Memoire Palace Resort & Spa

Memoire Palace Resort & Spa Reviews

Excellent rating
1113 reviews Verified
Memoire Palace Resort & Spa


Reviews ( 966 ) 4.7

10 Verified
Great hotel, fabulous staff, friendly, helpful, efficient. You need a short tuk tuk to take you into town but that was n ☺Everything ☹Nothing
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa
Dear Susan, First of all, we thank you for choosing our resort for your accommodation during your trip in Siem Reap. It was our great pleasure to have you in our home. We are glad to read you very nice review and we will of course will share this to our whole team. We do hope to have another chance to welcome you again in the nearest future. Please enjoy to next destination and safe flight back home. With our love & care. Memoire Team,
7.0 Verified
Mooi maar gehorig ☺Prachtig zwembad en mooie kamers ☹Omdat overal marmer is, is het ook super gehorig. Elke nacht zijn we vijf keer wakker geworden van gestamp en gepraat en deuren die open en dicht gingen bij de naastgelegen kamers.
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa
Dear Jennifer, First of all, we thank you for gave us a chance to welcome you during your trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We really apologize for the inconvenience caused by the noise during your stay. We understand the impact of the marble surfaces can have on sound transmission, and we regret that it affected your sleep. We will pass this concern to our team to find ways to improve this issue and make sure that this will not impact to the future guests. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Again, we really sorry for this issue, we do hope you will forget this. Best regards, Memoire Team,
Pablo Vilar Martul
Pablo Vilar Martul
We've been in 48 countries already, and this is the best hotel I've been at. -Staff: trained, polite, available... they're the top of the top. It's obvious they do it from the bottom. They mane u feel the only client, calling u by your name, asking, suggesting... never seen that. -Facilities: Eden Garden. Such a beautiful green spot, peaceful, well taste decorated...swimming pool is far apart best ever, like a lagoon with pool bar. Better than pics. -Room: everything you may need. Clean to the top, equipped with everything you may need. Shower was awesome. Bed was huge and perfect combination of soft and steady. I don't sleep this good in my own home. - Services: tuktuk at your service (hire that option), food fingers, swimming pool cocktails... no words. Free laundry if you stay more than 4 nights. And best massage in town (not 10 $/hour but you'll see the difference). -Restaurant: breakfast fresh, huge variety and delicious. If you can, make reservation with lunch or dinner included... my God, pure high cousine khmer style. Adore it. -Surroundings: there's a daily local market next to hotel with phone simcards and tons of food (even fresh fish/seafood you buy and the cook) at ridiculous price. Walking to city centre is like 20 minutes, but tuktuk included saves the sacrifice. Wishing to be back. Can't thank enough to Muny, Saling Miguel and all the team. It was hard to leave. Thank you so much.
Trip type
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.07.20
Pablo, thank you for your thoughtful and detailed review. We're thrilled to hear you enjoyed your stay and our team's efforts made a difference. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!
10 Verified
Memoire Hotel. No matter what. ☺We've been in 48 countries already, and this is the best hotel I've been at. -Staff: trained, polite, available... they're the top of the top. It's obvious they do it from the bottom. They mane u feel the only client, calling u by your name, asking, suggesting... never seen that. -Facilities: Eden Garden. Such a beautiful green spot, peaceful, well taste decorated...swimming pool is far apart best ever, like a lagoon with pool bar. Better than pics. -Room: everything you may need. Clean to the top, equipped with everything you may need. Shower was awesome. Bed was huge and perfect combination of soft and steady. I don't sleep this good in my own home. - Services: tuktuk at your service (hire that option), food fingers, swimming pool cocktails... no words. Free laundry if you stay more than 4 nights. And best massage in town (not 10 $/hour but you'll see the difference). -Restaurant: breakfast fresh, huge variety and delicious. If you can, make reservation with lunch or dinner included... my God, pure high cousine khmer style. Adore it. -Surroundings: there's a daily local market next to hotel with phone simcards and tons of food (even fresh fish/seafood you buy and the cook) at ridiculous price. Walking to city centre is like 20 minutes, but tuktuk included saves the sacrifice. Wishing to be back. Can't thank enough to Muny, Saling Miguel and all the team. It was hard to leave. Thank you so much. ☹Absolutely everything was perfect.
