
Parklandplace Reviews

Excellent rating
82 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 82 ) 4.7

Kiki Marriott
Kiki Marriott
Hello, I have been home from parkland 3 weeks tomorrow & I was there for 6 weeks, its hard for me to put into words just how much coming to parkland has changed My whole life, I walked in broken & I left a happy & confident women with so much love and excitement for my future that I didn't think or believe was possible. If you are ready to change then go for it, and put your heart and soul into taking advantage of everything that is on offer, it's not easy but it's worth it to get your life back...if you want to live instead of exist then I hope you make the best decision of your life because it really was mine oh and the food is amazing and the rooms and grounds are beautiful.....wish anyone reading this strength, love and success in recovery xxxđŸ„°â€ïžđŸ˜˜đŸ˜†
Reply from Parklandplace 2024.06.28
Hi Kiki, thank you for taking the time to leave such a great review we really appreciate it. From all the team here at Parkland Place we wish you all the best in your continued recovery!
Lee Davey
Lee Davey
Im home sweet home from parklands detox now the fun begins i like to say the people and staff i met were amazng sorry im not great with names love lee davey
Reply from Parklandplace 2024.06.16
Hi Lee, many thanks for those kind words. We wish you all the very best with your continued recovery. Please keep in touch to let us know how you’re getting on!
Justin Crane
Justin Crane
My stay at parkland was like staying at 5 star hotel and having great food going for days out with nice people the staff at parkland helped me get into a healthy routine , eating at regular meal times , meditation , exercise and councelling all things I never in a million years thought would help and how wrong I was ,I was a person in denial with my addiction and didn’t think words could change the way I was but was so wrong, I’m very happy I stepped through that door and got the help I very much needed staff at parkland helped me work through my demons whilst I was there and have continued to help me since I’ve come out , and now being over 9weeks clean from cocaine and counting has made me a better person. I would strongly recommend people to take that step into the place that changed my life.
Reply from Parklandplace 2024.04.24
Hi Justin, thank you for taking the time to leave such a great review we really appreciate it. From all the team here at Parkland Place we wish you all the best in your continued recovery!
2024.02.29 2024.02.29 | United Kingdom
Had a lovely stay at parkland place fantastic staff really looked after me the food was exceptional thank you all so much Amanda

Date of experience: 17 February, 2024
Society X
2024.02.04 2024.02.04 | United Kingdom
The Best Residential Rehab in the UK - Parkland Place - North Wales You will not find a better place to get your life back on track. The grounds are amazing, the house even better, literally, 5 star hotel experience, moreover the staff are extremely knowledgeable in mental health and addiction and will support you throughout your stay. Special thanks to Dannielle, Nell, Sasha and Elari, Cheryl and Joss!. Amazing people, hearts of gold all of you. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.

Date of experience: 30 January, 2024
Jonathan Northard
Jonathan Northard
Literally saved my life then gave me a life worth living If your reading this review and looking for a way out, a place to get better then I know exactly where your at. The good times ended years ago and now your left just mentally and physically self harming. My primary substances where herion and Crack cocaine, my mental health was at such a low point I was self harming and looking at bridges thinking that, that was the only way out. From the very beginning parkland place was there for me when I honestly didn't care no more. When you first get to parklands place your overwhelmed but the surrounding and comfort/luxury of the place and the kindness from staff put you instantly at ease. You have your own spacious double room equipped with TV and on-suite. Food is prepared for you by the chef and the menu is restaurant quality, you even have your room and clothes cleaned for you, so you can completed concentrate on the work you need to do to get better. ( tbf i enjoyed doing my own cleaning ). So how does the program work ? Once my care plan was discussed it was split between cbt groups, one to one's, counseling and mindfulness activities. Each part working together to create all i needed to address thoughts, feelings and beliefs that affected me so negatively. On a personal level i can not express how amazing the professional staff team were, from the manager visiting me in detox to get an idea of what my care plan was going to be, to a staff member that introduced me to boxing and constant talks about positive affirmations, the power of a positive mindset and the confidence to try anything. To the current managers one to one and aftercare talks, that gave me a safe space to discuss my progress I can honestly say I was blessed. The rest of the staff team were all incredible with their own set of skills and experience to guide you through the process. My main advise is to get honest, be willing and open minded to change, and challenge yourself everyday to thinking differently about how you view yourself and other around you. Lastly I've been told on many occasions that people like me don't get better, but honestly, if you work your butt off and take the opportunities given at parklands place, you will leave a better person that's able to live clean and sober.
