Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group


Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group Reviews

Excellent rating
150 reviews Verified
Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group


Reviews ( 150 ) 4.5

Solo Yonas
Solo Yonas
Shady business practices. Save yourself the time and go somewhere else.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.06.27
Solo, Thank you for your feedback. We're sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction and take your concerns seriously. Lemon law cases can be complex and time-consuming due to the need for thorough evidence gathering, negotiations, and possible court proceedings. While we strive to resolve cases quickly, these factors can affect the duration. We are committed to transparency and professionalism in all our dealings. Please contact our office directly so we can address your specific concerns and work towards a resolution. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Knight Law Group
Save yourself a headache. Melissa and the whole "firm" are USELESS ! ... .. ( You only get EMPTY promises ) ...
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.06.13
Dear Frankko82, Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We are genuinely sorry to hear about your experience and want to address your concerns. It appears there may be a misunderstanding, as we do not have an employee named Melissa working with our clients. We take your feedback very seriously and want to ensure that we provide you with the best possible assistance. Could you please let us know if you were speaking with someone else from our team? We would like to investigate this matter further and resolve any issues you may have encountered. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we are committed to improving your experience. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Best regards, Knight Law Group
mi kyong choi
mi kyong choi
They have been great help from beginning to the end. Marianne Collazo helped me from the beginning and she has been very polite and explained in detail what I neeed to do and prepare. Towards end of the process, Luis Pagola took over and he also was polite. I thank both of them for their time and service. I highly recommend your law firm for the lemon vehicle issues. Thank you!
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.05.13
Dear Mi, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. At Knight Law Group, we strive to provide exceptional service to each of our clients, and we're delighted to hear that Marianne and Luis were able to assist you effectively. We appreciate your kind words about Marianne's and Luis's professionalism and attention to detail. They take great pride in ensuring that our clients receive the support and guidance they need throughout their journey with us. Your recommendation means a lot to us, and we're honored to have earned your trust in handling your lemon vehicle issues. Should you ever require further assistance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help. Once again, thank you for choosing Knight Law Group. We wish you all the best, and we look forward to continuing to serve you. Warm regards, Knight Law Group
Mary Hernandez
Mary Hernandez
Mi caso no fue tomado con el profesionalismo que se debía, y duró mucho tiempo y por eso aunque se dijo que gane, no fue lo justo, duró 5 años.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.05.06
Mary, Lamento escuchar sobre su insatisfacción con su experiencia y le agradezco que se haya tomado el tiempo para compartir sus preocupaciones. En nuestro bufete de abogados de ley de limón, nos esforzamos por brindar a cada cliente el más alto nivel de profesionalismo y dedicación durante todo el proceso legal. Sin embargo, está claro que no cumplimos con sus expectativas en esta ocasión, y por eso, le ofrecemos nuestras sinceras disculpas. Navegar por las complejidades legales de los casos de ley de limón puede llevar tiempo, a menudo debido a las intrincadas leyes involucradas y las circunstancias únicas de cada caso. Siempre apuntamos a resolver los casos de manera eficiente, pero la duración puede variar según factores como la cooperación de las partes involucradas, la complejidad del caso y los procedimientos legales involucrados. Con respecto al tiempo de su caso, entiendo que cinco es un período prolongado. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que los procedimientos legales a veces pueden prolongarse debido a varios factores, incluidas las negociaciones, los procedimientos judiciales y la necesidad de recopilación exhaustiva de documentación y evidencia. En cuanto al resultado de su caso, es crucial enfatizar que nuestro objetivo es lograr resoluciones justas y equitativas para nuestros clientes. Si bien entendemos su frustración con la duración del proceso, tenga en cuenta que nuestro equipo trabajó diligentemente para abogar en su nombre y asegurar el mejor resultado posible dadas las circunstancias. Si desea discutir sus preocupaciones más a fondo o proporcionar comentarios adicionales, no dude en comunicarse con nuestra oficina. Valoramos sus comentarios y estamos comprometidos a mejorar continuamente nuestros servicios para servir mejor a nuestros clientes. Gracias por compartir su experiencia con nosotros, y una vez más, le pedimos disculpas por cualquier inconveniente que pueda haber experimentado. -Knight Law Group
Momma G
Momma G
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.03.25
