Aria Hotel Budapest by Library Hotel Collection

Aria Hotel Budapest by Library Hotel Collection Reviews

Excellent rating
1966 reviews Verified
Aria Hotel Budapest by Library Hotel Collection


Reviews ( 1969 ) 5.0

chen f
chen f
强行锁定三年,郭文贵撕掉画皮露出豺狼狰狞面目 被高额债务和罚金搞的焦头烂额的郭文贵最近给大伙用几个迷之操作诠释了一下什么叫“搬起石头砸了自己的脚”和“装不下去了就暴露”。冥冥之中感觉大祸临头的郭文贵为了苟延残喘而做最后一搏,就把卖力吆喝了几个月的三无产品“喜币”这个半吊子货拿出来圈钱。但是因为这玩意先天不足、漏洞太多,尽管郭文贵化身勤奋达人,没日没夜的在直播间疯狂推销,圈钱效果依旧不理想。 郭文贵急急忙忙推出喜币,是因为最近因为一系列的罚款搞的资金紧张,急需资金回笼。而且美国司法部门的调查也在稳步推进,郭文贵发现自己时日不多,自然要做垂死挣扎,能骗一点是一点。但是这几年下来,自己已经臭名昭著,所以喜币的关注度和投资力度自然感人。压力山大的郭文贵精虫上脑,居然干出了一处自编自演喜币“驴打滚”疯狂上涨的荒诞剧。当然蚂蚁们也不是什么善财童子,喜币既然上涨“喜人”,自然要去变现,结果发现根本不能提现。在一片质疑声中,郭文贵气急败坏,破口大骂自揭家丑的“不肖子孙”财经真相,对实力打脸的赵长鹏更是恶语相向,恨不得生啖其肉。万般无奈之下,郭文贵又贼喊捉贼的表演一下提现现场,然后“痛心疾首 ”的宣布,钱被几个毛贼卷跑了。呸!这种无脑伎俩骗鬼鬼都不信。
Fahim Boulos
Fahim Boulos
Wonderful Hotel / Amazing City We were traveling in Europe when the Omicron Covid variant hit. We had to adjust travel plans on the fly based on the change in travel restrictions. Aria Hotel were so helpful and accommodating. They extended our stay as requested and still honored the rate we had previously booked at. The hotel itself is located adjacent to the St. Stephen's Basilica. This is a great location with lots of great restaurants and bars. The moment you step out of the hotel you are in middle of it all. There was a Christmas Market right in front of the Basilica that we visited every night. Happy hour, with free wine and cheese, was offered every evening between 4 and 6pm. The Sky Bar was amazing with incredible views and drinks. Look for Richard - bar manager - he's a really cool guy! Finally, we were upgraded to a room that was so comfortable it actually felt like we were home. This hotel does not disappoint! The city itself has an incredible energy. The people are so happy and friendly - it's really quite refreshing. It was great to visit in winter and we will be back to experience it in the summer.
Clinton S
Clinton S
A great experience! The hotel is beautiful. The staff welcoming and friendly. Everyone spoke beautiful English. The rooftop bar with a great view is at Stephens is a must see. Great location and walking distance from everything you would want to see.
Mister Holiday
Mister Holiday
Schöner letzer Abend in Budapest Wir hatten das Vergnügen die tolle Skybar am letzten Abend unseres Budapest Trips zu besuchen. Tolles Essen, leckere Drinks, und sehr nettes und professionelles Team. Die Krönung, die Aussicht auf dem Rooftop, man hat den Blick über ganz Budapest.
Michelle G
Michelle G
A wonderful experience in the heart of Budapest I recently hosted Talent for the MTV Europe Music Awards in the hotel. Exceptional service, flawless responses to every request and I threw in a massive party that had to be turned around within 24 hours. The hotel transformed the High Note Sky Bar into an incredible DJ vibe and VIP area. The service is probably the best I have received in the world and I travel extensively. The rooms are bright and comfortable with a beautiful spa and excellent masseuse. If you want to be treated exceptionally well and made truly welcome, this is the place. It is in the heart of it all and I cannot wait to come back as a guest.
