APKPure: Download APK on Android


APKPure: Download APK on Android Reviews

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21 reviews Verified
APKPure: Download APK on Android


Reviews ( 21 ) 4.2

Seth H.
Seth H.
Android As we have already seen on the example of smartphones, the Android operating system is a modern mobile OS. It provides hardware features such as Bluetooth, 3D graphics, Wi-Fi, memory cards, USB, touch screens, geolocation, accelerometers, and camera control. From a software рoint of view, "Android", being based on the Linux kernel, provides real multitasking of applications. The latest official version of the system is Android 2.2. Since "Android" is an open system, this gives great opportunities for mobile device developers to customize this OS. Up to the point that the standard user interface is recycled. Therefore, we will focus on the main elements of the Android user interface, which is quite enough for an initial acquaintance.
Platform censorship creeps to phone brands and service provider companies I would have added AT&T and Verizon and IPhone to this list but can't find them in the list of companies. I have learned that my links to anything political that goes against the mainstream view of the time is blocked from being sent over text. It will tell me the message was sent but the person intended to receive the text never gets it. This only happens with political based content and photos of similar content. I have tested this over and over and its a repeatable "glitch". I understand that glitches happen but this is the first politically affiliated glitch i have ever seen. If we now live in a world where corporations have a right to censorship based on what their donors want, that's fine! Please just admit to it and stop asking us to stick a feather up our $#*! and call it a tail. I deserve the right to buy a product that best aligns with what Is important to me and not be forced into product rape where corporations can shovels its donor views down my throat if I want to stay plugged into the system. I will alway choose a product that promotes healthy open discussion and individual liberties over censorship and cruelties. I didnt think I had to say this in 2021 but if corporations are given the same rights as people can you all at least pretend to be adults. What you all are doing now reminds me of the two year old screaming on the floor in the store while horrified parents look on. Incase you guys and girls missed the memo, The world is watching. "Use your words not your hands" please stop blocking my pictures and links or at least tell me you did, so I can stop thinking my friends and family are ignoring me and they can stop asking me why I ignored them. Be adults please.
Assuman C.
Assuman C.
There is no other than that outmatches android There is no other than that outmatches android because the majority of people all over the world use android phones. The only negative aspect of android is the ad tracking. Sometimes we just want to be free and not be bothered by advertisements.
Shang S.
Shang S.
Show you ads Android is god expect for the part where they want to show you ads nonstop. They should give us some space to breath like other operating systems. I do not want my phone to always be download in video ads and wasting my storage.
Albert S.
Albert S.
I use an android phone I have seen android since the first time it started up to where it is now and i have to say that it has grown really big. I use an android phone and I don't know what I would do if android had not been made. The part I don't like much about android is the whole google part.
Trieu L.
Trieu L.
They have some very new interesting features Android has developed very much since the first time it was introduced and you can actually buy android because it comes in phones. They have some very new interesting features that make using phones more enjoyable.
Stefania z.
Stefania z.
Un sistema che funziona bene Io ho sempre usato i sistema Android perché credo che sia il migliore, e poi puoi scaricare quasi tutto quello che ti può interessare, cosa che con altri sistemi non puoi fare.per me funziona molto bene
Bakete M.
Bakete M.
Affordable and good quality Android has been the best platform for all the smartphone users. Android has helped me in each and every aspect. It is also at an affordable price
Prem S.
Prem S.
The best in the smart phone arena Android has been the best platform for all the smartphone users. Android has helped in each and every aspect to its consumers. It is economic and reliable, thus helping all the middle level consumers who seeks best phone so that they can consume all services.
Janaina V.
Janaina V.
Easy to use I have been using Android since ever... Haha. For me it's easy to use, there are many useful apps and everyone can use
Its just the best. I have always loved android, i am still loving it and will continue to love it forever. Its cost effective and durable.
Karla L.
Karla L.
Android is still better Instead of using iphone I prefer using android because its not a selfish phone. And I've been using it for a decade already
Emma P.
Emma P.
Life Saver! I've always been an android lover. My Samsung Galaxy J7 pro Android phone still the best out there. Functionality is top notch!
Olasupo J.
Olasupo J.
Cool The debate is lingering on... Android is taking over. In most activities of life now you need a phone like android to keep yourself abreast of informations and latest development..
Jordan N.
Jordan N.
Android Rules The debate has been undying over which is the dominant between Android and the other one. Well, I've been a user of both for quite some time, and I settle for Android. Where it wins is in how it is easy to accessorize and customize android devices, while the other systems don't much allow the user to upgrade the device
Daniel S.
Daniel S.
