HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic

HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic Reviews

Excellent rating
409 reviews Verified
HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic


Reviews ( 409 ) 4.9

Anthony Castelletti
Anthony Castelletti
Accueil et prestation à la hauteur de mes attentes les plus exigeantes
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.19
Cher Anthony, nous vous remercions chaleureusement pour vos gentils mots. Nous sommes ravis que vous soyez satisfait de notre service. À la prochaine!
Philippe Straforelli
Philippe Straforelli
L'expérience a été très agréable L'expérience a été très agréable. J'ai longtemps hésité avant de choisir une clinique et franchir le pas de la greffe de cheveux. Après avoir eu un premier contact avec le correspondant français, j'ai eu un devis gratuit live vidéo avec le docteur, puis tout s'est déroulé facilement. A l'arrivée, un chauffeur de taxi, Adàm, très sympathique est venu nous récupérer pour nous amener jusqu'à notre hôtel ibis styles. Là aussi rien à redire : très propre et personnel sympa. Budapest est une très jolie ville assez sécure et ses habitants très aimables. Arrivé à la clinique, j'ai été pris en charge par une femme interprète qui m'a suivis tout le long de l'opération. La docteur m'a ensuite expliqué le déroulement de l'opération et c'est parti !. Franchement je ne peux pas dire que j'ai eu mal. Passé les premières mini injection, j'ai plus rien senti. J'ai même dormi Pendant l'extraction !!. Ensuite la greffe s'est faite pendant que je regardais Netflix sur une TV le tout dans une ambiance très pro mais conviviale grâce à mon interprète. Merci encore à elle. Après un peu plus de 5000 cheveux plantés, fin de l'opération et petit bilan avec la docteur qui m'a donné mes médicaments et les recommandations d'après opération. Le tout très bien résumé dans un document qui réponds à toutes les interrogations. Franchement ça été une très bonne expérience et j'ai hâte d'y retourner (je dois avoir un une deuxième greffe pour tout couvrir). Concernant les résultats, là je suis à +6 jours et pour l'instant tout se passe comme prévu. Bref je vous recommande Hairpalace et si vous voulez un petit conseil prenez quelques jours de plus pour visiter la ville. N'hésitez plus pour sauter le pas. Perso, je me demande pourquoi j'ai attendu. Rien que de voir des petits cheveux plantés sur mon crâne me donne le sourire. Date de l'expérience: 10 octobre 2023
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.19
Merci beaucoup, Philippe, pour ce retour détaillé! Nous sommes ravis que votre expérience ait été positive. Nous apprécions votre recommandation et nous réjouissons de vous revoir.
Khaled OMAR
Khaled OMAR
Bonjour, j'ai fait une intervention il y a deux jours, lorsque j'ai envoyé mes photos, ils m'ont 5000 cheveux sans parler que j'ai besoin 3 intervention, lors de l'intervention ils ont rasé mes cheveux et ont prélevé les cheveux à implantés et la mauvaise surprise étaient que ces cheveux vont co uvrir une petite partie portant la DR m'a dit que j'ai une bonne zone donneuse Ce moment je ne pouvais pas rien faire et j'ai dû accepter de les implanter car ils ont déjà prélevé mes cheveux sans me dire avant . Faire attention il y a d'arnaques . Vérifiez tout avant ces gens sont mal honnêtes
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.16
Cher Monsieur OMAR, Merci pour votre retour. Nous sommes désolés que vous ne soyez pas satisfait de votre procédure et nous nous excusons pour l'inconvénience et la confusion causées. Sur la base de vos photos, nous avons recommandé 5 000 cheveux et précisé que les cheveux seraient implantés uniquement sur la zone de la tonsure. Même avec une bonne zone donneuse, il existe une limite au nombre de cheveux que nous pouvons extraire et implanter en une seule opération afin de garantir que le cuir chevelu puisse guérir correctement et que les implants puissent pousser de manière optimale. Si vous avez d'autres questions ou commentaires, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à Cordialement, L'équipe de HairPalace
Mathias Wittib
Mathias Wittib
Top Service Sehr gute Behandlung Das Team ist äußerst professionell Kann es jeden empfehlen, man merkt, das Team weiß, was es tut
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.16
Lieber Mathias, vielen Dank für Ihre positive Rückmeldung. Es freut uns, dass Sie mit unserem Service zufrieden sind. Wir schätzen Ihre Empfehlung sehr. Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
tim _
tim _
Ich hatte heute meine erste Haartransplantation und bin sehr zufrieden! Das Personal war stets nett, bemüht und hilfsbereit. Daher hatte ich jederzeit das Gefühl in guten Händen zu sein. Sowohl vor, als auch nach der Operation wurde alles sehr durchdacht kommuniziert und mit Dokumenten an die Patienten übermittelt. Das Appartement welches im Paket enthalten ist, entspricht definitiv Hotelstandards und war sehr sauber und ordentlich. Zudem befinden sich im Umkreis einige Supermärkte.
