London tour guide Konrad Wolk

London tour guide Konrad Wolk Reviews

Excellent rating
64 reviews Verified
London tour guide Konrad Wolk


Reviews ( 4 ) 5.0

Jhajk jhg
Jhajk jhg
Konrad - najlepszy przewodnik po Londynie i okolicach Jeśli szukasz najlepszego przewodnika po Londynie i okolicach, to Konrad jest jedynym słusznym wyborem! Już dawno nie spotkaliśmy tak dobrze przygotowanej osoby, której wielkim atutem jest oprowadzanie w języku polskim. Konrad nie tylko doskonale zna wszystkie zakątki Londynu, ale również potrafi przekazać swoją wiedzę w sposób niezwykle interesujący i pełen humoru. Podczas zwiedzania w Jego towarzystwie bawiliśmy się wyśmienicie. Jego poczucie humoru sprawia, że nawet najbardziej poważne historie nabierają lekkiego i zabawnego charakteru. Konrad potrafi wciągnąć w opowieść każdego, od najmłodszych po najstarszych uczestników wycieczki. Następnym razem, gdy będziemy planować wycieczkę do Londynu, bez wahania ponownie skorzystamy z usług Konrada. Polecamy go z całego serca każdemu, kto chce poznać Londyn z najlepszej strony!
i am barry
i am barry
Like Spending The Day With A Friend I spend 2.5 Days with Konrad in London. We toured Windsor Castle/Hampton Court Castle in one day. The Cotsowlds another day and then Westminster Abbey in another day! He's so knowledgeable. He was kind, friendly, and incredbily accomodating! He's funny and just so kind and respectful!
Suki M
Suki M
Walking Tour, Hampton Court Palace Konrad was amazing to work with warm friendly professional and also a lot of fun. He took us for a walking tour around the house of commons et cetera and also took us to Hampton Court Palace. He had a wealth of knowledge and with his lovely sense of humour it made it fun to learn and enjoy, I will use him again! I highly recommend him!
Another Great Tour with Konrad! We just completed our second tour with Konrad (the first being six months prior, to Stonehenge and Bath). The first tour was so good that we decided to hire him again. This most recent tour focused on Westminster Abbey and the Royal Courts of Justice. We had previously been to Westminster Abbey alone on several prior occasions. What a difference touring Westminster with Konrad was. He explained every nook and cranny of the interior and exterior of the building. Every question was met with a highly-informative response. The Royal Courts of Justice/Inns of Court area were fantastic. He even took us inside, to see some working courtrooms. Konrad even joined us for lunch and provided great company and stimulating conversation — just what an American tourist would want from their British tour guide. We will be hiring Konrad again!