top-notch. Chef Moreno Picchietti and his team turned out course after course of lovely dishes. Prior to arriving at the Royal Hotel my wife and I had been in residence at the Four Seasons Grand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat… possibly the top hotel on the French Riviera. The Royal San Remo on the Italian Riviera is a much larger hotel, an entirely different type of property however it excells in its’ own way. Our (hoped-for) expectations were greatly exceeded in both hotels. Breakfast at the Royal Hotel is served in the most elegant dining room resplendent with Murano pre 2nd WW floral suspended lights and matching Murano cornice glass running around the entire ceiling perimeter…absolutely stunning. The room complements the breakfasts, which were superb. I particularly liked the vegetable juicer, I have come across these in hotels so rarely and it is a great idea. Of particular note is just how immaculately dressed all of the staff are in every single department including the dining rooms, at this quite unique grand hotel. I do believe the Royal staff are amongst the smartest I have ever encountered. They are all attired in well fitting, extremely smart, Italian quality outfits which are way ahead of the curve. When you see this level of detail on the surface, this begs the inference that perfection permeates throughout the property and it does. After three days at the Royal I can report that we enjoyed a perfect stay. I must admit to being surprised, as so many old hotels in seaside towns are often a little worn around the edges and a shadow of the past. Not here at the Royal! It turns out that the hotel is still owned by the same family/descendants of the founder, hotelier Lorenzo Bertolini (see my photos). Built in 1872 in an era where so many grand hotels were created by visionaries (my family are going to another one shortly, Reid’s Palace in Madeira) … and if the founders were to walk in today I am convinced they would fully approve and be delighted. I just couldn’t fault anything! All of the staff, from the doormen onwards, are so welcoming and the level of hospitality achieved must make for a high volume of repeat guests. Apparently the hotel closes for a few months at the end of each year when the owners invest in renovation and improvements…and it shows. Even the pianist who played in the bar every night was excellent… and the piano was in tune… so often pianos in properties fronting the sea are affected and not kept in regular tune. I must mention two of the restaurant staff, Alajandro from Cuba and the maitre d’ who is in the photograph I am posting however all of the restaurant staff were exceptional as was the cuisine. We had another restaurant booked for in Sanremo for our second night and even though it was highly rated, we just had to switch bookings in order to dine again at the Royal, where the room, service, every course, the comfort…everything …really was such a huge pleasure to enjoy. I should also mention that their locally produced extra-virgin grade Olive Oil served with the bread was wonderful. My wife and I loved our experience and the hotel exceeded all of our expectations. The Royal is a gorgeous, luxury, well-kept, high-quality hotel. I particularly recommend the fifth floor suites and junior suites and that is because of their individual, balustraded terraces and the views. Inside the rooms they have thought of everything. Rather than compile an extensive list I would just sum it all up as hotel perfection. Such quality results from owners’ investment and the most exceptional senior management. If you are driving to the hotel, arriving is easy. Also, here are a number of well-placed disabled bays close to the main entrance. The doorman/valet service is beyond excellent, absolutely lovely guys who even washed my rear window without being asked, after I arrived with bird droppings on it. A simply lovely hotel exuding past excellence brought right up-to-date in every department, especially in the public areas. I understand the general manager has been in place for many years, his is clearly a labour of love and his achievement is there to be enjoyed by all guests.