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.13
Lieber Tim, wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie mit unserer Leistung zufrieden sind! Ein grosses Dankeschön für Ihre positive Rückmeldung. Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unsere höchste Priorität. Freundliche Grüße.
Davide Ferrero
Davide Ferrero
Clinica molto bella e organizzata. Professionalità e qualità del personale. Consiglio
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.11
Grazie mille, Davide! Siamo lieti che tu abbia apprezzato la nostra professionalità e qualità. Il tuo consiglio è molto apprezzato. A presto!
mrtartaruga 20
mrtartaruga 20
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.11
Dear MrTartaruga, Thank you for your feedback. We're thrilled to see you had a positive experience with us. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us. Best regards, Your Company's Team
Christophe Trubuil
Christophe Trubuil
Super équipe et beau résultat !
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.08
Cher Christophe, nous vous remercions pour vos compliments. C'est un plaisir de savoir que notre équipe et notre travail vous ont satisfait. Bien à vous.
Muddi Amayri
Muddi Amayri
This has been an amazing journey for me to get my hair transplant. Everything from first contact til the very end has made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I was not nervous at any point and there wasn't any pain really. Also the post op they have msg me and asked how i was feeling and they got some pics of the treatmented area. I will highly recommend this to anyone who wants to get a hair transplant.
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.09.09
Thank you for your kind words, Muddi! We're thrilled that you felt comfortable throughout your experience with us. Your recommendation means a lot to our team.
Josh Winchester
Josh Winchester
I thought the service was great very nice to me gave me a lot of the information that I needed very helpful advice and the lunch they gave me was amazing too also when their putting the hairs in they gave me the remote to watch Netflix which I thought was nice Also the guy that picked me up from the airport was very friendly and chatty it was nice to see when your new to Budapest when you don’t leave England very often The apartment is nice and clean I’ve only just had it done yesterday but can’t wait to see what it looks like in months to come The sleeping stage is awkward Thanks again
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.04
Dear Josh, we're thrilled to hear about your positive experience with us! Your kind words encourage us to maintain our high-quality service. We're looking forward to seeing you again! Thank you!
Vincent Buda
Vincent Buda
Bonne communication et conseils en pré et post opération. Très bon travail du docteur Sereny K et présence rassurante et nécessaire d'une interprète. Après un mois je suis satisfait du processus et de l'évolution. Si les résultats se confirment j'ajouterai la 5ème étoile ;-)
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.05
Cher Vincent, merci pour vos aimables paroles. Nous sommes ravis de savoir que vous êtes satisfait de nos services. Nous attendons avec impatience votre cinquième étoile !
christophe joskowicz
christophe joskowicz
Super accueil propre le personnel et au top
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.04
Cher Christophe, merci pour vos commentaires positifs. Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez apprécié notre personnel. Au plaisir de vous voir bientôt.
Circoloco 84
Circoloco 84
Ich war 2022 in dieser Klinik und war sehr zufrieden. Der Kontakt vorab war freundlich und sehr professionell. Am OP Tag wurde ich über alles aufgeklärt und hatte auch eine Dolmetscherin an meiner Seite falls ich Fragen hatte. Die Ärztin arbeitete sauber und mit dem Endergebnis bin ich sehr zufrieden.Die Operation dauerte ca 7 Stunden. Nach 12-14 Monaten war das Endergebnis zu sehen.
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.04
Lieber Circoloco, vielen Dank für Ihr positives Feedback! Wir freuen uns, dass Sie mit unserer Arbeit und dem Endergebnis zufrieden sind. Herzliche Grüße, Ihr Team.
