Author John E Suraj Persad Reviews

Excellent rating
22 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 22 ) 4.5

Book Worm
Book Worm
A Critical Analysis of America and it's Policies with Respect to China The book provides a critical analysis of America and it's Policies, especially with regards to Chinese government policies. It puts a spotlight on the various ways China is growing it's reach and power, especially by extending loans and monetary support to smaller nations, and how it is becoming a challenge for America. The author tries to highlight the danger the US may face if it does not instantly make major amendments in its internal and external policies while providing a roadmap for change.
Well written and entertaining! OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE “AMERICA”: OH, AMERICA, CAN YOU REALLY SEE? “TROUBLE AHEAD FOR AMERICA” is a book discussing the challenges of the nation and what direction it's heading towards. Plenty of topics to discussed and some you will agree with and some you won't. Either way, it makes you really think about everything and how we got to this point. I recommend this book for anyone interested in politics and moving a country forward.
Let Them Eat Cake
Let Them Eat Cake
An examination of the place America occupies in a fast changing global landscape. A volume covering the American influence on the global stage and the internal issues facing the country. A large proportion of the book is based on the threat to the US global hegemony by the resurgence of a strong China, along with an examination of the current internal conflicts in the nation. This is a book with a definite conservative political bias, and as such, whilst being an in depth examination of the factors mentioned, is also a flawed work which refuses to see clearly the dysfunction in the American view of itself, maintaining as it does that America's global influence is led by the desire to promote democracy and freedom despite the obvious evidence to the contrary.
A M Gamer
A M Gamer
Persad's method fosters open, informed debates with clear language & key points. In "OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE 'AMERICA': OH, AMERICA, CAN YOU REALLY SEE? 'TROUBLE AHEAD FOR AMERICA" by John Suraj Persad, the pressing challenges facing the United States are succinctly explored.It underscores the urgent need for a strategic shift in foreign policy, increased targeted foreign investments, and the revitalization of partnerships to safeguard America's dominance in a rapidly changing global landscape.Persad's approach, marked by simplified language and reiterated key points, encourages readers to engage in open-minded, informed debates. It serves as a call to action, urging citizens to unite under common goals of effective governance.
Phil Bolos
Phil Bolos
Informative Oh, Say Can You See "America": Oh, America, Can You Really See? "Trouble Ahead for America" by John Suraj Persad is a harsh yet honest look at the United States and the policies it currently uses. Not only does this book look at current policies, but it also explores the consequences of following them and what will happen to and in the United states in the future. While some may disagree with what the author is saying about the country, there is no denying that he raises good points and supports them with evidence. This will lead to informed discussions that could lead to changes around the country, which may very well be what the author wanted and what the country needs. The book is easy to read and gets to the point quickly. Fans of history and current events will enjoy what the author presents and will find connections to other authors and their arguments.
Insightful analysis and digestible strategies... In "AMERICA: OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE" by John Suraj Persad, readers are invited on a thought-provoking journey through the intricate tapestry of challenges facing the United States. With a keen eye for detail, the author delves into the realms of foreign policy and economic dynamics while urging for a reevaluation of traditional approaches in light of a rapidly evolving global landscape. Through meticulous analysis and insightful commentary, the book serves as a rallying call for strategic adaptation and renewed partnerships.The book's accessible writing style makes complex subjects digestible for readers of all backgrounds, fostering critical thinking and constructive dialogue about the nuances of governance. "AMERICA: OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE" emerges as an indispensable resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of American democracy. By encouraging active engagement and comprehensive knowledge, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of modern governance with insightful clarity.
A book to read no matter your stance A detailed examination of America's place in the world, particularly in relation to China. While the book provided valuable insights into geopolitical challenges and societal issues, I couldn't shake the feeling that the focus on China was overwhelming - other global competitors exist too.As I reflected on the content, I appreciated the author's goal of simplifying complex topics and while I may not have agreed with every point presented, the book served to expand my understanding of contemporary geopolitics.I feel like my conversations when it comes to great powers will be more informed.