Jonathan Northard
2024.01.21 2024.01.21 | United Kingdom
Literally saved my life then gave me a life worth living If your reading this review and looking for a way out, a place to get better then I know exactly where your at. The good times ended years ago and now your left just mentally and physically self harming. My primary substances where herion and Crack cocaine, my mental health was at such a low point I was self harming and looking at bridges thinking that, that was the only way out. From the very beginning parkland place was there for me when I honestly didn't care no more. When you first get to parklands place your overwhelmed but the surrounding and comfort/luxury of the place and the kindness from staff put you instantly at ease. You have your own spacious double room equipped with TV and on-suite. Food is prepared for you by the chef and the menu is restaurant quality, you even have your room and clothes cleaned for you, so you can completed concentrate on the work you need to do to get better. ( tbf i enjoyed doing my own cleaning ). So how does the program work ? Once my care plan was discussed it was split between cbt groups, one to one's, counseling and mindfulness activities. Each part working together to create all i needed to address thoughts, feelings and beliefs that affected me so negatively. On a personal level i can not express how amazing the professional staff team were, from the manager visiting me in detox to get an idea of what my care plan was going to be, to a staff member that introduced me to boxing and constant talks about positive affirmations, the power of a positive mindset and the confidence to try anything. To the current managers one to one and aftercare talks, that gave me a safe space to discuss my progress I can honestly say I was blessed. The rest of the staff team were all incredible with their own set of skills and experience to guide you through the process. My main advise is to get honest, be willing and open minded to change, and challenge yourself everyday to thinking differently about how you view yourself and other around you. Lastly I've been told on many occasions that people like me don't get better, but honestly, if you work your butt off and take the opportunities given at parklands place, you will leave a better person that's able to live clean and sober.

Date of experience: 13 April, 2023
Micky Arnold
Micky Arnold
Really appreciate your help and support at parklands lovely staff food amazing can't thank them enough supp support at my stay
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.12.27
Many thanks for your kind message, Micky! We really hope you're continuing to do well, and please keep in touch!
Jodie Owen
Jodie Owen
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.12.17
Many thanks for the positive review, Jodie! Kind regards
Leigh Smith
2023.12.12 2023.12.12 | United Kingdom
This place saved my life. After FINALLY hitting rock bottom, we paid privately to come here knowing I couldn't do this journey alone. Being away for 4 weeks so far from home was the most daunting thing, but there was so much support. The staff are fantastic & my fellow residents became like family. The therapy in there is unreal, it completely opened my eyes and made me realise i had an illness not a choice. In Feb 24 I'll be 1 year into sobriety and 100% would not be here now without PP. Its changed my life, I found ME & absolutely love life now! Not just me, but my family & children will be forever grateful to PP.

Date of experience: 02 February, 2023
Richard Wilkinson
Richard Wilkinson
I've only had a few days here but Parkland Place Lancashire is beautiful. All the staff are amazing and can't do enough for you at any time of day or night. The food is great and thanks to both Pete and Haydn the chefs. Also a special thank you to Nicki the nurse and Jason one of the support workers who both spent time with me and really helped me. Thanks RW
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.11.27
Dear Richard - thank you so much for the kind words. Please keep in touch, and best wishes for your continued recovery!