Antonella V
Antonella V
Di nuovo a Sanremo Abbiamo trascorso 2 notti per un week end estivo io e mio marito; bella la maestosa struttura di fine Ottocento, ben tenuta e ottimamente gestita. Come soci LHW ci è stato riservato un upgrade in Junior Suite vista mare, di recente ristrutturazione, con 2 bagni e balcone, ben arredata e di ampia metratura; bottiglia, frutta e piccolo omaggio erano già presenti in camera al nostro arrivo. Toiletries ottime e distribuite senza risparmio. L’hotel è piuttosto grande, con bei giardini, molto pulito e con ampi spazi esterni dove è piacevole sedersi per un caffè o un aperitivo guardando il mare. Servizio con valet parking efficiente, parcheggio all’interno della proprietà (a pagamento se sotto la tettoia). Bella la piscina opera del famoso architetto milanese Giò Ponti, con personale cortese (bravo Francesco) e veloce nell’assegnare lettini (comodi) ombrellone e teli. Turn down serale con acqua e cioccolatino. Non abbiamo invece particolarmente apprezzato la colazione a buffet, servita in terrazza oppure all’interno in una grande sala liberty: c’è tutto ma nulla che sia davvero eccellente (parere personale, ovviamente) tutto nella media, sia dolce che salato (per esempio una focaccia decisamente non fragrante che abbiamo trovato la prima mattina) quando invece da un hotel così gradevole e di livello (parliamo di un 5 stelle Lusso) noi ci saremmo aspettati molto di più. Estremamente cortese il personale dell'hotel di ogni dipartimento, bravi. Un indirizzo comunque promosso con ottimi voti per un week end al mare, in una Sanremo ritrovata meglio di prima dopo tantissimi anni, un po' meno caotica e trafficata (ottima la decisione di rendere pedonali le strade centrali, una volta trafficatissime).
Alfred S
Alfred S
Top Service Unser Deluxe Zimmer mit kleinem Balkon war absolute Spitze, alles wie neu renoviert. Super grosses Badezimmer mit Top sanitärem Zubehör. Ganzes Hotel im Retro Stil und geschmackvoll eingerichtet. Schöner Pool. Wenige Schritte von der Stadt entfernt. Gutes Essen im eigenen Restaurant mit schöner Aussicht auf das Meer. Problemloser Vallet Parkingservice.
Service Top Das beste am Hotel ist sicherlich die Freundlichkeit jedes einzelnen Mitarbeiters. Was den Service und die Aufmerksamkeit jedes einzelnen angeht, ist das Hotel überragend und unerreicht. Die Zimmer sind sauber und gepflegt, das Frühstück ist in Ordnung. Insgesamt passt Preis-Leistung jedoch nicht ganz.
Struttura storica Struttura storica. Una icona nel mondo del hotellerie. Le camere sono piacevoli: meglio quelle ristrutturate. Colazione promossa anche se migliorabile nella zona dolci e lievitati. Zona piscina: patrimonio di Gio Ponti. Il tentativo di ristrutturazione si vede e si nota poco. Servizi sempre di buon livello. Rimane sempre un punto di riferimento in Liguria.
Alain J
Alain J
Hôtel avec une âme Nous avons passé une nuit en suite junior face mer. Belle chambre spacieuse et salon séparé. Deux salle de bain avec des serviettes et produits de toilette à profusion. Cet hôtel à une âmes, la salle du bar est énorme avec un plafond d'époque restauré, magnifique. Jardin splendide, piscine chauffée, excellent service. Petit bémol pour le restaurant qui pratique des prix excessifs pour le vin, service irréprochable toutefois.
Che bella esperienza in hotel! Che bella esperienza in hotel! Abbiamo trascorso un soggiorno di 5 notti in una junior suite dotata di terrazza con vista sul Mediterraneo. La camera era pulita, molto ben tenuta e moderna. Il letto era molto grande e comodo, i lettini sulla terrazza erano robusti e comodi e la tenda da sole motorizzata sulla terrazza è un'ottima caratteristica. Abbiamo cenato nel ristorante principale per 2 sere e il cibo e il servizio erano eccellenti, il tutto su una terrazza esterna con vista sulla proprietà e sul mare. La colazione era un eccellente buffet in una sala da pranzo ben attrezzata. Il bar e la sala lounge sono grandi e confortevoli. La piscina con acqua di mare e il centro benessere sono strutture ben tenute e ben attrezzate. La proprietà è impeccabilmente curata ed è a pochi passi da negozi e ristoranti. Una corsa in taxi fino alla stazione ferroviaria costa 10-15 euro a seconda del traffico. Abbiamo fatto un viaggio a Monaco in treno ed è stato incredibilmente facile spostarsi. Ultimo ma non meno importante, il personale. Tutti, gli addetti alla reception, il personale delle pulizie, i fattorini, il personale della spa, i camerieri, senza eccezioni, erano gentili, disponibili e molto attenti. Siamo rimasti entrambi così colpiti dai diversi piccoli atti di attenzione che abbiamo riscontrato durante il nostro breve soggiorno. Dò a questo hotel la mia più alta raccomandazione. Noi torneremo!