Die Sachsen
Die Sachsen
Erstklassiges Luxushotel in bester Budapester Lage Das Aria stellt alle bisher in Europa besuchten Stadthotels in den Schatten. Ein sehr schönes Zimmer (Liszt Studio), ein aufmerksames und dezentes Personal und eine erstklassige Rooftopbar mit perfektem Service haben uns beeindruckt. Lediglich das Frühstück war, vermutlich coronabedingt, eher mittelmäßig.
Great experience! We were very pleased with Aria Hotel Budapest by Library Hotel Collection. They were clean, comfortable, well-maintained and offered a nice variety of food not forgetting the full 24/7 WI-FI. This was great . I left the country more learned and more exposed. I would love to recommend Aria Hotel Budapest by Library Hotel Collection to any person .
Pramuk L
Pramuk L
โรงแรมดีเหมาะแก่การมาพัก ตั้งแต่ได้มาเยือนโรงแรมแห่งนี้ก็ทำให้ฉันมีความสุขสุด ไหนจะวิวทิวทัศน์ที่สวยตั้งแต่หน้าโรงแรมจนถึงข้างในห้องพัก อีกทั้งอาหารอย่างหรูหราหมาเห่าชนิดเทียบร้านอาหารดังๆได้ ฉะนั้นถ้าใครอยากมาพักฉันขอแนะนำโรงแรมนี้เป็นที่แรก
Paul C
Paul C
Great to be back again The Aria has been our 'happy place' since opening in 2015. So pleased to see the hotel has survived COVID is back up and as welcoming as ever. Special thanks to the front desk team of Kornel, Barbara and Vivien for looking after us so well - nothing too much trouble and anticipating every need - especially as the owner just happened to be visiting at the same time! Lovely relaxing departure morning in the spa - thanks Olga and team.
A Love Letter to what hotels aspire to be! This place is a true Love Letter to what hotels aspire to be. It starts with the staff as soon as you walk through the doors for the first time. They embrace you like family and nurture you like good parents do for their children. The place itself is gorgeous and spares no expense for it’s uniqueness of the music theme. The rooftop lounge, the spa, the garden breakfast - all are amazing! This place is a true gem, centrally located in the heart of exactly where you would want to start sightseeing in Budapest.. While traveling all throughout the world, I’ve been very privileged to stay in fine places, but this place and its people who work here set the bar at a new level that is not invasive or overly fancy, but so friendly that I want to give every one of them a big hug and take them home with us - but maybe its because I’m American. I think it’s because this whole place and the people working here are that lovable! And those who work here, whether at check-in or a bit behind the scenes, are all that dang great at making you feel special. The place is a red herring. It seems too good to be true, yet here it is. If you are spending your hard earned money to come to Budapest and can afford this jewel, you’d be silly not to stay here.
Esra I
Esra I
Çok kötü 29 eylül ve 2 ekim arasında Budapeşte aria otelde eşimle beraber konakladik.  Bu otelin 5 yıldızlı olduğuna inanmak hiç mümkün değil. Daha ilk günden yeni almış olduğum Prada marka parfümüm odadan ÇALINDI!!!!!!!!! ve resepsiyonda bizimle alay eder gibi temizlikçinin 2015 ten beri yanlarında çalıştıgını ve böyle bir şey yapmayacağını söylediler!!!Kontrol edeceğiz dediler ama bir geri dönüş olmadı ve özür bile dilemediler!!! Bir daha asla bu otelde kalmam! Otelin komforla da hiç bir alakası yok. Her yer çok küçük ve sıkışık. Dekorasyon renkleri ve eşyaları çok kötü. Hiç bir şekilde rahat etmedim. Gitmeyi düşünenlere de tavsiyem bütün eşyalarınızı kilitleyin açıkta bırakmayın!!!!!!!
John C
John C
Lovely Budapest Stayed for 3 nights with my wife and really enjoyed our stay. Good location, very nice room and staff was so so friendly. I really like the breakfast with many options. Surely will come back again with family.