David Owen
David Owen
I have been through the salus/parkland detox and rehabilitation twice once in 2019 and again in 2020/21 I would highly recommend this place I was a paying customer and could not fault any of the nursing staff they were all extremely caring and compassionate to my needs as i ws heavily addicted to alcohol at the time and if you know you know how bad it can be this place has saved my life I am now 2yrs addiction free and have a new lease of life I cannot repay my gratitude enough thankyou to all staff members past and present. Kind regards David Owen
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.08.17
Hi David. Thank you for your lovely review. This will be past to all staff. We hope you are doing well in your recovery and always here for a catch up.
2023.08.11 2023.08.11 | United Kingdom
parkland place Wales parkland place is a Wonderfull place the staff were excellent first off a thank you for Cheryl for looking after myself many times I acted like a petulant child but she was always there to make sure I was safe and she was instrumental to unlocking the key to making a plan to get the best therapists that suited my complex needs for my recovery i learnt meditation and yoga whilst there to which I contuine to practice today a special thank you to EL she made sure I was at ease while teaching in a way I was engaged and understood the sessions Sandra is a unsung hero there if you go there you will find out for yourself how much Sandra makes sure you have a pristine room and having a room like that makes you feel human after reaching rock bottom THE CAT just took the edge of if I had a bad day and didn't want to talk to the staff a chat to the cat often sorted my head out
The staff, nurses and chef are brilliant here. They checked on me regular 24/7 and if I was struggling they were there for me. The medication was on time everytime. The group work was very helpful. Me giving my story and listening to others. I definitely think Pete the chef should get a pay rise. He was consistently good at his job. Great food everytime. Added note. The rooms you get when you first arrive need updating. They do the job but they need some work. The rooms you move onto however when you do not need so much monitoring are very good. This is the second time I've been to this detox. I was a paying customer so that im guessing says it all because i could have gone elsewhere but didnt. Hopefully this is the last time i ever have to go there. Obviously for my own health. The staff here are the best! Except a couple of moody staff members but on a whole the rest were great.
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.07.18
Hi thank you so much for your feed back. We appreciate all feed back. All the staff wish you the best in your recovery.
Well what can I say wow!! This place changed my life and my total way of thinking. My personal story is an analogy of the film the Wizard of Oz For over 30 years I was stuck in a whirlwind of anxiety, stress, low self esteem and always looking over my shoulder. The whirlwind grew stronger and reached cyclone proportions due to my addiction. I was stuck in this cycle and could see the destruction happening around me . The relationships being destroyed, the homes wrecked, my life was chaos. Enough was enough
.. I landed on the yellow brick road which was my first big step to starting recovery. My journey to see the wizards/staff at Parkland Place/Emerald City was my destination. As I walked along the yellow brick road I came across a scarecrow. He stated he had no brain and wanted the wizards to give him one. As we walked the wicked witch kept tormenting, the wicked witch being the addiction. Further along the way we met the Tin-Man . He stated he had no heart and wanted to join the journey to see the wizards at Parkland Place. Again we all joined the brick road and again the wicked witch would torment. The 3rd person we met was the lion . He said he didn’t have any courage and wanted to join us to get this from the wizards at Parkland Place. We eventually arrived at Parklands Place. We explained out story and requested a brain a heart and courage. The wizards said we can’t give you that because you already have them you just need to learn how to use them . Over the next 4 weeks I learned about intrusive thoughts and my core beliefs. I learned about over thinking and worry . I was given the tools to start re-training my brain and started to remember I had a great brain I just did not know how to use it properly. The same for my heart . I did not know how to love myself and lost all self worth. How could I love others if I could not love myself. Again I learned I had a big heart full of love and I remembered how to love myself again. I always had a heart but never told myself that . As for courage I had lost all of that until I told my story and described my feelings. again with the helpful wizards of Parkland Place I rediscovered my inner strength and motivation. I had plenty of courage I just needed the support and tools to use it . By the time I left I wasn’t scared of anything. With all the help of the wizards at Parkland Place along with the other guests/munchkins I defeated the Wicked Witch and returned home to a peaceful environment where I can use everything I have learned to my advantage and use any coping strategies I require in my daily life . The decision to take the yellow brick road to Parkland Place was the best I had ever made . I would encourage anyone with an addiction to follow it and with the Wizards help I’m sure you can return to peace .
