
Get Chill Travel And Tour's Reviews

Excellent rating
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Reviews ( 15 ) 5.0

A brilliant, fun and reliable guide with lots of local knowledge We spent a few days in Wadduwa and had the pleasure of meeting Sangi whist staying there. First day he took us to the local town so that we could do some shopping. The next day he came to take us out on an adventure up the coast - first to Beruwala where we spent some lovely time snorkelling by the coral reef. Sangi has a friend here who we could have gone out in a boat with to the Lighthouse too if we had wanted to. We then went onwards to Bentota and Sangi took us to a great beach where another friend of his sorted us out with sun loungers towels, and fresh King Coconuts to drink. We also had a nice lunch at a cafe just across the railway line. It was lovely. On the way back to Wadduwa we stopped off in Kalutara to pick up some souveniers. He also took us to the Bodhi tree temple. We highly recommend booking Sangi and his company for a tour in Sri Lanka. Book him up before you arrive as I'm sure he'd arrange some really cool stuff. Thanks for a great day out Sangi!
Alex A
Alex A
Amazing My wife and I had a wonderful vacation in Sri Lanka. We would like to express our great gratitude to Sangeeth and his company Get Chill Travel And Tour's. Thanks to him, we fell in love with Sri Lanka. We saw the unreal beauty of nature, amazing animals. But most importantly, thanks to Sangeeth, we recognised the locals, who turned out to be very kind, open and pleasant people! We decided to come next year with the whole family, because we want to show our children the beautiful Sri Lanka. We advise you to feel free to contact Get Chill Travel And Tour's as they are professionals who love their work and approach it with soul!
Excellent guide Sangi is simply fabulous! We hired him 3 times and were always happy. The temple tour in full moon day was amazing.- he explained everything that us an took well care that we could follow the rituals. He speaks German as well as English.
Eric v
Eric v
Kanjer voor trips en vervoer Ik ben voor de 15de keer in Sri-Lanka gekomen en in contact gekomen met Sangi. Hij zat in zijn tuk tuk langs de weg. Ik ben in de 15x in Sri Lanka nog nooit zo voortreffelijk geholpen dan door Sangi!. Hij is vriendelijk en weet overal een oplossing voor, hij weet werkelijk alles, is heel correct in afspraken, hij is super behulpzaam. Hij is voor mij een diamant persoon en ben zeer dankbaar voor wat hij voor mij allemaal regelde en zijn begeleiden naar moeilijk te bereiken plaatsen aangezien ik na 3 herseninfarcten erg beperkt kan bewegen. Sangi is mijn held en ik hoop hem nog veel te zien en mee te maken.
Super Beste Erfahrungen während der Reise mit Get Chill Travel Tours und Sangi durch das wunderschöne Sri Lanka. Der Reiseleiter Sangi spricht fließend Englisch und Deutsch, so sehr empfohlen, seine Touren zu buchen. Best experience while travelling with Get Chill Travel Tours and Sangi through beautiful Sri Lanka. The tour guide Sangi speaks fluent English and German, so highly recommended to book his tours.
One day in Wadduwa Sangi ci ha accompagnato per un breve tour in Wadduwa alla fine della nostra vacanza ed è stata un’esperienza davvero bellissima e autentica. Siamo venuti in Sri Lanka con i nostri due bambini di 3 e 1 anno e posso dire solo che mi spiace non averlo conosciuto prima. Sangi è un Driver attento, esperto e premuroso, una persona capace di rendere un viaggio anche breve davvero unico e di capire le esigenze dei suoi clienti. Grazie ancora 🙏
Sylvia G
Sylvia G
Einfach Perfekt! Wir haben im November 2022 eine 3-tägige Tour unternommen. Wir waren in Kandy, Dambulla, Polonnaruwa und im Yala Nationalpark. Es war einzigartig! Von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute fühlten wir uns bestens aufgehoben. Service, Unterhaltung und Organisation waren einfach super. Mit viel Herzlichkeit wurden uns die Sehenswürdigkeiten gezeigt und erklärt. Vielen Dank für die wunderschöne Zeit und wir sehen uns 2024 wieder.
Simon H
Simon H
Highly recommended for trips Highly recommended. We took a day tour to Colombo in a comfortable car. It was the right. Sangi was flexible, friendly and an informative tour guide, ensuring we made the most of the experience. He's got a depth of experience in tourism and has pulled together a lovely company and i won't hesitate to use again
Laura E
Laura E
Great Value Sri Lankan Tours This was our first trip to Sri Lanka and having done our research, we had a list of places to visit. Sanghi was able to pull together an itinerary for a great price. Sanghi has a vast array of local knowledge and made a great tour guide for three days. Highly recommend!
Jessica G
Jessica G
Bester Reiseführer Wir haben einiges gesehen. Syghiria , Safari , Tempeln , Richmand Castle. Tolle Führung. Nur zu empfehlen.
Steve D
Steve D
Great guide, flexible and friendly…super experience …. Great guide, so flexible to your requirements….even pick you up from the airport … Whenever you need something , Sangi is a great contact to be in touch with …he has so much local knowledge. Cant wait to return , such a beautiful place ……
Christoph S
Christoph S
Get Chilled Rundreise - gute Erfahrung mit Sangi und Team Ich habe im April 23 spontan bei Get Chilled eine Rundreise von 5 Tagen gebucht. Die Reisecrew hat sich excellent auf meine Interessen eingestellt und mir Natur und Kultur zum Miterleben vorgestellt. Aus 5 Tagen wurden schliesslich 10 Tage Rundreise mit Übernachtung von Ort zu Ort. Die Kommunikation mit Sangi, dem Reiseleiter, war in deutsch und englisch verständlich und freundschaftlich. Ich würde Get Chilled jederzeit für geführte Ausflüge sehr empfehlen.
Brigitte B
Brigitte B
Geht chill with Sangi Sri Lanka is a beautiful country and SANGI was a wonderful guide! I would travel across the country with him again and again!!
Awesome time thank you Excellent trips, nice people and an overall nice travel agency. Hope to travel with you again soon ❤️ greetings from Germany
Great times in Sri Lanka I have known Sangi for many years and he a very attentative host and guide. He is always aiming to fulfil the guests' wishes and needs. And he is keen on introducing his beautiful home country to the guests. Sangi makes sure that guests have the opportunity to see Sri Lanka also off the beaten track. He loves his job and his country. And he will make you fall in love with Sri Lanka too. I am looking forward to returning to Sri Lanka (12th time) in September. And taking more road trips with Sangi.