Location…. Stayed here for two nights and really enjoyed it. Location is fantastic, right beside the basilica. The hotel also feels brand new, very lux and with high ceilings everywhere. Spa area also really nice. We didn’t get to use the roof top bar, but the view was excellent so I’d recommend you walk up to see it
Loved Budapest despite the Aria This was a three star experience for us but might be a four or five star experience for those who do not need car access and do not need to eat in the hotel. Don’t even think of staying at Aria if driving a car. We registered our number plate well in advance but it didn’t make any difference. You sit at the bollard for ten minutes with vehicles piling up behind you out into the major thoroughfare. You phone the hotel. They phone somebody. Five minutes later the bollard goes down and you can enter the hotel street. A stressful introduction to the Aria which is repeated every time you return from a day out. The hotel will say this is outside their control but this is a review of the experience not an allocation of blame. Aria does not have a restaurant. It is closed due to “covid restrictions” despite the fact that there have been no such restrictions for a couple of months. What it has is a wildly overpriced snackbar menu in the bar on the roof. They charge an automatic 15% for (non-existent) service and then leave a tip line to catch the unwary. The only really positive aspect was the front desk who were wonderful at recommending and booking restaurants and activities. I just wish I’d asked them to book us a better hotel!
marie b
marie b
Manifique hôtel Magnifique hôtel aux prestations d'exception, suite luxueuse et confortable. La réception, le salon, le SPA : tout est parfait, le service est sans défauts, c'est l'endroit rêvé pour une pause bien méritée. Le roof top au coucher du soleil est sensationnel.
the traveller
the traveller
Aria hotel. Not a bad hotel in Budapest but.... Very difficult to rate this hotel that everywhere stands that it was rated first hotel in the world by TripAdvisor not so long ago. The spot is perfectly located in the center of Pest. Everything clean and nice. Specially the rooftop bar. The service was good and nice but I would like to make some comments regarding details that should be really improved seriously. The light system in the rooms is to be revised as it is impossible to chose the light you want to use. Make the tv work is also a challenge for normal people. If you are a smoker do not rent a room with balcony as they will never allow you to smoke. The balconies are called with music garden view but there is no garden. The worst thing is that the valet parking is to be paid everyday even if you do not use it. They park you car in a nearby parking lot and they make you pay more expensive as they need to make benefits. I could understand this but they also make you pay everyday a fee of money for the valet parking. They only parked our car the first day and gave it back to us twelve days later but we paid 150 euros for the everyday valet parking. Nice!!!! This is not the level of a traditional 5 stars hotel. The rest was nice and small details can ruin a solid reputation. As customers we can say that we were interested by using the place for an event but finally we will certainly make it elsewhere.
Calum S
Calum S
Simply brilliant Possibly the best hotel I have ever stayed in. The rooms are large with a bath, coffee machine and balcony. The service was fantastic and the decor beautiful. It is music themed, so each room is themed with a musical artist or artists, including books about them. I thought the shower was quite average compared to the luxury of the rest of the room but it was still absolutely fine. The pool area is very nice also.
Párját ritkítóan magas színvonal Egy üzleti bemutató vendégeként látogattam meg a szállodát. Már az előcsarnok és a lobbi is elvarázsolt a berendezésével, a nem öncélúan alkalmazott rendhagyó megoldásokkal. Először a bar és a tetőterasz, meg a földszinti különterem, annak technikai berendezése és a büféebéd erősített meg abban, hogy az Aria Hotel nem méltatlanul vált a pesti belváros egyik leginkább elismert szállodájává.
Amazing This place is just amazing. The room was stunning with an internal balcony that looks down over the ground floor of the hotel. The hotel lounge / reception where afternoon tea is served every day with live music is designed and furnished beautifully and is just so grand. The rooftop bar has an indoor and outdoor area and was just perfect, a great place to come back to for cocktails after being out and about in the city. Location could not be better, everything was so easy to get to we didn't have to get cabs or use public transport once. The hotel staff couldn't do enough for us and they booked a night time river cruise trip for us. We were so happy that we stayed here it really made our trip be the best.
George P
George P
A beautiful roof-garden restaurant with excellent view to the city. we had a special Privat event there with 20 people! The service and food was excellent as it must be in a good 5 star hotel restaurant! as the event was organised before official opening hours, the chef of kitchen and some waiters came earlier that day, everything was perfect! We ordered the food already in advance, so it was prepared and served quick!