Francesca P
Francesca P
Operatrice reception Per adesso pessima esperienza con l’operatrice della reception con cui ho parlato in quanto ho fatto un appunto sul prezzo pagato ad aprile rispetto a quello proposto oggi in data odierna molto più basso e poco gentile anche per la disponibilità della stanza.
Old style - gennemført stil Alt i alt et super fint hotel, hvis man er til gennemført old style. Personalet var helt fantastisk. Lige fra den smilende og travle rengøringspige til poolfyrene, pianomanden, tjenerne og receptionisterne. Super service. Måske det bedste vi nogensinde har oplevet. Tak til jer! Overnatningspriserne stemmer helt overens med det, man får, men priserne på drikkevarer stikker helt af! 15 euro for et glas vin eller en lokal øl, 6 euro for en espresso. Hvilket man også ser, da der nærmest ingen folk opholder sig i lobbyen og restauranten, der forøvrigt serverer super lækker mad. (Bestil en flaske for 40 euro, så får du i det mindste noget for pengene) Men sådan er det med 5 stjernede hoteller. Går du ud i byen, er priserne helt anderledes og nede på jorden. Spaen er meget lille, men den bruger de vel også kun til dårligt vejr. Fitnessrummet opgav vi at bruge, da det var alt for småt til mere end 2 mennesker. Især når 1 stærk fyr mener, han har eneret på rummet. Poolområdet var hyggeligt og fint, dog uden mulighed for at svømme desværre. Alt i alt havde vi et dejligt ophold, især pga. det servicemindede personale.
Laurent L
Laurent L
le personel de cet hotel fait l hotel , bravo!!!! superbe hotel tres bien situé,chambre confortable et tres bonne literie cadre du restaurant face a la mer magnifique,et super petit deujeuner(sucré salé) mais le plus de cet hotel est le personnel de la reception au restaurant en passant par les femmes de chambre aucune fausse note que ce soit gentillesse et professionalisme bravo tres belle piscine exterieur chauffée(petit bemol route tres passante et bruyante juste a coté,difficile pour une sieste sur un transat) sinon pas de soucis,a faire sans probleme
Melvyn C
Melvyn C
Accoglienza vecchio stile con un tocco moderno e accogliente. L'hotel ha una bellissima vista sul mare di Sanremo. Mentre guardi le onde che sciabordano dolcemente, noti anche i giardini immacolati e una bellissima piscina con acqua di mare. L'Hotel si trova in un edificio storico ma è meravigliosamente mantenuto e dispone di camere e strutture moderne davvero accoglienti. Il personale della reception e in effetti tutto il personale dell'hotel sono molto cordiali e disponibili. Molti cosiddetti hotel a 5 stelle si descrivono come lussuosi, il Royal può giustamente prendere questo titolo.
Matthieu L
Matthieu L
À éviter À éviter si vous n’aimez pas la chaleur. Nous sommes rentrés à 22h du dîner en ville. La température dans la chambre était à 25•C affichée sur le thermostat. Je n’ai pas réussi à utiliser la climatisation. J’ai donc appelé la réception. Leur réponse a été qu’ils ne pouvaient pas mettre la climatisation en cette période, juste le chauffage. On m’a conseillé d’ouvrir la fenêtre. Malgré la fenêtre ouverte, la température n’est que peu redescendue pendant la nuit. J’ai passé une très mauvaise nuit. Quand j’en ai fait part au personnel, ils ont simplement dit qu’ils en étaient désolé. Personne n’a daigné répondre à mon mail de réclamation. Beau spa et très bon petit déjeuner mais ça ne suffit pas pour un 5* quand on ne peut pas proposer une température compatible avec le sommeil.