S. J. Main
S. J. Main
Navigating America's Precipice in John Suraj Persad's Insightful Book In the current political and socio-economic climate, few books manage to both encapsulate the essence of national urgency and offer a digestible commentary that resonates with a broad audience. John Suraj Persad’s "Oh, Say Can You See ‘America’: Oh, America, Can You Really See? ‘Trouble Ahead for America’" achieves just this, presenting a stark yet engaging exploration of the myriad challenges facing the United States today.Persad’s book is crafted to place readers squarely in the midst of America’s troubling trajectory—a nation grappling with internal and external pressures that threaten its long-standing position on the global stage. Covering a wide spectrum, from economic interests and national security to social constructs and morality, Persad lays bare the multifaceted threats that are slowly chipping away at the fabric of American society and its global hegemony.The author argues that the United States finds itself at a critical juncture, likening its current predicament to the historical declines of great empires. He makes a compelling case for the necessity of a strategic overhaul in foreign policy, increased foreign investments, and a re-engagement with international partners. Moreover, he emphasizes the urgent need to mend the sociocultural crises at home and forge new alliances to prevent the nation from sliding into irrelevance.One of Persad’s key strengths is his ability to simplify complex issues. The book is designed not as an academic tome laden with jargon, but as a concise, thought-provoking read that appeals to the electorate and the casual reader alike. It reiterates key points to ensure understanding and retention, fostering what Persad describes as a "common sense" approach to viewing America’s challenges.True to its purpose, the book is not just an informative read but a call to action. It encourages readers to ask tough questions, engage in open debates, and seek information from diverse sources. Persad’s writing incites a critical examination of viewpoints, urging an informed dialogue among readers regardless of their political affiliations.The book’s narrative also serves as a powerful reminder of the intended role of politics—to govern and serve the populace, rather than to dominate everyday thought. Persad’s passionate appeal for unity, underpinned by the motifs of "One Nation Under God" and "Under One Flag," resonates particularly in today’s divided political landscape.In conclusion, John Suraj Persad’s "Oh, Say Can You See ‘America’" is a timely piece that not only outlines the current and future challenges of the United States but also stimulates a much-needed discussion on the paths forward. It is an essential read for anyone concerned with the direction of American policy and society, offering both a warning and a guide on how to navigate this pivotal period in history. This book may well change how you see America and your role in shaping its future.
Great read that invokes critical thinking Many of the crucial issues meticulously detailed in the book are overlooked by mainstream news outlets. This book gives a high-level analysis regarding the nation's challenges and the direction we are heading in the future. I find myself particularly aligned with the book's depiction of the domestic hurdles we encounter, wherein America's moral fabric and our connections with neighboring nations have noticeably frayed. I strongly agree that as a nation, in order to move forward , we need to accept and identify issues that we are currently facing.
Amazon Customer
Amazon Customer
Must read This book is an important read ifone wishes to understand the clear danger of China and its unrelenting gain of influence in Africa, South America, etc. All to the detriment of the US and our allies.It also brings to bear a painful, but true, look at our present internal problems which are reaching a point of no return.Certainly, a book well researched and written.
Joel R
Joel R
Very Informative This book is well-structured, with extensive supporting research to explain the issues currently faced by America locally, intentionally and in the geopolitical space.The book strategically discusses America losing ground in its position as a dominant global power, and explains the current and future challenges faced by America in this regard. It also highlights the interesting dynamics added by the positioning of other large players in the international space, such as China.Overall, the book is an eye-opener and is very informative. Well done John.
Learned A Lot! Clearly as stated in the headline, since so much of the issues properly outlined in the book you won't hear in the "news". It was written so the average person could understand how America is affected. I specially agree with the domestic problems we face, America's morals and our neighbors are gone. América abandonó a Latinoamérica en su desarollo, y solo podemos lamenter la tristeza que esto genera. This book is genius!
Thought provoking and attention grabbing "Oh, Say, Can You See America" by John E. Suraj Persad offers a concise, yet thought-provoking exploration of the pressing issues facing the United States. Persad analyzes the country’s moral, political, and economic matters and the potential challenges the come with them. The book encourages readers to critically question and engage in open discussions about these matters, which is crucial for a flourishing democracy. This book serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking a brief, yet informative overview of the trials and opportunities that lie ahead for the nation. It raises a sense of shared responsibility and a call for unity in addressing these complex issues.
