Praxisklinik Dr. Henscheid

Praxisklinik Dr. Henscheid Reviews

Excellent rating
72 reviews Verified
Praxisklinik Dr. Henscheid


Reviews ( 72 ) 4.5

Lauren Hamer
Lauren Hamer
I have never been treated so unkindly by office staff at a doctors office. Truly unbelievable. I’m sure Doctor Henschel is fine but his front desk staff were horrendous. I made an appointment online with no issue only to be told first that I could only come during infection symptom hours (this woman has no idea what is wrong with me, nor has she asked, she simply noted I have lost my voice) then tells me to sit down. Might I ad that I clearly was struggling to speak/cannot speak and instead of trying to listen she kept yelling "SPEAK MORE LOUDLY I CANNOT HEAR YOU!" forcing me to painfully whisper. I am clearly upset at this point, in tears, and have told her that I have a young child and cannot come back at 5pm but have been awaiting this appointment for many days. After a few minutes she simply yells at me from the other room to leave because "No new patients now!" and tells me that this was clearly on their website. This was not clear on their website at all. Please note - I speak German and I read the website and would not have wasted my time traveling across the city if this was stated there. I cannot describe how emotionally painful it was to deal with this horrible person. I am ill, I am tired, I have a young child, I really did need to see this doctor who was strongly recommended by good friends here in Berlin who are long-time patients. This was important for me and this woman treated me horribly. I cannot believe someone like this is gainfully employed at a Doctor's office, she should probably go work at the Landesamt fur Einwanderung or somewhere else she can take a power trip on vulnerable people. What a wretched, cruel person. This experience will truly have me remembering to double check google reviews and confirm ahead of time every possible aspect of an appointment to avoid ever being treated like this again. Now that I look through the reviews I see I am hardly the first person to have this experience - SHAME on you Dr. Henschel for not addressing this!
Britta Rosenthal
Britta Rosenthal
Wir sind so froh darüber, Dr. Henschen als Hausarzt für unseren Sohn gefunden zu haben. Kompetent, zugewandt, geduldig. Er genießt großes Vertrauen bei uns. Danke für Ihre fürsorgliche Art ! Nicht zu vergessen ist das Praxisteam. Es steht in keinem der beschriebenen Attribute nach ! Danke an alle !
Der beste Hausarzt den ich je hatte. Praxis ist sehr ansprechend gestaltet,im Hintergrund läuft schöne Musik, die MFA sind nett. Dr.Henschen nimmt sich noch Zeit für Gespräche und ist in seiner Art und Weise sehr angenehm, offen und direkt. Er gibt das Gefühl als Patient wahrgenommen zu werden und nicht nur alle schnel mall durchschleusen. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen.
Der beste Arzt. Sehr viel Empathie und Fachwissen vorhanden
Der beste Arzt. Sehr viel Empathie und Fachwissen vorhanden
Mario Wassermann
Mario Wassermann
Ein sehr sympathischer, emphatischer und kompetenter Arzt mit einem freundlichem Team in einer gemütlichen Praxis.
Serpil Üzel
Serpil Üzel
İmmer wieder gerne bei Dr Henschen,er ist ein guter artzt .und gute mensch Danke Herr Henschen👍
Paolo Paquée
Paolo Paquée
Wunderbar! Sehr freundlich, zuvorkommend, ehrlich, gewissenhaft. Er informierte mich umfangreich und zuverlässig, über die Chancen und Risiken diverser Impfungen. Kann ich nur empfehlen. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass Dr. Henschen mein Hausarzt ist.
Sehr nette Menschen am Empfang und ein toller Arzt
Vivien Isabel (Pure Metal Girl)
Vivien Isabel (Pure Metal Girl)
Bin hier seit ca. 3 Jahren Patientin und kann Dr. Henschen nur empfehlen!!! Dr. Henschen ist ein sehr Lockerer, ruhiger und sehr kompetenter und sehr netter Arzt bin rundum sehr zufrieden !!! Er weiß von was was er spricht!!! 👍
Dizzi Berlin
Dizzi Berlin
Bester Arzt in der Gegend! Immer einfühlsam, hilfsbereit und kompetent. Fühle mich seit Jahren wohl in dieser Praxis! Natürlich auch das Personal!
stern schnuppe