Martin Kibarovski
Martin Kibarovski
A very pleasant experience! The staff was responsive on emails when arranging everything and very friendly when i met them. The doctor was also lovely, we discussed the procedure and the options, aftercare... The operation went smoothly, they have a TV and you can watch Netflix. We had a break for lunch which was also very tasty. In the end they gave me necessary medication and shirt and a neck pillow as gifts. The price is also affordable and Budapest itself is a beautiful city worth visiting. So if you are considering this go to HairPalace clinic they are very nice you will not be disappointed!
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.04
Thank you for your lovely review, Martin! We're thrilled you had a pleasant experience with our team and enjoyed your visit to Budapest. Your satisfaction is our top priority. We appreciate your endorsement!
gary oconnor
gary oconnor
I have recently returned from my FUE2 procedure with over 5800 hairs implanted from Hair Palace on the 29th September in Budapest. From my initial online consultation two years ago right up until my transfer dropped me to the airport the overall experience was exceptional. A full dedicated surgery suite is allocated solely for you with an incredibly helpful coordinator (Sarah), a clean modern surgery room with all of the latest equipment. You have your own dedicated consultation room for changing and consultations with a delicious lunch provided also mid surgery. A great, clear understandable aftercare service with all medication is provided to ensure you will attain the best results. I would like to personally sincerely thank my Surgeon Dr. Csilla Keleman who was meticulous in defining the hair line I wanted and went the extra mile for me working till 7pm on a Friday to make sure I got the most from the surgery. I can tell that the results will be excellent in some months. Thank you Dr. Keleman. The transfers to apartment and blood clinic and to the airport were on time and friendly drivers. The apartment is clean and modern and perfect to be honest. Was great being able to watch Netflix and ordering food from Volt was the easy. If I look at what I paid to what I got. I know I made a very shrewd investment. You will not go wrong with Hair Palace. I am sincerely mean that. So if you are thinking about it. Get an online consultation and quote at least. The rest is guaranteed in my view.
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.10.02
Dear Gary, thank you for your kind words and detailed feedback. We're thrilled to hear about your positive experience, especially with Dr. Csilla Keleman. Looking forward to serving you again.
Aleksi V
Aleksi V
I chose HairPalace Clinic because there were a lot of before and after pictures, 1-year guarantee, several video testimonies, affordable price, experienced staff, and FREE and comprehensive online consultation with the HT surgeon. On the surgery day, the staff was super friendly and professional. I felt like I was in the safest hands possible. They really care about their patients, and they truly stand behind their work. Sure, the first lidocaine injections hurt a little but only for 1–2 minutes. After that it was like head massage, no pain. IMPORTANT! Unlike in Turkey, the surgeon (doctor) did the procedure from beginning to the end! Sure, Assistants also were doing stuff to my hair but under the control of the surgeon. In Turkey (some clinics, I have experience) the procedure is done mostly by assistants and the surgeon only visits and checks that everything is ok because multiple operations can go simultaneously. But in Hair Palace => 1 surgeon and 4 assistants for the whole time for 1 patient (lucky me). So therefore, I felt so comfortable and safe during the operation. In addition, they were super CAREFUL not to OVER HARVEST my donor area!! The whole team did a marvelous job, 5/5! Also, most clinics do their HT and that's that no post-operative follow-up. With Hair Palace, the patient must take 5 post-operative pictures and the progress is followed! In brief, EVERYTHING went as planned (accommodation, transfers, and the procedure itself). I can warmly recommend Hair Palace for hair transplant surgery. Absolutely the BEST VALUE for the PRICE, bar none. Best regards, -Aleksi Varjola
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.09.30
Dear Aleksi, thank you for your comprehensive review. We're thrilled you had a positive experience from consultation to post-operative care. Our dedicated team always aims to provide the safest, most effective service possible. Best regards!
