Recenzii ( 162 )
A fost o experienta de neuitat, un vis devenit realitate. Inca de mic mi-a placut sa ma scufund si sa descoper frumusetiile mariilor si in final, am reusit sa-mi indeplinesc dorinta si sa devin scafandru. O echipa de exceptie care stie ce face in legatura cu pregatirea cursantiilor si nu numai. Asa ca nu ezitati sa incercati si scufundarile la Marea Neagra! In plus, le multumesc domniilor Nicusor Chiripuci, Andrei Campean si Dan Oancea pentru aceasta experienta nemaipomenita. Va urez toate cele bune in continuare!
Traian-Georgian Lupșă
Foarte profi, dar si prietenos in acelasi timp domnul Nicusor. Explica foarte bine ce ai de facut sub apa si destinde atmosfera pentru a te ajuta sa te relaxezi. Scufundarea a decurs foarte bine si a fost foarte interesant. Mai revenim.
Sebastian Moticica
Am facut cursul de ow si a fost genial. Scafandrii Razvan si Nicu au mare grija de tine sub apa, mai ales daca iti zboara masca de curenti. 😉😉
10/10 would do it again
Adrian Tudor Stan
One of the best experiences in Vama with the best scuba-diving team
Thank you, Adrian! We are glad that you felt good at our scuba diving courses and we wish you to enjoy the underwater world in the future. We look forward to seeing you again anytime.
Mircea Suman
Exceptional ! Am urmat recent cursul NAUI Open Water sub indrumarea instructorilor de la Marine Explorers Dive Center si ma bucur sa pot impartasi feedbackul meu pozitiv cu privire la intreaga experienta.
A fost foarte usor sa ma inscriu si sa ma programez pentru curs iar acesta a fost bine structurat, am simtit ca informatiile se leaga, sunt prezentate logic, exemplificate. Am avut ocazia sa discutam deschis orice intrebari si nelamuriri cu instructorii care au dovedit rabdare si s-au asigurat ca asimilam toate cunostintele necesare.
Jos palaria pentru exercitiile practice, aici instructorii si-au aratat abilitatile pedagogice, eu am avut ceva dificultati in a respira sub apa fara masca dar instructorii m-au ajutat prin mai multe exercitii si asistenta sa depasesc aceste probleme si sa capat incredere.
Last but not least, atmosfera a fost super faina deci a fost un timp castigat nu doar prin prisma cunostintelor si abilitatilor pe care le-am dobandit, ci si prin faptul ca am avut o companie placuta.
Laura Spiridonescu
I was afraid to dive and Marine Explorers team helped me overcome my fear and have a wonderful experience! I got my Open Water Scuba Diver license and now I prepare for the first Red Sea safari :) Thank you Nicu. Andrei, Mihai, Razvan and Vali!
Roxana Grigorasi
Smaranda Mihaela
Mărdărescu Nicușor
Marine Explorers Dive Center - cu adevărat profesioniști! Recomand cu încredere.
Marian Ignat
Totally recommendable! The best dive center in Romania!!
I get the NAUI Advance Scuba Diver certification together with my son, which was an amazing experience! Very friendly and professional staff and dedicated diving instructors. The equipment was in good condition and everything was explained well and clear.
The instructors from Marine Explorers are the best, acting to your personal needs and helped out with any problems immediately.
Thanks Nicu and the entire Marine Explorers team!!!!
Mirela Lupu
O echipa minunata unita prin aceeași pasiune, viata subacvatica. Profesioniști la cel mai înalt nivel!
Milena Filip
Monica Burlacu
Everything you can feel when you are immersed underwater comes into sharp focus and suddenly you’re more than aware of how movements connect with each intake of breath, if you are lucky enough to have trainers like Marine Explorers. It’s a great experience if you want to discover yourself and what your body can do. For sure my experience was that great because of the Marine Explorers’ team. Andrei turned my “cannots” into “cans” while Nicu explained us the importance of physics principles. Thank you guys for pushing us to achieve incredible results.
buzatu raluca maria
Recomand!! Super profesionisti! Mediu sigur si prietenos, instructori absolut excepționali! Multumesc Marine Explorers Dive Center!
Iulia Staicu
Este una dintre cele mai frumoase experiente, iar echipa de la Marine Explorers Dive Center este minunata, cu multă rabdare, iar la final e imposibil sa nu-ți fie prieteni😉🤗 Va mulțumesc mult si abia astept sa ne revedem🤗🥰
Ana Comes
Doing the NAUI SCUBA Diver course with the instructors at the Marine Explorer Dive Center in Vama Veche has been one of the most rewarding experiences!! Throughout my training, I've gained access to self-study material, as well as clear instructions and explanations on how to use the equipment and handle common problems. Not only did the highly trained instructors create a positive learning environment, but they also supported me constantly during the dives, monitoring me closely and suggesting ways of improving my basic scuba dive skills.
Hats off to the entire scuba diving team!!
Cristian Spiridonescu
My wife and I, we started as rookies, ended up with an Open Water Diving certificate in one week. A beautiful experience made easy only by the super-professional team at Marine Explorers. Very important their help, in a very relaxed and constructive, friendly atmosphere. We will keep doing this for as long as they will be there to guide us. Thank you Nicu & TEAM! :))))
Maria Frentescu
Patricia Haras
Elena Nica