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa
Dear Pablo Vilar, Thank you for your nice review, it it very mean to us (the whole team) and it was our great pleasure to have you in our home and served you during your trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We absolutely share this meaningful comment to our team, especially Muny, Saling and Miguel. We do hope to have another chance to welcome you again in the nearest future. Please enjoy your next destination and safe flight back home. With our love & Care, Memoire Team,
10 Verified
Super séjour ☺Superbe hôtel calme et reposant. Les chambres sont magnifiques et bien équipées , le lit est super confortable. Le personnel est aux petits soins. La piscine es immense et belle. Nous avons adoré cet hôtel digne d un 5 étoiles. ☹Rien
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa
Dear Isabelle, First of all, thank you for gave us a chance to welcome you during your trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We much appreciated for your nice/best comment. We will absolutely share this to our team. We do hope to have another chance to welcome you again in the nearest future. Please have a wonderful day. From our love and care, Memoire Team,
Eoun Somdov
Eoun Somdov
Great hotel with nice room
Trip type
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.07.15
Thank you, Eoun! We're thrilled to hear you enjoyed your stay and appreciated the room.
10 Verified
Exceptional It the best hotel
10 Verified
Best stay ever Probably the best hotel/resort in Siem Reap
Michelle Lopes
Michelle Lopes
We were beyond happy with our stay at Memoire Palace with Miguel and his team. The room was lovely, we had a suite upstairs in one of the villas. The room was well cleaned every day, and the turn down service was attentive (bonus cookies!). It always felt like a really nice and personal welcome when we returned from long days out, which we didn't expect in such a big hotel. All of the staff were exceptional, some of them remembered us by name adding to the personalised experience. We'd like to give a particular shout-out to Salin who remembered our coffee orders in the morning and could almost predict our needs. Soryn and Murna on the front desk were extremely helpful and were genuinely happy to help with any and all requests. Again, all of the staff are wonderful and really added to our stay. The pool is huge and great to cool down in. It has lots of different little areas for sitting or swimming - we also got to enjoy high tea, cocktails and finger foods in the pool. The chili margarita and the mojito were favourites of ours. At the spa, we had a great massage by an experienced masseuse, which was very welcome after walking around and exploring in the day. The breakfast selection was particularly good, with a variety of local and international food. The nom ban chok was incredible, we had it nearly every day. There was a selection of fresh juices every morning that were healthy and delicious. Thank you for a wonderful stay.
Trip type
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.07.09
Thank you, Michelle! We're thrilled you enjoyed your stay and appreciated the personal touches from our staff. Your kind words about Miguel, Salin, Soryn, and Murna mean a lot. We're glad you enjoyed the pool, spa, and breakfast variety.
8.0 Verified
Was a good trip ☺ I liked the room environment the most, especially the spaciousness. I love the size of the toilet and the bedroom sets. ☹ The food choices are very limited. The main items served are pork and beef, which can be challenging for those who don't eat these meats. There are chicken and fish options, but they don't taste good enough. It would be beneficial if they could improve in this area.
Peter McVoy
Peter McVoy
The staff was incredibly attentive at the front desk, at the pool and in the restaurant. Basically everywhere. The view from our room was spectacular and the room itself was luxurious. Staying here was terrific. We highly recommend it.
Trip type
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.07.02
Peter, thank you for your kind words! We're thrilled you enjoyed your stay and appreciated our attentive staff and luxurious rooms. Looking forward to welcoming you again!
Molly McVoy
Molly McVoy
It was a truly wonderful stay! The staff were incredibly responsive and helpful!
Trip type
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.07.02
Thank you, Molly! We're delighted you had a wonderful stay and appreciated our staff's responsiveness.
