

Reviews ( 13 ) 4.0

1.0 Verified
Vento furioso ☺Appartamento senza aria condizionata, ma essendo scoperta sulla costa basta aprire le finestre che entra il vento freddo. Piano terra: piccola cucina, soggiorno e bagno di servizio. Primo piano: una matrimoniale con bagno con vasca e una doppia con letti singoli con bagno con doccia. Piano sotterraneo: è un garage trasformato in salotto con divano e TV, più una camera matrimoniale senza finestra e bagno a vista senza mura e porta. Non l'ho utilizzata ma non penso sia il massimo fare condensa facendo una doccia e poi dormire sulle lenzuola umide del letto a fianco alla doccia. ☹I servizi esterni sono stati inutilizzabili 19 giorni su 21 giorni,causa vento forte e freddo.I vicini di casa hanno eliminato le colonne sul muro esterno e messo dei vetri più alti(vedi foto) Giardino-solarium: dopo 5 minuti sei ghiacciato e pieno di sabbia che vola con il vento Piscina: 6 metri x 3 metri circa,la puliscono 2 volte a settimana,ma si sporca subito di sabbia e bastoncini di palme(vedi foto) Jacuzzi: bella calda,ma ti si ghiaccia la testa ed il collo,bisogna mettere una copertura con 4 mega massi altrimenti vola via(vedi foto) Aerei: passano dalla mattina a tarda notte,così vicini che il rumore è paragonabile ad un tuono che dura circa 25 secondi Formiche: C'è una trappola,ma a quanto pare è inefficace e ritrovarsi le formiche addosso mentre si è sul divano e nel letto non è il massimo. Pulizie e/o cambio lenzuola/asciugamani: non sono previsti,volendo a pagamento Agenzia medano4you: li ho contattati 3 volte: per sistemare una finestra ed il giorno dopo hanno risolto, il secondo giorno per pulire una riga gialla di sporco nella jacuzzi,mi hanno diffidato di non utilizzarla con la crema solare(non l’avevo ancora utilizzata) in quanto non avevano mai avuto problemi con il loro staff. Dopo 9 giorni di vento incessante,ho chiesto gentilmente se mi potevano spostare di struttura considerando che sapevano che stavano affittando una villa martoriata dal vento(infatti sul manuale della casa, indicavano di mettere 4 pietre da 10kg sulla jacuzzi),mi hanno risposto che dovevo tenermela perché loro non controllano il meteo e hanno negato la presenza del vento anche a booking Ho controllato le spiagge della zona e c'erano solo persone che praticano windsurf e kite-surf,comunque tutto El Medano è battuto dal vento.
Reply from villa girasol
Thanks for your response... It looks to me as you were staying at another property ;)... I think you were staying at the northpole instead of at Tenerife, saying that its too cols outside ;) REALLY? The last BOOKING.com guests rated the house with a 10 and the ones before with a 9 and you with a 1? I think it makes no sense to discuss about that because its obvious that your review is not real... I will just very quick go into some details. El Medano is a windy area, has been and will always be, so better to inform yourself BEFORE you come somewhere. You cant book Monaco and complain that the place is too small and has no big comercial centers ;). At all our 120 properties theres INCLUDED change of towels, beachtowels, bedlinen etc... The property is exct as shown on the photos. And yes, if you dont shower BEFORE using the jacuzzi its get dirty, its not a bathtub, neitehr the less we come included in the rental price 2 times per week for pool and jacuzzi cleaning. And obviously we cant let you change the property just because you didnt infirm yourself correctly about the location. Just look at all the other reviews, everyone else before knews where he is going, thats why we received multiple rating with 9 or 10 for this property. So please for your next trip inform yourself where you will be staying instead of giving unfair bad reviews Thanks.