stern schnuppe
Ein sehr toller arzt, nimmt sich zeit für die patienten was wirklich selten ist, symphatisch und humorvoll obendrauf. Er schaut auch über den Tellerrand. bin froh diese Praxis gefunden zuhaben
Haritha Gadiraju
Haritha Gadiraju
Firstly phones are busy for hours. Secondly they ask you to walkin and appointment is not required. Third, they say we dont treat new patients, only existing will be treated. Irony....If you dont allow new patients, how will you get patients in future. Pathetic! My review is reported stating voilation probably, I have called and spoken for a appointment on covid vaccination the receptionist mentioned I can walkin, on the day I wanted to go for vaccination I called back for confirmation and availability and they denied stating they dont allow new patients only existing patients will be allowed. It is true and I had to go to another hospital same day who took my vaccination slot, there is a review of same dated back to couple of years ago. I am posting it back for people awareless again. Edit 2- Thankyou for your reply Doctor. The review was never deleted by me. Notification came a couple of days back on this review, so I wanted to repost. First impression makes a huge difference and denying a patient make more difference. I wish I had taken your service if your staff ever allowed me a appointment, like the promised walkin. Surely, I will keep enjoying doing the reviews like you mentioned. Continue not taking the new patients like your staff mentioned in the last moment and do enjoy the same "attitude" with replying on Google review section instead taking in patients.Thats perfect place to you. Have fun!
Reply from Praxisklinik Dr. Henscheid 2023.08.15
I have taken note of your comment. It is obviously important for you to inform the world about your experience with my practice by re-posting a deleted comment that you had already written about 2 years ago at the height of the pandemic and in the middle of the generally confused vaccination situation. You have never met me as a doctor and judge me, my staff and my practice based on a failed appointment by writing it is "pathetic". With this attitude, the comment function of Google is exactly the right place for you. Enjoy!
Anna Brinkert
Anna Brinkert
Dr. Henschen ist einer der freundlichsten, kompetentesten, geduldigsten und humorvollsten Ärzte. ...nimmt sich immer die Zeit, die ich brauche. hat mir mit seiner sehr guten Behandlung zu einer deutlich besseren Lebensqualität verholfen ....auch die Arzthelferinnen sind immer freundlich und hilfsbereit. ..fühle mich in dieser sehr schönen gemütlichen Praxis sehr gut betreut. ... Vielen Dank Herr Dr. Henschen
Kyung Soo Kwon
Kyung Soo Kwon
Super Arzt!
Nosel vom Felsen
Nosel vom Felsen
Guter kompetenter und einfülsamer Arzt. Bin in dieser Praxis gut aufgehoben. 👍
Huyen Nguyen
Huyen Nguyen
Horrific first time experience! The receptionists were extremely rude! Following their instructions on the website, I couldn't to the practice without an appointment so I tried calling upfront but no one was picking up. So I came anyway to check. As soon as I asked if I may speak in English and I want to check if I have Covid, they freaked out as soon as they hear the C word and kicked me out of the practice and said if I want to talk to them - I have to stay outside to call them, so I did. And still with broken English, the younger receptionist tried to give me a slot which allows infected patients. I decided to go to another doctor now instead who treated me at least with some compassion. This is in no world, the way to treat a sick person! Even if he or she has Covid or not. Really unacceptable! Also, don't promote on the webpage that people can speak English here because obviously, they can't.
Ich fühle mich sehr gut aufgehoben in dieser Praxis. Ein sehr guter Arzt und ein sehr gutes Team.
Ein sehr guter Arzt, nimmt sich Zeit und hört einem zu, das Team ist sehr nett, besonders Julia😊
Nicht nur der Arzt ist extrem freundlich und kompetent sondern auch die Urlaubsvertretung. Auch sind die Arzthelferinnen nett und erklären alles im Vorfeld, sofern nötig.