Thank you so much for your five-star review! We're thrilled to hear that you had a positive experience with our lemon law firm. At Knight Law Group, we're dedicated to providing top-notch legal representation and guidance to our clients, and it's always rewarding to hear that we've been able to meet your expectations. If you ever need assistance in the future or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help and support you every step of the way. Thanks again for choosing Knight Law Group, and we wish you all the best.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.02.28
Dear Efren, Thank you for sharing your feedback, and we apologize for any frustration or inconvenience you may have experienced. At Knight Law Group, we review each case meticulously, considering various factors, including repair orders and repairs conducted under warranty, to determine if we can effectively pursue legal action. While we strive to assist as many individuals as possible, regrettably, there are instances where we may not be able to take on a case due to various reasons, such as insufficient evidence to support a claim or legal limitations. We understand how disappointing this outcome can be, especially after reaching out for assistance. If you have any further questions or would like additional clarification regarding our decision, please don't hesitate to call us directly. We value your time and input and would welcome the opportunity to address any concerns you may have. Thank you for considering Knight Law Group, and we wish you the best of luck in resolving your legal matters. Knight Law Group
Joaquin Velazquez
Joaquin Velazquez
If I could give 6 stars I would. Knight Law Group took great care of me during my Lemon Law case. From Andrea Martinez to Luis Pagola to Alex Dickerson and the many lawyers assigned to my case. I could not have a better team to represent me. I hope to never have to go through this process again but if I do, you better believe I'm using Knight Law Group. Thank you so much for all you hard work.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.02.02
Dear Joaquin, Thank you so much for your incredibly kind words and fantastic review! We're thrilled to hear that our team, including Andrea Martinez, Luis Pagola, Alex Dickerson, and the rest of the lawyers assigned to your case, provided you with the excellent care and representation you deserved during your Lemon Law case. At Knight Law Group, we strive to deliver top-notch service, and your feedback serves as a great source of motivation for our entire team. We genuinely appreciate your trust in us and are delighted that you had a positive experience with our services. We understand that dealing with legal matters can be challenging, and we are grateful for the opportunity to support you through it. If you ever find yourself in need of assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all the best and thank you again for choosing Knight Law Group!
Osvaldo Ruiz
Osvaldo Ruiz
I’ve been waiting for almost 10 years for a settlement and all I get is the runaround with no results
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2024.01.23
Osvaldo, thank you for sharing your experience with us. We acknowledge your frustration and would like to provide some clarity on the situation. Navigating the legal process can be intricate, particularly in cases like yours. Decisions and timelines are determined by the court system, and regrettably, we don't have control over these aspects. We understand the challenges you've faced in obtaining updates on your case, and we sincerely apologize for any confusion. In California, cases with multiple plaintiffs and similar complaints may be designated as Judicial Council Coordinated Proceedings (JCCP). It's possible that your case falls under this category, contributing to the extended timeline. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out, we will be happy to assist you.
Ruben Serrano
Ruben Serrano
I recommend knight law group because they stayed with me in all the process and I can said they help the customers 100% and I'm totally satisfied with their help.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.11.08
Ruben, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with Knight Law Group. We're thrilled to hear that you had a positive experience with us and that you feel 100% satisfied with our services. At Knight Law Group, we take great pride in assisting our clients throughout the Lemon Law process and ensuring that their needs are met to the fullest. We appreciate your trust in us and are delighted to have been able to help you. If you ever have any more questions or need further assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you. Thank you once again for choosing Knight Law Group, and we wish you all the best.
Nicola Angiuli
Nicola Angiuli
The best lemon law attorney in California. Excellent service great communication and they know how to fight for your rights.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.10.23
Nicola, We greatly appreciate your positive feedback! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with our lemon law firm. It's always our goal to provide top-notch service and effective representation for our clients in California. We're pleased to hear that you found our services excellent and our communication helpful. Rest assured, we will continue to fight diligently for your rights and for the rights of all our clients. If you ever have any further questions or need assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for choosing us to represent you.