10 Verified
9.0 Verified
7.0 Verified
Good ☺ I was in touch with host via WhatsApp
10 Verified
☺Nie było wielu rzeczy, które nam się nie podobało - dom był naprawdę dobrze wyposażony, w lodówce czekało na nas lokalne wino i piwo. Osoba, która przekazała nam klucze była Polką (pozdrawiamy Klaudio), więc i komunikacja była znacznie uproszczona. Pan czyszczący basen i jacuzzi przez okres naszego pobytu zjawił się 2 razy i było to w pełni wystarczające. Łóżka bardzo wygodne, do tego dostęp do polskiej telewizji i aplikacji typu Netflix. Otrzymaliśmy zestaw ręczników i pomoc od biura - gdy tylko z czymś nie mogliśmy sobie poradzić, wystarczyło skontaktować się z opiekunem (mogliśmy liczyć nawet na pomoc w zamawianiu taksówek, bo wielu mieszkańców wyspy mówi wyłącznie w języku hiszpańskim). Niedaleko domu znajduje się plaża, a do sklepu spożywczego mieliśmy 10 minut spacerkiem. ☹Jedna rzecz, która była nieco dla nas problematyczna to ciśnienie w kranie. Gdy wszystkie łazienki były zajęte (przyjechaliśmy w 6 osób), ciśnienie wody było słabe.
7.0 Verified
☺le jour de notre arrivé les travaux étaient en cours à côté la villa . Nous avons demandé de changer d’établissement. Nous avons attendu jusqu’à 19 h pour être finalement logé dans une belle villa pas très loin. Mais nous avons perdu une journée de nos vacances. Villa girasol était propre bien équipé mais rien de extraordinaire. Attention service ménage est payant et Check in à partir 15 h !
Reply from villa girasol
HI Jara, thanks for your feedback... We did you a favour and changed you property and gave you a FREE UPGRADE to another BIGGER villa because there where some roadworks going on - that you thought were disturbing - elsewise to the previous guests. Legally we had only the obligation to give you a reduction for the days with noise but as a personal favour we gave you another villa, but obviously this villa was not ready for a direct Check In as this was not planned prior. You didnt loose more than 4 hours as you where staying anyway in the other villa, using during the waiting time of rthe updrade villa the pool, jacuzzi and all amenities and then could get a upgrade free of charge! Then you asked for a additional cleaning and we dont include free cleaning daily or whenever you want a cleaning! Thats normal! As well normal is the Check In from 15:00 as its says in our rental conditions and advert the same as in nearly all holiday rental places and hotels all over the world!
5.0 Verified
good stay, quite expensive but not very bad. ☺ n/a ☹ this property is located very close to the airport just under the takeoff path so it was a lot of noise, day and night. it was a lot of heavy wind causing discomfort outside and noise inside and the last one, this heavy wind was bringing a lot of volcanic dust even with the doors and the windows are closed. they tried to fix this dust issue at the front door thought
Reply from villa girasol
Hi Tira, thanks for the message... You gave us a 5 out of 10 but your reviews were 10 out of 10, 10 out of 10, 2,5 out of 10, 5 out of 10, 10 out of 10 and 7,5 out of 10 for all categories. That makes 45 out of 60 points and a total of 7,5 points out of 10 instead of 5. So we dont really understand why your rated us that way. Thats not fair and correct. You had the windiest week of the last years thats correct and yes at El Medano you can hear aircraft noise so fair enough if you rate 45 out of 60 points and give a 7,5 out of a 10 as looks like everything else was perfect i guess. So i dont get your mathematics but i want to advice to everyone who reads this that our "real" review score should be higher due to this uncorrect review. I dont see it expensive at all having a private heated pool, jacuzzi and a corner townhouse with sea views!
9.0 Verified
8.0 Verified
Superbe stay in nice and spacious villa ☺ Spacious house with 4(!) bathrooms with beautiful garden. All kitchen stuff that you need is there. Nice and quiet neighborhood with 2 beaches at walking distance. Pool guy coming twice a week to clean the pool and the jacuzzi. Nice walk to El Medano city. Communication with theoretisch agency is great! ☹ The water pressure is a problem if you want to shower simultaneously in 2 different bathrooms. Curtains need a clean up and some cabinets in the bedrooms need a replacement cause the smell really bad.
8.0 Verified
Very Good
9.0 Verified
Udany pobyt. ☺Spokojna okolica , mieszkanie dobrze wyposażone, zadbany podgrzewany basen. Bardzo dobre i profesjonalne podejście do klienta zespołu Medano 4 you. ☹Warto pomyśleć o montażu moskitier na oknach. Trochę wietrzna okolica .
10 Verified
10 Verified
☺Zona muy tranquila, poco ruido, ideal para desconectar y relajarse.