Interesting and thought provoking In "OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE 'AMERICA'," John Suraj Persad provides a thought-provoking analysis of the United States' current predicament and its global standing. With a straightforward and accessible style, this book invites busy readers to consider the pressing issues America faces as a nation and a global player. It's a call to engage in critical discussions, ask tough questions, and examine the various angles of our complex sociopolitical landscape. Persad skillfully addresses the multifaceted challenges impacting the country's domestic and international posture, prompting readers to approach politics with open-mindedness and seek a deeper understanding. In an era of polarization and rapid change, this book encourages readers to reevaluate their perspectives and work toward a more united and informed America.
Highly recommended reading for ALL Americans John Suraj Persad's OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE 'AMERICA': OH, AMERICA, CAN YOU REALLY SEE? 'TROUBLE AHEAD FOR AMERICA is a concise and impactful exploration of the pressing challenges facing the United States. It underscores the urgent need for a strategic shift in foreign policy, increased targeted foreign investments, and the revitalization of partnerships to safeguard America's dominance in a rapidly changing global landscape. Persad's approach, marked by simplified language and reiterated key points, encourages readers to engage in open-minded, informed debates. It serves as a call to action, urging citizens to return politics to its role as a tool for effective governance and to unite under the banner of "One Nation Under God" and "Under One Flag." Highly recommended reading for ALL Americans, and a well-deserved five stars from me.
GM Reads
GM Reads
A Thought-Provoking Examination of America's Challenges! John Suraj Persad's "OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE 'AMERICA'" provides a deep dive into the intricate issues facing the United States. Persad skillfully incorporates extensive research, shedding light on various social and international concerns. This book acts as a valuable resource for those seeking to comprehend the complexities of American governance.While the subject matter can be challenging, Persad's approach makes it accessible to a wide range of readers, even those unfamiliar with the terminology. The book encourages critical thinking, fosters diverse discussions, and promotes comprehensive knowledge.In essence, "OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE 'AMERICA'" is a thought-provoking read that invites readers to ponder and participate in the ongoing conversations about the nation's future. It is highly recommended for those interested in the United States' current state of affairs.
Amy K.
Amy K.
Compelling Read! The book "OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE “AMERICA”: OH, AMERICA, CAN YOU REALLY SEE? “TROUBLE AHEAD FOR AMERICA” by JOHN SURAJ PERSAD" analyzes the current social, political, and economic state of America and the potential threats it faces. It questions America's moral fabric and highlights issues such as mass shootings and corruption. The book also discusses the slipping of America's global dominance due to economic issues, military capabilities, social construct, and national security. The author provides an honest diagnosis of America's current situation and raises critical questions that must be addressed by the country's leadership. This book is recommended for anyone with an interest in America's future.
Sol Tyler
Sol Tyler
A valuable resource OH, SAY CAN YOU SEE “AMERICA” by Persad exposes us to a lot of issues in America. This book is well-thought-out and the author has included valuable information from reliable sources which makes us understand a lot about social issues and foreign affairs.I guess this book serves as a valuable resource for students, academics, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of governance at a country level.The book is well-structured and it effectively illuminates the intricacies of a country. I like the way the author has portrayed the information to us; he used easy-to-follow language what makes the narrative accessible to any type of reader. I loved it!
Great premise! I would like to start by saying that unfortunately, I liked the amazing and eye-catching cover of this book more than the content itself, and I’ll explain why this happened to me. Although the premise of the book is absolutely interesting and current, I think the vocabulary chosen is too technical and specific. It’s worth mentioning the work of the author who, even though the subject is a bit difficult to explain, makes it bearable for any type of reader, and despite the terminology, I managed to understand and connect the ideas he expresses.It’s admirable that the book encourages readers to pose challenging queries, participate in diverse discussions, and gather knowledge from many sources. This thought-provoking resource is crucial to promote a comprehensive knowledge of the topics.In conclusion, I recommend this title but it’s necessary to read it with concentration and patience.
Ed and Beth
Ed and Beth
The big issues America faces now John Persad has brilliantly laid out the very serious issues facing America today. Although he does write about the social issues and the different opinions we Americans are dealing with daily, his emphasis is on foreign affairs and the looming dangers on the horizon concerning China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea should be required reading for all Americans, and particularly for those holding elected office. His well researched facts are inarguable if we can only set aside our biases while reading the book.