Enrique Oregel
Enrique Oregel
Pésimo servicio tengo desde el año 2019 con mi caso y me siguen dando largas en el asunto hasta la actualidad septiembre del 2023 y sigo esperando
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.09.21
Enrique, Apreciamos que se haya tomado el tiempo para compartir sus preocupaciones sobre el progreso de su caso y queremos extender nuestras sinceras disculpas por la frustración que ha experimentado desde el 2019. Entendemos lo importante que es que su caso se resuelva de manera oportuna y compartimos su decepción por la prolongada duración de este proceso. Queremos aclarar que la programación de las fechas de la corte y el ritmo al que avanzan los casos legales son determinados por el sistema judicial, y como proveedores de servicios legales, no tenemos control sobre estos factores. Los procedimientos judiciales, incluida la programación de casos, están sujetos a varios variables, como la disponibilidad de la corte, la complejidad del caso y las acciones de todas las partes involucradas. Es importante señalar que el plazo de su caso puede haberse prolongado debido a factores fuera de nuestro control, como las acciones o decisiones tomadas por el demandado u otras partes involucradas en el caso. Estamos comprometidos en representar sus intereses y abogar por una resolución de la manera más eficiente posible. Entendemos su frustración y queremos asegurarle que hemos estado trabajando diligentemente en su caso, haciendo todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para hacerlo avanzar. Continuaremos monitoreando de cerca su caso, proporcionándole actualizaciones y explorando todas las vías disponibles para acelerar el proceso. Si tiene preocupaciones o preguntas específicas sobre el estado de su caso o desea obtener más información sobre los factores que contribuyen a la demora, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestro equipo. Estamos aquí para apoyarlo y brindarle claridad sobre el progreso de su caso. Una vez más, nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente que haya experimentado durante este proceso prolongado y agradecemos su paciencia y confianza en nuestros servicios. Tenga en cuenta que seguimos comprometidos en lograr una resolución que esté en su mejor interés. Knight Law Group, LLP - Centro de Acción Legal
I am completely happy with Knight Law group, they help us with our case. They're very professional and they keep you updated all the time. Thanks Knight Law group, I am definitely highly recommend them.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.06.12
Hi Adrian, Thank you so much for your wonderful review of Knight Law Group! We are thrilled to hear that you are completely satisfied with our services and that we were able to assist you with your case effectively. Our team takes great pride in providing professional and attentive service to our clients, and we are delighted to know that we kept you well-informed throughout the process. Your recommendation means a lot to us, and we truly appreciate your trust in our firm.
Jorge Lomeli
Jorge Lomeli
Muy satisfactorio del resultado y muy buena compensación que lograron juntarme
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.05.17
Jorge, estamos muy felices de saber que está satisfecho con el resultado de su caso. Nos enorgullece ser una firma centrada en el cliente, nos sentimos orgullosos de haberlo representado.
carls gomz
carls gomz
Very good
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.03.21
Hi Carls, thank you for the compliment. As lemon law experts, we take great pride in delivering the best client experience.
alondra haro
alondra haro
All the staff that helped us were extremely patient, helpful, and informative throughout our case. They explain step by step what to expect and did not give you false hope. The time frame that they had provided to us initially, was approximately how long our case took. Overall, I highly recommend if you need help with a lemon law case. Great people and very helpful.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.02.23
Alondra, we are very happy to hear that you are so satisfied with the outcome of your Lemon Law case. We pride ourselves on creating a client-centric firm and reading your kind review means we are on the right track. We are proud to have represented you.
Doris Cruz
Doris Cruz
Excellent Lemon Law Representatives. The whole entire staff was marvelous. I will definitely recommend this firm to anybody going through the same Lemon Law experience.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.01.21
Thank you Doris for the review! As lemon law advocates, we strive put to the client first. We are very happy that you had such a positive experience.
luis fuentes
luis fuentes
Danitza Maravilla was very efficient and gentle with my Case she took the time to review all the information and guide me to the process. Thanks for your time and support.
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2023.01.19
Luis, thank you so much for recognizing Danitza. Danitza is dedicated to helping our clients navigate the lemon law and ensure each person understands their consumer rights. Thank you for choosing Knight Law Group!
David Leon
David Leon
Muy buen servicio muy profesionales
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2022.12.07
David, muchas gracias por tu reseña. Como defensores de la ley limón, nos enorgullecemos de mantener los más altos estándares profesionales cuando trabajamos con nuestros valiosos clientes. David, thank you so much for your review. As lemon law advocates, we pride ourselves in maintaining the highest professional standards when working with our valued clients.
Don Brown
Don Brown
Bought a new vehicle in April 2022. Within 6 months the vehicle had been to the shop twice and a total of 11 weeks. I contacted Knight Law Group and was assisted by Melissa. Melissa was great and helped me receive a buy back offer from the manufacturer. I am finally relieved to be rid of the car! Thanks Melissa and the Knight Law Group!!!
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2022.12.05
Don, thank you for recognizing Melissa's commitment to our clients. When it comes to Lemon Law, Melissa is a committed veteran in helping our clients achieve a positive outcome. We are gratified to know you are pleased with our services and received the resolution you were seeking.
cleiton siqueira
cleiton siqueira
Recomiendo fueran leones en la lucha e nunca desistieron hasta lograr la victoria 🏆 👍👍
Reply from Lemon Law Help by Knight Law Group 2022.11.15
Hi Cleiton, thank you for your review. When it comes to lemon law, we do fight like lions on behalf of our clients. You deserve a strong advocate and we are happy to know you are satisfied. Hola Cleiton, gracias por tu reseña. Cuando se trata de la ley limón, luchamos como leones en nombre de nuestros clientes. Usted merece un firme defensor y nos complace saber que está satisfecho.