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.06.28
Carl, what a lovely review. We appreciate all feed back and will pass this on to all the staff. We wish you the best of luck on your recovery. Please keep in touch.
Michelle Davies
Michelle Davies
Just finished a 6 week program at P/P . Completely changed my life . I was at rock bottom when i entered rehabilitation for the first time in 30yrs of addiction. Staff were totally incredible supportive, knowledgable and dedicated to each and every resident in their care . From the moment I arrived I felt at ease with my new surroundings. This place is perfect for someone who needs peace and quiet in absolute luxury. The bedrooms here are quite remarkable like a boutique hotel pure comfort. Food is of top quality and the chef Gavin will also cater for any diet requirements . My journey here at P/P through its members of staff down to the residents and housekeeping (Sandra) has been second to none . I will be moving forward with strength and determination all thanks to the dedication and care giving to me . Thank you everyone of you . Just a quick thank you too Jan the councillor at P/P I will hold a special place in my heart for you .
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.06.15
Hi Michelle, thank you for your lovely review. We will pass your message on to all the staff. We appreciate all feed back. We wish you all the best in your recovery and please keep in touch. Laura
suzanne howarth
suzanne howarth
I came to salus for the second time just under a year ago as I know I would be looked after. I was broken and very poorly and had a heroin and crack addiction. The staff were amazing and tailored to my individual needs. I was very thin weighing 5st 9 so the chef would go out of his way to make me fattening smoothies and fattening food to help build me up. The manager Debra is a wonderful caring compassionate lady. All the staff were amazing and cared without judgement. I would highly recommend this place if you need to detox before going to rehab or if you aren't going to rehab. I must stress salus is a detox centre not a rehab and the staff are trained to medically detox patients from substances they do try to have group therapy but not everyone is well enough to take part but they do try to encourage that with patients. I noticed a review complaining there was no therapy etc salus is a detox that detoxes patients before rehab! If you aren't able to go rehab after leaving then I suggest you attend Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings regularly which I do and I am still clean almost a year later and plan on staying clean. Would highly recommend salus to anyone who needs this service!
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.06.06
Hi Suzanne it's great to hear from you. We would love to hear from you in person. We appreciate your positive feedback. Please call on 01254 200000 Laura
Ian Martin
Ian Martin
I was in detox for 2 weeks for alcohol addiction the staff were absolutely amazing always on hand to help in any way an experience I will never forget thank you all for all that you did for me
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.05.04
Hi Ian thanks for taking the time to leave a review, we really appreciate it. It was a pleasure supporting you in your recovery and we wish you all the best, only a call away if you ever need us
Peter Schmieden
Peter Schmieden
High quality facilities 5star program and with out a doubt the best rehab tailored to your specific needs I’ve ever experienced outstanding, once in a lifetime opportunity for you to learn how to improve your life beyond compare ,your journey starts now when you book a stay at parkland I’m an ex resident and still in recovery thanks to the amazing support from the team !
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.04.29
Hi Peter thanks for leaving a review, it is really important to the the team to share the success in your recovery, keep going and we are always there to help you whenever you need us
Jon Fitzpatrick
Jon Fitzpatrick
I was there in 2021 and took a lot away with me when I left. My first impression of PP was that it is a highly professional service that delivers very high standards of care and treatment. The staff team are very knowledgeable when it comes to addiction, they are able to work with people from all backgrounds without prejudice and have a genuine desire to support anyone who is experiencing hardship. The programme is very well put together and although it is a relatively short program by the time you leave you will have all of the relevant tools and knowledge to live a life without drugs or drink. I have been to other rehabs but this one stands out as one of, if not, the best programme I have been through.. Don't read this and ponder, read this then contact them, they won't let you down !
Reply from Parklandplace 2023.03.20
Hi Jon thanks for taking time to leave such an insightful review of your experience. We are glad we could play a small role in your continued recovery, we wish you all the best , the PP team