Best thing evah! We decided to purchase an android box after viewing the presentation at our local home show. To be honest I was cynical but my wife wanted to try the android box. I figured for the low cost why not. After having the android box for more than 4 months I am pleased to say that it has not only met my low expectations, but it has won me over, I love it and don't know what we would do without it. If you want to watch anything at any time it's there, we dropped our cable and Netflix and now only pay for internet access. Yes there is a bit of a learning curve (where do you look for what) but once you get over that its cake. I have not had any issues that have caused me to call for support. They have a nice web site that shows you the basics of what you need to know. The android box has exceeded all of my and my wife's expectations. In fact in the near future we will be purchasing another one for the TV in our bedroom.
shaji a.
shaji a.
All the very best news on android.com
warren e.
warren e.
Been to this site many times to get free apps for my... Been to this site many times to get free apps for my Samsung S3! Good site with lots of content.
Jeremy G.
Jeremy G.
Android is a second-rate mobile operating system Android is a second-rate mobile operating system. Why? Because it just doesn't work. I have an HTC phone running Android and the software often locks up (I have to restart the phone several times a day), the user interaction is non-intuitive (I accidentally delete text messages frequently), bugs crop up all the time, and it just generally provides a frustrating user experience. I'm not a huge Apple fan, but Apple's OS is much much better from a user's standpoint. Also, I had a Blackberry before this Android phone, and the Blackberry OS also was much much better (it just worked). Google really has done a very poor job of executing on Android, at least from a consumer standpoint.
m d.
m d.
Prepare for an anti-cr(apple) rant from an Android... Prepare for an anti-cr(apple) rant from an Android user. I'm very passionate about why the Android kills the iPhone, that I don't know where to begin. I'll just jot down what comes to mind and maybe edit later. If you disagree, write to me and I'll be happy to retract anything that isn't correct. The iPhone 4S which was just released was touted as having Siri, the female bot that talks to you. Android users have already been using Voice Actions from Google for a year or two so this is nothing new. Voice Actions works by long pressing the search button (yes, a smartphone should have a search button! Thank you Google!) and then saying, - "Navigate to 150 Main Street" (launches navigation to 150 Main St.), - "Call Dynasty Cleaners" (dials closest match from business search), - "Send e-mail to Kristen Johnson subject thank you message kristen comma it was great to meet you at dinner last night period would you like to do join me for that fundraiser question mark" (drafts an e-mail with all the spoken punctuation), - "set alarm to 7am". - Play Bob Dylan (pulls up music app and plays all Bob Dylan matches in your pre-loaded music) - And more. Other voice commands are executed as google searches. Siri is a late newcomer to the scene. The difference is that it talks back to you which I don't like (not that I don't like women who talk back) because it just takes longer. I'd rather have the phone just perform the action on the phone tell me what it will do. Siri may be developed to perform more tasks, but I'm sure Voice Actions's next stride will surpass Siri. It's funny how Apple goes around suing the whole world for stealing their "ideas", meanwhile, the new pulldown notification bar on the iPhone 4S has been with Android from the beginning of time. Fortunately for Apple, Google won't sue them for "patent infringement". Google Maps: Far more superior on the Android than on the iPhone. And it's extremely important because Google Maps is only second to calls and texts in terms of smartphone usefulness. The Android has free GPS navigation which means if you drive you don't need to buy a Garmin or TomTom. I don't have a car, but I've used this on trips where I was able to put it on the dashboard and make calls on speakerphone simultaneously. It just awesome beyond compare! There are other features in the Google Maps app for Droid that make it so much more useful than the Google Maps for iPhone (offline maps anyone?). Google Voice: For the entire first year I was using the Droid, Apple did not allow the Google Voice app for iPhone. This is what I call anti-competitive activities which have been pretty much illegal in this country for nearly 100 years. Those who use Google Voice know how awesome it is and want it on their Droids (free texting anyone?). Apple finally consented to allow the Google Voice app, but once again it lacks features that the GV app for Droid has. Over the air updates: OS updates on the Droid come without plugging into your computer. In fact, I rarely ever need to plug my phone into the computer for reasons other than charging the phone. This is how it's done: I wake up in the morning and look at my phone and there's a notification pop-up: "System update available. Install now? Later?" It's already downloaded, I just tap now and it updates, reboots and is done in a couple of minutes. IPhone users will have to wait for the iPhone 5 to enjoy this convenience. The flexibility in customization of the Droid is light years apart from the iPhone. I once downloaded the CyanogenMod version of Android from the web, flashed the ROM and installed the newer version in under 20 minutes all while sitting in the backseat of a friend's car. It was as if I was working on a desktop. I can't imagine this is possible with the iPhone. The Droid is way ahead as far as new advancement in technology. At the time I'm writing this, 4G (or "LTE") phones have been available from Android for 8 months, but a 4G iPhone has not yet been released, nor has a release date been set.