USAA Reviews

Average rating
436 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 436 ) 3.3

Amy Kelly
Amy Kelly
Company who no longer puts veterans first. Been a customer for over 20 years with not 1 claim or ticket. Steadily seeing my bill go up on my car insurance from $170 to $220, adding a 3rd vehicle increased it to $338. But the real kicker was adding a new driver (16 year old) it went to $1100. This isn't including homeowners insurance which is $189. You're out of your mind USAA. I found a broker who works at farmer's, so goodbye USAA. It was good while it lasted.
Lola “Leaux” Howard
Lola “Leaux” Howard
Laura Kryger
Laura Kryger
Currently waiting 2 hours for roadside service. Based on this I want to switch insurance. Who pays the premiums we do to have mediocre if not bad service. Lucky for me it is sort of safe, except for the coyotes now sniffing around. Do better USAA!
Eugene Tooms
Eugene Tooms
At one time they were a top notch company. Not now. My auto policy is due for renewal and I wanted to pare down my coverage to save some money. I logged into my account and went through the whole process of selecting my new coverages. Once everything was correct I hit the "Submit" button. The next screen comes up with an error, "We cannot process your request". Tried several more times, same nonsense. Because it was the weekend I couldn't speak to anyone since they have zero customer service on weekends. Called on Monday, the representative had no idea what the error meant but vaguely mentioned issues with the website. I had saved the quote from the previous day, but when she manually made the changes I wanted, her quote was $40 more than the one I had in hand. She had no explanation for the discrepancy. She put me on hold since she had to ask for her supervisor's help. Came back with more gibberish answers. Their website is a disaster, their customer service representatives are poorly trained and incompetent. I'm getting a quote from my old insurer tomorrow. Bye bye USAA. Update: Before I had a chance to get a quote from my previous insurer I find out that USAA raised my homeowners rate by more than 40%. Never had any claims in over 5 years. I started reading other reviews of them and it turns out this all started when their new CEO took over in 2020. Turns out this guy is the first non-veteran to run the company. He's a bean counting suit that could care less about veterans, customers or anything other than profits. I dumped them that day.
Zeina Cook
Zeina Cook
Professional, courteous, friendly, efficient, the best of the best! Thank you USAA!
Nicholas Buck
Nicholas Buck
Rode hard and put away wet by USAA. I've been a loyal customer for 15 years, and recently filed an auto claim for an accident. I acquired a rental when I dropped off my vehicle, which was covered for 50 days under my policy. Enterprise started charging me daily, coming directly out of my checking account, before the 30 day mark, and kept charging me until my bill racked up to $500+. The only thing that stopped the charges was canceling my card. Called, emailed, left voice-mails all over the place at USAA for DAYS because my adjuster would not call me back. Finally got a hold of a manager and was informed that I would have to be the one to fight enterprise for my money back. USAA was so kind (satire) as to "extended" the rental to the 50 day mark, as per my policy. Unfortunately for me, this placed my return date roughly two weeks shy of when my truck will actually be ready. This isn't pre 2020 when parts and repairs happen in weeks. Everything takes months now. When asked if they would extend my rental further, so I could have a vehicle to commute to work in, they swiftly denied my request. Reason? That is all my policy covers... I am now without a vehicle for two weeks with no way to get to and from work. By far one of the worst experiences I have ever had with any insurance agency. Without a moment's hesitation, they have displayed their willingness to choose profit over people. They will not be profiting off of me any more.
L Norby
L Norby
Scam. USAA was great until I actually needed them! Their 'approved' body shop is shady. They told me a part was shipped overnight and it would take 4 hrs. I called days later and 'oh yeah, the part hasn't showed up yet and we don't have a tracking number." They now claim the part is in backorder. Why wasn't the part ordered when the car came in? They didn't order the part until the car had been there for 4 and a half weeks. USAA stands by the body shop in this mess. Backorder is 6-8 weeks but the body shop also told me the one they ordered over night is the only one in the whole country so now my car is being held hostage while I continue to make insurance payments!!!! They refused to extend the rental beyond 50 days. This is all because someone tried to steal my car. I can't imagine the nightmare if I was actually in a collision. USAA cares absolutely nothing for veterans. We are just their target demographic and that's it! Once this is resolved, I'll be moving all of my USAA services elsewhere
A K (47)
A K (47)
The recent reviews all reflect the new leadership at USAA very well. Insurance increase 30%, dozens of endless “secret” layoffs, they treat their employees and customers like mules, dropping off tenured loans made in good faith to other companies, and even changing account types. They’ve abandoned vets and morals for major corporation ideals, just so their new hierarchy of executives and C-titles bring home MILLIONS of dollars in bonuses a year. Theres a reason they went from 14 to 477 on the Fortune 500 in a single year (and soon won’t be there at all). Wake up, USAA, Wayne ain’t it. You’ve taken a great, beloved company and absolutely made it into a joke.