Philippe M
Philippe M
Difficille de faire mieux un séjour l'année dernière nous avez enchanté, nous avons donc effectué une nouvelle escale et confirmons l'excellence de cette merveilleuse adresse. Bravo continuez
Incantevole Ho soggiornato al Royal Hotel per il mio compleanno a fine Agosto con la mia famiglia. Colazioni meravigliose, cene all'aperto con il tramonto. Camere sempre pulite e rifornite con i loro prodotti. Ogni sera sul comodino, una bottiglietta d'acqua e un cioccolatino. Il giorno del compleanno ho ricevuto un biglietto e un regalo direttamente in camera. Mi sono sentita come una principessa.
Marilina B
Marilina B
Invitation to stay at the Royal I have already stayed several times in this hotel and each time I enjoyed it very much: excellent room, efficient staff, rich breakfast, beautiful furnishings. In summer it is very pleasant to spend the days in the beautiful swimming pool. I definitely recommend this hotel
Nice spa We came to the spa to relax and it did not disappoint. It's not giant but it has everything you need to relax in peace. I also recommend it because there are not many spas in the area and there is no need to go elsewhere to relax
UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS Today I felt nostalgic for the Hotel Royal in Sanremo and I went to review the reviews made by the guests. I was very shocked by the negative reviews. But how can you say that the staff is rude, that the hotel is old, that the swimming pool is dirty! I have frequented the hotel for more than ten years, three or four times a year, in all seasons including Easter, New Year and the Sanremo Festival, so I can safely say that it is the most beautiful and fascinating hotel I have ever stayed in. stayed. How can you not notice the beauty of the wooden floors, the porcelains, the frescoes on the ceilings, the paintings on the walls, the fabrics, the beautiful rooms, the stupendous location. Not to mention the park….wonderful! The exotic plants, the wonderful blooms, the romantic corners, the staircase with daisies between one step and the other, the rocks, the succulents, the paths. The pool, which is defined as old and dirty, has nothing to do with modern infinity pools that don't "give" you anything. Every corner gives you an emotion. Flowering plants emerge from the stone walls, scented rose bushes, small terraces with sunbeds and umbrellas, shaded areas, the little bridge, the waterfall, the small cave, the children's area, the changing rooms furnished in wood, the tiles and the paving stones, the seafront area that looks like the deck of a ship, the dining tables under a lush pergola. It was wonderful to dine on the outdoor terrace, at sunset looking at the sea, with excellent service and delicious dishes. Every time I walked from the street below along the avenue that crossed the park, I felt proud of being able to be part of such wonder.
Perfect…as always Magnificent hotel, very well located, a stone's throw from the casino and city center. Large and very clean room, very comfortable bedding. Quality breakfast, large salty/sweet choice, fresh orange juice. And above all a perfect welcome, reception, valet, room staff… Thank you, we will come back once again…
Renate B
Renate B
Perfect place to relax The staff was EXCELLENT and super kind. Rooms were a dream. Perfect healthy breakfast, walking distance to the beach, surrounded by fantastic scenery. We “escaped” here during our road trip along the riviera, when our first hotel was disastrous (same price). This exceeded every expectation.
Fabio B
Fabio B
Bisognerebbe togliere qualche stella Sono abituato a girare in 5 stelle di tutto il mondo e devo dire che per la seconda volta vengo in questo e rimango deluso…. Dopo cena salgo in camera e la tv non funziona , provo a chiamare la reception e neppure il telefono funziona e sono costretto a chiamare con il cellulare.Dopo un po’ sono venuti ed hanno resettato tv. Anche il frigo bar aveva dei problemi ed ho avuto difficoltà per mantenere insulina ad una giusta temperatura …. La prima colazione l ho trovata di scarsa qualità allego foto esposizione che credo non sia degna di un 5 stelle lusso . Ho chiesto riferimento del general manager e mi hanno dato dopo insistenza una mail a cui ho inviato un reclamo a cui ho avuto una risposta molto generica e preconfezionata dopo 15 giorni dopo aver inviato anche pec. E stato lasciato un biglietto della Leading in bianco senza neppure scrivere benvenuto …..