Bartimex Audio

Bartimex Audio Reviews

Excellent rating
135 reviews Verified
Bartimex Audio


Reviews ( 127 ) 4.7

Sipos János
Sipos János
Minden rendben ment, köszönöm a segítséget! A termék kiváló!
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.07.11
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Amazing sounding headphones! These are by far the best headphones I ever owned. Their sound signature is amazing appealing to my ears. Their clarity is spectacular! Being open-back they work great with every music genre including classical/orchestral music; which is quite hard to get right.Their build is awesome! Great quality materials! Outstanding design! Very comfortable to wear! They just invite you to put them on, and hear music for hours!Even though their price tag might seem high, in reality, one would need to spend 2x to 3x more money to find something comparable in terms of sound quality!One piece of advice for the most demanding listeners out there: Consider buying also an upgrade cable. It is not strictly necessary as the two cables included in the product work fine, but an upgrade cable could help get the most out of these excellent headphones.Overall this is an excellent product, by an upcoming high-end brand specializing on audiophile headphones. And they deliver in every respect!
A Monster Receiver When I say a monster I mean it in the most positive way. Sure it's large and a bit heavy but it is packed full of features. We bought it to use with a new flat screen that really needed eARC to take full advantage of its features. Our old Denon didn't have eARC and I had to use a preamp to power my front and rear ATMOS speakers. This AVR does it all and the sound is fantastic. Since I was replacing a Denon my cabinet was all ready and it literally took just minutes to install. Setup was very familiar so it was smooth and easy to run through the speaker selection and run the Audyssey calibrations. This is my fourth Denon and I still use them all.
Krisztián Kreiner
Krisztián Kreiner
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.06.15
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Tibor Pallag
Tibor Pallag
Egy Ruark RS1 subwoofer vettem a BARTIMEX Audion keresztül a Ruark aktív hangszóróimhoz. Nem úgy jönnek az áruk Kínából mint régen, de megérte várni. Minden úgy történt, ahogy előzetesen a cég jelezte nekem, nem felejtettek el, időben jelezték, mikor mehetek a hangládáért. Szeretem, ha gondolnak rám és személyként kezelnek. A bemutatóteremben az árú átvételekor ráérősen elbeszélgettem a cég vezetőjével, aki ügyes kis megoldást talált a doboz szállításához. Merthogy kézben óhajtottam a nagyobbacska, ám kényelmetlenül nehéz mélynyomót hazacipelni. Szerencsére a madzag kitartott. Mindez két napja történt és két napja folyamatosan zenét hallgatok! Mindenkinek ajánlom a céget, ritkán érzem magam egy vásárlás után gazdagabbnak.
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.06.15
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László Tót
László Tót
Korrekt, vevőközpontú hozzáállás, nagy szakmai tapasztalat, csak ajánlani tudom!
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.06.14
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Ujházy Gábor András
Ujházy Gábor András
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.06.02
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Péter Balázs
Péter Balázs
Nagyon szuper hely, nagyon értenek ahhoz, amivel foglalkoznak és rendkívül segítőkészek is.
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.05.30
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Too much energy above 10khz They have a nice sound if you aren’t sensitive to high frequencies or sibilance. Vocals sound very nice on these. But the highs are too boosted and sharp/metallic (although very clear) sounding. It sounds like the cymbals are scratching my brain. I had to return these. Though I imagine that if you’re older and have lost some of your ability to hear high frequencies, these might sound really nice.
Steven R. Jackson
Steven R. Jackson
Meze audio 109 pro. I am not an audio expert, but these are wonderful to listen music with. I use a dac/amp for them and can eq them if I want. Very comfortable yo wear and adjust without any issues. Beating looking besides. Would highly recommend to anyone!
All in one receiver This receiver is amazing. Great performance
Bálint Pető
Bálint Pető