Timothy Ross
Timothy Ross
Peter Galey
Peter Galey
Today I was on the phone with an agent named Rose. She was able to set me up with a new rate on my insurance. Because I moved from arizona to louisiana. To me she is the most outstanding representative that I have ever had to deal was for anything i've done. I could not be more happy with the effort that she put out for me to get me a lower rate. Thank you Rose you are awesome.
Roberta Barrow
Roberta Barrow
I can't stand you USAA.. 14 year veteran was scammed by a merchant I sent all the proof and what I did to reach out to them to get my money back but USAA told me it's not their problem to refund my money because I was the one who bought the item and all they did was release the funds. I hate you for being so cold, callus and not even trying to help me get my money back the scammed delivered falsely advertise product I returned it and they refuse to refund because there was no customer service number. USAA said they couldn't get a hold of the merchant case closed period sucks to be me. Omfg! Billions of dollars your making and you care nothing about dedicated customers who've been with you for years with no issues ever. Your just outright evil.Thanks for nothing
Stephanie Lloyd
Stephanie Lloyd
No matter how much you improve your credit and pay off 10,000 plus dollar loan please do not attempt to use them even with paying off 3 10,000 dollar loans. 700 in credit score they still refuse to help us and 13 yrs with the bank. Yes we have bankruptcy but id think with all the hard work and effort the bank would notice
Been with them for 14 years now. When I really need their service, they reliably fall short. Used them to do auto transfers to Bank Of America in the UK to pay bills the whole time I was there, USAA had issues transferring money, which made me overdraft when bills were due. I'd end up having to call pretty much every month while I was in the UK, and speak with multiple people to explain the situation, not to mention being on hold for hours, and being told it was "illegal" to transfer money to my AMERICAN DOLLAR checking account with BoA (BoA would then transfer to my sterling account since USAA pretended they couldn't). USAA wouldn't tell me when they would cancel my transfers, I would only know when I got an overdraft notice from BoA. But I would be on the phone with USAA for hours to figure out they cancelled my auto transfers. Also had to wait several days for transfers to be completed. Then recently I was in a public place and needed assistance, but the rep stated it's been a while since my account information was updated and it needs to be updated before we can proceed (asking personal questions, which I remind them I am out in public and do not want to provide the info at the moment, and I am trying to get through the checkout at the grocery store, but they insist, and I insist). Also, my phone number has been on my profile for the past 3 years, but now it isn't. I may be way overdue for a new bank. Update 8 Dec 23: The app would not let me transfer money without being updated first. I was trying to transfer money so I can pay the mechanic. I had to clear some of my phone memory and sit at the shop deleting apps to clear for the update. That's fun delaying paying someone because the app won't allow me to transfer money.
Chris petrich
Chris petrich
Over 20 years I've been with usaa. They messed up on their side and now I have an inflated payment I have to make just before Christmas and a double payment in january. And still have to provide a good Christmas for my wife and 4 kids....thx usaa....with the rising rates and horrible costumer service I think I'll be looking into a new insurance company. I don't recommend this company any longer....they used to be great. Now they just rip you off and tell you there isn't anything they can do for you. They might be based out of texas....but good luck talking to someone from there
Calvin Ray
Calvin Ray
I have been with USAA since 1997, back when you had to become an NCO to qualify for their auto insurance. Today, I was hit with my Dec bill of $707 where I have been tracking my insurance payments accurately for years, and then get hit with this. I found out it's because their billing department messed up and now they are reclaiming their mess up from me all in one shot. I have been a very loyal customer for years on end, watching them continually raise their rates every 6 months with no relief for those like me with outstanding driving records. Gieco and Progressive provide insurance for half the amount that USAA wants to charge me. I am GONE!
Erik Pederson
Erik Pederson
Cannot give this company a good review when they claim to help vets but raise their insurance rates that forced me to sell my house. And offer little to no help. Also netting millions each year, ust like navy fed.
Literally was just told my 14 yrs tenure was not taken into consideration, due to them holding my mobile deposit (which was a money order)for 7 days like it's 1986. After this recent purchase USAA is now just another bank.
Ian Welsh
Ian Welsh
Trevor Hawes
Trevor Hawes