Comfort Line Bútoráruházak

Comfort Line Bútoráruházak Értékelések

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Comfort Line Bútoráruházak


Értékelések ( 134 ) 4.7

Dóra Szabó
Dóra Szabó
Steini Michi
Steini Michi
Freundliche Mitarbeiter super Auswahl
Sinko Peter
Sinko Peter
Bela Tibor
Bela Tibor
We purchased a couch with a 'pet friendly' fabric. The sales associate specifically emphasized that it was PET FRIENDLY and even brought out a pair of scissors and repeatedly stabbed the sample fabric to make this point. At home however, while stretching, our cat was able to sink her claws into the fabric with ease, so we have tiny puncture marks in the fabric and must now cover the couch with a cover! We wrote to them about this. Their initial response sympathized with our concern. They told us they would write to the manufacturer. The manufacturer Kanizsa Trend visited our home to look at the holes in our couch. In their response letter to us, they wrote that the holes from our cats claws could not have come from a cat, and that they must be from some other mechanical means. In other words they told us we must be lying! They did not comment on the fact that the fabric was supposed to be pet friendly. Upon receipt of the letter from the manufacturer, the retail outlet Comfort Line also wrote to us to say that they agree with the manufacturer. So, not the retail shop nor the manufacturer stood behind the marketing of their new pet friendly fabric. Good until you buy it and step out the door... Unfortunately we were sold goods under false pretenses. The animal friendly fabric Mublada is NOT animal friendly. The retail outlet chose not to honor their statements about this fabric at the time that they sold it to us. This is shameful. We will not shop there again. I would ask you not to shop in this store - they do not deserve your business.
Comfort Line Bútoráruházak válasza 2021.09.10
Dear Sir! We agree with the manufacturer that Nublada fabric is maximally scratch resistant. This is so true that we tried to scratch it with a wire brush and there was no trace of it on the fabric. We also tried to cut out the tissue with a scalpel, without success. We can show you all this in person to you or our customers, and they can make sure with their own eyes that the fabric is really scratch-resistant. Kanizsa Trend is a reliable Hungarian manufacturer that investigates all complaints. The seconded expert personally found on the spot that the injury was not from a cat. As a distributor, we are unable to question the expert opinion. We only communicate to our customers what the manufacturer claims about the product. So far, we have not received any other complaints about the tissue.
Zoltán Galántai Fekete
Zoltán Galántai Fekete
Nikoletta Horváth
Nikoletta Horváth
Tamás Hoffmann
Tamás Hoffmann
Mindenféle bútorok nagy választékban. Segítőkész eladók.
Ilona Kozma
Ilona Kozma
Judit Krakkai
Judit Krakkai
Udvarias, gyors kiszolgálás, idegen nyelven is tudnak az eladók, igényes és széles választék!
Dezső Márk Meszlényi
Dezső Márk Meszlényi
Timea Szeverényi
Timea Szeverényi
Claus Giebert
Claus Giebert
Recht gute Auswahl in der Ausstellung. Natürlich gleicher Katalog wie viele andere auch.
Kozma-Bognár János
Kozma-Bognár János
Óriási választék, kedves kiszolgálás!
Gábor Balàzs
Gábor Balàzs
Anikó Simon
Anikó Simon
Csilla Papp
Csilla Papp
Ildikó Ruzsicska
Ildikó Ruzsicska
Korrekt bolt, sok termék, elfogadható áron
Tamás Horváth
Tamás Horváth
Evelin Legény Beriné
Evelin Legény Beriné
Réka Németi
Réka Németi