10 Verified
8.0 Verified
Very good ☺ Staff worked so slow
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa
Dear Kimhong, Greetings from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa! Thank you for sharing your feedback here, we will work with the team to improve your comment. We hopefully to welcome you back again for your returning. With our love & care, Samlei HAP Ecommerce Manager
10 Verified
Best place to stay in Siemreap province This place will make your money worths
hhkb _
hhkb _
日本人向けにレポートします▼ 利用:2024/06/25〜06/28、母子旅行(娘11歳) 【部屋】 ・電圧には注意ですがコンセントは変換アダプタが無くてもさせます。枕元にはUSBもさせます🔌 ・ドライヤーの風しっかりしてます。ダイソンくらい強いです。 ・部屋に大きな虫は出ませんでした。 ・虫除けスプレーが部屋に用意されています。 ・シャワーのお湯が出ない、トイレが流れないなどたまにありましたが暫くすると直りました。 ・貴重品ボックス大きいです。iPad12.9インチが余裕で入る大きさです。 ・バスローブ、歯ブラシ、カミソリなど基本的なアメニティあります。 【サービス】 ・スタッフさんみんな優しいです。私の英語は中学生レベルなので伝わらないこともたまにありましたが、それで嫌な顔をされることは無かったし、こちらが聞き取れなかった時も簡単な英語で言い換えたりしてくれました。 ・頼んでいたものが来なかったり注文が通っていなかった(?)こともありましたが、それも海外旅行の醍醐味かと思います。頼めばしっかり謝罪もしつつニコニコ対応してくれるので嫌な気にはなりません。 ・誤ってシャンプーボトルを割ってしまいました(瓶だったので、娘が持った瞬間に滑り落としてしまいました)電話で謝ったら「大変だ🥺すぐ人を向かわせるね🥺良い夜を🥺(英語)」という感じの柔らかい対応をしてくれたので落ち込み過ぎずに済みました!弁償を申し出ましたが大丈夫だよ〜👋って言ってくれました。本当にありがたかったです😭✨ 【レストラン・プール】 ・6月下旬のオフシーズン&平日だったのもあってか、朝食ビュッフェは6時台に利用したら貸切状態、7時台でも他に2,3組いる程度で、日本のホテルのように長蛇の列になることはありませんでした。 ・温かいもの(麺など)はメニューから注文する日とその場で頼む日がありました。 ・食事は美味しかったです。朝食は毎日の楽しみでした。ホテルのレストランの値段も観光客向けではありますが高くはありません。 ・海外のプールあるあるですが深いです。水深140センチくらい?浮輪必須🛟 【ロケーション】 ・パブストリートなどの中心部からは少し離れていますが、grabはすぐに来てくれます。 ・中心部へ向かうまでの道に地元民向けの市場があり、カンボジアの雰囲気を味わえました。歩いて色々巡れるのも楽しいと思いますが、私はその道を通るときは毎回異国感を楽しめました🛺 娘の誕生日で行ったら、チェックアウトのときにお祝いのケーキを用意してくれました🍰 日本語非対応なのでとても迷いましたが、選んで良かったです! スタッフの皆さん本当にありがとうございました🙇‍♀️
Trip type
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.06.29
hhkb さん、嬉しいお言葉をありがとうございます!娘さんとの旅行が楽しかったようで何よりです。スタッフの対応やお部屋の設備についてのご意見、大変参考になります。またのご利用をお待ちしております。
KOK Chanratana
KOK Chanratana
Highly recommend
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.06.18
Thank you, Chanratana! We're thrilled to hear your recommendation.
10 Verified
Thinh Bun
Thinh Bun
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa 2024.06.11
Thank you, Thinh! We truly appreciate your support and are thrilled you had a great experience with us.
10 Verified
Absolutamente recomendable ☺Un hotel de 5 estrellas digno de las mismas, El personal y el servicio de 10. Absolutamente recomendable
Reply from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa
Dear Gerardo, Greetings from Memoire Palace Resort & Spa! Thank you for choosing to stay with us and spending your valued time to rate us here about your stay. We hope fully to welcoming you back again to experience with us for your returning to Angkor Wat. With our love & care, Samlei HAP Ecommerce Manager