
RecDesk Reviews

Excellent rating
92 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 92 ) 4.6

pioneer R.
pioneer R.
Rec desk easy to use Overall: Very user friendly for an older demographic, the reports for G/l are so easy to use. Payment reconciliation very easy. Pros: It is very user friendly for an older demographic Cons: time consuming entering information for programs
tanella R.
tanella R.
I really enjoy using this Pros: When I am using recDecks I love how organized all of the tabs are. Cons: There aren't enough short cuts. I also would like an easier process to give credits to accounts.
Patty G.
Patty G.
Rec Desk review Overall: Overall, it is a great system for point of sale and keeping a database of people. I have at least 20 events running simultaneously, and it is easy easy to use for a older demographic. Pros: Anytime I need support. Someone answers me quickly. Cons: I wish I had more control over the administrative side of widgets
Carrie F.
Carrie F.
SPRC Loves Rec Desk! Pros: I love how easy it is to keep track of memberships, members and programs! Cons: I would like to have a discount option in the POS feature. It would also be nice to be able to pick and choose staff permissions (a la carte style)
Veronica K.
Veronica K.
Parks and Recreation Useage Overall: We love working with this system. It has opened our programming to so many more members of our community and created an ease of use that helps our staff serve. Pros: The ability to reach more customers and the ease of organizing programs. Cons: The reporting options are limited for some of our needs.
Erin M.
Erin M.
Rec Desk Review Pros: Rec Desk provides a master calendar which is very helpful when planning programs. There are multiple programmers who offer programs in several buildings and outdoor locations. Cons: I do not find the payment feature user friendly, especially when a participant has a credit.
Ginger F.
Ginger F.
RecDesk does it all Overall: RecDesk has helped us modernize from paper & pen, to online scheduling, invoicing and communications. Scheduling facilities is more efficient using RecDesk too. Pros: Blasting out email communications is so easy with RecDesk! We can email the entire community, or a specific roster. RecDesk is real time so if someone in the office makes a change, anyone logging in anywhere can see it immediately. Registrations on-line are very smooth and easy to set-up. The customer support is great. We have a wonderful go-to person. There are helpful tips and FAQs but we have a person to help us out. Cons: As an administrator, I cannot think of anything that is truly a con.
Cathy H.
Cathy H.
RecDesk for Community Centre and BGC Club Overall: From the beginning using this new system was so much easier and user friendly than our old system. Pros: Ease of payment and registrations. Ease of reporting. Support is very fast and helpful. Cons: Wish more of our old data exported into RecDesk was able to be transitioned, like postal codes.
Becca M.
Becca M.
Recdesk Review Overall: I have had an abundantly positive experience with Rec Desk. The system is easy to learn, and we are given all the right resources to make the process happen. My positive experience is especially attributed to the team of people who make it all happen! I have always had a contact that was reachable by the send of an email or the schedule of a meeting. I have not once felt like I was left to fend for myself, even when it came to fixing the most minor technical errors. Knowing I can rely on the Rec Desk team to assist me in my programming efforts has really impacted my experience in a positive way! Pros: I love the ease of organization and communication. Prior to Rec Desk I spent lots of time digging for information through rosters and spread sheets. Rec Desk keeps important information at an arm's reach and easy to organize or reorganize as needed! Cons: I do not like the how "as is" Rec Desk comes. I would hope for more customizable features. Such as changing information in rosters, giving the directors a choice on what can be made mandatory or non-mandatory, and a more flexible instructor's page. I would also like to see more options for displaying programs and events and their advertisements.
Julie S.
Julie S.
Rec Desk 2024 Pros: The ease of learning the program, the ease of using the program. Cons: At this point I don't have any issues that cause me to have a dislike.
Lanny C.
Lanny C.
Parks and Recreation Overall: Great so far, helpful and appears easy to use. Pros: Efficiency, reduces calls and foot traffic in the office. Online reservations, registrations and memberships. Cons: Building the program because it is a lot but we knew we would have to do that to make it specific to our organization.
Lauren B.
Lauren B.
User friendly for both admin and users Pros: RecDesk is really simple and easy to use from both the standpoint of the administrator and the user. It has many great functions that are helpful for exporting and organizing data. Cons: One downside is that RecDesk is not as visually appealing/up to date as other sites in terms of graphics and visuals.
Beverly R.
Beverly R.
The Great RecDeck Overall: My overall experience is it provides great quality of conduct with each person accounting for as well as detailed information about that person. Pros: I like the way RecDesk provide the information needed for participants and staff in case of any emergency. The fact that you keep and accurate number of everyone that enters the building. Cons: The least thing about RecDesk is sometimes it duplicates the same person with the same information.
Indiana R.
Indiana R.
Great experience using RecDesk Overall: Great experience. I appreciate the filtering system as well. Thank you! Pros: Easy, simple and organized. I like how I can export items needed and unselect ones I don't. Cons: Takes a while but as long as you can read it's manageable.
Laurie P.
Laurie P.
Rec Deck Review Overall: I overall like recdesk, its fairly easy to navigate. Pros: I like that its user friendly when you actually know the website, initially its pretty confusing. It helps streamline our programs which is very benefitial. Cons: Rec Deck is missing alot of features that seem fairly standard with any program and we have put in requests to get things added/ new features added with no success or follow up.
Jessica C.
Jessica C.
Ease of Use! Overall: It has been a lifesaver having an online registration system in place when you are a department of 1 full time staff providing programs for over 1500! Pros: It is easy to use and the customer service is prompt Cons: How coupons and discounts are applied to accounts
Shellie O.
Shellie O.
Rec Desk helped us track facility usage and improve our recreation programs! Overall: Rec Desk has allowed us to track our financial impact of our recreation programs more accurately and honestly. We believe our recreation program has grown drastically because we now have online registration. We have even been able to add an adult pickleball league because Rec Desk makes it so easy to register and communicate with participants and coaches! Pros: We can now allow online sign up for programs and accept credit/debit card payments! We love the built-in POS service for our concessions. It also allows us to track the usage of our facilities much better than the membership database software that we had previously. We have also been able to transition to online reservations for all of our rental facilities, which saves so much time and paperwork and eliminates human error as well as the amount of cash changing hands. Cons: $3
Brooke H.
Brooke H.
Wonderful customer service! Overall: Wonderful and very easy to transition over from your old software. Pros: Customer service you receive with Rec Desk is amazing. Quick to respond and is always on top of your issues. Cons: Haven't really came across anything I dislike.
Jane W.
Jane W.
So Far So Good! Pros: The set up has been very well supported and I could not be happier with the tutorial content and customer support. We have just started using REC DESK, and so far so good! Cons: I would like better invoice information for the members. It would be better to see items on the invoice with the total amount owing. Also, it would be very good if the member could have an e-mail function, or way to send their invoice to someone else.
John K.
John K.
RECDESK IS NUMBER #1 Overall: Amazing. I have used 4 different Recreation Software's over my career and I always support RecDesk. Other professionals ask between different companies and I say go with RecDesk every time! Easy choice go with RecDesk you wont regret it! Pros: Customer Service: If I need anything at all or would like to change something I'm heard actions are taken quickly and always a friendly, helpful person on the other side of the phone/computer. How easy it is to use: On a customer and management basis, we don't call often into support because its so easy to use and updates happen and when they do we are notified and normally a video or explanation happens to learn the new features. Affordable cost for the product: It's affordable and covers all of our needs membership, credit cards processing, registrations, facility reservations, calendars, along with data for budget season and so much more. Cons: I have used 4 different Recreation Software's and I always support RecDesk no cons! Easy choice go with RecDesk you wont regret it!