Egy kombinált fejhallgató AMP/DAC termék iránt érdeklődtem, ami még külföldről is nehezen beszerezhetőnek bizonyult. Két okból kifolyólag is 5*-os értékelést érdemel a Bartimex Audio. Egyrészt Magyarországon náluk vált először elérhetővé a termék, másrészt az ügyfélszolgálatuk minden feltett kérdésemre nagyon készségesen és gyorsan válaszolt. Érezhetően vérbeli zeneimádók vezetik a boltot! Én végül az eredetileg kiszemelttől eltérő terméket válaszottam, ami sajnos ebben az üzletben nem volt kapható, ugyanakkor a pozitív tapasztalatok után biztos vagyok benne, hogy a jövőben még visszatérek hozzájuk!
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.04.30
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Farkas József
Farkas József
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.04.29
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Checks almost all boxes The 109 Pro has earned accolades and well deserved. This is quite possibly the most versatile headphone I have used but for a small exception I'll address latter. Are they the best sounding headphones? No, but they can certainly play among the big boys. As has been noted by many reviewers, thee 109 will play well with almost any genre of music. This alone places them singularly among many other headphones including some really nice and expensive legacy models. I know, I have quite a few in my irrational collection. Clarity in abundance, spacial cues are as good as it gets sub $1k. Bass is just right, Mids are perfect yet strangely, there is a slight warmness to the sound that is not too off putting. I cannot stand muddy, warm headphones. I will keep these yet have sold off way more expensive headphones. Most headphones including expensive high end one's will usually perform better in one type of music vs another. HD800s for example is unbeaten in cinematic scores and instrumentally complex recordings. Same for the Hifiman Arya. Audeze headphnes are eye wateringly extraordinary provided, you equalize them. The 109's are generally good at everything. Fit and finish is easily one of the best I have owned and I do have a ZMF Atrium which may be the only one that can do everything better but I could buy three of these for the price of one Atrium yet it's not three times better. Now, everything isn't perfect. Sensitivity can be a problem as these are clearly designed to be very sensitive for portable devices which may cause problems for highly resolving desktop amps. You will definitely need a wide range gain control under these circumstances or else you run the risk of experiencing noise or distortion. There's a reason high end headphones tend to be high impedance. A perfect example is the dongle dac, Dragonfly Cobalt. Connecting these and adjusting the volume on a PC using a scale of 1 to 10 I can't go past 3. Very little volume swing available. The 109 makes the Dragonfly sound like a 12 watt amp. So, while these headphones scale very well and are useful for any musical genre, they aren't so versatile with higher end gear unless they have a good gain control option. You may find the best option on higher end amps is using the IEM jack. Admittedly, this won't be a problem for most users. One additional suggestion, I don't want this to be a criticism of the headphone itself but the supplied cable, while good general quality does have it's limitations. A cable upgrade is recommended. It will remove some of the dark hovering effect and bring out better clarity. Then again, cable upgrades do make a difference if you can stomach the cost. That's why manufacturers like Meze design cable swapping options into their headphones. Don't spend huge amounts chasing perfect headphones. Just buy these and call it a day.
Johnny Weismüller
Johnny Weismüller
Minden hangsugárzó eszközöm tőlük származik. B&W 603 S3, Panorama 3, P9, PX és most a PX8. Hallgasd meg egyszer és onnantól függő leszel, vágyni fogsz rá. A hallgatási élménye mindenkinek más, mert különbözőek vagyunk. Hallottam jobb cuccokat, de ennek többszöröséért és nem árarányosan voltak jobbak, hanem csak picivel. Minden forintot megér, már persze csak ha audiofil vagy! 😉👍
Falta cable rca a 3.5mm Llego y para sorpresa no incluia el cable rca a 3.5mm si no mas bien 2 rca a rca lo cual no sirve para conectar a la pc!
Csermely Ákos
Csermely Ákos
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.03.05
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Tibor Bognár
Tibor Bognár
Korrekt és gyors kiszolgálás és kiszállítás. Ajánlott bolt és webáruház!! 👌
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.03.04
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Tamás Kocsis
Tamás Kocsis
Reply from Bartimex Audio 2024.03.03
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