Melomax Live Reviews

Excellent rating
17 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 17 ) 5.0

Frans van der Sommen
Frans van der Sommen
Naast het voordeel dat je je eigen virtuele repetitieruimte hebt, waar je geen last hebt van onverwachte bezoekers, is de kwaliteit van de verbinding supergoed. Zelfs nu ik werk met een wifi-verbinding in plaats van een vaste ethernetlijn naar mijn Experiabox, hebben ik en de overige deelnemers van mijn groep last gehad van vertragingen in de verbinding.
Winfried Luig
Winfried Luig
Today we tried Jamulus with Melomax. The performance of the server was excellent.
Bernhard van Bonn
Bernhard van Bonn
Great service! First time ever I get sufficient low latency. I tried a lot with own servers on different plattforms from various providers. Most of them seem to be only interested in hosting web-pages. Melomax offers for our band the best serivce-price correlation. Well done!
Marco Koopmans
Marco Koopmans
Simpel om te boeken, prima serive, weinig dela. Hebben met ons barbershop koor met 17 man heerlijk gezongen.
Julian Knörzer
Julian Knörzer
Great service! Yesterday my choir and I made our first steps with singing on Jamulus, booking a server from Melomax. Of course a lot of technical things to adjust on the singer's side, but we're getting there, step by step. :)
Don Henken
Don Henken
Great service, so nice that you can work 3 hours in a row and pretty good server with low latency. We will use this a lot more singing with Zanggroep Spirit in The Netherlands.
Joost Kraaijeveld
Joost Kraaijeveld
Great service! Rather good quality sound and with low latency. Thanks a lot, really enjoyed it! Looking forward to the next session. Although it is mentioned several times, REALLY make sure that all musicians who join the session have a fixed connection (NO WiFi!).
Simon Ward
Simon Ward
Highly recommend Melomax live for Jamulus sessions.Easy to use. Very reliable
Giovanni Loris Daru'
Giovanni Loris Daru'
service is good quality with low latency., every now and then the sound was a little flickering and with some background rustle but still you could play and listen without problems. thank you
Djek Djekky
Djek Djekky
It’s been amazing to be able to collaborate online and write music using Melomax! Highly recommend to any musician missing the rehearsal room!
Brian Robertson
Brian Robertson
Excellent solution for remote collaboration! I am a songwriter based in Miami who co-writes with others around the country. I've been getting 30-40ms latency with writers based in LA and New York connected simultaneously. The software is plug-and-play, no setup required other than setting I/O device name and cloud server address. Only minor hangup I've had is ensuring my DAW sessions are running at 48KHz to avoid clocking errors -- I'm not a programmer, but it would be great to see implementations of different sample rates in the future. No glitched audio (like on Zoom / Facetime) and
Mags Born
Mags Born
We die a test rehearsal tonight. We played many rehearsals on Jamulus, but tonight the first and best time using melomax live for the first time. No Others disturbing, constant low latency. We will book again! Thumbs Up and thank's a lot!
Steve Wall
Steve Wall
I absolutely LOVE Melomax Live. We are separated by many miles and unable to jam. Frustration with public servers and ease of use led me to Melomax Live, which makes using Jamulus QUICK AND PAINLESS. As a SENIOR CITIZEN noisician who is also running the session and managing the EXCELLENT recordings, I don't need any extra concerns. Zaid Crowe is totally on top of the situation and quickly deals with any problems that might arise. We have now begun scheduling our weekly jams once again, and NO DRIVING FOR HOURS IN SNOW OR ICE to play and enjoy each other's fellowship. We have a Zoom session at the same time, so we can see each other GROOVING AND SMILING! FIVE STARS!! Steve Wall (Corvus Crorson) for BOMIS PRENDIN
Paul Jansen
Paul Jansen
Several choirs that I participate in started singing with Jamulus, we even happily installed a few private servers with 50 and 60 ms. But it felt like people lost motivation as we were often more busy with jamulus than with singing. And then..... Melomax appeared on the horizon!!! This easy service made such a huge difference! As if a wide door opened for us! With now 25 and 30ms delay the sessions became a real bright singing experience again, I got so many compliments now! These are for you melomax, in honesty!!
Eyal Gilboa
Eyal Gilboa
started using jamulus on melomanx live 3 mounth ago . zaid crowe helped me a lot and together we found the right server at israel, server that answers melomax and jamulus requirments. I am the music director of the "NAHARIANIM" choir at Naharia , Israel , we have 15 singers and they are located 150 km from my city . there is low latency and good sound ( when internet connection is low or not stable it reduces quality sometimes) jamulus via melomax live are a very good platform. its the closest solution that i have found compered to face to face rehearsals. it keeps me working and earning my salery. not so obvious these days. . . strongly recommend it . and thank you very very much ( especially you zaid ?)
Vincent McDonald
Vincent McDonald
I think the guys behind this are gems and this tool is a modern gem for all musicians that wish to jam together when not in the same room - calling it now, this is the way of the future! ??
David Baranowski
David Baranowski
Melomax works very well for jamulus users. Zaid Crowe sets you up in the blink of an eye, and manages any potential problems immediately. If I message him (and I have), he responds within minutes, and solves the issue. The fee is negligible to me, since this service has saved me so much time. I am the Music Director of the Hudson Chorale in lower Westchester county, hosting near 50 singers this semester. The sound is clear and low in latency. The recording process via the server is also easy to manage, and Zaid has updated the software several times to make improvements. Can’t recommend this enough to those interested in trying Jamulus- unless you’re an experienced coder, don’t even think about managing your own server!