Christian Frei
Christian Frei
After several years of considerations I finally decided to have a hairtransplantation. I did quite a lot of research on google and youtube before finally deciding to have my operation done at HairPalace in Budapest. My contact with Janos was great. On the day of my operation Doctor Erika Gucsi asked me what hairline I would like. After that she drew a line which was far away from my own desire. I suggested a new line, after which I could sense that she was getting irritated. We ended up partially agreeing, but that meant that I had to sign a new contract, where they disclaimed all responsibility that my transplanted hair would grow as planned. The contract stated that the hair might fall out and that it was not their responsibility. I could understand their argument if it was about several thousand extra grafts. But it was about just 1040 grafts extra. Doctor Erika Gucsi was not particularly welcoming as she only spoke to her colleagues in Hungarian during the entire operation. The only thing she said to me was "injection". All in all, I am not satisfied with Doctor Doctor Erika Gucsi . She might as well could have avoided to inquire about my wish of hairline, as she was far from complying with it. She seemed mildly annoyed when I suggested a different hairline. Instead I was asked to pay 150 euros extra and at the same time lose the warranty that was included to begin with. 7 month has now gone after I had my hair done and i subsequently visited two clinics in Copenhagen to hear their assessment. Independently of each other, they both think that my hairline could well have been lower if that was what I wanted, without the risk of the hair falling out. By the way, I was given a small container of liquid that I had to spray the transplanted hairs with once an hour. But the bottle says nothing. No product declaration or anything. It could be pure water. When I was about to leave, Doctor Erika Gucsi explained to me which pills I should take and when I was about to leave she neither shook hands nor seemed genuinely happy that I had used them for my operation. I am writing this feedback because hairpalace should know which signal Doctor Erika Gucsi helps send for hairpalace. And also to inform new clients about Doctor Erika Gucsi. I am left with a feeling that I have been cheated to some extent. Regard
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.09.26
Dear Christian, Thank you for your feedback and kind words about Janos's work. We are sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the placement of the hairline. We understand that this has caused frustration, and for that, we apologize. Please know that we value all feedback and take it seriously as we strive to improve our services. Our goal is to provide our patients with a result they are happy with safely and following the industry standards of care. Though the hairline you requested differed from what the doctor suggested, we'd like to note that we worked with the hairline that you discussed and agreed upon on the day. We documented all aspects of the surgery, including the 300 hairs that were placed in moving parts of the forehead against the doctor's advice, per your request. Although these hairs were excluded from the warranty, you do have our guarantee on the rest of the hairs. Originally, we prepared for a 3000 hair surgery in your case, but the hairline you discussed with the team on the day required more hairs - this was reflected on the price as well. Thank you for choosing us for your hair transplant surgery and for taking the time to provide your feedback. We hope to have the opportunity to make things right for you and we encourage you to reach out to us at with any questions or concerns you may have. Best wishes, The HairPalace Team
Robert Eckmann
Robert Eckmann
Excellent service, Good treatmentplan and follow up. Been there for the 3 time. Very Good results.
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.09.22
Thank you, Robert! We're thrilled to hear you're happy with your treatment and results. We look forward to your next visit!
Matt Ski
Matt Ski
From getting off the plane in Budapest, I met the driver. He was polite and had a good conversation on the way to the apartment. The drivers are awesome. The apartment is very nice and modern. It's close to a shopping mall and local stores, and a cafe. You get a couple days to see the beautiful city of Budapest before the surgery. The blood test was quick if you need to do it. On day of surgery, I met doctor Kovacs and coordinator Nora from front desk. They are polite, professional and they make you feel at ease during the whole process. The conversation with them is good as well to keep your mind off the surgery. Now I'm in the recovery process and waiting to see results in the coming months to send updates. Overall the whole experience was great!
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.09.10
Dear Matt, thank you for sharing your positive experience. We're thrilled you found our staff professional and our services of high quality. Looking forward to your updates, wishing you a smooth recovery!
Erwan Mellec
Erwan Mellec
De retour de Budapest, je confirme que l'expérience avec Hair palace s'est déroulée à merveille. Depuis le début de mon contact avec la clinique, la communication est vraiment excellente, beaucoup de réactivité. Sur place l'expérience est réellement parfaite, très qualitative. Le personnel est vraiment bienveillant avec beaucoup de pédagogie mise en œuvre qui permet de comprendre le processus et d'optimiser le résultat. Les conditions d'accueil sont très bonnes, tout ce qui est annoncé est bien mis en application. Si vous aviez des doutes n'hésitez plus... foncez ! Merci à toute l'équipe pour leur bienveillance
Reply from HairPalace - Hair Transplant Clinic 2023.09.10
Cher Erwan, nous sommes ravis que votre expérience avec Hair Palace se soit si bien passée. Merci beaucoup pour votre feedback positif. À bientôt!